Why Donald Trump is Right About Changing Anchor Baby Law Without Constitutional Amendment

Google is your friend. Look it up yourself idiot.
Gutless prick. You cannot answer that because there is no answer that will not reveal you to be the racist asshole you are. You see hispanic features or hear the Spanish language and your tiny, bigoted brain screams "illegal."

Gutless prick my ass. Oh and the racist card because I want illegals out of America along with a vast majority of Americans. Shows what an idiot you truly are.

If you need proof then look it up yourself. Anyone with a brain knows we have over eleven million illegals in our country. If you can't handle the truth then to fucking bad.

Vast majority?
There isn't even a majority of Republicans that support deportation.


What Americans want to do about illegal immigration

More details from that survey: "In a Pew Research Center survey conducted in May, a solid majority (72%) of Americans – including 80% of Democrats, 76% of independents and 56% of Republicans – say undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. should be allowed to stay in this country legally if they meet certain requirements."

What the hell are the requirements? That they go home and get a legal entry visa first? Where does it spell out what the requirements are? The original survey has these requirements as either stay if they get legal permanent residency or stay if they are applying for citizenship.

Broad Public Support for Legal Status for Undocumented Immigrants

So your 'facts' from the survey are bullshit, taken from last May prior to Trump raising the issue and people actually giving the subject much thought and this rash of media coverage on criminal aliens committing murder, etc.
Google is your friend. Look it up yourself idiot.
Gutless prick. You cannot answer that because there is no answer that will not reveal you to be the racist asshole you are. You see hispanic features or hear the Spanish language and your tiny, bigoted brain screams "illegal."

Gutless prick my ass. Oh and the racist card because I want illegals out of America along with a vast majority of Americans. Shows what an idiot you truly are.

If you need proof then look it up yourself. Anyone with a brain knows we have over eleven million illegals in our country. If you can't handle the truth then to fucking bad.

Vast majority?
There isn't even a majority of Republicans that support deportation.


What Americans want to do about illegal immigration

More details from that survey: "In a Pew Research Center survey conducted in May, a solid majority (72%) of Americans – including 80% of Democrats, 76% of independents and 56% of Republicans – say undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. should be allowed to stay in this country legally if they meet certain requirements."

What the hell are the requirements? That they go home and get a legal entry visa first? Where does it spell out what the requirements are? The original survey has these requirements as either stay if they get legal permanent residency or stay if they are applying for citizenship.

Broad Public Support for Legal Status for Undocumented Immigrants

So your 'facts' from the survey are bullshit, taken from last May prior to Trump raising the issue and people actually giving the subject much thought and this rash of media coverage on criminal aliens committing murder, etc.

What percentage do you believe the guy who has 30% support of republican voters has moved that number?
If anything it shows Trump is barking up the wrong tree.
Why do you believe any of that?

Congress- as they debated the 14th Amendment- discussed how the 14th Amendment would apply to anyone born in the United States regardless of their race. Some in Congress opposed the 14th Amendment because it meant that the son of Chinese parents would be recognized as a citizen.

It was intended to apply to anyone born in the United States- except children born to diplomats, children born of invading armies- and Indians born in 'sovereign Indian nations' not subject to U.S. laws(such as taxation).

It would have been easy for Congress to have written the 14th Amendment to make it explicitly apply only to the children of legal residents or citizens of the United States- but they chose not to do so- they chose the language 'subject to the jurisdiction'- which is very clear as anyone subject to the laws of the United States.

The language was intentionally precise:

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

If you don't agree with that language- then you should be working to change the Constitution.

Yes they should because I doubt anyone would have believed back then that we would be overrun with illegals having kids who are automatically US citizens. And the families of those US citizens being able to suck of social services. Social services that didn't exist back then.

Back then there were no 'illegals' because our borders were wide open.

There was no 'illegal immigration' from Mexico- they just rode across the border. And if they had kids here, their kids were American citizens.

You're right on that one.

All of our borders were wide open and no one cared who came and went in and out of America. Those that passed that amendment had no way of knowing we would be overrun with illegals and try to monitor who came and went at our borders.

They would have no way of knowing the cost of these illegals or the anchor baby allowing them to suck off social services that didn't exist back then.

If they had known I think they would have written the 14th vastly differently.
This country depended on unlimited immigration. They would not have changed a thing because to do so would have stunted our growth as a nation. You are correct, however, that the only to change birthright citizenship is to amend the constitution. That, however, will not happen.

Of course they did. They welcomed legal immigrants into America for decades. Those immigrants aren't needed so much anymore.

The illegals and their anchor babies are nothing but freeloaders sucking off our social services. The illegals get medical care from out hospitals and never pay for anything.

Go to Mexico and see how you are treated if you are there illegally. No one will roll out the red carpet for you.

The reason why there is so much illegal immigration is because employers keep hiring them.

And have been for decades.

I think it is a real problem.

And I see little effort by either the Right or the Left to do more than pander to their Constituents regarding the issue.
Gutless prick. You cannot answer that because there is no answer that will not reveal you to be the racist asshole you are. You see hispanic features or hear the Spanish language and your tiny, bigoted brain screams "illegal."

Gutless prick my ass. Oh and the racist card because I want illegals out of America along with a vast majority of Americans. Shows what an idiot you truly are.

If you need proof then look it up yourself. Anyone with a brain knows we have over eleven million illegals in our country. If you can't handle the truth then to fucking bad.
You do not speak for a "vast majority" of Americans. The vast majority favor letting those among the 11 million who have not engaged in crime, which would be most of them, stay and either become citizens or earn the right to be permanent residents. I played the bigot card because you are the one who claimed that all you had to do was go the the welfare office or an emergency room to see the illegals getting benefits but have yet to explain how you can tell, by looking, that a person is illegal. Go ahead, Give it a try.
Gutless prick. You cannot answer that because there is no answer that will not reveal you to be the racist asshole you are. You see hispanic features or hear the Spanish language and your tiny, bigoted brain screams "illegal."

Gutless prick my ass. Oh and the racist card because I want illegals out of America along with a vast majority of Americans. Shows what an idiot you truly are.

If you need proof then look it up yourself. Anyone with a brain knows we have over eleven million illegals in our country. If you can't handle the truth then to fucking bad.
You do not speak for a "vast majority" of Americans. The vast majority favor letting those among the 11 million who have not engaged in crime, which would be most of them, stay and either become citizens or earn the right to be permanent residents. I played the bigot card because you are the one who claimed that all you had to do was go the the welfare office or an emergency room to see the illegals getting benefits but have yet to explain how you can tell, by looking, that a person is illegal. Go ahead, Give it a try.

Oh yes I do. 77% in one article and 62% in another want illegals deported.

That looks like a vast majority to me.

Take you're bigot bullshit and shove it up your smarmy ass.

Trust me, paddymurphy is a real nut job troll.

He sounds much better on ignore.
So you put me on ignore? That is why, you gutless wonder, you have not even attempted to address the rest of Wong Kim Ark? You know, those parts that prove you wrong?

The gutless always do.
We are not talking about illegals; we are talking about American Citizens. You know, the children of illegals born here. And if you think that these people are sucking us dry, you are clearly not aware that they pay more in taxes and contribute more in economic activity than is spent on any social services they get. Their tax dollars help to support white trash like you, scooting your four hundred pound ass around on your electric scooter collecting social security disability because you downed too many cheeseburgers.

The child is a citizen. The mother is not. She's using her child's access to welfare and if you don't think she's sharing her good fortune with her family then you're one clueless bastard.

Katie Pavlich - Poll: Americans Want More Aggressive Deportation of Illegal Immigrants

62% of Americans want U.S. to deport illegals

77% want illegal immigrants sent home, 81% say it's a serious issue

Right. The entire family is living off the $151.44 per month that the is paid for the child.

LocationAverage Monthly Food Stamp Benefits per Participant

California $151.44

Average Monthly Food Stamp Benefits Per Person

You're so fucking Clueless. That's more money than they ever made in Mexico.

Yes, and he is a liar. He will say anything whether he knows it to be relevant or not, true or not or bullshit or not.

He just wants to throw out rhetoric just to see if it sticks.

Why waste your time on his dumbass?

Identify one lie, asshole. I gave you the words of Wong Kim Ark that prove you to be clueless about what it holds; and you have yet to have the balls to try to respond. You offer bullshit right wing blather and I offer the words of the Supreme Court; words you have yet to address. You and that ignorant POS Claudette deserve one another.

Bowie boy is a quick to call anyone he disagrees with a liar- but when called on it- when asked to quote a lie- has consistently run away from the challenge.

And of course quick to call anyone he disagrees with names.

He is an idiot.
Google is your friend. Look it up yourself idiot.
Gutless prick. You cannot answer that because there is no answer that will not reveal you to be the racist asshole you are. You see hispanic features or hear the Spanish language and your tiny, bigoted brain screams "illegal."

Gutless prick my ass. Oh and the racist card because I want illegals out of America along with a vast majority of Americans. Shows what an idiot you truly are.

If you need proof then look it up yourself. Anyone with a brain knows we have over eleven million illegals in our country. If you can't handle the truth then to fucking bad.

Vast majority?
There isn't even a majority of Republicans that support deportation.


What Americans want to do about illegal immigration

More details from that survey: "In a Pew Research Center survey conducted in May, a solid majority (72%) of Americans – including 80% of Democrats, 76% of independents and 56% of Republicans – say undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. should be allowed to stay in this country legally if they meet certain requirements."

What the hell are the requirements? That they go home and get a legal entry visa first? Where does it spell out what the requirements are? The original survey has these requirements as either stay if they get legal permanent residency or stay if they are applying for citizenship.

Broad Public Support for Legal Status for Undocumented Immigrants

So your 'facts' from the survey are bullshit, taken from last May prior to Trump raising the issue and people actually giving the subject much thought and this rash of media coverage on criminal aliens committing murder, etc.

What percentage do you believe the guy who has 30% support of republican voters has moved that number?
If anything it shows Trump is barking up the wrong tree.

I think a lot of people would have given a different response on what the requirements would be for letting criminal alien shit-stains stay in the country. How much I don't know, but I would guess its a majority now that would say they have to leave and apply at a US embassy or consulate in their home country now.
Yes they should because I doubt anyone would have believed back then that we would be overrun with illegals having kids who are automatically US citizens. And the families of those US citizens being able to suck of social services. Social services that didn't exist back then.

Back then there were no 'illegals' because our borders were wide open.

There was no 'illegal immigration' from Mexico- they just rode across the border. And if they had kids here, their kids were American citizens.

You're right on that one.

All of our borders were wide open and no one cared who came and went in and out of America. Those that passed that amendment had no way of knowing we would be overrun with illegals and try to monitor who came and went at our borders.

They would have no way of knowing the cost of these illegals or the anchor baby allowing them to suck off social services that didn't exist back then.

If they had known I think they would have written the 14th vastly differently.
This country depended on unlimited immigration. They would not have changed a thing because to do so would have stunted our growth as a nation. You are correct, however, that the only to change birthright citizenship is to amend the constitution. That, however, will not happen.

Of course they did. They welcomed legal immigrants into America for decades. Those immigrants aren't needed so much anymore.

The illegals and their anchor babies are nothing but freeloaders sucking off our social services. The illegals get medical care from out hospitals and never pay for anything.

Go to Mexico and see how you are treated if you are there illegally. No one will roll out the red carpet for you.

The reason why there is so much illegal immigration is because employers keep hiring them.

And have been for decades.

I think it is a real problem.

And I see little effort by either the Right or the Left to do more than pander to their Constituents regarding the issue.

Trump says he wants to make hiring illegals a felony, so again you are full of shit.
The child is a citizen. The mother is not. She's using her child's access to welfare and if you don't think she's sharing her good fortune with her family then you're one clueless bastard.

Katie Pavlich - Poll: Americans Want More Aggressive Deportation of Illegal Immigrants

62% of Americans want U.S. to deport illegals

77% want illegal immigrants sent home, 81% say it's a serious issue

Right. The entire family is living off the $151.44 per month that the is paid for the child.

LocationAverage Monthly Food Stamp Benefits per Participant

California $151.44

Average Monthly Food Stamp Benefits Per Person

You're so fucking Clueless. That's more money than they ever made in Mexico.

Yes, and he is a liar. He will say anything whether he knows it to be relevant or not, true or not or bullshit or not.

He just wants to throw out rhetoric just to see if it sticks.

Why waste your time on his dumbass?

Identify one lie, asshole. I gave you the words of Wong Kim Ark that prove you to be clueless about what it holds; and you have yet to have the balls to try to respond. You offer bullshit right wing blather and I offer the words of the Supreme Court; words you have yet to address. You and that ignorant POS Claudette deserve one another.

Bowie boy is a quick to call anyone he disagrees with a liar- but when called on it- when asked to quote a lie- has consistently run away from the challenge.

And of course quick to call anyone he disagrees with names.

He is an idiot.

I have quote Wong Kim Ark so many times the mods tagged me for spamming it. but you dumbass liars wouldn't read it apparently and you still have the Liars Nerve to say I never answered you?

Gutless prick my ass. Oh and the racist card because I want illegals out of America along with a vast majority of Americans. Shows what an idiot you truly are.

If you need proof then look it up yourself. Anyone with a brain knows we have over eleven million illegals in our country. If you can't handle the truth then to fucking bad.
You do not speak for a "vast majority" of Americans. The vast majority favor letting those among the 11 million who have not engaged in crime, which would be most of them, stay and either become citizens or earn the right to be permanent residents. I played the bigot card because you are the one who claimed that all you had to do was go the the welfare office or an emergency room to see the illegals getting benefits but have yet to explain how you can tell, by looking, that a person is illegal. Go ahead, Give it a try.
Gutless prick my ass. Oh and the racist card because I want illegals out of America along with a vast majority of Americans. Shows what an idiot you truly are.

If you need proof then look it up yourself. Anyone with a brain knows we have over eleven million illegals in our country. If you can't handle the truth then to fucking bad.
You do not speak for a "vast majority" of Americans. The vast majority favor letting those among the 11 million who have not engaged in crime, which would be most of them, stay and either become citizens or earn the right to be permanent residents. I played the bigot card because you are the one who claimed that all you had to do was go the the welfare office or an emergency room to see the illegals getting benefits but have yet to explain how you can tell, by looking, that a person is illegal. Go ahead, Give it a try.

Oh yes I do. 77% in one article and 62% in another want illegals deported.

That looks like a vast majority to me.

Take you're bigot bullshit and shove it up your smarmy ass.

Trust me, paddymurphy is a real nut job troll.

He sounds much better on ignore.
So you put me on ignore? That is why, you gutless wonder, you have not even attempted to address the rest of Wong Kim Ark? You know, those parts that prove you wrong?

The gutless always do.

I posted the three relevant paragraphs from Wong, and there is no evidence that any of the other paragraphs would have changed any of its meaning in a significant way.

And BTW, I have paddymurphy on ignore as he is a stupid ass troll, and I wont waste my time on him, and methinks I am going to have to put you on that list too Syriously as you are consistently trolling on this thread repeating question that have been answered multiple times, bald faced lying, and using every agit prop technique in the commie fagot playbook.

You are a waste of time.
Right. The entire family is living off the $151.44 per month that the is paid for the child.

LocationAverage Monthly Food Stamp Benefits per Participant

California $151.44

Average Monthly Food Stamp Benefits Per Person

You're so fucking Clueless. That's more money than they ever made in Mexico.

Yes, and he is a liar. He will say anything whether he knows it to be relevant or not, true or not or bullshit or not.

He just wants to throw out rhetoric just to see if it sticks.

Why waste your time on his dumbass?

Identify one lie, asshole. I gave you the words of Wong Kim Ark that prove you to be clueless about what it holds; and you have yet to have the balls to try to respond. You offer bullshit right wing blather and I offer the words of the Supreme Court; words you have yet to address. You and that ignorant POS Claudette deserve one another.

Bowie boy is a quick to call anyone he disagrees with a liar- but when called on it- when asked to quote a lie- has consistently run away from the challenge.

And of course quick to call anyone he disagrees with names.

He is an idiot.

I have quote Wong Kim Ark so many times the mods tagged me for spamming it. but you dumbass liars wouldn't read it apparently and you still have the Liars Nerve to say I never answered you?

You have "answered" your nonsense about Wong, which is not accepted by anybody.
Yes they should because I doubt anyone would have believed back then that we would be overrun with illegals having kids who are automatically US citizens. And the families of those US citizens being able to suck of social services. Social services that didn't exist back then.

Back then there were no 'illegals' because our borders were wide open.

There was no 'illegal immigration' from Mexico- they just rode across the border. And if they had kids here, their kids were American citizens.

You're right on that one.

All of our borders were wide open and no one cared who came and went in and out of America. Those that passed that amendment had no way of knowing we would be overrun with illegals and try to monitor who came and went at our borders.

They would have no way of knowing the cost of these illegals or the anchor baby allowing them to suck off social services that didn't exist back then.

If they had known I think they would have written the 14th vastly differently.
This country depended on unlimited immigration. They would not have changed a thing because to do so would have stunted our growth as a nation. You are correct, however, that the only to change birthright citizenship is to amend the constitution. That, however, will not happen.

Of course they did. They welcomed legal immigrants into America for decades. Those immigrants aren't needed so much anymore.

The illegals and their anchor babies are nothing but freeloaders sucking off our social services. The illegals get medical care from out hospitals and never pay for anything.

Go to Mexico and see how you are treated if you are there illegally. No one will roll out the red carpet for you.

The reason why there is so much illegal immigration is because employers keep hiring them.

And have been for decades.

I think it is a real problem.

And I see little effort by either the Right or the Left to do more than pander to their Constituents regarding the issue.

I mostly agree. There was a window to tackle comprehensive reform but unfortunately it was slammed closed. All of these issues are able to be addressed but only as a nation will we do it. There must be resolve by all parties to find a solution. Where I don't agree is that both parties are equally at fault. They're not. One party advances initiatives while the other rejects it. The day's rhetoric shows clearly why.
Gutless prick. You cannot answer that because there is no answer that will not reveal you to be the racist asshole you are. You see hispanic features or hear the Spanish language and your tiny, bigoted brain screams "illegal."

Gutless prick my ass. Oh and the racist card because I want illegals out of America along with a vast majority of Americans. Shows what an idiot you truly are.

If you need proof then look it up yourself. Anyone with a brain knows we have over eleven million illegals in our country. If you can't handle the truth then to fucking bad.

Vast majority?
There isn't even a majority of Republicans that support deportation.


What Americans want to do about illegal immigration

More details from that survey: "In a Pew Research Center survey conducted in May, a solid majority (72%) of Americans – including 80% of Democrats, 76% of independents and 56% of Republicans – say undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. should be allowed to stay in this country legally if they meet certain requirements."

What the hell are the requirements? That they go home and get a legal entry visa first? Where does it spell out what the requirements are? The original survey has these requirements as either stay if they get legal permanent residency or stay if they are applying for citizenship.

Broad Public Support for Legal Status for Undocumented Immigrants

So your 'facts' from the survey are bullshit, taken from last May prior to Trump raising the issue and people actually giving the subject much thought and this rash of media coverage on criminal aliens committing murder, etc.

What percentage do you believe the guy who has 30% support of republican voters has moved that number?
If anything it shows Trump is barking up the wrong tree.

I think a lot of people would have given a different response on what the requirements would be for letting criminal alien shit-stains stay in the country. How much I don't know, but I would guess its a majority now that would say they have to leave and apply at a US embassy or consulate in their home country now.

You give Trump too much credit. He has changed nothing. His supporters fit comfortably within the percentage that was for deportation already.

Whatever solution there is , we will not know as Trump calls for deportation. Your boys rejected any talk of comprehensive reform.
Right. The entire family is living off the $151.44 per month that the is paid for the child.

LocationAverage Monthly Food Stamp Benefits per Participant

California $151.44

Average Monthly Food Stamp Benefits Per Person

You're so fucking Clueless. That's more money than they ever made in Mexico.

Yes, and he is a liar. He will say anything whether he knows it to be relevant or not, true or not or bullshit or not.

He just wants to throw out rhetoric just to see if it sticks.

Why waste your time on his dumbass?

Identify one lie, asshole. I gave you the words of Wong Kim Ark that prove you to be clueless about what it holds; and you have yet to have the balls to try to respond. You offer bullshit right wing blather and I offer the words of the Supreme Court; words you have yet to address. You and that ignorant POS Claudette deserve one another.

Bowie boy is a quick to call anyone he disagrees with a liar- but when called on it- when asked to quote a lie- has consistently run away from the challenge.

And of course quick to call anyone he disagrees with names.

He is an idiot.

I have quote Wong Kim Ark so many times the mods tagged me for spamming it. but you dumbass liars wouldn't read it apparently and you still have the Liars Nerve to say I never answered you?

I have quote Wong Kim Ark so many times the mods tagged me for spamming it

Because you weren't saying anything. You hadn't made a point. Even the mods saw it. Why didn't you?
Gutless prick my ass. Oh and the racist card because I want illegals out of America along with a vast majority of Americans. Shows what an idiot you truly are.

If you need proof then look it up yourself. Anyone with a brain knows we have over eleven million illegals in our country. If you can't handle the truth then to fucking bad.

Vast majority?
There isn't even a majority of Republicans that support deportation.


What Americans want to do about illegal immigration

More details from that survey: "In a Pew Research Center survey conducted in May, a solid majority (72%) of Americans – including 80% of Democrats, 76% of independents and 56% of Republicans – say undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. should be allowed to stay in this country legally if they meet certain requirements."

What the hell are the requirements? That they go home and get a legal entry visa first? Where does it spell out what the requirements are? The original survey has these requirements as either stay if they get legal permanent residency or stay if they are applying for citizenship.

Broad Public Support for Legal Status for Undocumented Immigrants

So your 'facts' from the survey are bullshit, taken from last May prior to Trump raising the issue and people actually giving the subject much thought and this rash of media coverage on criminal aliens committing murder, etc.

What percentage do you believe the guy who has 30% support of republican voters has moved that number?
If anything it shows Trump is barking up the wrong tree.

I think a lot of people would have given a different response on what the requirements would be for letting criminal alien shit-stains stay in the country. How much I don't know, but I would guess its a majority now that would say they have to leave and apply at a US embassy or consulate in their home country now.

You give Trump too much credit. He has changed nothing. His supporters fit comfortably within the percentage that was for deportation already.

Whatever solution there is , we will not know as Trump calls for deportation. Your boys rejected any talk of comprehensive reform.

Denying the obvious doesn't make it any less true, it just means that you are being an idiot for whatever reason.
You're so fucking Clueless. That's more money than they ever made in Mexico.

Yes, and he is a liar. He will say anything whether he knows it to be relevant or not, true or not or bullshit or not.

He just wants to throw out rhetoric just to see if it sticks.

Why waste your time on his dumbass?

Identify one lie, asshole. I gave you the words of Wong Kim Ark that prove you to be clueless about what it holds; and you have yet to have the balls to try to respond. You offer bullshit right wing blather and I offer the words of the Supreme Court; words you have yet to address. You and that ignorant POS Claudette deserve one another.

Bowie boy is a quick to call anyone he disagrees with a liar- but when called on it- when asked to quote a lie- has consistently run away from the challenge.

And of course quick to call anyone he disagrees with names.

He is an idiot.

I have quote Wong Kim Ark so many times the mods tagged me for spamming it. but you dumbass liars wouldn't read it apparently and you still have the Liars Nerve to say I never answered you?

I have quote Wong Kim Ark so many times the mods tagged me for spamming it

Because you weren't saying anything. You hadn't made a point. Even the mods saw it. Why didn't you?

lol, I stated that Wong Kim Ark decision adds legal domicile and the permission of the US government to the jurisdiction phrase of the 14th amendment for the children of aliens in this country, thus no illegal alien can have a Constitutional right to have birth right citizenship, even though most are given citizenship anyway.

Now, did you understand that ass hole?
Vast majority?
There isn't even a majority of Republicans that support deportation.


What Americans want to do about illegal immigration

More details from that survey: "In a Pew Research Center survey conducted in May, a solid majority (72%) of Americans – including 80% of Democrats, 76% of independents and 56% of Republicans – say undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. should be allowed to stay in this country legally if they meet certain requirements."

What the hell are the requirements? That they go home and get a legal entry visa first? Where does it spell out what the requirements are? The original survey has these requirements as either stay if they get legal permanent residency or stay if they are applying for citizenship.

Broad Public Support for Legal Status for Undocumented Immigrants

So your 'facts' from the survey are bullshit, taken from last May prior to Trump raising the issue and people actually giving the subject much thought and this rash of media coverage on criminal aliens committing murder, etc.

What percentage do you believe the guy who has 30% support of republican voters has moved that number?
If anything it shows Trump is barking up the wrong tree.

I think a lot of people would have given a different response on what the requirements would be for letting criminal alien shit-stains stay in the country. How much I don't know, but I would guess its a majority now that would say they have to leave and apply at a US embassy or consulate in their home country now.

You give Trump too much credit. He has changed nothing. His supporters fit comfortably within the percentage that was for deportation already.

Whatever solution there is , we will not know as Trump calls for deportation. Your boys rejected any talk of comprehensive reform.

Denying the obvious doesn't make it any less true, it just means that you are being an idiot for whatever reason.

Citing your secret voices doesn't make it real either.
By all means give us the breakdown on Trump's rise.
I've given my numbers, give us yours. Show us why it is as you say it is.
Yes, and he is a liar. He will say anything whether he knows it to be relevant or not, true or not or bullshit or not.

He just wants to throw out rhetoric just to see if it sticks.

Why waste your time on his dumbass?

Identify one lie, asshole. I gave you the words of Wong Kim Ark that prove you to be clueless about what it holds; and you have yet to have the balls to try to respond. You offer bullshit right wing blather and I offer the words of the Supreme Court; words you have yet to address. You and that ignorant POS Claudette deserve one another.

Bowie boy is a quick to call anyone he disagrees with a liar- but when called on it- when asked to quote a lie- has consistently run away from the challenge.

And of course quick to call anyone he disagrees with names.

He is an idiot.

I have quote Wong Kim Ark so many times the mods tagged me for spamming it. but you dumbass liars wouldn't read it apparently and you still have the Liars Nerve to say I never answered you?

I have quote Wong Kim Ark so many times the mods tagged me for spamming it

Because you weren't saying anything. You hadn't made a point. Even the mods saw it. Why didn't you?

lol, I stated that Wong Kim Ark decision adds legal domicile and the permission of the US government to the jurisdiction phrase of the 14th amendment for the children of aliens in this country, thus no illegal alien can have a Constitutional right to have birth right citizenship, even though most are given citizenship anyway.

Now, did you understand that ass hole?

" domicile" isn't in the game. I believe jurisdiction is the word you are looking for.
It's been asked and answered more times than necessary.
i've read what you post. what you quote and what you say it means do not agree - please try again.

You still haven't spotted paragraph 96 of US v Wong yet? I didn't think so, you fucking liar.
no, i've read it. it just doesn't mean what you claim.

US v Wong Kim Ark says EXACTLY what I claim and I post for the umpteenth time for your chance to read it.

"118 The evident intention, and the necessary effect, of the submission of this case to the decision of the court upon the facts agreed by the parties, were to present for determination the single question, stated at the beginning of this opinion, namely, whether a child born in the United States, of parents of Chinese descent, who, at the time of his birth, are subjects of the emperor of China, but have a permanent domicile and residence in the United States, and are there carrying on business, and are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity under the emperor of China, becomes at the time of his birth a citizen of the United States. For the reasons above stated, this court is of opinion that the question must be answered in the affirmative."

"96 Chinese persons, born out of the United States, remaining subjects of the emperor of China, and not having become citizens of the United States, are entitled to the protection of and owe allegiance to the United States, so long as they are permitted by the United States to reside here; and are 'subject to the jurisdiction thereof,' in the same sense as all other aliens residing in the United States.


But of course we all know that you are aware of it, you are just a bald faced liar and a fraud.
if you're going to say that a person must have a domicile you also must say that they must be subjects of the emperor of china, since that is as relevant in the statement of facts.
further, they are entitled to the protections of and owe allegiance to the united states so long as they are permitted by the united states to reside here, but the word "and" meaning additionally, they are 'subject to the jurisdiction thereof' just as all other resident aliens are.

your misinterpretation of the decision does not make me a liar.

and how do you square the idea that an illegal alien can be arrested and prosecuted in the united states for entering the country illegally with the idea that they are not subject to the jurisdiction of the united states?

At risk of offending you an others with *spam* in responding to your repeated dull witted comments, I post the following:

"at the time of his birth, are subjects of the emperor of China, but have a permanent domicile and residence in the United States, and are there carrying on business, and are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity under the emperor of China, becomes at the time of his birth a citizen of the United States. For the reasons above stated, this court is of opinion that the question must be answered in the affirmative."

The us of the word 'but' conjunction means that it is in contrast to, not part of the reasoning of why the court made their decision.

Take a few reading comprehension courses, dude.
Identify one lie, asshole. I gave you the words of Wong Kim Ark that prove you to be clueless about what it holds; and you have yet to have the balls to try to respond. You offer bullshit right wing blather and I offer the words of the Supreme Court; words you have yet to address. You and that ignorant POS Claudette deserve one another.

Bowie boy is a quick to call anyone he disagrees with a liar- but when called on it- when asked to quote a lie- has consistently run away from the challenge.

And of course quick to call anyone he disagrees with names.

He is an idiot.

I have quote Wong Kim Ark so many times the mods tagged me for spamming it. but you dumbass liars wouldn't read it apparently and you still have the Liars Nerve to say I never answered you?

I have quote Wong Kim Ark so many times the mods tagged me for spamming it

Because you weren't saying anything. You hadn't made a point. Even the mods saw it. Why didn't you?

lol, I stated that Wong Kim Ark decision adds legal domicile and the permission of the US government to the jurisdiction phrase of the 14th amendment for the children of aliens in this country, thus no illegal alien can have a Constitutional right to have birth right citizenship, even though most are given citizenship anyway.

Now, did you understand that ass hole?

" domicile" isn't in the game. I believe jurisdiction is the word you are looking for.
It's been asked and answered more times than necessary.
You still haven't spotted paragraph 96 of US v Wong yet? I didn't think so, you fucking liar.
no, i've read it. it just doesn't mean what you claim.

US v Wong Kim Ark says EXACTLY what I claim and I post for the umpteenth time for your chance to read it.

"118 The evident intention, and the necessary effect, of the submission of this case to the decision of the court upon the facts agreed by the parties, were to present for determination the single question, stated at the beginning of this opinion, namely, whether a child born in the United States, of parents of Chinese descent, who, at the time of his birth, are subjects of the emperor of China, but have a permanent domicile and residence in the United States, and are there carrying on business, and are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity under the emperor of China, becomes at the time of his birth a citizen of the United States. For the reasons above stated, this court is of opinion that the question must be answered in the affirmative."

"96 Chinese persons, born out of the United States, remaining subjects of the emperor of China, and not having become citizens of the United States, are entitled to the protection of and owe allegiance to the United States, so long as they are permitted by the United States to reside here; and are 'subject to the jurisdiction thereof,' in the same sense as all other aliens residing in the United States.


But of course we all know that you are aware of it, you are just a bald faced liar and a fraud.
if you're going to say that a person must have a domicile you also must say that they must be subjects of the emperor of china, since that is as relevant in the statement of facts.
further, they are entitled to the protections of and owe allegiance to the united states so long as they are permitted by the united states to reside here, but the word "and" meaning additionally, they are 'subject to the jurisdiction thereof' just as all other resident aliens are.

your misinterpretation of the decision does not make me a liar.

and how do you square the idea that an illegal alien can be arrested and prosecuted in the united states for entering the country illegally with the idea that they are not subject to the jurisdiction of the united states?

At risk of offending you an others with *spam* in responding to your repeated dull witted comments, I post the following:

"at the time of his birth, are subjects of the emperor of China, but have a permanent domicile and residence in the United States, and are there carrying on business, and are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity under the emperor of China, becomes at the time of his birth a citizen of the United States. For the reasons above stated, this court is of opinion that the question must be answered in the affirmative."

The us of the word 'but' conjunction means that it is in contrast to, not part of the reasoning of why the court made their decision.

Take a few reading comprehension courses, dude.
Bowie boy is a quick to call anyone he disagrees with a liar- but when called on it- when asked to quote a lie- has consistently run away from the challenge.

And of course quick to call anyone he disagrees with names.

He is an idiot.

I have quote Wong Kim Ark so many times the mods tagged me for spamming it. but you dumbass liars wouldn't read it apparently and you still have the Liars Nerve to say I never answered you?

I have quote Wong Kim Ark so many times the mods tagged me for spamming it

Because you weren't saying anything. You hadn't made a point. Even the mods saw it. Why didn't you?

lol, I stated that Wong Kim Ark decision adds legal domicile and the permission of the US government to the jurisdiction phrase of the 14th amendment for the children of aliens in this country, thus no illegal alien can have a Constitutional right to have birth right citizenship, even though most are given citizenship anyway.

Now, did you understand that ass hole?

" domicile" isn't in the game. I believe jurisdiction is the word you are looking for.
It's been asked and answered more times than necessary.

One of the things about Donald Trump to remember is that he is a businessman. Unlike being a politician where the game is "cover your ass," Trump knows he has to "get the job done," whatever it takes.

One thing to remember about Donald Trump, he does not live in the political world where the name of the game is "cover your ass." In the private sector you deliver to your shareholders, or you are "out on your ass." Donald Trump is moving in the right direction. As a businessperson he knows that excuses don't count. It is all about getting the job done the best you can everyday.​

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