Why Donald Trump Won’t Fold: Polls and People Speak

White people made America great

Tim McVeigh was white!
So was, Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Homer, Tacitus, Julius Ceaser, Napoleon, William the Conqueror, Marco Polo, Washington, Jefferson, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Magellan, Columbus, Cabot, Edison, GrahamBell, Pasteur, Leeuwenhoek, Mendel, Darwin, Newton, Galileo, Watt, Ford, Luther, Devinci, Poe, Tennyson just to name a few.

My point is that I've seen the countries that the brown people have created, and I'm not impressed
White people made America great

Tim McVeigh was white!
So was, Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Homer, Tacitus, Julius Ceaser, Napoleon, William the Conqueror, Marco Polo, Washington, Jefferson, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Magellan, Columbus, Cabot, Edison, GrahamBell, Pasteur, Leeuwenhoek, Mendel, Darwin, Newton, Galileo, Watt, Ford, Luther, Devinci, Poe, Tennyson just to name a few.

My point is that I've seen the countries that the brown people have created, and I'm not impressed

White people made America great

Tim McVeigh was white!
So was, Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Homer, Tacitus, Julius Ceaser, Napoleon, William the Conqueror, Marco Polo, Washington, Jefferson, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Magellan, Columbus, Cabot, Edison, GrahamBell, Pasteur, Leeuwenhoek, Mendel, Darwin, Newton, Galileo, Watt, Ford, Luther, Devinci, Poe, Tennyson just to name a few.

My point is that I've seen the countries that the brown people have created, and I'm not impressed

So, you go to an African country, and you then make a quick decision that you aren't impressed and therefore it means black people can't be great?

Have you ever thought that there might be reasons why Africa didn't develop as quickly? That it's nothing to do with race but to do with the land?
White people made America great

Tim McVeigh was white!
So was, Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Homer, Tacitus, Julius Ceaser, Napoleon, William the Conqueror, Marco Polo, Washington, Jefferson, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Magellan, Columbus, Cabot, Edison, GrahamBell, Pasteur, Leeuwenhoek, Mendel, Darwin, Newton, Galileo, Watt, Ford, Luther, Devinci, Poe, Tennyson just to name a few.

My point is that I've seen the countries that the brown people have created, and I'm not impressed


So Europe is the best... America was never great, it's still lagging behind Europe in just about every way

In Europe you can feel safe on the streets of a city. In Europe you can live your life instead of worrying that you'll need to work 80 hours a week then have people pound on you for not bringing your kids up. In Europe you can have time off to look after your new born baby, maybe not always enough time, but more than the US.

Also, Europe's population isn't that much bigger than they US's population. The EU has about 450 million to the US's 300 million, plus a few million in Canada.
White people made America great

Tim McVeigh was white!
So was, Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Homer, Tacitus, Julius Ceaser, Napoleon, William the Conqueror, Marco Polo, Washington, Jefferson, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Magellan, Columbus, Cabot, Edison, GrahamBell, Pasteur, Leeuwenhoek, Mendel, Darwin, Newton, Galileo, Watt, Ford, Luther, Devinci, Poe, Tennyson just to name a few.

My point is that I've seen the countries that the brown people have created, and I'm not impressed


So Europe is the best... America was never great, it's still lagging behind Europe in just about every way

In Europe you can feel safe on the streets of a city. In Europe you can live your life instead of worrying that you'll need to work 80 hours a week then have people pound on you for not bringing your kids up. In Europe you can have time off to look after your new born baby, maybe not always enough time, but more than the US.

Also, Europe's population isn't that much bigger than they US's population. The EU has about 450 million to the US's 300 million, plus a few million in Canada.

You've been badly misinformed...When were you last in europe?
..and the graph has nothing to do with any of that gibberish you just said...
Deport. ALL. Illegals.
And how would one do that, and what of their American children?
Once the immigration laws are enforced, illegals will self deport in large numbers. Heavy fines for hiring illegals will help a lot. The children? Go with their parents just as they do any other time.

And how exactly is he going to enact all these laws? He's running for president, not king.
Oh, he'll just ignore Congress and make Executive Orders for anything he wants. There's a precedent for that, you know.
Deport. ALL. Illegals.
And how would one do that, and what of their American children?
Once the immigration laws are enforced, illegals will self deport in large numbers. Heavy fines for hiring illegals will help a lot. The children? Go with their parents just as they do any other time.

And how exactly is he going to enact all these laws? He's running for president, not king.
Great question. The fact is Trump as president can do almost none of what he promised. For example:

Trump promises to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it and if they don't, he will put tariffs on Mexican goods and raise Visa fees on Mexican diplomats and NAFTA workers. The president can't do that. NAFTA establish free trade between Mexico and the US. Only Congress can do that which of course they would not because it would start a trade war with one of our biggest trading partner.

Trump promises to change citizenship by birthright. Again that can only be done by the US Congress with blessing of the Supreme Court, which of course is very unlikely.

Trump promises fast deportation of 11 million immigrants. To due this two things are needed neither of which Trump has any control. First due process would have to be denied in immigration cases. That would require action by the Congress and no action by the Supreme Court, which again is extremely unlikely.

I suspect Trump will never say how he will do anything that he has promised. I guess the fools that support him are just gullible enough to believe him because he says just what they want to hear. Whether it's possible, constitutional, are even practically doesn't seem to make any difference.
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Deport. ALL. Illegals.
And how would one do that, and what of their American children?
Once the immigration laws are enforced, illegals will self deport in large numbers. Heavy fines for hiring illegals will help a lot. The children? Go with their parents just as they do any other time.

And how exactly is he going to enact all these laws? He's running for president, not king.
Oh, he'll just ignore Congress and make Executive Orders for anything he wants. There's a precedent for that, you know.

he has a pen and a phone, too....LMAO
You've been badly misinformed...When were you last in europe?
..and the graph has nothing to do with any of that gibberish you just said...

Oh, I'm badly misinformed huh?

Last time in Europe was April, I was working there.
I've lived in 5 European countries. I've been to most of the countries there.

The graph shows scientific inventions based on where they were discovered. Europe is clearly far and away ahead of the US. By about 4 times. So, how does this make the US great exactly?
Why Donald Trump Won’t Fold: Polls and People Speak

A review of public polling, extensive interviews with a host of his supporters in two states and a new private survey that tracks voting records all point to the conclusion that Mr. Trump has built a broad, demographically and ideologically diverse coalition, constructed around personality, not substance, that bridges demographic and political divides.

In doing so, he has effectively insulated himself from the consequences of startling statements that might instantly doom rival candidates.

In poll after poll of Republicans, Mr. Trump leads among women, despite having used terms like “fat pigs” and “disgusting animals” to denigrate some of them. He leads among evangelical Christians, despite saying he had never had a reason to ask God for forgiveness.

He leads among moderates and college-educated voters, despite a populist and anti-immigrant message thought to resonate most with conservatives and less-affluent voters.

He leads among the most frequent, likely voters, even though his appeal is greatest among those with little history of voting.


He is a phenomenon who's time has come. Fingers crossed that the rest of the voters see that changes mean the country will be better off with the silent majority finally speaking up.

There's some good old fashion delusion. Trump supporters are not silent, nor a majority :rolleyes:

View attachment 48072

That is a month old.
You've been badly misinformed...When were you last in europe?
..and the graph has nothing to do with any of that gibberish you just said...

Oh, I'm badly misinformed huh?

Last time in Europe was April, I was working there.
I've lived in 5 European countries. I've been to most of the countries there.

The graph shows scientific inventions based on where they were discovered. Europe is clearly far and away ahead of the US. By about 4 times. So, how does this make the US great exactly?

I've been 4 times, lived there for 18 months and traveled extensively...pick a country and google crime and illegal immigration..europe is smoldering...they're sick and tired of the illegal invasion, too..there are lots of places you aren't going to go walking around in at night...go peddle that snake oil somewhere else...

EDIT...I know europe leads the world.I posted the graph....they're a couple thousand years older than the u.s, too, professor...white americans share the culture and heredity of europe.
That's the link..in the past 175 years americans of european heritage have achieved unimaginable accomplishments and almost caught europe despite the head start...

Now compare people of european heritage and their accomplishments with the rest of the world...
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You've been badly misinformed...When were you last in europe?
..and the graph has nothing to do with any of that gibberish you just said...

Oh, I'm badly misinformed huh?

Last time in Europe was April, I was working there.
I've lived in 5 European countries. I've been to most of the countries there.

The graph shows scientific inventions based on where they were discovered. Europe is clearly far and away ahead of the US. By about 4 times. So, how does this make the US great exactly?
scientific inventions?
Deport. ALL. Illegals.
And how would one do that, and what of their American children?
Once the immigration laws are enforced, illegals will self deport in large numbers. Heavy fines for hiring illegals will help a lot. The children? Go with their parents just as they do any other time.

And how exactly is he going to enact all these laws? He's running for president, not king.
Oh, he'll just ignore Congress and make Executive Orders for anything he wants. There's a precedent for that, you know.
Doesn't work that way.
You've been badly misinformed...When were you last in europe?
..and the graph has nothing to do with any of that gibberish you just said...

Oh, I'm badly misinformed huh?

Last time in Europe was April, I was working there.
I've lived in 5 European countries. I've been to most of the countries there.

The graph shows scientific inventions based on where they were discovered. Europe is clearly far and away ahead of the US. By about 4 times. So, how does this make the US great exactly?

I've been 4 times, lived there for 18 months and traveled extensively...pick a country and google crime and illegal immigration..europe is smoldering...they're sick and tired of the illegal invasion, too..there are lots of places you aren't going to go walking around in at night...go peddle that snake oil somewhere else...

Wow, four times huh? That clearly makes you an expert.

Yes, Europe has problems. No where near as many problems as the US, by any stretch of the imagination.

The worst big city for feeling uncomfortable is Bucharest in Romania, and it's like going to a laid back city in the US.
Going from Vancouver to Seattle and you notice the different in feeling.

Europe needs to keep immigration in check, as does the US. However you say Europe is "smoldering", no, it's not. It's got more problems than it should have. However it also has politician who try and deal with the problems, as opposed to the US where such people never get close to power.

I don't know of any big European city that is as bad as any big US city.
You've been badly misinformed...When were you last in europe?
..and the graph has nothing to do with any of that gibberish you just said...

Oh, I'm badly misinformed huh?

Last time in Europe was April, I was working there.
I've lived in 5 European countries. I've been to most of the countries there.

The graph shows scientific inventions based on where they were discovered. Europe is clearly far and away ahead of the US. By about 4 times. So, how does this make the US great exactly?
scientific inventions?

Didn't mean to write that, but hey. You get the point.
Deport. ALL. Illegals.
And how would one do that, and what of their American children?
Once the immigration laws are enforced, illegals will self deport in large numbers. Heavy fines for hiring illegals will help a lot. The children? Go with their parents just as they do any other time.

And how exactly is he going to enact all these laws? He's running for president, not king.
Oh, he'll just ignore Congress and make Executive Orders for anything he wants. There's a precedent for that, you know.
Doesn't work that way.


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