Why does the right defend the wealthy class

Oh let's see what do the rich receive that the poorer people don't?

How about gated estates with their private security?

How about yachts?

How about their PRIVATE jets?

How about Around the World Cruises for their whole family?

How about private Chefs and Dieticians who work ONLY for their family?

How many of those things DO YOU HAVE?


please list the items in society that the rich are receiving in greater quantities than those that make less.
Try to keep it to real tangible assets.

Is this class envy ?

Seriously ?

That isn't what this is about.

This is about how you get to the point where you can do things like compete with the big boys so that if you wanted these things you could get them.

I am surprised how stupid the left is in defending government against the assertions of the thread.

Government helps keep big business in play.

Go ahead and start a ladder business. See how much legal protection you need because of what government does.
MOST of the uber wealthy, like Trump and Romney, INHERITED their wealth.



Yes there are exceptions such as Jobs who created wildly successful companies.

But they are a distinct minority when it comes to the super rich club.

Most of the wealthy inherited it.

I don't believe I am jealous.

I retired when I was 54.

I live in a gated community with private security.

I've lived a damn good life but I was one of the LUCKY ones.

Oh let's see what do the rich receive that the poorer people don't?

How about gated estates with their private security?

How about yachts?

How about Around the World Cruises for their whole family?

How about private Chefs and Dieticians who work ONLY for their family?

How many of those things DO YOU HAVE?


please list the items in society that the rich are receiving in greater quantities than those that make less.
Try to keep it to real tangible assets.
This shows some serious jealousy on your part.
Gated estate with private security. They pay for that with money they earned from working
yachts? they payed for that with money they earned from working
Cruises? they paid for that with money they earned from working
Chefs? I think they paid for that with money the earned from working.
See a common thing here?
but, did they pay to have that estate built? do the pay someone to maintain it? pay for the security?
Did someone go to work and build that yacht? how about all the people that work at factories that supply components for that yacht
How many people are employed by Cruise lines that are collecting a paycheck because some people can afford to travel.
Do you think the Chef makes more than he would at McDonalds?
These are not things provided by society, these are things that help society by putting people to work in the respective industries.
God bless the rich guys that can afford to support all of these people and keep them employed.
Try again, you failed to show anything with substance.
how does that benefit the rich more than the poor?

That's a joke, right?
no its a serious question, Im sorry if your handlers didn't include reasons with their examples.

Play "devils advocate" for a minute. What do you think I am saying when I say that the military benefits wealthy people more than it does the poor? Try to be a libtard and see what you come up with.
no, you brought it up, its on you to provide the reasons.
So do it or admit that your handlers left you with your panties around your ankles on this one.
but since you have failed with the military example, please provide other examples that you might be able to try and back up.

I'm not quite done with you yet, dummy. Please don't run away from this discussion.

You don't want to think at all, it seems.....and that is boring......but I will make up for it by mocking you.

The rich have more to protect than the poor.....especially where it concerns our international interests, shipping lanes, trade agreements, protected travel for corporations, cyber security etc.. That is common sense stuff, dummy. Far more of our military resources go to protect the interests of welathy people and corporations than they do to protect our nation's poor.

Dumb shit.

So the government is protecting the rich.

Thanks for helping my case.
I don't believe you could be more wrong if you tried.

Federal contracts, by law, get spread out throughout the community.

Construction contracts employ many smaller contractors and sub-contractors.

Even things like contracts to supply forms and paper get divided up among many companies.

You have no phucking idea what you are talking about.

But then, you're a right winger so why would we expect any better?


But, from there, there needs to be close scrutiny of how this money makes it's way "back into the system". When we pay for infrastructure, who gets those bids ? Big companies with high paid CEO's. Essentially, more wealth distribution back into the hands of the rich.

The contracts and legal issues don't allow small guys to play. The deck is already stacked in the favor of the rich.

How am I a right winger. Please explain the basis of that statement ?

Let's see it.

C'mon Arizona Willie ....lets see your proof.

You moron.

Would a right winger start this thread ?

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Liberals/Socialists/Progressives/Communists hate both the middle class and the working class because...

they HATE the "wealthy class".

Go back to school you stupid fuck. :slap:

If you look at my posting history...that isn't me.

I am not a progressive.

But the article raises an issue I've had for a long time. The wealthy class link up with the governing class and together they screw us.

There is tons of money in D.C. It's a huge rapefest.
My attitude in life has been that no amount of beat-down is going to keep me down.

It's how I've survived for 60 years.

You covet the riches of others, I build strength in my own riches. Which, BTW, do not include money.

I agree.

Every time I see a thread on the rich and how they have made all their money on the backs of the middle class I want to LMAO.

All I see from the posters is a bunch of jealous fucks who wish they were all rich.

I too have my own wealth and it ain't money baby.

This isn't about how the rich made their money on the backs of the middle class.

This is about how the government colludes (somewhat unknowingly) with big business to create barriers to entry.

This thread has turned into the same stupid light beer commercial every other thread turns into.

Don't hate the rich.

Hate the Govt. and it tax loopholes, tax breaks and everything else they offer companies and the rich.

Don't know about you but if I were rich I'd take every advantage I could get. Just human nature.
No, the OP is wondering why so many people who work at convenience stores making 24K support the Republicans who won't pay them a decent wage.

That's the mystery.

Once people get up to making 200K or so, I can understand they have aspirations of becoming uber wealthy.

But poor people have as much chance of becoming wealthy, especially under Republicans, as they do of winning the Lottery twice on the same day and then being hit by lightening and surviving.

Poor people voting Republican is the mystery.

200K ain't poor.


Everyone strives to become wealthy in the greatest Country in the world. Why does the left, especially the wealthy elitist left, want to demonize people who work their asses off for maybe 200k gross income? All republicans want to do is trim the size of government and allow people to become wealthy without idiots like Obama, who never had a real job, picking their pockets for programs that are designed to keep Blacks in poverty and dependent on government.

In part you are correct.

But the OP also wonders why the left wing allows government to continue to prevent people from opening their own convenience store.

Try borrowing money to open one under the new regs.

Banks hide behind them all the time....to prevent you from getting at that cash.
Liberals/Socialists/Progressives/Communists hate both the middle class and the working class because...

they HATE the "wealthy class".

Go back to school you stupid fuck. :slap:

If you look at my posting history...that isn't me.

I am not a progressive.

But the article raises an issue I've had for a long time. The wealthy class link up with the governing class and together they screw us.

There is tons of money in D.C. It's a huge rapefest.
My attitude in life has been that no amount of beat-down is going to keep me down.

It's how I've survived for 60 years.

You covet the riches of others, I build strength in my own riches. Which, BTW, do not include money.

I agree.

Every time I see a thread on the rich and how they have made all their money on the backs of the middle class I want to LMAO.

All I see from the posters is a bunch of jealous fucks who wish they were all rich.

I too have my own wealth and it ain't money baby.

This isn't about how the rich made their money on the backs of the middle class.

This is about how the government colludes (somewhat unknowingly) with big business to create barriers to entry.

This thread has turned into the same stupid light beer commercial every other thread turns into.

Don't hate the rich.

Hate the Govt. and it tax loopholes, tax breaks and everything else they offer companies and the rich.

Don't know about you but if I were rich I'd take every advantage I could get. Just human nature.

Please please please please tell me how this is about hating the rich.

I don't hate them, I would like to join them.

All I am saying is that it is tougher today thanks to government.

We have more government now that we've had in a long time...and yet the left screams and yells about a lack of mobility.

What gives ?
Thom Hartmann: How America Killed Its Middle Class

Not a big fan of Alternet.....but this one makes a statement I think begs a question.

Piketty is right, especially about the importance of high marginal tax rates and inheritance taxes being necessary for the creation of a middle class that includes working-class people. Progressive taxation, when done correctly, pushes wages down to working people and reduces the incentives for the very rich to pillage their companies or rip off their workers. After all, why take another billion when 91 percent of it just going to be paid in taxes?

This is the main reason why, when GM was our largest employer and our working class were also in the middle class, CEOs only took home 30 times what working people did. The top tax rate for all the time America's middle class was created was between 74 and 91 percent. Until, of course, Reagan dropped it to 28 percent and working people moved from the middle class to becoming the working poor.


So, as we continue to let the rich just go nuts...what is it that isn't there to prevent them.

Why does the far right vote to protect the interest of the rich ?

The answer lies, in part, in the fact that the far left is no better. First, they suck off the rich like others.

Next, they won't make a rational case. They need conservatives to join them. And yet they, like some of the assholes on this board, do nothing but antagonize them.

And the rich just eat it up......


This thread originally got moved to Europe because I led in with an article about the European middle class.

But the comparison is bright as the day is long.

I bash the left.

I bash the right.

Regardless, this is a huge issue in my mind.

Now, if the left starts squawking about how the rich screw them over...I'd ask how they get away with it. They only get away with it because the government protects them.

The right yells...hands off. But this article flies in the face of that.
Why does the left defend the sloths?
I don't believe you could be more wrong if you tried.

Federal contracts, by law, get spread out throughout the community.

Construction contracts employ many smaller contractors and sub-contractors.

Even things like contracts to supply forms and paper get divided up among many companies.

You have no phucking idea what you are talking about.

But then, you're a right winger so why would we expect any better?


But, from there, there needs to be close scrutiny of how this money makes it's way "back into the system". When we pay for infrastructure, who gets those bids ? Big companies with high paid CEO's. Essentially, more wealth distribution back into the hands of the rich.

The contracts and legal issues don't allow small guys to play. The deck is already stacked in the favor of the rich.

First, you are not addressing the issue I raised. Those contracts and subcontracts go out through "managing contractors". They make big bucks and control things pretty tightly.

Next, they give the bids to the people they pick.

There are plenty of contractors out there who've gotten rich off of government contracts. And they are using slave labor to exectute them.

Me thinks you let your gate hit you in the head one to many times.
Thom Hartmann: How America Killed Its Middle Class

Not a big fan of Alternet.....but this one makes a statement I think begs a question.

Piketty is right, especially about the importance of high marginal tax rates and inheritance taxes being necessary for the creation of a middle class that includes working-class people. Progressive taxation, when done correctly, pushes wages down to working people and reduces the incentives for the very rich to pillage their companies or rip off their workers. After all, why take another billion when 91 percent of it just going to be paid in taxes?

This is the main reason why, when GM was our largest employer and our working class were also in the middle class, CEOs only took home 30 times what working people did. The top tax rate for all the time America's middle class was created was between 74 and 91 percent. Until, of course, Reagan dropped it to 28 percent and working people moved from the middle class to becoming the working poor.


So, as we continue to let the rich just go nuts...what is it that isn't there to prevent them.

Why does the far right vote to protect the interest of the rich ?

The answer lies, in part, in the fact that the far left is no better. First, they suck off the rich like others.

Next, they won't make a rational case. They need conservatives to join them. And yet they, like some of the assholes on this board, do nothing but antagonize them.

And the rich just eat it up......


This thread originally got moved to Europe because I led in with an article about the European middle class.

But the comparison is bright as the day is long.

I bash the left.

I bash the right.

Regardless, this is a huge issue in my mind.

Now, if the left starts squawking about how the rich screw them over...I'd ask how they get away with it. They only get away with it because the government protects them.

The right yells...hands off. But this article flies in the face of that.
Why does the left defend the sloths?

The more complex discussion is around the formation and maintenance of the middle class.

Somehow, the left things Obama will save it while he and Reid (a very wealthy Reid) are only adding to wage compression.
MOST of the uber wealthy, like Trump and Romney, INHERITED their wealth.



Yes there are exceptions such as Jobs who created wildly successful companies.

But they are a distinct minority when it comes to the super rich club.

Most of the wealthy inherited it.

I don't believe I am jealous.

I retired when I was 54.

I live in a gated community with private security.

I've lived a damn good life but I was one of the LUCKY ones.

Oh let's see what do the rich receive that the poorer people don't?

How about gated estates with their private security?

How about yachts?

How about Around the World Cruises for their whole family?

How about private Chefs and Dieticians who work ONLY for their family?

How many of those things DO YOU HAVE?


please list the items in society that the rich are receiving in greater quantities than those that make less.
Try to keep it to real tangible assets.
This shows some serious jealousy on your part.
Gated estate with private security. They pay for that with money they earned from working
yachts? they payed for that with money they earned from working
Cruises? they paid for that with money they earned from working
Chefs? I think they paid for that with money the earned from working.
See a common thing here?
but, did they pay to have that estate built? do the pay someone to maintain it? pay for the security?
Did someone go to work and build that yacht? how about all the people that work at factories that supply components for that yacht
How many people are employed by Cruise lines that are collecting a paycheck because some people can afford to travel.
Do you think the Chef makes more than he would at McDonalds?
These are not things provided by society, these are things that help society by putting people to work in the respective industries.
God bless the rich guys that can afford to support all of these people and keep them employed.
Try again, you failed to show anything with substance.
I knew the inherited part would come up.
so tell me, what is it about someone that makes them think they have any right to someone elses money?
between savings, a couple (weak) investments and property I will leave better than a million in net worth to my daughter when I die, why does someone like Pooky in the ghetto that never did a damn thing in life have more or even any claim to that money over my own daughter?
As far as what Trump inherited? its a far cry less than what he has today, so obviously he earned what he has.
Jealousy is a terrible thing
oh, and I semi retired at 46, went to part time just to keep busy, I just last month retired at 55 and am back into college on a full time basis. You see, I'm tired of working in the field Ive been in since the early 80s, so Im not doing it any more, however I cant deal with not working so Im going to complete my Psych degree and see what I can do with that.
I guess you and I don't deserve anything we have either since we most likely have not worked for it.
MOST of the uber wealthy, like Trump and Romney, INHERITED their wealth.



Yes there are exceptions such as Jobs who created wildly successful companies.

But they are a distinct minority when it comes to the super rich club.

Most of the wealthy inherited it.

I don't believe I am jealous.

I retired when I was 54.

I live in a gated community with private security.

I've lived a damn good life but I was one of the LUCKY ones.

Private property has always been at the heart of this nation.

You want to take that from them. They'll just give it away early.

We don't need to take it. We need to allow people a chance to compete for it.

I watched a show the other night where a government asshole said,when confronted with the all the regs that were killing small businesses in one area......."They don't have a very good business model".

I would have decked the guy if I could have gotten at him.
Build a res
If the 1%'ers get 80% of the nations income they should pay 80% of the taxes.

Each income level should pay the same percentage in taxes( as a group ... not individuals ) that they get of the nations income.

If a group gets 80% of the income they pay 80% of the taxes it takes to run the country.
If a group gets 10% of the income they pay 10% of the taxes it takes to run the country.

The wealthy receive far more FROM society therefore they owe more TO society.

What could be more fair than that?


All men are created equal, and that means they should have equal protection, equal taxes and equal opportunity to either excel or fail.
you can't claim equality if you start to punish someone simply because they took the initiative to succeed in life.
Besides, today its those that make a million, when that fails to supply enough revenue it will be those that make over 500k, when that fails it might be 250, then 100 then those 30 or 40 people that are still middle class and not in poverty.

Please provide the income distribution as you see it.

Right now, something like 45% of the people in this country pay no taxes. They have SOME income. According to your model (even if it were only 2%), they should be paying 2% of the taxes.

And I agree.
On second thought, don't go back to school. Just get a fucking job.

I do have a job.

It pays well and I have my own insurance.

I have many friends who try to start small businesses and the government has made it very tough for them.

That is government along with the wealthy class.

I don't believe the wealthy class does this maliciously. I think they simply see it as business.

Starting a small business is easy. Unless you can be specific about how tha government made it tough for your friends, you are guilty of bullshit again.

I know people who have a local dairy.

They had it at the size they wanted. The cost of regulation (selling milk) forced them to expand so they could cover the costs of running it through an economy of scale.

I want safe milk as much as the next guy. They didn't really wind up doing much more to protect milk. They just had a ton of legal requirements (i.e. paperwork).

They expanded buy buying out some other dairies that simply tossed in the towel.

Good job FDA !
And, of course....if you want to get bigger...you'll come to the Obamacare hurdle.

Not that it hurts the smallest (it lets them off the hook..arbitrarily...why not 100 employees), but don't try to get bigger.
Oh, and can we talk about employees......

Two people start a business and then decide to expand. Now they have to hire.....

Let's see.....

Government now wants you to pay for their leave at some level.

You want to offer them full time....but watch out because once they are in (and heaven forbid they are a minority....past the probationary period).....you'll have a good time.
Oh, and can we talk about employees......

Two people start a business and then decide to expand. Now they have to hire.....

Let's see.....

Government now wants you to pay for their leave at some level.

You want to offer them full time....but watch out because once they are in (and heaven forbid they are a minority....past the probationary period).....you'll have a good time.
What do you mean if they are a minority, does your company ever plan to do business with the government? then they are a minority.
Corporate Propaganda. They truly believe it's their solemn duty to worship Corporate Fatcats. They really believe they're the 'Good Guys'. At the same time, they believe poor struggling Americans are the 'Bad Guys.'

It's very warped greedy thinking. It's similar to India's Caste System. The poor are considered 'Untouchables.' They're simply all in on the Corporate Propaganda.
You sure do display a lot of anger for someone who has been so successful.

You post the same kind of crap that gas station attendant Republicans do.

MOST of the uber wealthy, like Trump and Romney, INHERITED their wealth.



Yes there are exceptions such as Jobs who created wildly successful companies.

But they are a distinct minority when it comes to the super rich club.

Most of the wealthy inherited it.

I don't believe I am jealous.

I retired when I was 54.

I live in a gated community with private security.

I've lived a damn good life but I was one of the LUCKY ones.

Private property has always been at the heart of this nation.

You want to take that from them. They'll just give it away early.

We don't need to take it. We need to allow people a chance to compete for it.

I watched a show the other night where a government asshole said,when confronted with the all the regs that were killing small businesses in one area......."They don't have a very good business model".

I would have decked the guy if I could have gotten at him.
Oh let's see what do the rich receive that the poorer people don't?

How about gated estates with their private security?

How about yachts?

How about Around the World Cruises for their whole family?

How about private Chefs and Dieticians who work ONLY for their family?

How many of those things DO YOU HAVE?


please list the items in society that the rich are receiving in greater quantities than those that make less.
Try to keep it to real tangible assets.
This shows some serious jealousy on your part.
Gated estate with private security. They pay for that with money they earned from working
yachts? they payed for that with money they earned from working
Cruises? they paid for that with money they earned from working
Chefs? I think they paid for that with money the earned from working.
See a common thing here?
but, did they pay to have that estate built? do the pay someone to maintain it? pay for the security?
Did someone go to work and build that yacht? how about all the people that work at factories that supply components for that yacht
How many people are employed by Cruise lines that are collecting a paycheck because some people can afford to travel.
Do you think the Chef makes more than he would at McDonalds?
These are not things provided by society, these are things that help society by putting people to work in the respective industries.
God bless the rich guys that can afford to support all of these people and keep them employed.
Try again, you failed to show anything with substance.


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