Why doesn't meat help meat eaters be healthy?

True. We're resisting being beat over the head with it. :omg:
They want you to feel guilty for not eating like they do. I never could understand that.

The natural world is full of obligate carnivores. You can't feed vegetables to lion. It will not survive.
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You guys need to get out more. Most of the vegans I know don't do it for health reasons, and don't really try that hard, and they're still healthy. It's really not hard at all!

As for our natural history, well, as you may have noticed reading this thread, I have an entirely different worldview than you do. In the biblical worldview, we all started out as herbivores. And once mankind started eating meat, our lifespan decreased significantly.
God decreased our lifespan after human populations were well established. Retaining long lifespans would have caused catastrophic overpopulation in short order. Actually, we are approaching that condition now.
Noah was given meat after the flood no?

No, not exactly. First, you have to understand that before the flood, according to the Bible, the entire world was extremely violent and wicked. Although the Bible doesn't go into detail on this, I believe one of the main reasons was because of the Nephilim, which were giants who were the offspring of fallen angels and human women. The book of Enoch goes into this in detail, and according to the book of Enoch and some other ancient texts, flesh eating started with these violent giants who had an insatiable appetite. So, according to these ancient texts, flesh eating has a demonic origin. It was absolutely NOT God's idea.

As for after the flood, there are different views on this, but one view that I lean towards is that God "gave mankind over" to his selfish desires, because of our hard hearts. If you're not a Christian you might not understand this, but sometimes God "gives people over" to what they want, even if it's bad.

For example: “But my people would not listen to me; Israel would not submit to me. So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own devices” - Psalm 81:11–12

But my point to Woodnutz that I have stated over and over and over on this thread is that just because God allows certain bad things to temporarily happen in this fallen world does not mean it's what He WANTS us to do. What is very clear throughout the Bible is that God wants us to choose MERCY. Sadly, mankind has chosen the exact opposite when it comes to animals.
I already KNOW that very few, if any, will sit through a 16 minute video on plant protein, but making sure the TRUTH available is all I can do.

No, you DON'T have to be a nutritionist to be a healthy vegetarian/vegan. In fact vegans/vegetarians are on average, much healthier. That is a FACT

"ALL plant foods contalin ALL 9 ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS. PERIOD."

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They want you to feel guilty for not eating like they do. I never could understand that.

The natural world is full of obligate carnivores. You can't feed vegetables to lion. It will not survive.

No, that's not the reason we do this. I can't speak for others, but the reason I speak about this is because the animals need a VOICE. I have always loved animals, even though I was a meat eater, like everyone else for most of my life.

The bible says to be a "voice for the voiceless".... And since most people are simply unaware of how the animal industries work and how horrible and diabolical many of the practices are, we are simply informing people, trying to educate those who have no idea.

I for one wish that someone had shown ME the truth much sooner, because if so, I would have gone vegan years earlier.
No, that's not the reason we do this. I can't speak for others, but the reason I speak about this is because the animals need a VOICE. I have always loved animals, even though I was a meat eater, like everyone else for most of my life.

The bible says to be a "voice for the voiceless".... And since most people are simply unaware of how the animal industries work and how horrible and diabolical many of the practices are, we are simply informing people, trying to educate those who have no idea.

I for one wish that someone had shown ME the truth much sooner, because if so, I would have gone vegan years earlier.
I am glad that your vegan lifestyle works well for you.
I am sure that it has many health benefits. Most people are probably unaware of the things that take place in mass meat production. Maybe if more knew more would do as you do. Wouldn't count on it though.
Best beef liver I ever had was in the Army. Even guys who didn't like liver at home raved about it.


(even back in my meat-eating days, i always thought liver was disgusting. no amount of onions can change that!)
No, not exactly. First, you have to understand that before the flood, according to the Bible, the entire world was extremely violent and wicked. Although the Bible doesn't go into detail on this, I believe one of the main reasons was because of the Nephilim, which were giants who were the offspring of fallen angels and human women. The book of Enoch goes into this in detail, and according to the book of Enoch and some other ancient texts, flesh eating started with these violent giants who had an insatiable appetite. So, according to these ancient texts, flesh eating has a demonic origin. It was absolutely NOT God's idea.

As for after the flood, there are different views on this, but one view that I lean towards is that God "gave mankind over" to his selfish desires, because of our hard hearts. If you're not a Christian you might not understand this, but sometimes God "gives people over" to what they want, even if it's bad.

For example: “But my people would not listen to me; Israel would not submit to me. So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own devices” - Psalm 81:11–12

But my point to Woodnutz that I have stated over and over and over on this thread is that just because God allows certain bad things to temporarily happen in this fallen world does not mean it's what He WANTS us to do. What is very clear throughout the Bible is that God wants us to choose MERCY. Sadly, mankind has chosen the exact opposite when it comes to animals.
God didn't give us animals to eat because of the hardness of our hearts. Their flesh is perfectly compatible with our digestive system. Even angels at meat at Abraham's table.
God didn't give us animals to eat because of the hardness of our hearts. Their flesh is perfectly compatible with our digestive system. Even angels at meat at Abraham's table.

God does not change. (Malachi 3:6) His nature and character does not change. And since we KNOW that God's intent and perfect will is peace and harmony among humans and animals, as it was in the Garden of Eden and as it will be again when God restores that Edenic world at the end of this age, it is unbiblical and absurd to think that God suddenly decided "I WANT mankind to be violent and selfish, and to put their own stomach first, above love and mercy!" :rolleyes:

Besides that, Genesis 8:21 contradicts your claim that it wasn't because of our hardness of heart:

"...even though every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood."
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Besides that, Genesis 8:21 contradicts your claim that it wasn't because of our hardness of heart:

"...even though every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood."
Non sequitur.

The first animal death occurred in the Garden.
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I was raised on it
We had roast beef, hamburger, liver, ham, and pork. Curiously we had very little chicken at home, but I always ordered it when we went out to eat. Of course, we always had turkey at Thanksgiving.

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