Why Donald Trump Won’t Fold: Polls and People Speak

You've been badly misinformed...When were you last in europe?
..and the graph has nothing to do with any of that gibberish you just said...

Oh, I'm badly misinformed huh?

Last time in Europe was April, I was working there.
I've lived in 5 European countries. I've been to most of the countries there.

The graph shows scientific inventions based on where they were discovered. Europe is clearly far and away ahead of the US. By about 4 times. So, how does this make the US great exactly?

I've been 4 times, lived there for 18 months and traveled extensively...pick a country and google crime and illegal immigration..europe is smoldering...they're sick and tired of the illegal invasion, too..there are lots of places you aren't going to go walking around in at night...go peddle that snake oil somewhere else...

Wow, four times huh? That clearly makes you an expert.
I lived and worked there for 18 months, so yeah...I know quite a bit...

Yes, Europe has problems. No where near as many problems as the US, by any stretch of the imagination.
no one said they were

The worst big city for feeling uncomfortable is Bucharest in Romania, and it's like going to a laid back city in the US.
that's your impression, but ok...if you say so...

Going from Vancouver to Seattle and you notice the different in feeling.
neither of those are european cities...

Europe needs to keep immigration in check, as does the US. However you say Europe is "smoldering", no, it's not.
Now that's just plain funny...and incorrect...

It's got more problems than it should have. However it also has politician who try and deal with the problems, as opposed to the US where such people never get close to power.
..oh THAT'S rich!...good one...

I don't know of any big European city that is as bad as any big US city.
I don't either..so we agree that illegal immigration has to stop in this country so more americans can get back to work and pick this nation back up and we have to get the negro crime problem under control. That's the source of over half of all violent crime in this country.
Have you ever thought that there might be reasons why Africa didn't develop as quickly? That it's nothing to do with race but to do with the land?
Whats wrong with the land in Africa? Whites have been very successful in Africa.

But, if you think the land is bad in Africa, check this out

Iceland, the only all-White nation in the world, has the world's highest literacy rate. It is an island of cooled volcanic magma, located Just south of the Arctic Circle. It has no coal, no fuel, no timber, no mineral wealth or natural resources, and no navigable rivers. 75% of the interior is uninhabitable and only about 1% of the land is arable. It is the youngest nation in Europe and one of the most isolated countries in the world Nonetheless, Iceland is #2 in the world in life expectancy and has one of the world's highest standards of living, in terms of per capita income. It has tremendous medical facilities and a thriving publishing business. Virtually every family has a telephone. Upon graduation from high school, each Icelandic student has learned five languages.
Have you ever thought that there might be reasons why Africa didn't develop as quickly? That it's nothing to do with race but to do with the land?
Whats wrong with the land in Africa? Whites have been very successful in Africa.

But, if you think the land is bad in Africa, check this out

Iceland, the only all-White nation in the world, has the world's highest literacy rate. It is an island of cooled volcanic magma, located Just south of the Arctic Circle. It has no coal, no fuel, no timber, no mineral wealth or natural resources, and no navigable rivers. 75% of the interior is uninhabitable and only about 1% of the land is arable. It is the youngest nation in Europe and one of the most isolated countries in the world Nonetheless, Iceland is #2 in the world in life expectancy and has one of the world's highest standards of living, in terms of per capita income. It has tremendous medical facilities and a thriving publishing business. Virtually every family has a telephone. Upon graduation from high school, each Icelandic student has learned five languages.
Tell us, Tank, do your respect races base upon IQ?
Tell us, Tank, do your respect races base upon IQ?
Yes, that would be one reason another would be violent and crime levels
Bow to your Asian masters then...
Yes, I would much rather live amongst the highly intelligent Asians, then the unintelligent and violent blacks and Hispanics.
Yes, I would much rather live amongst the highly intelligent Asians, then the unintelligent and violent blacks and Hispanics.
Maybe they could teach you English? And that works for me, feel free to leave my country.
What's "fell free"?
A typo. Fixed now. Gooks are not so big on whitey BTW. You're rather stupid in their eyes.
How do you think Asians feel about blacks?
Yes, I would much rather live amongst the highly intelligent Asians, then the unintelligent and violent blacks and Hispanics.
Maybe they could teach you English? And that works for me, feel free to leave my country.
What's "fell free"?
A typo. Fixed now. Gooks are not so big on whitey BTW. You're rather stupid in their eyes.
How do you think Asians feel about blacks?
You've been badly misinformed...When were you last in europe?
..and the graph has nothing to do with any of that gibberish you just said...

Oh, I'm badly misinformed huh?

Last time in Europe was April, I was working there.
I've lived in 5 European countries. I've been to most of the countries there.

The graph shows scientific inventions based on where they were discovered. Europe is clearly far and away ahead of the US. By about 4 times. So, how does this make the US great exactly?

I've been 4 times, lived there for 18 months and traveled extensively...pick a country and google crime and illegal immigration..europe is smoldering...they're sick and tired of the illegal invasion, too..there are lots of places you aren't going to go walking around in at night...go peddle that snake oil somewhere else...

Wow, four times huh? That clearly makes you an expert.
I lived and worked there for 18 months, so yeah...I know quite a bit...

Yes, Europe has problems. No where near as many problems as the US, by any stretch of the imagination.
no one said they were

The worst big city for feeling uncomfortable is Bucharest in Romania, and it's like going to a laid back city in the US.
that's your impression, but ok...if you say so...

Going from Vancouver to Seattle and you notice the different in feeling.
neither of those are european cities...

Europe needs to keep immigration in check, as does the US. However you say Europe is "smoldering", no, it's not.
Now that's just plain funny...and incorrect...

It's got more problems than it should have. However it also has politician who try and deal with the problems, as opposed to the US where such people never get close to power.
..oh THAT'S rich!...good one...

I don't know of any big European city that is as bad as any big US city.
I don't either..so we agree that illegal immigration has to stop in this country so more americans can get back to work and pick this nation back up and we have to get the negro crime problem under control. That's the source of over half of all violent crime in this country.

18 months, sure, you know a "bit". Probably living in one country and travelling to a few. You haven't seen all of Europe by any means.
But you probably would have seen safer cities than the US with less social problems.

You say that Europe isn't smoldering is incorrect. Define smoldering and prove your point.

As for politicians and problems, you say it's a bit rich, but then again I've seen US, German, British, Austrian, Spanish and others politics at close hand.

The source of half of violent crime is from illegal immigrants? Prove it.
Yes, I would much rather live amongst the highly intelligent Asians, then the unintelligent and violent blacks and Hispanics.
Maybe they could teach you English? And that works for me, feel free to leave my country.
What's "fell free"?
A typo. Fixed now. Gooks are not so big on whitey BTW. You're rather stupid in their eyes.
How do you think Asians feel about blacks?

Asians aren't that big a fan of black people for one reason. They like white skin. In their culture the whiter your skin the better it is.
Have you ever thought that there might be reasons why Africa didn't develop as quickly? That it's nothing to do with race but to do with the land?
Whats wrong with the land in Africa? Whites have been very successful in Africa.

But, if you think the land is bad in Africa, check this out

Iceland, the only all-White nation in the world, has the world's highest literacy rate. It is an island of cooled volcanic magma, located Just south of the Arctic Circle. It has no coal, no fuel, no timber, no mineral wealth or natural resources, and no navigable rivers. 75% of the interior is uninhabitable and only about 1% of the land is arable. It is the youngest nation in Europe and one of the most isolated countries in the world Nonetheless, Iceland is #2 in the world in life expectancy and has one of the world's highest standards of living, in terms of per capita income. It has tremendous medical facilities and a thriving publishing business. Virtually every family has a telephone. Upon graduation from high school, each Icelandic student has learned five languages.

You're looking at things simplistically. You're looking at the end result and ignoring how everything happened.

Africa doesn't have great soil. I was in Zambia with an Australian dairy farmer who was working on a project to help some Zambian dairy farmers. Apart from the big problem of "aid" coming in and causing all sorts of problems, the other problem were the cows. Normal European cows just can't hack it out there. The grass doesn't grow to their liking. But the local cows which are used to this don't produce enough milk. They're trying to make a breed of cows which can eat the grass and produce loads of milk.

If your society grows up with this kind of situation where things grow slower, then you have less food. Which means more people need to work in the fields, which means less people working on innovative things, like pottery and moving up in the world and developing.

Look at the places that did really, REALLY well over history. The Chinese. Their land, in the east of the country, is a rice basket. Some places less rice more wheat to make noodles. They had so much food that they could afford to have big armies to support their warring that went a LONG way from Beijing/Xi'an.

The Romans and Egyptians showed that the more food you produce the better you are. In the Roman times food was more abundant it was later on. Other factors helped their demise. But food was a massive one, it allows development.

When the Europeans turned up in Africa things were backwards. Things hadn't developed socially. The white people imposed their society on to the black people. This causes no end of problems. Instead of politics developing it was thrust on them and they're going through major corruption because they really haven't developed enough yet socially to make corruption less of a factor that it doesn't cause problems.

Another factor is ethnic groups. In Europe there have been problems and it caused no end of wars and things. But Europe was more developed. In both it led to killing, but as the economy grew for ALL people they were able to quieten down.

So why not blacks in Africa? Mainly because they hadn't developed to a point where education existed, even for the higher people. The whites came in and kept the black people under-educated for the most part. So when black people took over they didn't have many educated people either.

Development is important, development in Africa was behind Europe and then the Europeans took over and weren't exactly interested in developing the local population.

In Iceland they've had amazing stability for a long, LONG time. I think their parliament is the longest continually serving parliament in the world. They don't have resources on land. But they have fish. Ie, FOOD.

Europe developed. It had wars and countries changed and become less about one person. You look at the monarchies that failed, and were replaced by others and that opening up helped. The UK probably only has a monarchy because of what happened in the US, it was able to save itself but modernising the country to a point.

Wars like WW1 and WW2 also helped the development, ideas changed, society changed over this period of time.

Ownership is a massive thing in country building. The US fought free of the British "by themselves" (forget the French, history does for the most part), and that makes Americans proud and willing. Most European countries have their own ownership. Even Scotland, Catalunya, the Basque Country and other such places have managed to gain enough independence to go forwards and not be reliant on others.

Africa's process there has only been in operation a short while. Zimbabwe 35 years old, Zambia was one of the first if not the first and i think was celebrating its 50th year this year or last.
Zambia isn't doing too badly. Its GDP is $4,000. Compared to neighbours Malawi at $780, Zimbabwe at $2000, DRC at $704, Tanzania $2667, Zambia has developed much further than all of its neighbors, it's had the time to develop, suffered less in the last 50 years, has managed to get a semblance of unity too.

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