Why does TRUMP get blamed for Wall not being done? Now, in time for the election, democrats..

I don't recall this. Show some proof of what you say.

I have been following news for a LONG time now, and again, do not recall this.

And I do not accept "verification" (ha ha) from cnn and co.

You want me to show proof of something that did not happen.

Seems a tad impossible.
Trump won not just the WH, but the House and then Senate for 2017 - 2018. Those years were the time to build the wall.
I recall him trying to do that and being blocked by the dimwits dims

Again, I can't watch news 24/7. Who can?

If I have missed some fact or another, let me (and everyone else) know.

Other than that, I don't need short, say-nothing opinionized sentences...

So far, I have NO proof that Trump evaded fulfilling his wall promise.

sheez... so much wasted time here at the forum...

people say this and that and never give a damn bit of evidence.. like we're just supposed to believe whatever some stranger says... Please
I recall him trying to do that and being blocked by the dimwits dims

Again, I can't watch news 24/7. Who can?

If I have missed some fact or another, let me (and everyone else) know.

Other than that, I don't need short, say-nothing opinionized sentences...

So far, I have NO proof that Trump evaded fulfilling his wall promise.

sheez... so much wasted time here at the forum...

people say this and that and never give a damn bit of evidence.. like we're just supposed to believe whatever some stranger says... Please
Yeah, there were a lot of barriers to building the wall (pun intended). The Dems did not block him in 2017 and 2018, as far as I know. If they did, I'm open to facts. I also didn't watch the new 24/7.

He got enough funding from the GOP-held House and Senate to build the wall over half of the length of the border. Very little was built. He was in charge, so what happened?

It isn't as if building a border wall is impossible. Our government built Jordan a very nice and effective border wall on their border with Syria as I pointed out in this thread:

It requires the political will to do it when you are in power. Maybe it was the Reps that tripped Trump up. Maybe the courts.

Ann Coulter has her take on it:

If he runs in 2024 on "I'll build the wall," will you say, "Oh, good! We're going to have a wall?"
that's insane

I wouldn't wish another 4 yrs w/ that... *&^%$ as pres on my worst enemy

I'm not wishing it upon them...they voted for it themselves.

Why should I feel sorry for them? They did it to themselves. They continue to do it to themselves.
Yeah, there were a lot of barriers to building the wall (pun intended). The Dems did not block him in 2017 and 2018, as far as I know. If they did, I'm open to facts. I also didn't watch the new 24/7.

He got enough funding from the GOP-held House and Senate to build the wall over half of the length of the border. Very little was built. He was in charge, so what happened?

It isn't as if building a border wall is impossible. Our government built Jordan a very nice and effective border wall on their border with Syria as I pointed out in this thread:

It requires the political will to do it when you are in power. Maybe it was the Reps that tripped Trump up. Maybe the courts.

Ann Coulter has her take on it:

If he runs in 2024 on "I'll build the wall," will you say, "Oh, good! We're going to have a wall?"

I don't like Ann Coulter

But if what she says here is true...

all the more reason to vote for DeS

however, i am researching what she asserts

This site goes on an on about how Trump changed hisfigures. Big freaking deal! Was he supposed to be God on Day One of his inauguration and know all things RE the border? He had his experts do the research and so that is why his figures changed, according to INFO. What a shock!

Obviously, I don't trust this site called FactCheck because it seems liberal to me. They make everything Trump did look nefarious (liberals, that is.. not too familiar w/ that site)

so anyhow, so far my research (Ann Coulter notwithstanding) shows me that Trump did try to get this wall built.

He cannot do such htings all by himself. Land apparently had to be "condemned"??? I don't u/stand that one. Whatever happened t o imminent domain?

I posted something here and it just disappeared... figures

In any case, I posted FactCheck site

and according to them and yours truly Trump did work on the wall. He was thwarted by many things..

One thing was condemning land! but what about imminent domain?

That is something no news people are explaining... There is a lot the news folks are not explaining.

Now we'll see if this post gets erased a;so
so now my previous post appears


also it is Eminent domain with an E
It’s Trump’s fault the Biden administration reversed Trump administration policies.

Here is more info on eminent domain frm a site I trust... at least somewhat..

my comments so far on Trump "not succeeding with the wall" (as per lib talking point) are:

I say he tried to get the wall built, and something like 400+ miles were actually built, but laws and libs and Rinos got in the way...

That's America
It’s Trump’s fault the Biden administration reversed Trump administration policies.
everything is bidim's fault

at this point

Trump has been out of office for some time.. can't blame him for high gas prices, inflation and dumbass regulations and the invaders at the border.. etc... etc..

but the sicko libs always do anyway.

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