Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies

I also give him credit for that. But I don't praise him for it. He's a Republican president. Appointing conservative judges was his job. He did his job, that's it.

Praising him would be like praising someone for not committing a crime.


Other Republicans give us Rino Judges and Justices.
You admit that President Trump gave us Constitutional Conservative Judges and then say it is just his job.

You are a dishonest broker - go fuck yourself.

Other Republicans give us Rino Judges and Justices.
You admit that President Trump gave us Constitutional Conservative Judges and then say it is just his job.

You are a dishonest broker - go fuck yourself.

Ok, so those others didn't give us constitutional judges. (John Roberts) They didn't do their job. I give Trump for doing his job on that issue. But I'm not going to praise him for it. They get paid to do their job.
One of Trumps jobs, as well as his promise, was to cut spending and save the American tax payer a lot of money. With all the new money he dumped into the economy, we were stuck with all the higher inflation it created.
That wasn't his job to do.
This is a pretty spot on article. It does explain why a lot of Trump supporters fell for so many of his lies. And still do.

Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies


“Among the many reasons that Trump’s supporters excuse his lying is that they, like Trump himself, do not really hold him to the standards that human persons are held to. And that is because many of his supporters, like Trump himself, do not consider him to be a person — he is more like a primal force or superhero, more than a person, but less than a person, too.”
Well, we already know that Biden supporters tolerate his lies.
I also give him credit for that. But I don't praise him for it. He's a Republican president. Appointing conservative judges was his job. He did his job, that's it.

Praising him would be like praising someone for not committing a crime.

I was pointing out that it was one promise he actually had the power to keep.

The rest of his bloviating (and I voted for him twice) was very apparent to me.

But, it was better than the other choice.

When Barrett was confirmed, I felt vindicated.
This is a pretty spot on article. It does explain why a lot of Trump supporters fell for so many of his lies. And still do.

Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies


“Among the many reasons that Trump’s supporters excuse his lying is that they, like Trump himself, do not really hold him to the standards that human persons are held to. And that is because many of his supporters, like Trump himself, do not consider him to be a person — he is more like a primal force or superhero, more than a person, but less than a person, too.”
An opinion of a lefty Raskin supporter….worthless
I'm with you on the Trump being a BS artist. But trying to connect that to capitalism, that's more than a stretch. Crony capitalism for sure. But not the kind of capitalism that 90% of Americans are part of.

It may be that since I grew up very near where Trump did, my impression of most business people are that they are totally narcissistic BS artists. Trump's personality is typical of many of the business people from that area.

It's also true that throughout the U.S. sales & marketing people are constantly hitting us with pure BS. Not as nasty, but still BS. You only have to watch a few TV commercials to realize that.
I voted and supported Trump solely on the courts. He delivered. I still don't care what he says, I care about what he does. He slowed the flood of illegal miscreants entering the country, he made peace deals across the Middle East, he got that goblin Kim to settle down in N. Korea, and he generally put America first.
I think the reason is that capitalism has made aggressiveness & lying a cultural norm. 'Winning' is all that matters.

Love of money is the root of all evil.

Pride is essentially competitive in nature.

It all boils down to what is most important to you.

Capitalism presents choices

People make those choices

Don't blame it on capitalism.
It's a "whataboutBiden" thread. As it always in, when someone points out even a legit flaw of Trumps. Trump supporters seriously think Trump is some sort of superhero. A god of some sorts. Like he's going to save the country. Even though he didn't do shit in his first two years, except hand the House over to the democrats.

Everything about Trump screams liberal. From spending to trade deals. His Platinum Plan. His assault on our 2A. And all the constant lies.
It really is amazing how so many can still believe anything he says. When Biden lies, we all catch on quick. And are quick to call Biden out on it. But when Trump lies, his supporters simply ignore it and blame the left.
tRump isn't a liberal or conservative. He is a con man opportunist!
Every supporter of every politician -especially ones who have strong emotional attachments- tolerate their lies.

Clintoon, the Bushes, Oboingo, Trump....I doesn't matter....Not a news flash.

So what else is new?
So you’re saying you don’t care about lies at all.

Good. Never whine about a supposed lie by any politician again

Love of money is the root of all evil.

Pride is essentially competitive in nature.

It all boils down to what is most important to you.

Capitalism presents choices

People make those choices

Don't blame it on capitalism.

If America was a true capitalist country, we wouldn't have half our problems. We call it capitalism, but it's really opportunism.

Capitalism is investing money to make money. We have that but we also have an anything goes, grab all you can culture. The only crime is getting caught. It's not a 'free market', it's a 'free-for-all market'. BS sprues from the mouths of Americans like a geyser.

It does keep the economy going, but certain jobs like THE PRESIDENCY have no room for BS.
Every supporter of every politician -especially ones who have strong emotional attachments- tolerate their lies.

Clintoon, the Bushes, Oboingo, Trump....I doesn't matter....Not a news flash.

So what else is new?

This is our fault for allowing them to get by with it. This comes from the "lesser of two evils" voters, who are the majority of this country. They'll let things slide, then something else. and so forth and so on, until we're down to retards like Trump and Biden.
This is our fault for allowing them to get by with it. This comes from the "lesser of two evils" voters, who are the majority of this country. They'll let things slide, then something else. and so forth and so on, until we're down to retards like Trump and Biden.

Pure Delusion.
This is our fault for allowing them to get by with it. This comes from the "lesser of two evils" voters, who are the majority of this country. They'll let things slide, then something else. and so forth and so on, until we're down to retards like Trump and Biden.
Or maybe it's the reason that the half of the population I'm with dropped out altogether.

So what's your excuse for supporting someone who's a member of one of the teams of lessers?
If America was a true capitalist country, we wouldn't have half our problems. We call it capitalism, but it's really opportunism.

Capitalism is investing money to make money. We have that but we also have an anything goes, grab all you can culture. The only crime is getting caught. It's not a 'free market', it's a 'free-for-all market'. BS sprues from the mouths of Americans like a geyser.

It does keep the economy going, but certain jobs like THE PRESIDENCY have no room for BS.

I agree.

I am afraid that we have simply decided that morals take a back seat to money.

We don't call people on it and we endorse it when it suites us.

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