Why doesn't meat help meat eaters be healthy?

Not true

There are sources of B12 that vegans can get that are not supplements.

Interestingly, a study in 2000 found that vitamin B12 from fortified foods was actually linked with a better B12 status than B12 intake from animal products.
You linked article suggests that most of the 'natural'l sources of B12 cited are a bit suspect. The only reliable source is the supplements.
We've been over this too, numerous times. As Christians, we are not supposed to embrace this fallen world, we are supposed to live according to GOD's perfect will, and want and pray for God's perfect will on earth as it is in heaven.

Your position is flatly unbiblical and unchristian.
The killing of massive numbers of animals in sacrificial rituals is very much Biblical. Even in the time of Christ. There is no scriptural imperative for abstaining from eating meat. The Spirit may have led you personally to veganism but not the church as a whole. Also, there is no scientific evidence that farm animals have changed from being 'brute'' beasts, created for 'destruction' (food and sacrifice for sin).

Here's a pretty good take on the subject from a biblical viewpoint.

"For why should my liberty be determined by someone else's conscience?"

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Where to begin with this! I mean listen to yourself… You act as if other species have no right to exist, unless they are only here for OUR own selfish reasons. That is the most anthropocentric, selfish, ignorant mindset. THAT is what is beyond the pale.

Having love and respect for other species is not virtue signaling, it sounds like your own conscience is bothering you so you feel the need to attack those of us who are saying things that provoke your conscience. (actually that would not be us, we're just stating facts, if anything its the HS) Either that or you're just trolling.
You keep piling delusions into your posts. Whyzat?

I love animals, and when I hunt, I try to make quick, clean kills so there's little suffering. Also, as arrow-killed deer die by hemorrhaging and not by shock they often don't realize that they are bleeding. Some have been observed continuing to graze peacefully until they finally succumb. When I used to hunt squirrels I would only take head shots. The squirrels never knew what hit them.
That is so blatantly incorrect I'm amazed any Christian would state that. By that logic, Christians should just throw their arms up in the air and live just as the world lives. Let's all go back to drinking, partying, doing all the things everyone else in the world does and be no different! lol! Why aim for God's perfect will if only the return of Jesus will bring God's will to the earth?

God's will is very much present in my life.

We are in the church age, where only a few are chosen out of many who are called. If it were God's will that I stop eating meat I would know about it.
What claim? That animals cry out for mercy? Again, I was talking about factory farms. I can post video footage if you want.

How can you eat plants? They are screaming in agony!
Yours is the offbeat position. The reality is that we are going to raise, kill, and eat many more critters than we now do regardless of increasing numbers of those who experiment with veganism. You have expressed your ideal, which is unrealistic. I have presented my ideal which is realistic but will never see the light of day. But, it doesn't bother me as I can't do anything meaningful about it, except to satisfy myself in this regard.
This is NOT a Christian position. It comes from another source.
Then you didn't know too many vegans.

The only thing vegans need to supplement is B 12 everything else can be had with a proper diet of whole foods not processed crap
Nutritional yeast, mushrooms algae and if you pull up a root crop, dust it off and eat it, you get B12.
True that it can affect one's mind. That's why workers on the kill line are only allowed to work a limited number of days. At Oscar Meyers it was 2 weeks then time off for a while.

I have killed many animals from wild game to chickens to beef and have suffered no ill effects mentally or physically. Of course, I don't do it for a living. I also worked in a small-town slaughterhouse and didn't witness any ill effects in those who killed animals regularly.
You must be so proud
No, you can't. All you can do is form a subjective opinion.

Where I live people attach little meaning to the traffic laws, especially pedestrians and bicyclists, so there's that.

God has a larger plan than most, including many Christians, can wrap their heads around.
I can certainly tell what cruelty is.

What's sad is you need some god to tell you what it is.

And thinking that your god will think less of you for not killing animals is what's sad.
You linked article suggests that most of the 'natural'l sources of B12 cited are a bit suspect. The only reliable source is the supplements.
You forget to mention that part where it says foods fortified with B12 result in better absorption than eating meat

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