Why Donald Trump Won’t Fold: Polls and People Speak

Why Donald Trump Won’t Fold: Polls and People Speak

A review of public polling, extensive interviews with a host of his supporters in two states and a new private survey that tracks voting records all point to the conclusion that Mr. Trump has built a broad, demographically and ideologically diverse coalition, constructed around personality, not substance, that bridges demographic and political divides.

In doing so, he has effectively insulated himself from the consequences of startling statements that might instantly doom rival candidates.

In poll after poll of Republicans, Mr. Trump leads among women, despite having used terms like “fat pigs” and “disgusting animals” to denigrate some of them. He leads among evangelical Christians, despite saying he had never had a reason to ask God for forgiveness.

He leads among moderates and college-educated voters, despite a populist and anti-immigrant message thought to resonate most with conservatives and less-affluent voters.

He leads among the most frequent, likely voters, even though his appeal is greatest among those with little history of voting.


He is a phenomenon who's time has come. Fingers crossed that the rest of the voters see that changes mean the country will be better off with the silent majority finally speaking up.

How will Trump make the country better off?

He's president. Not some god, he still can't make laws most of the time, he still has to work with congress, he still has to work with foreign countries. He saw the impact of the Iraq war and says how bad it is, and still wants to go back, to spend billions making the defense industry rich, getting US soldiers killed and putting so much debt on the US that it'll cause another bad recession.
I'm wondering what makes some people think that those people who currently support Perry, Carson, Fiorina, Christie, Paul, Graham, Jindal, (stops to take a breath), Cruz, Santorum, Huckabee, Pataki and Gilmore will all throw their support to Trump when their guy ( or gal ) drops out.

Trump has peaked. He's got 25% of 26%. It ain't enough.
"With Perry having slumped in the polls, however, and Romney the more likely nominee, the odds tilt slightly toward Obama joining the list of one-termers. It is early, and almost no matter what, the election will be a losable one for Republicans. But Obama’s position is tenuous enough that it might not be a winnable one for him."

That was 'genius' Nate Silver prognosticating in November of 2011.

I'm wondering what makes some people think that those people who currently support Perry, Carson, Fiorina, Christie, Paul, Graham, Jindal, (stops to take a breath), Cruz, Santorum, Huckabee, Pataki and Gilmore will all throw their support to Trump when their guy ( or gal ) drops out.

Trump has peaked. He's got 25% of 26%. It ain't enough.
I'm just seeing the reality here. He is getting crowds only wished for by other candidates and the message is, we are going to make this country great again. People want to hear this.

Don't you see the similarity between Obama's first run and Trumps? The enthusiasm is rocking!
Blame the Beaners folding? I sure as hell hope not. Talk it up DT.
The beaners fucked up Mexico, and they are doing the same to America
That is a true statement.
Another Trump wetback hater...

a "wetback" is someone..usually a mexican..... who enters illegally...tens of millions of americans don't want illegal 3rd world peasants here any more..illegal means "against the law"...
I don't think many people "hate" them...maybe hate the damage them being here does...save the emotional melodrama and hyperbole, ok?.....you look especially weak and ridiculous with those "tactics".

Deport. ALL. Illegals.
I'm wondering what makes some people think that those people who currently support Perry, Carson, Fiorina, Christie, Paul, Graham, Jindal, (stops to take a breath), Cruz, Santorum, Huckabee, Pataki and Gilmore will all throw their support to Trump when their guy ( or gal ) drops out.

Trump has peaked. He's got 25% of 26%. It ain't enough.
I'm just seeing the reality here. He is getting crowds only wished for by other candidates and the message is, we are going to make this country great again. People want to hear this.

Don't you see the similarity between Obama's first run and Trumps? The enthusiasm is rocking!

No. None at all.

Trump is making a joke of the GOP and a fool of you. It won't be long now.
I'm wondering what makes some people think that those people who currently support Perry, Carson, Fiorina, Christie, Paul, Graham, Jindal, (stops to take a breath), Cruz, Santorum, Huckabee, Pataki and Gilmore will all throw their support to Trump when their guy ( or gal ) drops out.

Trump has peaked. He's got 25% of 26%. It ain't enough.
I'm just seeing the reality here. He is getting crowds only wished for by other candidates and the message is, we are going to make this country great again. People want to hear this.

Don't you see the similarity between Obama's first run and Trumps? The enthusiasm is rocking!

No. None at all.

Trump is making a joke of the GOP and a fool of you. It won't be long now.
And you believing in the lying, deceitful Hillary is not making you out a fool?
He leads among evangelical Christians, despite saying he had never had a reason to ask God for forgiveness.​



What?....They put what's good for america ahead of what they believe about religion..I'd say that's real patriotism..I would expect you to mock it....
I'm wondering what makes some people think that those people who currently support Perry, Carson, Fiorina, Christie, Paul, Graham, Jindal, (stops to take a breath), Cruz, Santorum, Huckabee, Pataki and Gilmore will all throw their support to Trump when their guy ( or gal ) drops out.

Trump has peaked. He's got 25% of 26%. It ain't enough.
I'm just seeing the reality here. He is getting crowds only wished for by other candidates and the message is, we are going to make this country great again. People want to hear this.

Don't you see the similarity between Obama's first run and Trumps? The enthusiasm is rocking!

No. None at all.

Trump is making a joke of the GOP and a fool of you. It won't be long now.
And you believing in the lying, deceitful Hillary is not making you out a fool?

Silly nutter. You don't know me very well.

And.....should Hillary win the nomination......she's a serious candidate with a well thought out vision for the nation. Trump tells you he loves America and you swoon like a little schoolgirl. There is no comparison.

Think on it. The guy who has the least meat behind his rhetoric is LEADING the other 17 GOP candidates. The entire party looks like a bunch of dupes.

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