Why doesn't senator McCain retire gracefully?

John McCain doesn't retire because he is Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services and enjoys playing war.
The guy is 80 years old and has cancer. Lately it seems as though his thinking has gotten fuzzy and now he needs emergency surgery for a blood clot. The strange thing is that if you google "McCain's health" you get a whole page of rhetoric about the GOP postponing a vote on the health care bill rather than McCain's health.

Hoping he just dies. Him, McConnell, Graham, hell Collins to.
Why doesn't McCain retire gracefully?

He comes from a long line of Navy men who have served their country faithfully and honorably and well.

It probably has something to do with an unwillingness to desert his beloved country in a time of great peril from the spawn of the Populist movement...
Republican responding to RNC Survey gruesomely attacks Senile McCain

The guy is 80 years old and has cancer. Lately it seems as though his thinking has gotten fuzzy and now he needs emergency surgery for a blood clot. The strange thing is that if you google "McCain's health" you get a whole page of rhetoric about the GOP postponing a vote on the health care bill rather than McCain's health.

There are a lot of people that feel worthless once they retire. I've heard of a few cases where people were forced to retire (or laid off) and they died not long afterwards.

My employer hires retirees to drive our vans part-time. Some of them retired from companies that had very generous retirement plans. They are (were) all married with working wives, and they got social security as well. They were just bored at home and couldn't take it.

My father is like that. He's 85 now and can't sit still. He does a lot of work around the houses for me while I'm at work. He doesn't work very fast, but he gets a lot of things done. He enjoys it.

Me? I can't wait to quit work. I hope when I get older I don't think like that. I'd hate to think of the rest of my life where the only thing I can do with it is continue working for somebody else.

John McCain really is worthless though.
Why doesn't McCain retire gracefully?

He comes from a long line of Navy men who have served their country faithfully and honorably and well.

It probably has something to do with an unwillingness to desert his beloved country in a time of great peril from the spawn of the Populist movement...

Bull shit. Fuck McCain fuck his service for what ever it was. His career while exciting was not stellar. He has done nothing to set him self above anyone else. Money and power is all McCain knows and why he stays.
Why doesn't McCain retire gracefully?

He comes from a long line of Navy men who have served their country faithfully and honorably and well.

It probably has something to do with an unwillingness to desert his beloved country in a time of great peril from the spawn of the Populist movement...
Spineless McCain, has always been incompetent...
Why doesn't McCain retire gracefully?

He comes from a long line of Navy men who have served their country faithfully and honorably and well.

It probably has something to do with an unwillingness to desert his beloved country in a time of great peril from the spawn of the Populist movement...
Spineless McCain, has always been incompetent...

And self serving. No use for the POS.
Also not much room for a guy who is so eager to invade every country on earth. His time is over.
Why doesn't McCain retire gracefully?

He comes from a long line of Navy men who have served their country faithfully and honorably and well.

It probably has something to do with an unwillingness to desert his beloved country in a time of great peril from the spawn of the Populist movement...
Spineless McCain, has always been incompetent...
There is no such thing as a spineless Navy Combat Pilot that is required to take off and land on Aircraft Carriers and fly combat missions.
You can call him whatever you want, but to call a former Navy Combat Pilot spineless indicates the speaker is a foul vile hateful person not worthy of respect.
Why doesn't McCain retire gracefully?

He comes from a long line of Navy men who have served their country faithfully and honorably and well.

It probably has something to do with an unwillingness to desert his beloved country in a time of great peril from the spawn of the Populist movement...
Spineless McCain, has always been incompetent...
There is no such thing as a spineless Navy Combat Pilot that is required to take off and land on Aircraft Carriers and fly combat missions.
You can call him whatever you want, but to call a former Navy Combat Pilot spineless indicates the speaker is a foul vile hateful person not worthy of respect.
He's like a lot of people in Congress on both the right and left they get addicted to the power and perks that come with the office and can't bring themselves to let them go.
Spineless mccain and cross dressing graham... should live happily ever after.
"We miss John McCain's crusty voice... plus we need his vote," Trump says of the guy he mocked for being captured/tortured by the VC.
Why doesn't McCain retire gracefully?

He comes from a long line of Navy men who have served their country faithfully and honorably and well.

It probably has something to do with an unwillingness to desert his beloved country in a time of great peril from the spawn of the Populist movement...
Spineless McCain, has always been incompetent...
There is no such thing as a spineless Navy Combat Pilot that is required to take off and land on Aircraft Carriers and fly combat missions.
You can call him whatever you want, but to call a former Navy Combat Pilot spineless indicates the speaker is a foul vile hateful person not worthy of respect.
Our fellow poster is a "piece of work", isn't he?

I don't like McCain's stance on Illegal Immigration, and I don't think he was the right candidate for the GOP in 2008, but he did (and does) serve honorably; having done more for his country in a single lifetime than a Rusty Tic like our colleague could do in twenty lifetimes... I consider the ignoramus to be a waste of oxygen.
Also not much room for a guy who is so eager to invade every country on earth. His time is over.

I agree.

McCain is such a neocon, always wanting war! always with his sick dream of starting WW3!

No wonder he got very sick.....to much negativity and hatred inside.

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