Why does the right defend the wealthy class

Why does the right defend the wealthy class

when has the right been defending the likes of

the obamas the clintons the buffet family harry reid

or that GEORGE SOROS character
What a dumb conversation.

Why does the Dems buy Unions with tax payer money?

Why do the Dems buy the poor with welfare?

The leaders of the democrats are no different than the leaders of the Republicans.

Look how wealthy the Clintons are.

Remember Michelle's job at 300 K which was not replaced. Hubby was pretty instrumental at getting the place that hired her a nice fat grant.

Pat Roberts (Kansas) has been in congress for almost 50 years.

He does not even live there.

Everyone strives to become wealthy in the greatest Country in the world. Why does the left, especially the wealthy elitist left, want to demonize people who work their asses off for maybe 200k gross income? All republicans want to do is trim the size of government and allow people to become wealthy without idiots like Obama, who never had a real job, picking their pockets for programs that are designed to keep Blacks in poverty and dependent on government.

Thom Hartmann: How America Killed Its Middle Class

Not a big fan of Alternet.....but this one makes a statement I think begs a question.

Piketty is right, especially about the importance of high marginal tax rates and inheritance taxes being necessary for the creation of a middle class that includes working-class people. Progressive taxation, when done correctly, pushes wages down to working people and reduces the incentives for the very rich to pillage their companies or rip off their workers. After all, why take another billion when 91 percent of it just going to be paid in taxes?

This is the main reason why, when GM was our largest employer and our working class were also in the middle class, CEOs only took home 30 times what working people did. The top tax rate for all the time America's middle class was created was between 74 and 91 percent. Until, of course, Reagan dropped it to 28 percent and working people moved from the middle class to becoming the working poor.


So, as we continue to let the rich just go nuts...what is it that isn't there to prevent them.

Why does the far right vote to protect the interest of the rich ?

The answer lies, in part, in the fact that the far left is no better. First, they suck off the rich like others.

Next, they won't make a rational case. They need conservatives to join them. And yet they, like some of the assholes on this board, do nothing but antagonize them.

And the rich just eat it up......


This thread originally got moved to Europe because I led in with an article about the European middle class.

But the comparison is bright as the day is long.

I bash the left.

I bash the right.

Regardless, this is a huge issue in my mind.

Now, if the left starts squawking about how the rich screw them over...I'd ask how they get away with it. They only get away with it because the government protects them.

The right yells...hands off. But this article flies in the face of that.

We aren't defending one class, we dont' have "classes" in this country we have individuals....we believe in equality before the law, and we don't want individuals targeted for more wealth confiscation simply because they are successful. The left targets anyone they can single out...and the successful are easy targets because the left appeals to the most base of emotions....jealousy, hate, envy, greed.....and then they use those emotions to take money from the people they hate....anyone who makes 1 dollar more than they do.

The American conservatives, libertarians, Tea Party members believe in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence. We believe that all men and women are created equal and have a right to equal justice before the law. That means we don't target people simply because they are easy targets.

High tax rates and inheretence taxes....are simply a means for politicians to grow their own wealth and power by taking money from the people who earned it and taking it away from the people who were meant to have it. When you have low tax rates..more people can become wealthy.....when you have high tax rates, then that limits the ability of the poor to get out of poverty. When you take the money from someone who is rich just because they died.....where is the morality in that. It then goes to greedy, corrupt politicians who simply use it to empower themselves.

I want that money to go to whoever the person who earned wants it to go to...why is that wrong...and don't give me any crap about we don't want dynasties in this country.....that is just a justification for stealing someone elses property.


Adam Smith, Thomas Jefferson, and other fellow travelers

If there was one thing the Revolutionary generation agreed on — and those guys who dress up like them at Tea Party conventions most definitely do not — it was the incompatibility of democracy and inherited wealth.

With Thomas Jefferson taking the lead in the Virginia legislature in 1777, every Revolutionary state government abolished the laws of primogeniture and entail that had served to perpetuate the concentration of inherited property. Jefferson cited Adam Smith, the hero of free market capitalists everywhere, as the source of his conviction that (as Smith wrote, and Jefferson closely echoed in his own words), "A power to dispose of estates for ever is manifestly absurd. The earth and the fulness of it belongs to every generation, and the preceding one can have no right to bind it up from posterity. Such extension of property is quite unnatural." Smith said: "There is no point more difficult to account for than the right we conceive men to have to dispose of their goods after death."

The states left no doubt that in taking this step they were giving expression to a basic and widely shared philosophical belief that equality of citizenship was impossible in a nation where inequality of wealth remained the rule.
Liberals/Socialists/Progressives/Communists hate both the middle class and the working class because...

they HATE the "wealthy class".

Go back to school you stupid fuck. :slap:

If you look at my posting history...that isn't me.

I am not a progressive.

But the article raises an issue I've had for a long time. The wealthy class link up with the governing class and together they screw us.

There is tons of money in D.C. It's a huge rapefest.

there are very wealthy liberals such as George Soros, Warren Buffett. A significant portion of the wealthy are very left of center. Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates are two more. They and others benefit from laws that allow business's to pay immigrant workers half of what American citizens would make. This is true in agriculture, tech jobs and other areas. Much of the multinational business class are not right of center.

I agree.

They are on top of money.

They use the system to their advantage.

I am asking why we allow this to happen.

Basic economics teaches that things work best when there are low or no barriers to entry.

Big business is good at using government to create huge barriers to entry.

then you get rid of big goverment...since big government and big business are best friends.....and increasing taxes only helps big business because it interferes with the people trying to compete against the big companies....the big company can absorb the hit....by using their influence to get breaks, the little guy can't..that is why buffet, gates and the others want high taxes...it keeps those guys starting out in their garage from becoming a threat...since just as they are about to become a threat...they get hit with massive taxes they have to deal with.

A low, flat or sales tax allows more people to move up and down the economic ladder....

".since just as they are about to become a threat...they get hit with massive taxes they have to deal with."



My neighbor isn't a different class of person simply because he makes more or less money than I do. Class divisions are a figment of the imagination of politicians trying to divide us.
While Pubs have been killing you and your friends and family for 30 years. See sig for 30 years of voodoo.

Obama has done nothing to help the middle class.

You really are stupid.

I'll, again, invite you to refrain from posting. You do nothing but piss off the adults making it harder to have a rationale conversation.

KEEPING US OUT OF A SECOND GOP GREAT DEPRESSION? Lowering the deficits by 2/3rds? Having 17+ million insured? Having 12+ million PRIVATE sector jobs created since hitting Bush's bottom the same month as Obamacares was passed?

It is the norm for all human societies.

They start out with most people fairly even monetarily. Over time, a few gather wealth to themselves and they start gaming the system to make themselves even wealthier and keep the masses stagnant cheap paid workers.

As this wealth gap widens the masses, over time, grow ever more angry and tired of a few and their families having all good things that the whole society produces and the masses having almost nothing.

Then you have revolution, the wealthy are killed and possession and land dispersed, and the whole system starts over again.

The advent of media, like tv and radio, has made it much simpler for the few to brainwash and manipulate the many, which wasn't that hard to begin with but modern media has an exponential forcing effect on propaganda.

To figure out which part of society is most easily brainwashed and manipulated into action that is against their own best interest look no further than which media outlets use fear and induce anger to get their followers to 'hate' the 'other'.

I won't name any of them but it isn't an even dispersal of such propaganda by a long shot. One side uses fear as a drug dealer uses crack as an inticement.

What a crock.

The number of people exposed to this so called media is a small percentage in total.

There are predisposed notions that people have that they cling to.

When attacked (and both sides attack each other with alacrity), they withdraw.

Trust is low.

And the power brokers win.

One side ??? You can't be serious.

Yes all of life is an absolute balance and everyone is guilty of everything equally and there is never a right side to an argument and no one is ever wrong and no one is ever right and its all just a stew of crap that no one can decipher and nothing new has taken place the last 25 years and everything is just as it was since the beginning of time.

That seems to make you feel good so you stick with that Percy.

Was it a mistake to post more than one sentence ?

Seems you lost it.
My neighbor isn't a different class of person simply because he makes more or less money than I do. Class divisions are a figment of the imagination of politicians trying to divide us.

There is clearly a wealthy class.

Sorry to break it to you.

Are they evil: No

They simply control a lot of money. And they work to control more (probably more out of competition with each other). It's just what they do.

And controlling government controls money.

Get used to the idea.

Sorry but that's simply not true. It's a construct of pride. All men are created equal. And I have no desire to hurt or punish someone simply because they might have more money than me.

This isn't about hurting or punishing someone. It is about acknowledging that big business and government are the same.

They work together (without realizing it) and the small guy gets hurt.

It isn't malicious....it just is.
Newsflash the wealthy don't have enough money to fund half the country sitting around on their fat lard asses not working.

Nobody does. Nor should they.

What is so funny is to see morons like Frankie yell and scream about "pubs" (ranting about Fox News) all the while acting like he is intraveinously being fed crap from the far left Nazi's.....

Both parties suck.
My neighbor isn't a different class of person simply because he makes more or less money than I do. Class divisions are a figment of the imagination of politicians trying to divide us.
While Pubs have been killing you and your friends and family for 30 years. See sig for 30 years of voodoo.

Obama has done nothing to help the middle class.

You really are stupid.

I'll, again, invite you to refrain from posting. You do nothing but piss off the adults making it harder to have a rationale conversation.

KEEPING US OUT OF A SECOND GOP GREAT DEPRESSION? Lowering the deficits by 2/3rds? Having 17+ million insured? Having 12+ million PRIVATE sector jobs created since hitting Bush's bottom the same month as Obamacares was passed?


More Than 9 Million Newly Insured
Posted on February 13, 2014

Top Democrats, including President Obama, have credited the Affordable Care Act for more than 9 million Americans obtaining health insurance. But that’s an exaggerated figure that includes individuals who renewed their existing insurance plans through Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program. It also includes previously insured individuals who switched to plans offered on the state and federal exchanges.

In early January, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said “right now, as we speak, there are 9 million Americans … who have health care that didn’t have it before.” Later that month, in his State of the Union address, President Obama said “because of the Affordable Care Act … more than 9 million Americans have signed up for private health insurance or Medicaid coverage.” And on Feb. 9, Dick Durbin, the second-ranking Democrat in the Senate, increased the figure, saying that “[t]he bottom line is this: 10 million Americans have health insurance today who would not have had it without the Affordable Care Act.”

When Reid made his claim, the 9 million Americans included: 2.1 million who had selected plans on the federal or state insurance marketplaces, or exchanges; 3.9 million who were determined to be eligible for Medicaid and CHIP; and an estimated 3.1 million young adults under the age of 26 who were able to join their parents’ policies as a result of the ACA.

Indeed, a Feb. 5 report from Avalere Health, a health care industry consulting firm, estimated that most of the Medicaid and CHIP determinations were not new enrollees due to the law. Avalere estimated that between 1.1 million and 1.8 million enrolled because of the health care law. The firm compared the October through December Medicaid and CHIP numbers from CMS to the average monthly number of applications in July through September 2013.

More Than 9 Million Newly Insured
Newsflash the wealthy don't have enough money to fund half the country sitting around on their fat lard asses not working.

Nobody does. Nor should they.

What is so funny is to see morons like Frankie yell and scream about "pubs" (ranting about Fox News) all the while acting like he is intraveinously being fed crap from the far left Nazi's.....

Both parties suck.

Both parties suck, but CONservative ideology is the ONLY failure..

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