Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies

Trump supporters know a President Trump can't "build new cities" that will have lot's of great jobs, industry and all the things he claims.
It's a lie. And anyone with two braincells knows it's a lie. As well as all the other lies he's told. ("I'm going to zero out the debt in 8 years.")

But they just let him slide on the lies. Pretending he didn't just tell them a huge lie. As long as he's making the left look bad, they don't even care how much he lies. Because that's all the want. They don't care about the real issues. This is why you can't pin a Trump supporter down about his spending problem, his assault on the 2A, ridiculous trade deals with countries like China.
When someone tries, they resort to Trump like tactics and start calling you names or say your wife is ugly.
I think we make a critical mistake when we look at this phenonenon from a political perspective or from an issue perspective. It's much bigger than that.

This is about far more than politics for the faithful. Somehow this awful, mentally ill con man has found a way to fill a hole in their lives that we just don't see.

I say it multiple times a day: This has never been about him. It's some kind of unique cultural/sociological fit, and seven years into it, it still doesn't make sense.

When this many people actually believe that a person like this has been sent by God to save America, and they're not kidding, something much bigger has happened.
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I think we make a mistake when we look at this phenonenon from a political perspective or issue perspective. It's much bigger than that.

This is about far more than politics for the faithful. Somehow this horrible person has found a way to fill a hole in their lives that we just don't see.

I say it multiple times a day: This has never been about him. It's some kind of unique cultural/sociological fit, and seven years into it, it still doesn't make sense.

When this many people actually believe that a person like this has been sent by God to save America, and they're not kidding, something much bigger has happened.
You tolerate a congenital liar. He proves it every day. This man promised transparency and unity. Remember? He is demented and tells the truth of what he is and what you support. And nothing is reported as the media are political activists.
You tolerate a congenital liar. He proves it every day. This man promised transparency and unity. Remember? He is demented and tells the truth of what he is and what you support. And nothing is reported as the media are political activists.
I understand that you have to deflect and change the subject. You do it in nearly every post. Few people here are more afraid of the mirror than you.

This thread isn't about Biden. It's about you. We want to understand what this is, and we're still trying.
You tolerate a congenital liar. He proves it every day. This man promised transparency and unity. Remember? He is demented and tells the truth of what he is and what you support. And nothing is reported as the media are political activists.
They believe they are smarter than most believe and know they'll never be foolish to believe a lie. Leftists can't help themselves
This is a pretty spot on article. It does explain why a lot of Trump supporters fell for so many of his lies. And still do.

Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies


“Among the many reasons that Trump’s supporters excuse his lying is that they, like Trump himself, do not really hold him to the standards that human persons are held to. And that is because many of his supporters, like Trump himself, do not consider him to be a person — he is more like a primal force or superhero, more than a person, but less than a person, too.”
It simply amazes me that Democrats always focus on Trump lies while one of the biggest liars in modern political history is sitting in the White House AND HE IS A DEMOCRAT.

It simply amazes me that Democrats always focus on Trump lies while one of the biggest liars in modern political history is sitting in the White House AND HE IS A DEMOCRAT.

For the same reason Trump supporters don't pay attention to Trumps lies. It's called political loyalty.
Retards on both sides of the isle are infected with it.
For the same reason Trump supporters don't pay attention to Trumps lies. It's called political loyalty.
Retards on both sides of the isle are infected with it.

Your entire thread is lies and fake news. You seem to be a pathological liar.

And you're a Trump loyalist.

You're Godammed right I am.

This is a pretty spot on article. It does explain why a lot of Trump supporters fell for so many of his lies. And still do.

Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies


“Among the many reasons that Trump’s supporters excuse his lying is that they, like Trump himself, do not really hold him to the standards that human persons are held to. And that is because many of his supporters, like Trump himself, do not consider him to be a person — he is more like a primal force or superhero, more than a person, but less than a person, too.”
Duped? What? You who believes Trump is a Russian agent, the vax is safe and effective, and Putin started the proxy war. Lol. Really?

Trump is too dumb and too much of a blabbermouth to be an agent.

For the same reason Trump supporters don't pay attention to Trumps lies. It's called political loyalty.
Retards on both sides of the isle are infected with it.
So basically all politicians lie and lie all the time.

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