Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies

This is a pretty spot on article. It does explain why a lot of Trump supporters fell for so many of his lies. And still do.

Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies


“Among the many reasons that Trump’s supporters excuse his lying is that they, like Trump himself, do not really hold him to the standards that human persons are held to. And that is because many of his supporters, like Trump himself, do not consider him to be a person — he is more like a primal force or superhero, more than a person, but less than a person, too.”
Your irony is ironic Biden cultist
They believe they are smarter than most believe and know they'll never be foolish to believe a lie. Leftists can't help themselves

I know many lies that were told on Trump. So how can we tell how many lies Trump has told?

Talk about stupid.

Talk about stupid.

Stupid? Na. Ignorant, yeah.. But ignorant in this context isn't bashing. No one here gives a crap about Guam. So not knowing if it's part of the USA or not isn't stupidity. It's simply not knowing about something that's not important.
Do you know how many strands of thread make up a shoe lace? Me neither. And that's about as important as knowing whether Guam is part of the USA.
The rubes think that if you criticize Trumpism, you must be a commie Democrat Biden lover.

That's it. It can only be one or the other.

That's as deep as their thought processes go at this point.

Wrong again, skippy. I'm a fiscal and constitutional conservative. A complete polar opposite of the left. Trump is closer aligned with the left than he is actual conservatives.

This is Trump.

No actual conservative would spend $8 trillion in just 4 years or unconstitutionally assault our 2A. Or fund gender studies, come up with his "platinum plan" or all those other left leaning things he did.
That's because you ARE a Bidendrone.


You just don't understand how someone can NOT be a democrat or a Trump supporter at the same time, do you? Not being one doesn't make you the other. There's more options than the two.
Leftist, democrats & biden supporters.
RINO's, Dem-lites & liberal Republicans <<<< Most of Trump supporters are here
Trump supporter
Fiscal conservative.... <<<< I'm here.
I never said that either, you liar. Putin said he got tired of explaining things to Trump over and over again. Putin thinks Trump is a joke.
But you still think he’s controlled by Putin.
Stupid? Na. Ignorant, yeah.. But ignorant in this context isn't bashing. No one here gives a crap about Guam. So not knowing if it's part of the USA or not isn't stupidity. It's simply not knowing about something that's not important.
Do you know how many strands of thread make up a shoe lace? Me neither. And that's about as important as knowing whether Guam is part of the USA.

Trump is stupid and very poorly educated.

This is a pretty spot on article. It does explain why a lot of Trump supporters fell for so many of his lies. And still do.

Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies


“Among the many reasons that Trump’s supporters excuse his lying is that they, like Trump himself, do not really hold him to the standards that human persons are held to. And that is because many of his supporters, like Trump himself, do not consider him to be a person — he is more like a primal force or superhero, more than a person, but less than a person, too.”
Still waiting to hear even one Trump lie.
I know many lies that were told on Trump. So how can we tell how many lies Trump has told?
Google is your friend. Plenty of sites list what they call “Trump lies.”

For example …

Read through the list and you may find items you feel are not lies.

For example …

In the second half of his presidential term, Trump began to raise aconspiracy theory that Ukraine and the Democrats framed Russia for election interference in an attempt to discredit his win. At the same time, Trump also began to advance a theory that Biden, then a likely 2020 front-runner, had acted corruptly while serving as vice president to benefit his son Hunter’s foreign business interests. There is no evidence of wrongdoing by either Biden.

As with many items Trump is likely right that Hunter Biden used his influence to help Hunter’s business dealings.

Today Hunter’s amateur artwork is selling for more than a Picasso. The Democrats will try to make you believe Hunter is a revolutionary artist and is a new Andy Warhol. (Don’t kid yourself. Hunter is selling Daddies’ influence).

Wrong again, skippy. I'm a fiscal and constitutional conservative. A complete polar opposite of the left. Trump is closer aligned with the left than he is actual conservatives.

This is Trump.
View attachment 832600

No actual conservative would spend $8 trillion in just 4 years or unconstitutionally assault our 2A. Or fund gender studies, come up with his "platinum plan" or all those other left leaning things he did.
What did “actual conservatives” conserve, preserve and or protect?
Didn’t “actual conservatives” sit on their hands and watch from the sidelines as leftism emerged, expanded and ran conservatism out of our institutions?
Didn’t “actual conservatives” cower and allow the expansion of the welfare state?
Didn’t “actual conservatives” stand by scared and pussified as our border became wide open to third world filth?
Didn’t “actual conservatives” serve our nation up on a silver platter to the left?


You just don't understand how someone can NOT be a democrat or a Trump supporter at the same time, do you? Not being one doesn't make you the other. There's more options than the two.
Leftist, democrats & biden supporters.
RINO's, Dem-lites & liberal Republicans <<<< Most of Trump supporters are here
Trump supporter
Fiscal conservative.... <<<< I'm here.
hahahaha….”Fiscal Conservative”…..this one has always cracked me up. Those who brag about fighting for financial responsibility almost never fight for the shit that actually matters TODAY in real world practice.
Look bud, that ship sailed long ago….government can no longer be “fiscally responsible” and stay in office…unfortunately it’s just not what today’s new ‘American’ gives two-shits about, you “actual conservatives” allowed the left to import and or manufacture too many desperate, needy, illiterate taxpayer dependent trash….the bulk of foreigners and filth in Loon York and Mexifornia NEVER think about fiscal responsibility or our founding values and documents.
”Actual conservatives“ could have stood their ground and prevented all this….but you didn’t. WHY?

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