Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies

While I am not following all of this, your comment does spark a thought about how we don't make it easy to be in the public eye.

I have to wonder how many good people DON'T run for office because of all the B.S. we put them through.

Every good person in the country isn't running because we barely have any good ones in DC. Almost all of them are either bought and paid for by lobbyist, or they're under direct supervision from the party leaders.
The fools are those who think Trump is not in Putin's pocket, that the covid shot is not brillant, and that the Ukies invaded Russia.
Trump supporters know a President Trump can't "build new cities" that will have lot's of great jobs, industry and all the things he claims.
It's a lie. And anyone with two braincells knows it's a lie. As well as all the other lies he's told. ("I'm going to zero out the debt in 8 years.")

But they just let him slide on the lies. Pretending he didn't just tell them a huge lie. As long as he's making the left look bad, they don't even care how much he lies. Because that's all the want. They don't care about the real issues. This is why you can't pin a Trump supporter down about his spending problem, his assault on the 2A, ridiculous trade deals with countries like China.
When someone tries, they resort to Trump like tactics and start calling you names or say your wife is ugly.
The fools are those who think Trump is not in Putin's pocket, that the covid shot is not brillant, and that the Ukies invaded Russia.

I'm not a Trump supporter. But I don't think Trump was in Putins pocket. I just think he was friendly towards him. You can't convince your enemies of anything. So why not be friendly, just as long as you don't let them get over on you. And Trump didn't.

Trumps a salesman. Salesman have very few enemies and even fewer friends.
Captimes? Who the hell is that?

And part of the url directs it to the opinion section which means it's all opinion and not factual news reporting.

And when I went to the main page it became obvious it's a left leaning website talking about Jill Biden promoting unions, lgbwhatever people books being discriminatied against, Bernie sanders declaring everyday is labor day and so on.

I say it's a junk site that's all hard left opinions.

Yeah, it's an opinion piece. What's the big deal?
Trump is too stupid to be a Russian agent and can't keep his mouth shut. The vaccination worked for lots of us. Putin invaded Ukraine.
As I stated. Thank you for confirming you’re a dupe.
Yeah, it's an opinion piece. What's the big deal?

Nothing wrong with an opinion piece, except when it's biasedly skewed which thereby makes it inherently a lie because it skews truth and reason for the sake of furthering an agenda.

I didn't say there was anything wrong with it, I just was saying it has no value to it or any insight. It was written purely for a specific group of people with a hatred of trump based purely on their need to be a contrarian.
But you keep trying to put me in Biden's corner.

What ever helps you to keep believing Trump.
I've had this happen recently too.

Me = "Trump indictment in Georgia shouldn't be moved to federal court"
Idiot's response = "You Biden supporters are always trying to distract from Biden's crimes!"

Wtf man there are so many people so politically biased that they only see black and white, their worldview does not allow for the shades of grey where most of the voting population falls. You're either supporting Trump on every lie, every crime, every childish tweet, every sexual assault, etc. or you must be a Biden fanatic. There is no in-between.
I've had this happen recently too.

Me = "Trump indictment in Georgia shouldn't be moved to federal court"
Idiot's response = "You Biden supporters are always trying to distract from Biden's crimes!"

Wtf man there are so many people so politically biased that they only see black and white, their worldview does not allow for the shades of grey where most of the voting population falls. You're either supporting Trump on every lie, every crime, every childish tweet, every sexual assault, etc. or you must be a Biden fanatic. There is no in-between.

It's loyalist who do this constantly. They're so loyal they'll try to spin facts just to prove their side is right.
A good example of this is Trumps Platinum Plan. $500 billion to black communities, just because they're black communities.
The right (and I) are against socialism. This is pure socialism. In fact, it's race based socialism. Something the right should've screamed their heads off over. This is something even the most die hard Trump supporter should've kicked Trump under the bus over. Then backed up over him, just to make sure.
Or the bump stock ban.
But they just let it slide. Some of them even bragged about it.

And somehow, some weird way, they attacked me for bringing it up and call me a liberal or a Biden supporter.
And here's something even more weird. The left, after Trump did his platinum plan, assaulted our 2A, got big oil to reduce production (April 2020), funded gender studies and all those left leaning things, the democrats didn't once praised Trump for any of it.

Both sides are so loyal that the issues don't even matter any more. And it's like they're getting paid to PR and spin for their side.
Wrong. I can't stand Biden. Him and Trump are both too liberal for me. And they both lie too much. But you keep trying to put me in Biden's corner.

What ever helps you to keep believing Trump.

One thing that you idiots don't understand
It's not a buffet
It's choice A or choice B
Trump is a willful maniac who should plead out and get the possible deal now.

He will die in federal custody if he does not.
It's loyalist who do this constantly. They're so loyal they'll try to spin facts just to prove their side is right.
A good example of this is Trumps Platinum Plan. $500 billion to black communities, just because they're black communities.
The right (and I) are against socialism. This is pure socialism. In fact, it's race based socialism. Something the right should've screamed their heads off over. This is something even the most die hard Trump supporter should've kicked Trump under the bus over. Then backed up over him, just to make sure.
Or the bump stock ban.
But they just let it slide. Some of them even bragged about it.

And somehow, some weird way, they attacked me for bringing it up and call me a liberal or a Biden supporter.
And here's something even more weird. The left, after Trump did his platinum plan, assaulted our 2A, got big oil to reduce production (April 2020), funded gender studies and all those left leaning things, the democrats didn't once praised Trump for any of it.

Both sides are so loyal that the issues don't even matter any more. And it's like they're getting paid to PR and spin for their side.

The number of people who literally have no idea what Socialism is, is stupifying.
The number of people who literally have no idea what Socialism is, is stupifying.

The number of people who don't even care when their favorite politician does it is about the same as those who don't know what it is.

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