Why does the right defend the wealthy class

September 24, 2014, 7:56 AM
Many Americans still lack health insurance

Although the rolls of the uninsured have dropped dramatically since the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, took effect in January, a nagging 15 percent of the population remains uninsured, according to a new survey sponsored by the
Transamerica Center for Health Studies

. Still, the percentage of Americans without health coverage has dropped markedly from 22 percent to 15 percent over the past 11 months, according to the poll of 2,624 adults under the age of 64.

It's worth noting that the U.S. Census Bureau normally does a good analysis of changes in insurance coverage from year-to-year, but the government recently changed its survey methodology, which made year-to-year comparisons impossible. The government data, which was released in August, found that 86.6 percent of the population had health insurance during 2013 and just 13.4 percent had no coverage.

However, the government uses a narrow definition of what constitutes an insured person. If you had insurance at any time during the year, the Census Bureau now considers you insured. Someone who was covered for a month or two, but lost a job and is no longer covered, would still appear insured via the Census formula. The government's methodology only considers people to be uninsured if they had no coverage at any point during the year.

Many Americans still lack health insurance

This method of changing statistics to your favor is also known as COOKING THE BOOKS!

Let me guess, The GOP's plan: LET THEM DIE, QUICKLY?


You CAN'T find ONE poll EVER that ANY UHC nation wants US style H/C. Weird right? lol

Yes, that is very weird. But since I'm a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic, and also have a sister that works there, I can testify that all the world VIP's come to the US to get quality healthcare they can't find in Socialist medical care countries.

In fact, Canada spends over 1 billion dollars a year to have their citizens treated in the US that they can't care for. Sure, socialist healthcare is great for a cold, a broken arm, something in your eye. But they lag behind the US in treating serous illnesses in a timely way.

So if you found out you had cancer, would you rather be treated here, or in Cuba or Russia?


Feb 23, 2015 - "Medical tourism" refers to traveling to another country for medical care. It's estimated that up to 750,000 US residents travel abroad for care

CDC Features - Medical Tourism

It's not because they can't get it here, it's because they didn't take the initiative to have insurance. Furthermore is the fact that our bureaucracies stopped the sales of drugs that are used in other countries, also known as red tape.

And as your article points out, many of those going to other countries are immigrants that can't get treated here for whatever reason. So they go back home to get treated since they are still considered citizens.
Horse patoot. But I'm sure that's changed under ACA. What with pre-existing covered and no more cutoffs.

Obviously Commie Care didn't help those people going back to their country to get treatment.
Thom Hartmann: How America Killed Its Middle Class

Not a big fan of Alternet.....but this one makes a statement I think begs a question.

Piketty is right, especially about the importance of high marginal tax rates and inheritance taxes being necessary for the creation of a middle class that includes working-class people. Progressive taxation, when done correctly, pushes wages down to working people and reduces the incentives for the very rich to pillage their companies or rip off their workers. After all, why take another billion when 91 percent of it just going to be paid in taxes?

This is the main reason why, when GM was our largest employer and our working class were also in the middle class, CEOs only took home 30 times what working people did. The top tax rate for all the time America's middle class was created was between 74 and 91 percent. Until, of course, Reagan dropped it to 28 percent and working people moved from the middle class to becoming the working poor.


So, as we continue to let the rich just go nuts...what is it that isn't there to prevent them.

Why does the far right vote to protect the interest of the rich ?

The answer lies, in part, in the fact that the far left is no better. First, they suck off the rich like others.

Next, they won't make a rational case. They need conservatives to join them. And yet they, like some of the assholes on this board, do nothing but antagonize them.

And the rich just eat it up......


This thread originally got moved to Europe because I led in with an article about the European middle class.

But the comparison is bright as the day is long.

I bash the left.

I bash the right.

Regardless, this is a huge issue in my mind.

Now, if the left starts squawking about how the rich screw them over...I'd ask how they get away with it. They only get away with it because the government protects them.

The right yells...hands off. But this article flies in the face of that.

First, you don't know what begging the question means.

And the rich should be treated like everyone else, not singled out for persecution by the left.

Furthermore, you harm the economy when you do that. Efficiency it best for everyone, not rewarding people for not working at the expense of people who do
On second thought, don't go back to school. Just get a fucking job.

I do have a job.

It pays well and I have my own insurance.

I have many friends who try to start small businesses and the government has made it very tough for them.

That is government along with the wealthy class.

I don't believe the wealthy class does this maliciously. I think they simply see it as business.

Starting a small business is easy. Unless you can be specific about how tha government made it tough for your friends, you are guilty of bullshit again.
Dear left-wing nutjob;

teach me how to hate people that have more than me, the same way you hate them!!

On second thought, don't go back to school. Just get a fucking job.

I do have a job.

It pays well and I have my own insurance.

I have many friends who try to start small businesses and the government has made it very tough for them.

That is government along with the wealthy class.

I don't believe the wealthy class does this maliciously. I think they simply see it as business.

Starting a small business is easy. Unless you can be specific about how tha government made it tough for your friends, you are guilty of bullshit again.

you think regulations arent burdensome, costly, and confusing for many?

you're guilty of stupidity again leftard
On second thought, don't go back to school. Just get a fucking job.

I do have a job.

It pays well and I have my own insurance.

I have many friends who try to start small businesses and the government has made it very tough for them.

That is government along with the wealthy class.

I don't believe the wealthy class does this maliciously. I think they simply see it as business.

Starting a small business is easy. Unless you can be specific about how tha government made it tough for your friends, you are guilty of bullshit again.

you think regulations arent burdensome, costly, and confusing for many?

you're guilty of stupidity again leftard

Name them. Please.
On second thought, don't go back to school. Just get a fucking job.

I do have a job.

It pays well and I have my own insurance.

I have many friends who try to start small businesses and the government has made it very tough for them.

That is government along with the wealthy class.

I don't believe the wealthy class does this maliciously. I think they simply see it as business.

Starting a small business is easy. Unless you can be specific about how tha government made it tough for your friends, you are guilty of bullshit again.

you think regulations arent burdensome, costly, and confusing for many?

you're guilty of stupidity again leftard

Name them. Please.

there are several thousand here leftard:

start reading!! lol

Laws & Regulations | The U.S. Small Business ... - SBA.gov
Small Business Administration
In this section, you'll find Public Law and Code of Federal Regulations titles related to SBA. Page ... This list includes public laws related to small businesses.
Another proposal that seems limited in scope -- to limit harmful emissions from boilers -- attracted far more critics (16) than just the Council of Industrial Boiler Owners. The rule has been under attack by a coalition of lawmakers and industry groups who perceive it to be the leading edge of upcoming climate change regulations that they claim will burden them with costs. After receiving thousands of comments on the rule and amid industry pressure, the EPA requested more time to issue the final rule but a court recently ordered it to issue the rule this month.
Almost half of the letters viewed by HuffPost complain about proposals to regulate greenhouse gas emissions and to strengthen the nation's ambient air quality standard.
Many of the concerns are narrowly tailored to industry-specific rules -- the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers is concerned about proposed regulations on rearward visibility in vehicles, the American Coatings Association complains that the list of compounds allowable in aerosol paint is too small, and the International Sleep Products Association complains that a cigarette test standard for flammability of mattresses is outdated.
Two of the least popular regulations are proposals that were withdrawn by the Obama administration in the last two weeks under intense industry pressure -- one would have strengthened workplace noise standards and the other would have required employers to record their worker's musculoskeletal disorders in a separate column on injury and illness logs. The proposed noise standard was cited in 15 letters and the musculoskeletal rule was cited in seven letters.
Another proposal that seems limited in scope -- to limit harmful emissions from boilers -- attracted far more critics (16) than just the Council of Industrial Boiler Owners. The rule has been under attack by a coalition of lawmakers and industry groups who perceive it to be the leading edge of upcoming climate change regulations that they claim will burden them with costs. After receiving thousands of comments on the rule and amid industry pressure, the EPA requested more time to issue the final rule but a court recently ordered it to issue the rule this month.
Several letters come from a coalition of groups united around an issue. The Government Withholding Relief Coalition of over 100 groups, from the Aerospace Industries Association to the Distilled Spirits Council of America, complain about an Internal Revenue Service proposal to require federal, state and local governments to withhold 3 percent of nearly all their contractor payments, Medicare payments and farm payments.
On second thought, don't go back to school. Just get a fucking job.

I do have a job.

It pays well and I have my own insurance.

I have many friends who try to start small businesses and the government has made it very tough for them.

That is government along with the wealthy class.

I don't believe the wealthy class does this maliciously. I think they simply see it as business.

Starting a small business is easy. Unless you can be specific about how tha government made it tough for your friends, you are guilty of bullshit again.

you think regulations arent burdensome, costly, and confusing for many?

you're guilty of stupidity again leftard

Name them. Please.

there are several thousand here leftard:

start reading!! lol

Laws & Regulations | The U.S. Small Business ... - SBA.gov
Small Business Administration
In this section, you'll find Public Law and Code of Federal Regulations titles related to SBA. Page ... This list includes public laws related to small businesses.

Nope. You need to name the ones that make starting a small business tough......and then tell us when said regulation was instituted. You must then prove that it caused a reduction in business startups.

The bullshit you posted does none of that.

I've started three businesses.....two since Obama became POTUS. They were easy. The only regulations that even caused me a moment of heartburn were related to parking lot painting and fire exits. Those are local.

Let's get specific, dummy. This meme needs some specifics.
On second thought, don't go back to school. Just get a fucking job.

I do have a job.

It pays well and I have my own insurance.

I have many friends who try to start small businesses and the government has made it very tough for them.

That is government along with the wealthy class.

I don't believe the wealthy class does this maliciously. I think they simply see it as business.

Starting a small business is easy. Unless you can be specific about how tha government made it tough for your friends, you are guilty of bullshit again.


For starters, I have a doctor friend who got together with other doctors and decided to look into starting a small insurance company. One they would fund themselves...not an office for a major. They stopped when they were told the legal costs alone just to get started would cost close to a million dollars because of all the compliance issues.

This was an effort to get away from all the craziness of spending dollars on insurance codings and the like. They also wanted to keep it to their clients (who they could pick and choose) so that they could influence them to live more healthy lifestyles.

Again, more regulatory costs......
I do have a job.

It pays well and I have my own insurance.

I have many friends who try to start small businesses and the government has made it very tough for them.

That is government along with the wealthy class.

I don't believe the wealthy class does this maliciously. I think they simply see it as business.

Starting a small business is easy. Unless you can be specific about how tha government made it tough for your friends, you are guilty of bullshit again.

you think regulations arent burdensome, costly, and confusing for many?

you're guilty of stupidity again leftard

Name them. Please.

there are several thousand here leftard:

start reading!! lol

Laws & Regulations | The U.S. Small Business ... - SBA.gov
Small Business Administration
In this section, you'll find Public Law and Code of Federal Regulations titles related to SBA. Page ... This list includes public laws related to small businesses.

Nope. You need to name the ones that make starting a small business tough......and then tell us when said regulation was instituted. You must then prove that it caused a reduction in business startups.

The bullshit you posted does none of that.

I've started three businesses.....two since Obama became POTUS. They were easy. The only regulations that even caused me a moment of heartburn were related to parking lot painting and fire exits. Those are local.

Let's get specific, dummy. This meme needs some specifics.

you see this is why nobody takes you seriously. why you are laughed at; when given evidence you simply dismiss it
I do have a job.

It pays well and I have my own insurance.

I have many friends who try to start small businesses and the government has made it very tough for them.

That is government along with the wealthy class.

I don't believe the wealthy class does this maliciously. I think they simply see it as business.

Starting a small business is easy. Unless you can be specific about how tha government made it tough for your friends, you are guilty of bullshit again.

you think regulations arent burdensome, costly, and confusing for many?

you're guilty of stupidity again leftard

Name them. Please.

there are several thousand here leftard:

start reading!! lol

Laws & Regulations | The U.S. Small Business ... - SBA.gov
Small Business Administration
In this section, you'll find Public Law and Code of Federal Regulations titles related to SBA. Page ... This list includes public laws related to small businesses.

Nope. You need to name the ones that make starting a small business tough......and then tell us when said regulation was instituted. You must then prove that it caused a reduction in business startups.

The bullshit you posted does none of that.

I've started three businesses.....two since Obama became POTUS. They were easy. The only regulations that even caused me a moment of heartburn were related to parking lot painting and fire exits. Those are local.

Let's get specific, dummy. This meme needs some specifics.

you see this is why nobody takes you seriously. why you are laughed at; when given evidence you simply dismiss it
Liberals/Socialists/Progressives/Communists hate both the middle class and the working class because...

they HATE the "wealthy class".

Go back to school you stupid fuck. :slap:

If you look at my posting history...that isn't me.

I am not a progressive.

But the article raises an issue I've had for a long time. The wealthy class link up with the governing class and together they screw us.

There is tons of money in D.C. It's a huge rapefest.
The right and the left hook up with the very few super rich but the left pretend that they don't making them the more evil.
Starting a small business is easy. Unless you can be specific about how tha government made it tough for your friends, you are guilty of bullshit again.

you think regulations arent burdensome, costly, and confusing for many?

you're guilty of stupidity again leftard

Name them. Please.

there are several thousand here leftard:

start reading!! lol

Laws & Regulations | The U.S. Small Business ... - SBA.gov
Small Business Administration
In this section, you'll find Public Law and Code of Federal Regulations titles related to SBA. Page ... This list includes public laws related to small businesses.

Nope. You need to name the ones that make starting a small business tough......and then tell us when said regulation was instituted. You must then prove that it caused a reduction in business startups.

The bullshit you posted does none of that.

I've started three businesses.....two since Obama became POTUS. They were easy. The only regulations that even caused me a moment of heartburn were related to parking lot painting and fire exits. Those are local.

Let's get specific, dummy. This meme needs some specifics.

you see this is why nobody takes you seriously. why you are laughed at; when given evidence you simply dismiss it

Fool. You say nobody. Start a poll. I am pretty sure I'm taken more seriously than you.

You are a birther. What else need be said?
On second thought, don't go back to school. Just get a fucking job.

I do have a job.

It pays well and I have my own insurance.

I have many friends who try to start small businesses and the government has made it very tough for them.

That is government along with the wealthy class.

I don't believe the wealthy class does this maliciously. I think they simply see it as business.

Starting a small business is easy. Unless you can be specific about how tha government made it tough for your friends, you are guilty of bullshit again.


For starters, I have a doctor friend who got together with other doctors and decided to look into starting a small insurance company. One they would fund themselves...not an office for a major. They stopped when they were told the legal costs alone just to get started would cost close to a million dollars because of all the compliance issues.

This was an effort to get away from all the craziness of spending dollars on insurance codings and the like. They also wanted to keep it to their clients (who they could pick and choose) so that they could influence them to live more healthy lifestyles.

Again, more regulatory costs......

Wow. You proved your case for one company. Who enacted the regulations that stopped them?

Got any more?

Do you know how many businesses are started every month in this nation?
If the 1%'ers get 80% of the nations income they should pay 80% of the taxes.

Each income level should pay the same percentage in taxes( as a group ... not individuals ) that they get of the nations income.

If a group gets 80% of the income they pay 80% of the taxes it takes to run the country.
If a group gets 10% of the income they pay 10% of the taxes it takes to run the country.

The wealthy receive far more FROM society therefore they owe more TO society.

What could be more fair than that?


All men are created equal, and that means they should have equal protection, equal taxes and equal opportunity to either excel or fail.
you can't claim equality if you start to punish someone simply because they took the initiative to succeed in life.
Besides, today its those that make a million, when that fails to supply enough revenue it will be those that make over 500k, when that fails it might be 250, then 100 then those 30 or 40 people that are still middle class and not in poverty.
No, the OP is wondering why so many people who work at convenience stores making 24K support the Republicans who won't pay them a decent wage.

That's the mystery.

Once people get up to making 200K or so, I can understand they have aspirations of becoming uber wealthy.

But poor people have as much chance of becoming wealthy, especially under Republicans, as they do of winning the Lottery twice on the same day and then being hit by lightening and surviving.

Poor people voting Republican is the mystery.

200K ain't poor.


Everyone strives to become wealthy in the greatest Country in the world. Why does the left, especially the wealthy elitist left, want to demonize people who work their asses off for maybe 200k gross income? All republicans want to do is trim the size of government and allow people to become wealthy without idiots like Obama, who never had a real job, picking their pockets for programs that are designed to keep Blacks in poverty and dependent on government.

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