Why Does Trump Lie So Much? Is It Good Politics?

So, the question so many trump fans are trying to avoid is, why does trump lie so much. None of those trump fans is able to articulate a pragmatic reason. The best they can do is deflects to Obama and or others and attempt to change the subject.
They know trump is a liar and they can not defend him.
He doesn't, he exaggerates, we know you lefties don't know the difference......Instead of being literal with Trump, why don't you become literal with the Bible or the Constitution.....that'd be great
He doesn’t exaggerate

He ignores the truth and provides alternative realities in their place
HAHA lefties saying anyone ignoring the truth is hilarious......when they are still in denial over the 2016 election.
I believe Trumps lie was pulled from the conservative conspiracy sites that he frequents. The claim of dancing Muslims was common among conservatives at the time. I read the claim on this board frequently

For Trump to repeat the lie is understandable. But he said he personally saw it....that is untrue. But once he was informed it was not true and no network had reported it, he was obligated to admit he was wrong. Instead he sought to confirm his lie
Kovaleski was caught in his wrath
I personally saw the muslims dancing on 9/11.
You did?

And you didn’t bother to take a picture?
Saw it on the TV news, personally.
No you didn't. All TV broadcast stations record their broadcast, especially an event like 9/11. Plus, no reporters or camera persons have ever come forward and substantiated the claim. No TV network has ever come forward and substantiated the claim. That video would be worth millions to any broadcast network that had it.
You did not see what you are claiming. You may have seen a celebration by Palestinians in Jerusalem but you did not see a celebration of Muslims in the streets of NJ.

This makes everything you say suspect.
I saw muslims celebrating the murder of over 3000 people, period. I could not care less where they were. Why do you defend murderers? What is it about Islam that turns you on? Why? People demand to know.
The topic is about trump tell lies and why he tells those lies.

Your use of Muslim terrorist to represent all Muslims is immature and silly. White Christians are responsible for slaughtering school kids from little 6 year olds to year olds to teans. Should we blame all white Christians?
I believe Trumps lie was pulled from the conservative conspiracy sites that he frequents. The claim of dancing Muslims was common among conservatives at the time. I read the claim on this board frequently

For Trump to repeat the lie is understandable. But he said he personally saw it....that is untrue. But once he was informed it was not true and no network had reported it, he was obligated to admit he was wrong. Instead he sought to confirm his lie
Kovaleski was caught in his wrath
I personally saw the muslims dancing on 9/11.
You did?

And you didn’t bother to take a picture?
Saw it on the TV news, personally.
No you didn't. All TV broadcast stations record their broadcast, especially an event like 9/11. Plus, no reporters or camera persons have ever come forward and substantiated the claim. No TV network has ever come forward and substantiated the claim. That video would be worth millions to any broadcast network that had it.
You did not see what you are claiming. You may have seen a celebration by Palestinians in Jerusalem but you did not see a celebration of Muslims in the streets of NJ.

This makes everything you say suspect.
I saw muslims celebrating the murder of over 3000 people, period. I could not care less where they were. Why do you defend murderers? What is it about Islam that turns you on? Why? People demand to know.
They hate capitalism and America as much as he does.....
Prove that trump apologized for the lie you now admit he told by some kind of mistake or blaming on old age.

I believe Trumps lie was pulled from the conservative conspiracy sites that he frequents. The claim of dancing Muslims was common among conservatives at the time. I read the claim on this board frequently

For Trump to repeat the lie is understandable. But he said he personally saw it....that is untrue. But once he was informed it was not true and no network had reported it, he was obligated to admit he was wrong. Instead he sought to confirm his lie
Kovaleski was caught in his wrath
I personally saw the muslims dancing on 9/11.
You did?

And you didn’t bother to take a picture?
Saw it on the TV news, personally.
No you didn't. All TV broadcast stations record their broadcast, especially an event like 9/11. Plus, no reporters or camera persons have ever come forward and substantiated the claim. No TV network has ever come forward and substantiated the claim. That video would be worth millions to any broadcast network that had it.
You did not see what you are claiming. You may have seen a celebration by Palestinians in Jerusalem but you did not see a celebration of Muslims in the streets of NJ.

This makes everything you say suspect.
Except people like you love the Palestinians and their terrorist groups and leaders. It's hilarious, you lefties just cried because Paletstinians, who use kids and women as shields to die for propaganda purposes, made you feel sad and blame the Jews......either you guys really love the Palestinians and their hate or
I personally saw the muslims dancing on 9/11.
You did?

And you didn’t bother to take a picture?
Saw it on the TV news, personally.
No you didn't. All TV broadcast stations record their broadcast, especially an event like 9/11. Plus, no reporters or camera persons have ever come forward and substantiated the claim. No TV network has ever come forward and substantiated the claim. That video would be worth millions to any broadcast network that had it.
You did not see what you are claiming. You may have seen a celebration by Palestinians in Jerusalem but you did not see a celebration of Muslims in the streets of NJ.

This makes everything you say suspect.
I saw muslims celebrating the murder of over 3000 people, period. I could not care less where they were. Why do you defend murderers? What is it about Islam that turns you on? Why? People demand to know.
They hate capitalism and America as much as he does.....
You two are not wise enough, witty enough and to cowardly to address the topic of this thread. That is why all your efforts are directed towards changing the topic. Put more simply, you are a couple of cowardly dumb azzes.
So, the question so many trump fans are trying to avoid is, why does trump lie so much. None of those trump fans is able to articulate a pragmatic reason. The best they can do is deflects to Obama and or others and attempt to change the subject.
They know trump is a liar and they can not defend him.
He doesn't, he exaggerates, we know you lefties don't know the difference......Instead of being literal with Trump, why don't you become literal with the Bible or the Constitution.....that'd be great
He doesn’t exaggerate

He ignores the truth and provides alternative realities in their place
HAHA lefties saying anyone ignoring the truth is hilarious......when they are still in denial over the 2016 election.
Thanks for continuously bumping my thread and keeping the thread title on the front page. Also, thanks to all for giving me the smiley faces. They add to my ratings.
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Why does trump still lie about not supporting the war in Iraq before it began. He is on record saying he "guessed he was in favor" of the war before the war began. He is recorded saying that during an interview on radio. A proven lie.
So, the question so many trump fans are trying to avoid is, why does trump lie so much. None of those trump fans is able to articulate a pragmatic reason. The best they can do is deflects to Obama and or others and attempt to change the subject.
They know trump is a liar and they can not defend him.
He doesn't, he exaggerates, we know you lefties don't know the difference......Instead of being literal with Trump, why don't you become literal with the Bible or the Constitution.....that'd be great
He doesn’t exaggerate

He ignores the truth and provides alternative realities in their place
HAHA lefties saying anyone ignoring the truth is hilarious......when they are still in denial over the 2016 election.
I personally saw the muslims dancing on 9/11.
You did?

And you didn’t bother to take a picture?
Saw it on the TV news, personally.
No you didn't. All TV broadcast stations record their broadcast, especially an event like 9/11. Plus, no reporters or camera persons have ever come forward and substantiated the claim. No TV network has ever come forward and substantiated the claim. That video would be worth millions to any broadcast network that had it.
You did not see what you are claiming. You may have seen a celebration by Palestinians in Jerusalem but you did not see a celebration of Muslims in the streets of NJ.

This makes everything you say suspect.
I saw muslims celebrating the murder of over 3000 people, period. I could not care less where they were. Why do you defend murderers? What is it about Islam that turns you on? Why? People demand to know.
The topic is about trump tell lies and why he tells those lies.

Your use of Muslim terrorist to represent all Muslims is immature and silly. White Christians are responsible for slaughtering school kids from little 6 year olds to year olds to teans. Should we blame all white Christians?
What white Christians are you talking about? Give me a link to that.
Trump lied about two weeks ago to military mom's. He told them at a White House event that he was giving the military the first raise in 10 years. Truth is they have gotten raises every year for the last 10 years, the biggest one being given by President Obama. So, why did Trump tell this particular lie to this particular group? Was he just using them for props so he could tell his whopper of a lie to his base?
Trump claimed he saw thousands of Muslims dancing in the streets of NJ on 9-11. It was a common myth among conservatives.
When informed that there is no record of that happening and no TV station covered it....Trump just doubled down on the lie....I saw it
Then he took an obscure article by Serge Kovaleski and claimed it affirmed what he had said. Kovaleski denied he had said anything like that and Trump called him a liar and mocked him for being crippled
"There were enough calls that it was disturbing," he said. "That's the only word I can use."

* Three additional officers who remain on the Jersey City force said they witnessed small groups of Muslim celebrants on Sept. 11, but they would not speak for attribution, citing a department policy that prohibits media interviews.

The officers, including a high-ranking official, said their reluctance to speak publicly also stemmed from concern they would run afoul of Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop, who has repeatedly said celebrations did not take place.

"I saw it with my own eyes," the ranking officer said. "In the end, police officers are professionals, so we just observed that stuff and sucked it up."

Eleven other officers claimed to have been witnesses to celebrations in postings on Facebook after Trump resurrected the issue, but they either declined to speak for attribution or did not return calls seeking comment

EXCLUSIVE: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say
Trump claimed he saw thousands of Muslims dancing in the streets of NJ on 9-11. It was a common myth among conservatives.
When informed that there is no record of that happening and no TV station covered it....Trump just doubled down on the lie....I saw it
Then he took an obscure article by Serge Kovaleski and claimed it affirmed what he had said. Kovaleski denied he had said anything like that and Trump called him a liar and mocked him for being crippled
"There were enough calls that it was disturbing," he said. "That's the only word I can use."

* Three additional officers who remain on the Jersey City force said they witnessed small groups of Muslim celebrants on Sept. 11, but they would not speak for attribution, citing a department policy that prohibits media interviews.

The officers, including a high-ranking official, said their reluctance to speak publicly also stemmed from concern they would run afoul of Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop, who has repeatedly said celebrations did not take place.

"I saw it with my own eyes," the ranking officer said. "In the end, police officers are professionals, so we just observed that stuff and sucked it up."

Eleven other officers claimed to have been witnesses to celebrations in postings on Facebook after Trump resurrected the issue, but they either declined to speak for attribution or did not return calls seeking comment

EXCLUSIVE: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say
How does that link in any way provide evidence that trump was not lying about seeing a TV broadcast of thousands of American Muslims celebrating in the streets of NJ? You are equating allegations by a handful of people of seeing handfuls of Muslims celebrating to thousands being broadcast on TV.
To me, the issue is, did Muslims in America CELEBRATE the murder of 3,000 Americans. Shouldn't have brought it up if you don't want the truth.
Btw, here's what Trump actually said, so quit lying yourself:

Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering,” Trump said at a campaign rally in Birmingham, Alabama on Nov. 19.
To me, the issue is, did Muslims in America CELEBRATE the murder of 3,000 Americans. Shouldn't have brought it up if you don't want the truth.
The issue is why did trump tell that lie. You have no good excuse so you have to change the question to fit your proposed answer. You are taking a question of objective facts and trying to change it to a question of subjective opinion. Your truth is not based of factual data, rather you pick a truth that can be based on your subjective opinions in part quantified with outright lies.

Fact, Donnie said he saw Muslims dancing and celebrating on 9/11 in NJ on a TV broadcast. He could not have seen such a broadcast because there was not one. He straight of lied and has never admitted the lie or tried to transform it into a mistake.
The issue is, why did Donnie lie?
To me, the issue is, did Muslims in America CELEBRATE the murder of 3,000 Americans. Shouldn't have brought it up if you don't want the truth.
The issue is why did trump tell that lie. You have no good excuse so you have to change the question to fit your proposed answer. You are taking a question of objective facts and trying to change it to a question of subjective opinion. Your truth is not based of factual data, rather you pick a truth that can be based on your subjective opinions in part quantified with outright lies.

Fact, Donnie said he saw Muslims dancing and celebrating on 9/11 in NJ on a TV broadcast. He could not have seen such a broadcast because there was not one. He straight of lied and has never admitted the lie or tried to transform it into a mistake.
The issue is, why did Donnie lie?[/QUOTE]

The MF'r just can't help himself! Even when he has legitimate good news he can't help but embellish or mislead like "it's the biggest, best," & the most significant "whatever" in the history of the country! :abgg2q.jpg: :2cents: :2up:
He probably conflated the small numbers he saw HERE, with the large numbers he saw from overseas.

Such memory mistakes are common with eyewitness reports, especially in old people.

And no one in their right mind apologizes to the Vile Left.

You people are just a Howling Mob.

You see any apology as a sign of weakness and just attack more.

You are vile like that.
Prove that trump apologized for the lie you now admit he told by some kind of mistake or blaming on old age.

I believe Trumps lie was pulled from the conservative conspiracy sites that he frequents. The claim of dancing Muslims was common among conservatives at the time. I read the claim on this board frequently

For Trump to repeat the lie is understandable. But he said he personally saw it....that is untrue. But once he was informed it was not true and no network had reported it, he was obligated to admit he was wrong. Instead he sought to confirm his lie
Kovaleski was caught in his wrath
I personally saw the muslims dancing on 9/11.
You did?

And you didn’t bother to take a picture?
Saw it on the TV news, personally.

In Jersey City?
You lie as bigly as Trump
Prove that trump apologized for the lie you now admit he told by some kind of mistake or blaming on old age.

I believe Trumps lie was pulled from the conservative conspiracy sites that he frequents. The claim of dancing Muslims was common among conservatives at the time. I read the claim on this board frequently

For Trump to repeat the lie is understandable. But he said he personally saw it....that is untrue. But once he was informed it was not true and no network had reported it, he was obligated to admit he was wrong. Instead he sought to confirm his lie
Kovaleski was caught in his wrath
I personally saw the muslims dancing on 9/11.
You did?

And you didn’t bother to take a picture?
Saw it on the TV news, personally.

In Jersey City?
You lie as bigly as Trump
Yup, I lie. You really don't care about lies. If you did, you would have been all over Obama. You care about your political agenda. We all do.
Everyone knows by now that President Trump lies everyday about matters major and matters trivial. Some think he has a mental illness that causes him to lie. Others think his lies are well thought out and planned for his propaganda purposes. Either one, the guy can not be trusted or believed about anything. He has turned the Presidency into a entity to be mocked and made fun of. Amazingly, folks who complained about a President having a sexual affair in the White House because it showed a lack of character and respect for the office of the President seem perfectly alright about a guy lying everyday to the public and citizens about anything and everything. He even lies about things that are easy to prove almost immediately after he tells the lie. He lies about things people say, even when videos easily prove he is lying.

So, why does Trump lie so much? Good politics or mental illness?
Did you ever even consider the fact that he's not lying?

Did you ever consider the fact that illegal aliens often rape rob, etc, ?????
Everyone knows by now that President Trump lies everyday about matters major and matters trivial. Some think he has a mental illness that causes him to lie. Others think his lies are well thought out and planned for his propaganda purposes. Either one, the guy can not be trusted or believed about anything. He has turned the Presidency into a entity to be mocked and made fun of. Amazingly, folks who complained about a President having a sexual affair in the White House because it showed a lack of character and respect for the office of the President seem perfectly alright about a guy lying everyday to the public and citizens about anything and everything. He even lies about things that are easy to prove almost immediately after he tells the lie. He lies about things people say, even when videos easily prove he is lying.

So, why does Trump lie so much? Good politics or mental illness?
Trump lies because it works for him.

There's a sucker born every minute, and Trump is their P.T. Barnum.
Thing is....he lies about things that are easily verified

While he is a prolific liar....he is not very good at it
He does not care. He has his own specific audience and those are the only ones he is interested in. Today it is about the 30%-40% of the population who make up the cult or lack the character to care.

A good liar tells lies that can’t be proven as false. A good liar gets away with it

Trumps lies are easily disproved.....but he just doubles down on the lie and his minions back it up
So your argument is obozo is a better liar? Who cares? A lie is a lie, and they’re both liars



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