Why does the right defend the wealthy class

I'm O.K. with the wealthy too.

What does economics tell you about wealth ? It says that when people find a way to make money..others join in. Well, unless the first guy manages to secure his position and hold off new entrants.

If you plan to be wealthy, then I have to wonder if you'll then skew the playing field after you've gotten there.
Around 17 million people have gained health insurance since the core of ObamaCare took effect in 2013, according to a RAND Corp. study released Wednesday.

The study finds that 22.8 million people signed up for coverage between September 2013 and February 2015, while 5.9 million lost coverage, leading to a net gain of 16.9 million.

17 million gained coverage under ObamaCare, study finds

So who denied they 'gained" coverage? Even my FactCheck article points that out. But much of it was not new people buying insurance for the first time. Most of it was the expansion of the gravy train.

Only liberals would celebrate more government dependents in our country. It's how they buy votes.

leading to a net gain of 16.9 million.

17 million gained coverage under ObamaCare, study finds

September 24, 2014, 7:56 AM
Many Americans still lack health insurance

Although the rolls of the uninsured have dropped dramatically since the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, took effect in January, a nagging 15 percent of the population remains uninsured, according to a new survey sponsored by the
Transamerica Center for Health Studies

. Still, the percentage of Americans without health coverage has dropped markedly from 22 percent to 15 percent over the past 11 months, according to the poll of 2,624 adults under the age of 64.

It's worth noting that the U.S. Census Bureau normally does a good analysis of changes in insurance coverage from year-to-year, but the government recently changed its survey methodology, which made year-to-year comparisons impossible. The government data, which was released in August, found that 86.6 percent of the population had health insurance during 2013 and just 13.4 percent had no coverage.

However, the government uses a narrow definition of what constitutes an insured person. If you had insurance at any time during the year, the Census Bureau now considers you insured. Someone who was covered for a month or two, but lost a job and is no longer covered, would still appear insured via the Census formula. The government's methodology only considers people to be uninsured if they had no coverage at any point during the year.

Many Americans still lack health insurance

This method of changing statistics to your favor is also known as COOKING THE BOOKS!

Let me guess, The GOP's plan: LET THEM DIE, QUICKLY?


You CAN'T find ONE poll EVER that ANY UHC nation wants US style H/C. Weird right? lol

Well dunbass, since I've been in healthcare for 33 years now, I have seen the rich from every country in the world come HERE for their healthcare. They can afford to pay to get away from the horror show that is UHC where they come from. They tell me that they would come here for everything but there are many drugs and procedures they require that the FDA won't allow us to do here.

No charge for the education, you're welcome.
Of course, shyttehead, we have the best care anywhere for millionaires. But the poor have been dying for years, not to mention middle class getting killed by scam Pub policies. NO MORE.
I'm O.K. with the wealthy too.

What does economics tell you about wealth ? It says that when people find a way to make money..others join in. Well, unless the first guy manages to secure his position and hold off new entrants.

If you plan to be wealthy, then I have to wonder if you'll then skew the playing field after you've gotten there.
Around 17 million people have gained health insurance since the core of ObamaCare took effect in 2013, according to a RAND Corp. study released Wednesday.

The study finds that 22.8 million people signed up for coverage between September 2013 and February 2015, while 5.9 million lost coverage, leading to a net gain of 16.9 million.

17 million gained coverage under ObamaCare, study finds

So who denied they 'gained" coverage? Even my FactCheck article points that out. But much of it was not new people buying insurance for the first time. Most of it was the expansion of the gravy train.

Only liberals would celebrate more government dependents in our country. It's how they buy votes.

leading to a net gain of 16.9 million.

17 million gained coverage under ObamaCare, study finds

Because they were forced to.

Good, I'm tired of CONservatives supporting free loaders!

Hey retard, if they are getting free healthcare from the government guess what? They are freeloaders. Just how fucking stupid are you?

Sorry Bubba, I forgot the GOP's/CONservatives prefer the plan where health insurance ISN'T mandated to those who can afford it, BUT then to simply insert themselves into the system AFTER they are sick *shaking head*
I'm O.K. with the wealthy too.

What does economics tell you about wealth ? It says that when people find a way to make money..others join in. Well, unless the first guy manages to secure his position and hold off new entrants.

If you plan to be wealthy, then I have to wonder if you'll then skew the playing field after you've gotten there.
Around 17 million people have gained health insurance since the core of ObamaCare took effect in 2013, according to a RAND Corp. study released Wednesday.

The study finds that 22.8 million people signed up for coverage between September 2013 and February 2015, while 5.9 million lost coverage, leading to a net gain of 16.9 million.

17 million gained coverage under ObamaCare, study finds

So who denied they 'gained" coverage? Even my FactCheck article points that out. But much of it was not new people buying insurance for the first time. Most of it was the expansion of the gravy train.

Only liberals would celebrate more government dependents in our country. It's how they buy votes.

leading to a net gain of 16.9 million.

17 million gained coverage under ObamaCare, study finds

September 24, 2014, 7:56 AM
Many Americans still lack health insurance

Although the rolls of the uninsured have dropped dramatically since the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, took effect in January, a nagging 15 percent of the population remains uninsured, according to a new survey sponsored by the
Transamerica Center for Health Studies

. Still, the percentage of Americans without health coverage has dropped markedly from 22 percent to 15 percent over the past 11 months, according to the poll of 2,624 adults under the age of 64.

It's worth noting that the U.S. Census Bureau normally does a good analysis of changes in insurance coverage from year-to-year, but the government recently changed its survey methodology, which made year-to-year comparisons impossible. The government data, which was released in August, found that 86.6 percent of the population had health insurance during 2013 and just 13.4 percent had no coverage.

However, the government uses a narrow definition of what constitutes an insured person. If you had insurance at any time during the year, the Census Bureau now considers you insured. Someone who was covered for a month or two, but lost a job and is no longer covered, would still appear insured via the Census formula. The government's methodology only considers people to be uninsured if they had no coverage at any point during the year.

Many Americans still lack health insurance

This method of changing statistics to your favor is also known as COOKING THE BOOKS!

Let me guess, The GOP's plan: LET THEM DIE, QUICKLY?


You CAN'T find ONE poll EVER that ANY UHC nation wants US style H/C. Weird right? lol

Well dunbass, since I've been in healthcare for 33 years now, I have seen the rich from every country in the world come HERE for their healthcare. They can afford to pay to get away from the horror show that is UHC where they come from. They tell me that they would come here for everything but there are many drugs and procedures they require that the FDA won't allow us to do here.

No charge for the education, you're welcome.

So NO, you can't provide ONE poll EVER from a UHC nation that wants US style H/C. Thanks anyways Bubba!
So who denied they 'gained" coverage? Even my FactCheck article points that out. But much of it was not new people buying insurance for the first time. Most of it was the expansion of the gravy train.

Only liberals would celebrate more government dependents in our country. It's how they buy votes.

leading to a net gain of 16.9 million.

17 million gained coverage under ObamaCare, study finds

September 24, 2014, 7:56 AM
Many Americans still lack health insurance

Although the rolls of the uninsured have dropped dramatically since the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, took effect in January, a nagging 15 percent of the population remains uninsured, according to a new survey sponsored by the
Transamerica Center for Health Studies

. Still, the percentage of Americans without health coverage has dropped markedly from 22 percent to 15 percent over the past 11 months, according to the poll of 2,624 adults under the age of 64.

It's worth noting that the U.S. Census Bureau normally does a good analysis of changes in insurance coverage from year-to-year, but the government recently changed its survey methodology, which made year-to-year comparisons impossible. The government data, which was released in August, found that 86.6 percent of the population had health insurance during 2013 and just 13.4 percent had no coverage.

However, the government uses a narrow definition of what constitutes an insured person. If you had insurance at any time during the year, the Census Bureau now considers you insured. Someone who was covered for a month or two, but lost a job and is no longer covered, would still appear insured via the Census formula. The government's methodology only considers people to be uninsured if they had no coverage at any point during the year.

Many Americans still lack health insurance

This method of changing statistics to your favor is also known as COOKING THE BOOKS!

Let me guess, The GOP's plan: LET THEM DIE, QUICKLY?


You CAN'T find ONE poll EVER that ANY UHC nation wants US style H/C. Weird right? lol

Well dunbass, since I've been in healthcare for 33 years now, I have seen the rich from every country in the world come HERE for their healthcare. They can afford to pay to get away from the horror show that is UHC where they come from. They tell me that they would come here for everything but there are many drugs and procedures they require that the FDA won't allow us to do here.

No charge for the education, you're welcome.
Of course, shyttehead, we have the best care anywhere for millionaires. But the poor have been dying for years, not to mention middle class getting killed by scam Pub policies. NO MORE.

Wrong as usual, Shit for Brains. In 33 years I'd say about 60% of my patients were poor, few died.
You just don't get smarter over time, do you retard?
So who denied they 'gained" coverage? Even my FactCheck article points that out. But much of it was not new people buying insurance for the first time. Most of it was the expansion of the gravy train.

Only liberals would celebrate more government dependents in our country. It's how they buy votes.

leading to a net gain of 16.9 million.

17 million gained coverage under ObamaCare, study finds

September 24, 2014, 7:56 AM
Many Americans still lack health insurance

Although the rolls of the uninsured have dropped dramatically since the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, took effect in January, a nagging 15 percent of the population remains uninsured, according to a new survey sponsored by the
Transamerica Center for Health Studies

. Still, the percentage of Americans without health coverage has dropped markedly from 22 percent to 15 percent over the past 11 months, according to the poll of 2,624 adults under the age of 64.

It's worth noting that the U.S. Census Bureau normally does a good analysis of changes in insurance coverage from year-to-year, but the government recently changed its survey methodology, which made year-to-year comparisons impossible. The government data, which was released in August, found that 86.6 percent of the population had health insurance during 2013 and just 13.4 percent had no coverage.

However, the government uses a narrow definition of what constitutes an insured person. If you had insurance at any time during the year, the Census Bureau now considers you insured. Someone who was covered for a month or two, but lost a job and is no longer covered, would still appear insured via the Census formula. The government's methodology only considers people to be uninsured if they had no coverage at any point during the year.

Many Americans still lack health insurance

This method of changing statistics to your favor is also known as COOKING THE BOOKS!

Let me guess, The GOP's plan: LET THEM DIE, QUICKLY?


You CAN'T find ONE poll EVER that ANY UHC nation wants US style H/C. Weird right? lol

Well dunbass, since I've been in healthcare for 33 years now, I have seen the rich from every country in the world come HERE for their healthcare. They can afford to pay to get away from the horror show that is UHC where they come from. They tell me that they would come here for everything but there are many drugs and procedures they require that the FDA won't allow us to do here.

No charge for the education, you're welcome.
Of course, shyttehead, we have the best care anywhere for millionaires. But the poor have been dying for years, not to mention middle class getting killed by scam Pub policies. NO MORE.

Wrong as usual, Shit for Brains. In 33 years I'd say about 60% of my patients were poor, few died.
You just don't get smarter over time, do you retard?
So who denied they 'gained" coverage? Even my FactCheck article points that out. But much of it was not new people buying insurance for the first time. Most of it was the expansion of the gravy train.

Only liberals would celebrate more government dependents in our country. It's how they buy votes.

leading to a net gain of 16.9 million.

17 million gained coverage under ObamaCare, study finds

Because they were forced to.

Good, I'm tired of CONservatives supporting free loaders!

Hey retard, if they are getting free healthcare from the government guess what? They are freeloaders. Just how fucking stupid are you?

Sorry Bubba, I forgot the GOP's/CONservatives prefer the plan where health insurance ISN'T mandated to those who can afford it, BUT then to simply insert themselves into the system AFTER they are sick *shaking head*

Oh I see, you are THAT fucking stupid. Good luck with that, sheesh!
So who denied they 'gained" coverage? Even my FactCheck article points that out. But much of it was not new people buying insurance for the first time. Most of it was the expansion of the gravy train.

Only liberals would celebrate more government dependents in our country. It's how they buy votes.

leading to a net gain of 16.9 million.

17 million gained coverage under ObamaCare, study finds

September 24, 2014, 7:56 AM
Many Americans still lack health insurance

Although the rolls of the uninsured have dropped dramatically since the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, took effect in January, a nagging 15 percent of the population remains uninsured, according to a new survey sponsored by the
Transamerica Center for Health Studies

. Still, the percentage of Americans without health coverage has dropped markedly from 22 percent to 15 percent over the past 11 months, according to the poll of 2,624 adults under the age of 64.

It's worth noting that the U.S. Census Bureau normally does a good analysis of changes in insurance coverage from year-to-year, but the government recently changed its survey methodology, which made year-to-year comparisons impossible. The government data, which was released in August, found that 86.6 percent of the population had health insurance during 2013 and just 13.4 percent had no coverage.

However, the government uses a narrow definition of what constitutes an insured person. If you had insurance at any time during the year, the Census Bureau now considers you insured. Someone who was covered for a month or two, but lost a job and is no longer covered, would still appear insured via the Census formula. The government's methodology only considers people to be uninsured if they had no coverage at any point during the year.

Many Americans still lack health insurance

This method of changing statistics to your favor is also known as COOKING THE BOOKS!

Let me guess, The GOP's plan: LET THEM DIE, QUICKLY?


You CAN'T find ONE poll EVER that ANY UHC nation wants US style H/C. Weird right? lol

Well dunbass, since I've been in healthcare for 33 years now, I have seen the rich from every country in the world come HERE for their healthcare. They can afford to pay to get away from the horror show that is UHC where they come from. They tell me that they would come here for everything but there are many drugs and procedures they require that the FDA won't allow us to do here.

No charge for the education, you're welcome.

So NO, you can't provide ONE poll EVER from a UHC nation that wants US style H/C. Thanks anyways Bubba!

Didn't say I could. Are the voices in your head speaking to you? Are you drunk posting?

Either way you are too fucking stupid to talk to. Good night and good luck with your mental insufficiencies.

September 24, 2014, 7:56 AM
Many Americans still lack health insurance

Although the rolls of the uninsured have dropped dramatically since the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, took effect in January, a nagging 15 percent of the population remains uninsured, according to a new survey sponsored by the
Transamerica Center for Health Studies

. Still, the percentage of Americans without health coverage has dropped markedly from 22 percent to 15 percent over the past 11 months, according to the poll of 2,624 adults under the age of 64.

It's worth noting that the U.S. Census Bureau normally does a good analysis of changes in insurance coverage from year-to-year, but the government recently changed its survey methodology, which made year-to-year comparisons impossible. The government data, which was released in August, found that 86.6 percent of the population had health insurance during 2013 and just 13.4 percent had no coverage.

However, the government uses a narrow definition of what constitutes an insured person. If you had insurance at any time during the year, the Census Bureau now considers you insured. Someone who was covered for a month or two, but lost a job and is no longer covered, would still appear insured via the Census formula. The government's methodology only considers people to be uninsured if they had no coverage at any point during the year.

Many Americans still lack health insurance

This method of changing statistics to your favor is also known as COOKING THE BOOKS!

Let me guess, The GOP's plan: LET THEM DIE, QUICKLY?


You CAN'T find ONE poll EVER that ANY UHC nation wants US style H/C. Weird right? lol

Well dunbass, since I've been in healthcare for 33 years now, I have seen the rich from every country in the world come HERE for their healthcare. They can afford to pay to get away from the horror show that is UHC where they come from. They tell me that they would come here for everything but there are many drugs and procedures they require that the FDA won't allow us to do here.

No charge for the education, you're welcome.
Of course, shyttehead, we have the best care anywhere for millionaires. But the poor have been dying for years, not to mention middle class getting killed by scam Pub policies. NO MORE.

Wrong as usual, Shit for Brains. In 33 years I'd say about 60% of my patients were poor, few died.
You just don't get smarter over time, do you retard?
Thanks for your dumbass anecdote, but Harvard said 45k died a year directly from having no insurance. Because they DIDN'T GO GET HELP, or got it too late. NO MORE.

They also had to go on welfare to get Medicaid. NO MORE.

Typical ivory tower medico. Absolutely clueless. My father was a surgeon who was for "socialized" medicine since 1940... One in a million. Most are ignorant GOP a-holes like you.
September 24, 2014, 7:56 AM
Many Americans still lack health insurance

Although the rolls of the uninsured have dropped dramatically since the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, took effect in January, a nagging 15 percent of the population remains uninsured, according to a new survey sponsored by the
Transamerica Center for Health Studies

. Still, the percentage of Americans without health coverage has dropped markedly from 22 percent to 15 percent over the past 11 months, according to the poll of 2,624 adults under the age of 64.

It's worth noting that the U.S. Census Bureau normally does a good analysis of changes in insurance coverage from year-to-year, but the government recently changed its survey methodology, which made year-to-year comparisons impossible. The government data, which was released in August, found that 86.6 percent of the population had health insurance during 2013 and just 13.4 percent had no coverage.

However, the government uses a narrow definition of what constitutes an insured person. If you had insurance at any time during the year, the Census Bureau now considers you insured. Someone who was covered for a month or two, but lost a job and is no longer covered, would still appear insured via the Census formula. The government's methodology only considers people to be uninsured if they had no coverage at any point during the year.

Many Americans still lack health insurance

This method of changing statistics to your favor is also known as COOKING THE BOOKS!

Let me guess, The GOP's plan: LET THEM DIE, QUICKLY?


You CAN'T find ONE poll EVER that ANY UHC nation wants US style H/C. Weird right? lol

Well dunbass, since I've been in healthcare for 33 years now, I have seen the rich from every country in the world come HERE for their healthcare. They can afford to pay to get away from the horror show that is UHC where they come from. They tell me that they would come here for everything but there are many drugs and procedures they require that the FDA won't allow us to do here.

No charge for the education, you're welcome.
Of course, shyttehead, we have the best care anywhere for millionaires. But the poor have been dying for years, not to mention middle class getting killed by scam Pub policies. NO MORE.

Wrong as usual, Shit for Brains. In 33 years I'd say about 60% of my patients were poor, few died.
You just don't get smarter over time, do you retard?
Thanks for your dumbass anecdote, but Harvard said 45k died a year directly from having no insurance. Because they DIDN'T GO GET HELP, or got it too late. NO MORE.

They also had to go on welfare to get Medicaid. NO MORE.

Typical ivory tower medico. Absolutely clueless. My father was a surgeon who was for "socialized" medicine since 1940... One in a million. Most are ignorant GOP a-holes like you.

Hey stupid, do you realize that you didn't refute my post? Is it that you cannot read above a 3rd grade level or that you don't have the mental ability to understand the crap you posted?
So who denied they 'gained" coverage? Even my FactCheck article points that out. But much of it was not new people buying insurance for the first time. Most of it was the expansion of the gravy train.

Only liberals would celebrate more government dependents in our country. It's how they buy votes.

leading to a net gain of 16.9 million.

17 million gained coverage under ObamaCare, study finds

September 24, 2014, 7:56 AM
Many Americans still lack health insurance

Although the rolls of the uninsured have dropped dramatically since the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, took effect in January, a nagging 15 percent of the population remains uninsured, according to a new survey sponsored by the
Transamerica Center for Health Studies

. Still, the percentage of Americans without health coverage has dropped markedly from 22 percent to 15 percent over the past 11 months, according to the poll of 2,624 adults under the age of 64.

It's worth noting that the U.S. Census Bureau normally does a good analysis of changes in insurance coverage from year-to-year, but the government recently changed its survey methodology, which made year-to-year comparisons impossible. The government data, which was released in August, found that 86.6 percent of the population had health insurance during 2013 and just 13.4 percent had no coverage.

However, the government uses a narrow definition of what constitutes an insured person. If you had insurance at any time during the year, the Census Bureau now considers you insured. Someone who was covered for a month or two, but lost a job and is no longer covered, would still appear insured via the Census formula. The government's methodology only considers people to be uninsured if they had no coverage at any point during the year.

Many Americans still lack health insurance

This method of changing statistics to your favor is also known as COOKING THE BOOKS!

Let me guess, The GOP's plan: LET THEM DIE, QUICKLY?


You CAN'T find ONE poll EVER that ANY UHC nation wants US style H/C. Weird right? lol

Yes, that is very weird. But since I'm a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic, and also have a sister that works there, I can testify that all the world VIP's come to the US to get quality healthcare they can't find in Socialist medical care countries.

In fact, Canada spends over 1 billion dollars a year to have their citizens treated in the US that they can't care for. Sure, socialist healthcare is great for a cold, a broken arm, something in your eye. But they lag behind the US in treating serous illnesses in a timely way.

So if you found out you had cancer, would you rather be treated here, or in Cuba or Russia?


Feb 23, 2015 - "Medical tourism" refers to traveling to another country for medical care. It's estimated that up to 750,000 US residents travel abroad for care

CDC Features - Medical Tourism

It's not because they can't get it here, it's because they didn't take the initiative to have insurance. Furthermore is the fact that our bureaucracies stopped the sales of drugs that are used in other countries, also known as red tape.

And as your article points out, many of those going to other countries are immigrants that can't get treated here for whatever reason. So they go back home to get treated since they are still considered citizens.
Let me guess, The GOP's plan: LET THEM DIE, QUICKLY?


You CAN'T find ONE poll EVER that ANY UHC nation wants US style H/C. Weird right? lol

Well dunbass, since I've been in healthcare for 33 years now, I have seen the rich from every country in the world come HERE for their healthcare. They can afford to pay to get away from the horror show that is UHC where they come from. They tell me that they would come here for everything but there are many drugs and procedures they require that the FDA won't allow us to do here.

No charge for the education, you're welcome.
Of course, shyttehead, we have the best care anywhere for millionaires. But the poor have been dying for years, not to mention middle class getting killed by scam Pub policies. NO MORE.

Wrong as usual, Shit for Brains. In 33 years I'd say about 60% of my patients were poor, few died.
You just don't get smarter over time, do you retard?
Thanks for your dumbass anecdote, but Harvard said 45k died a year directly from having no insurance. Because they DIDN'T GO GET HELP, or got it too late. NO MORE.

They also had to go on welfare to get Medicaid. NO MORE.

Typical ivory tower medico. Absolutely clueless. My father was a surgeon who was for "socialized" medicine since 1940... One in a million. Most are ignorant GOP a-holes like you.

Hey stupid, do you realize that you didn't refute my post? Is it that you cannot read above a 3rd grade level or that you don't have the mental ability to understand the crap you posted?
I sure as hell did, stupid. The poor that got help weren't the problem- until their lives were ruined trying to pay. People shouldn't have to decide on ruin or death...

September 24, 2014, 7:56 AM
Many Americans still lack health insurance

Although the rolls of the uninsured have dropped dramatically since the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, took effect in January, a nagging 15 percent of the population remains uninsured, according to a new survey sponsored by the
Transamerica Center for Health Studies

. Still, the percentage of Americans without health coverage has dropped markedly from 22 percent to 15 percent over the past 11 months, according to the poll of 2,624 adults under the age of 64.

It's worth noting that the U.S. Census Bureau normally does a good analysis of changes in insurance coverage from year-to-year, but the government recently changed its survey methodology, which made year-to-year comparisons impossible. The government data, which was released in August, found that 86.6 percent of the population had health insurance during 2013 and just 13.4 percent had no coverage.

However, the government uses a narrow definition of what constitutes an insured person. If you had insurance at any time during the year, the Census Bureau now considers you insured. Someone who was covered for a month or two, but lost a job and is no longer covered, would still appear insured via the Census formula. The government's methodology only considers people to be uninsured if they had no coverage at any point during the year.

Many Americans still lack health insurance

This method of changing statistics to your favor is also known as COOKING THE BOOKS!

Let me guess, The GOP's plan: LET THEM DIE, QUICKLY?


You CAN'T find ONE poll EVER that ANY UHC nation wants US style H/C. Weird right? lol

Well dunbass, since I've been in healthcare for 33 years now, I have seen the rich from every country in the world come HERE for their healthcare. They can afford to pay to get away from the horror show that is UHC where they come from. They tell me that they would come here for everything but there are many drugs and procedures they require that the FDA won't allow us to do here.

No charge for the education, you're welcome.
Of course, shyttehead, we have the best care anywhere for millionaires. But the poor have been dying for years, not to mention middle class getting killed by scam Pub policies. NO MORE.

Wrong as usual, Shit for Brains. In 33 years I'd say about 60% of my patients were poor, few died.
You just don't get smarter over time, do you retard?

Janitors have lots of contact with patients huh?
I'm O.K. with the wealthy too.

What does economics tell you about wealth ? It says that when people find a way to make money..others join in. Well, unless the first guy manages to secure his position and hold off new entrants.

If you plan to be wealthy, then I have to wonder if you'll then skew the playing field after you've gotten there.
Around 17 million people have gained health insurance since the core of ObamaCare took effect in 2013, according to a RAND Corp. study released Wednesday.

The study finds that 22.8 million people signed up for coverage between September 2013 and February 2015, while 5.9 million lost coverage, leading to a net gain of 16.9 million.

17 million gained coverage under ObamaCare, study finds

So who denied they 'gained" coverage? Even my FactCheck article points that out. But much of it was not new people buying insurance for the first time. Most of it was the expansion of the gravy train.

Only liberals would celebrate more government dependents in our country. It's how they buy votes.

leading to a net gain of 16.9 million.

17 million gained coverage under ObamaCare, study finds

September 24, 2014, 7:56 AM
Many Americans still lack health insurance

Although the rolls of the uninsured have dropped dramatically since the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, took effect in January, a nagging 15 percent of the population remains uninsured, according to a new survey sponsored by the
Transamerica Center for Health Studies

. Still, the percentage of Americans without health coverage has dropped markedly from 22 percent to 15 percent over the past 11 months, according to the poll of 2,624 adults under the age of 64.

It's worth noting that the U.S. Census Bureau normally does a good analysis of changes in insurance coverage from year-to-year, but the government recently changed its survey methodology, which made year-to-year comparisons impossible. The government data, which was released in August, found that 86.6 percent of the population had health insurance during 2013 and just 13.4 percent had no coverage.

However, the government uses a narrow definition of what constitutes an insured person. If you had insurance at any time during the year, the Census Bureau now considers you insured. Someone who was covered for a month or two, but lost a job and is no longer covered, would still appear insured via the Census formula. The government's methodology only considers people to be uninsured if they had no coverage at any point during the year.

Many Americans still lack health insurance

This method of changing statistics to your favor is also known as COOKING THE BOOKS!

Let me guess, The GOP's plan: LET THEM DIE, QUICKLY?


You CAN'T find ONE poll EVER that ANY UHC nation wants US style H/C. Weird right? lol

Well dunbass, since I've been in healthcare for 33 years now, I have seen the rich from every country in the world come HERE for their healthcare. They can afford to pay to get away from the horror show that is UHC where they come from. They tell me that they would come here for everything but there are many drugs and procedures they require that the FDA won't allow us to do here.

No charge for the education, you're welcome.

Absolutely. I'm a truck driver here in Cleveland on the northern border. Many times I run across other drivers from Canada and we get to talking.

So I question them about socialized healthcare in Canada. Younger people love it because they get treated without question. Older drivers told me "keep what you have, you don't want our system."

From what I gather, serious illnesses are put on the back burner due to cost. In fact Canada uses cancer drugs we stopped using over 20 years ago because of cost of better medicine that we currently use.

In socialized healthcare, everybody gets treated. It's just a matter of how good the treatment is and when you get it. A hip replacement can take over six months to get elsewhere. In the meantime, they load you with pain killers until you get the ability to have the problem addressed.

I have recently developed a heart condition that I need treatment for. It only took me a week to get an appointment for treatment which I will be getting at the end of this week. I can't imagine being in a country with socialized medical care where I might have to wait several months, and then no choice as to who works on me.

Living in the USA, I have the confidence that I'm going to be treated at one of the best facilities in the world with the most advanced techniques.

Because they were forced to.

Good, I'm tired of CONservatives supporting free loaders!

Hey retard, if they are getting free healthcare from the government guess what? They are freeloaders. Just how fucking stupid are you?

Sorry Bubba, I forgot the GOP's/CONservatives prefer the plan where health insurance ISN'T mandated to those who can afford it, BUT then to simply insert themselves into the system AFTER they are sick *shaking head*

Oh I see, you are THAT fucking stupid. Good luck with that, sheesh!

Republican Jim Bunning of Kentucky had called a mandate 'un-American' and argued that it "may even be unconstitutional"


September 24, 2014, 7:56 AM
Many Americans still lack health insurance

Although the rolls of the uninsured have dropped dramatically since the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, took effect in January, a nagging 15 percent of the population remains uninsured, according to a new survey sponsored by the
Transamerica Center for Health Studies

. Still, the percentage of Americans without health coverage has dropped markedly from 22 percent to 15 percent over the past 11 months, according to the poll of 2,624 adults under the age of 64.

It's worth noting that the U.S. Census Bureau normally does a good analysis of changes in insurance coverage from year-to-year, but the government recently changed its survey methodology, which made year-to-year comparisons impossible. The government data, which was released in August, found that 86.6 percent of the population had health insurance during 2013 and just 13.4 percent had no coverage.

However, the government uses a narrow definition of what constitutes an insured person. If you had insurance at any time during the year, the Census Bureau now considers you insured. Someone who was covered for a month or two, but lost a job and is no longer covered, would still appear insured via the Census formula. The government's methodology only considers people to be uninsured if they had no coverage at any point during the year.

Many Americans still lack health insurance

This method of changing statistics to your favor is also known as COOKING THE BOOKS!

Let me guess, The GOP's plan: LET THEM DIE, QUICKLY?


You CAN'T find ONE poll EVER that ANY UHC nation wants US style H/C. Weird right? lol

Yes, that is very weird. But since I'm a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic, and also have a sister that works there, I can testify that all the world VIP's come to the US to get quality healthcare they can't find in Socialist medical care countries.

In fact, Canada spends over 1 billion dollars a year to have their citizens treated in the US that they can't care for. Sure, socialist healthcare is great for a cold, a broken arm, something in your eye. But they lag behind the US in treating serous illnesses in a timely way.

So if you found out you had cancer, would you rather be treated here, or in Cuba or Russia?


Feb 23, 2015 - "Medical tourism" refers to traveling to another country for medical care. It's estimated that up to 750,000 US residents travel abroad for care

CDC Features - Medical Tourism

It's not because they can't get it here, it's because they didn't take the initiative to have insurance. Furthermore is the fact that our bureaucracies stopped the sales of drugs that are used in other countries, also known as red tape.

And as your article points out, many of those going to other countries are immigrants that can't get treated here for whatever reason. So they go back home to get treated since they are still considered citizens.
Horse patoot. But I'm sure that's changed under ACA. What with pre-existing covered and no more cutoffs.

September 24, 2014, 7:56 AM
Many Americans still lack health insurance

Although the rolls of the uninsured have dropped dramatically since the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, took effect in January, a nagging 15 percent of the population remains uninsured, according to a new survey sponsored by the
Transamerica Center for Health Studies

. Still, the percentage of Americans without health coverage has dropped markedly from 22 percent to 15 percent over the past 11 months, according to the poll of 2,624 adults under the age of 64.

It's worth noting that the U.S. Census Bureau normally does a good analysis of changes in insurance coverage from year-to-year, but the government recently changed its survey methodology, which made year-to-year comparisons impossible. The government data, which was released in August, found that 86.6 percent of the population had health insurance during 2013 and just 13.4 percent had no coverage.

However, the government uses a narrow definition of what constitutes an insured person. If you had insurance at any time during the year, the Census Bureau now considers you insured. Someone who was covered for a month or two, but lost a job and is no longer covered, would still appear insured via the Census formula. The government's methodology only considers people to be uninsured if they had no coverage at any point during the year.

Many Americans still lack health insurance

This method of changing statistics to your favor is also known as COOKING THE BOOKS!

Let me guess, The GOP's plan: LET THEM DIE, QUICKLY?


You CAN'T find ONE poll EVER that ANY UHC nation wants US style H/C. Weird right? lol

Yes, that is very weird. But since I'm a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic, and also have a sister that works there, I can testify that all the world VIP's come to the US to get quality healthcare they can't find in Socialist medical care countries.

In fact, Canada spends over 1 billion dollars a year to have their citizens treated in the US that they can't care for. Sure, socialist healthcare is great for a cold, a broken arm, something in your eye. But they lag behind the US in treating serous illnesses in a timely way.

So if you found out you had cancer, would you rather be treated here, or in Cuba or Russia?


Feb 23, 2015 - "Medical tourism" refers to traveling to another country for medical care. It's estimated that up to 750,000 US residents travel abroad for care

CDC Features - Medical Tourism

It's not because they can't get it here, it's because they didn't take the initiative to have insurance. Furthermore is the fact that our bureaucracies stopped the sales of drugs that are used in other countries, also known as red tape.

And as your article points out, many of those going to other countries are immigrants that can't get treated here for whatever reason. So they go back home to get treated since they are still considered citizens.


So who denied they 'gained" coverage? Even my FactCheck article points that out. But much of it was not new people buying insurance for the first time. Most of it was the expansion of the gravy train.

Only liberals would celebrate more government dependents in our country. It's how they buy votes.

leading to a net gain of 16.9 million.

17 million gained coverage under ObamaCare, study finds

September 24, 2014, 7:56 AM
Many Americans still lack health insurance

Although the rolls of the uninsured have dropped dramatically since the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, took effect in January, a nagging 15 percent of the population remains uninsured, according to a new survey sponsored by the
Transamerica Center for Health Studies

. Still, the percentage of Americans without health coverage has dropped markedly from 22 percent to 15 percent over the past 11 months, according to the poll of 2,624 adults under the age of 64.

It's worth noting that the U.S. Census Bureau normally does a good analysis of changes in insurance coverage from year-to-year, but the government recently changed its survey methodology, which made year-to-year comparisons impossible. The government data, which was released in August, found that 86.6 percent of the population had health insurance during 2013 and just 13.4 percent had no coverage.

However, the government uses a narrow definition of what constitutes an insured person. If you had insurance at any time during the year, the Census Bureau now considers you insured. Someone who was covered for a month or two, but lost a job and is no longer covered, would still appear insured via the Census formula. The government's methodology only considers people to be uninsured if they had no coverage at any point during the year.

Many Americans still lack health insurance

This method of changing statistics to your favor is also known as COOKING THE BOOKS!

Let me guess, The GOP's plan: LET THEM DIE, QUICKLY?


You CAN'T find ONE poll EVER that ANY UHC nation wants US style H/C. Weird right? lol

Well dunbass, since I've been in healthcare for 33 years now, I have seen the rich from every country in the world come HERE for their healthcare. They can afford to pay to get away from the horror show that is UHC where they come from. They tell me that they would come here for everything but there are many drugs and procedures they require that the FDA won't allow us to do here.

No charge for the education, you're welcome.

Absolutely. I'm a truck driver here in Cleveland on the northern border. Many times I run across other drivers from Canada and we get to talking.

So I question them about socialized healthcare in Canada. Younger people love it because they get treated without question. Older drivers told me "keep what you have, you don't want our system."

From what I gather, serious illnesses are put on the back burner due to cost. In fact Canada uses cancer drugs we stopped using over 20 years ago because of cost of better medicine that we currently use.

In socialized healthcare, everybody gets treated. It's just a matter of how good the treatment is and when you get it. A hip replacement can take over six months to get elsewhere. In the meantime, they load you with pain killers until you get the ability to have the problem addressed.

I have recently developed a heart condition that I need treatment for. It only took me a week to get an appointment for treatment which I will be getting at the end of this week. I can't imagine being in a country with socialized medical care where I might have to wait several months, and then no choice as to who works on me.

Living in the USA, I have the confidence that I'm going to be treated at one of the best facilities in the world with the most advanced techniques.

Anecdotes are ALWAYS better than polls and studies right dummy?
So who denied they 'gained" coverage? Even my FactCheck article points that out. But much of it was not new people buying insurance for the first time. Most of it was the expansion of the gravy train.

Only liberals would celebrate more government dependents in our country. It's how they buy votes.

leading to a net gain of 16.9 million.

17 million gained coverage under ObamaCare, study finds

September 24, 2014, 7:56 AM
Many Americans still lack health insurance

Although the rolls of the uninsured have dropped dramatically since the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, took effect in January, a nagging 15 percent of the population remains uninsured, according to a new survey sponsored by the
Transamerica Center for Health Studies

. Still, the percentage of Americans without health coverage has dropped markedly from 22 percent to 15 percent over the past 11 months, according to the poll of 2,624 adults under the age of 64.

It's worth noting that the U.S. Census Bureau normally does a good analysis of changes in insurance coverage from year-to-year, but the government recently changed its survey methodology, which made year-to-year comparisons impossible. The government data, which was released in August, found that 86.6 percent of the population had health insurance during 2013 and just 13.4 percent had no coverage.

However, the government uses a narrow definition of what constitutes an insured person. If you had insurance at any time during the year, the Census Bureau now considers you insured. Someone who was covered for a month or two, but lost a job and is no longer covered, would still appear insured via the Census formula. The government's methodology only considers people to be uninsured if they had no coverage at any point during the year.

Many Americans still lack health insurance

This method of changing statistics to your favor is also known as COOKING THE BOOKS!

Let me guess, The GOP's plan: LET THEM DIE, QUICKLY?


You CAN'T find ONE poll EVER that ANY UHC nation wants US style H/C. Weird right? lol

Well dunbass, since I've been in healthcare for 33 years now, I have seen the rich from every country in the world come HERE for their healthcare. They can afford to pay to get away from the horror show that is UHC where they come from. They tell me that they would come here for everything but there are many drugs and procedures they require that the FDA won't allow us to do here.

No charge for the education, you're welcome.

Absolutely. I'm a truck driver here in Cleveland on the northern border. Many times I run across other drivers from Canada and we get to talking.

So I question them about socialized healthcare in Canada. Younger people love it because they get treated without question. Older drivers told me "keep what you have, you don't want our system."

From what I gather, serious illnesses are put on the back burner due to cost. In fact Canada uses cancer drugs we stopped using over 20 years ago because of cost of better medicine that we currently use.

In socialized healthcare, everybody gets treated. It's just a matter of how good the treatment is and when you get it. A hip replacement can take over six months to get elsewhere. In the meantime, they load you with pain killers until you get the ability to have the problem addressed.

I have recently developed a heart condition that I need treatment for. It only took me a week to get an appointment for treatment which I will be getting at the end of this week. I can't imagine being in a country with socialized medical care where I might have to wait several months, and then no choice as to who works on me.

Living in the USA, I have the confidence that I'm going to be treated at one of the best facilities in the world with the most advanced techniques.
Canadians live longer and their system costs half as much. But thanks for the anecdotal irrelevance. Old people complain.
Well dunbass, since I've been in healthcare for 33 years now, I have seen the rich from every country in the world come HERE for their healthcare. They can afford to pay to get away from the horror show that is UHC where they come from. They tell me that they would come here for everything but there are many drugs and procedures they require that the FDA won't allow us to do here.

No charge for the education, you're welcome.
Of course, shyttehead, we have the best care anywhere for millionaires. But the poor have been dying for years, not to mention middle class getting killed by scam Pub policies. NO MORE.

Wrong as usual, Shit for Brains. In 33 years I'd say about 60% of my patients were poor, few died.
You just don't get smarter over time, do you retard?
Thanks for your dumbass anecdote, but Harvard said 45k died a year directly from having no insurance. Because they DIDN'T GO GET HELP, or got it too late. NO MORE.

They also had to go on welfare to get Medicaid. NO MORE.

Typical ivory tower medico. Absolutely clueless. My father was a surgeon who was for "socialized" medicine since 1940... One in a million. Most are ignorant GOP a-holes like you.

Hey stupid, do you realize that you didn't refute my post? Is it that you cannot read above a 3rd grade level or that you don't have the mental ability to understand the crap you posted?
I sure as hell did, stupid. The poor that got help weren't the problem- until their lives were ruined trying to pay. People shouldn't have to decide on ruin or death...

Hey stupid, I never said they didn't. So
My question remains unanswered: is it that you have problems with reading comprehension? Or is it that you just don't bother to read? Hurry up and answer because your stupidity is giving me a headache and I don't know how much more I can tolerate.

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