Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies

What did “actual conservatives” conserve, preserve and or protect?
Didn’t “actual conservatives” sit on their hands and watch from the sidelines as leftism emerged, expanded and ran conservatism out of our institutions?
Didn’t “actual conservatives” cower and allow the expansion of the welfare state?
Didn’t “actual conservatives” stand by scared and pussified as our border became wide open to third world filth?
Didn’t “actual conservatives” serve our nation up on a silver platter to the left?

hahahaha….”Fiscal Conservative”…..this one has always cracked me up. Those who brag about fighting for financial responsibility almost never fight for the shit that actually matters TODAY in real world practice.
Look bud, that ship sailed long ago….government can no longer be “fiscally responsible” and stay in office…unfortunately it’s just not what today’s new ‘American’ gives two-shits about, you “actual conservatives” allowed the left to import and or manufacture too many desperate, needy, illiterate taxpayer dependent trash….the bulk of foreigners and filth in Loon York and Mexifornia NEVER think about fiscal responsibility or our founding values and documents.
”Actual conservatives“ could have stood their ground and prevented all this….but you didn’t. WHY?

Actual conservatives are severely outnumbered in the GOP. In fact, starting with Reagan, the number of actual conservatives have dropped drastically. Now there's barely a handful in DC now a days.
The GOP doesn't go for that fiscal or constitutional conservatism.
I think we make a critical mistake when we look at this phenonenon from a political perspective or from an issue perspective. It's much bigger than that.

This is about far more than politics for the faithful. Somehow this awful, mentally ill con man has found a way to fill a hole in their lives that we just don't see.

I say it multiple times a day: This has never been about him. It's some kind of unique cultural/sociological fit, and seven years into it, it still doesn't make sense.

When this many people actually believe that a person like this has been sent by God to save America, and they're not kidding, something much bigger has happened.
I spent a lot of years as a member of an organization devoted to debunking psychics, mediums, and other paranormal hucksters.

The similarities between the believers in the supernatural and Trump supporters is amazing. Even their prolific use of logical fallacies to back up their claims.

The desire to believe is one of the most powerful psychological forces there is. It overrides all logic and rationality, and no amount of evidence can shake them from their beliefs.

Quite often, just making the attempt to reach someone with facts drives them even deeper into their belief system.
I spent a lot of years as a member of an organization devoted to debunking psychics, mediums, and other paranormal hucksters.

The similarities between the believers in the supernatural and Trump supporters is amazing. Even their prolific use of logical fallacies to back up their claims.

The desire to believe is one of the most powerful psychological forces there is. It overrides all logic and rationality, and no amount of evidence can shake them from their beliefs.

Quite often, just making the attempt to reach someone with facts drives them even deeper into their belief system.
Yeah, this is now far beyond politics. These people don't leave this unless and until they make up their own mind to do so.

I don't know what causes that to happen.
More and more I'm concluding that blind staunch partisanship is destroying this country. Why, because the powers-that-be who are pulling the strings are purposely playing both "sides" against each other... and they are the ones giving us these horrible, corrupt, phony "leaders" that sadly people give their allegiance to, just because they have the right letter by their name, and they usually say the right things. But the worst part of all is that it has become such a huge war that's about "winning" at all costs, that people have thrown out their principles, putting partisanship first. And I hate to say this, but if We the People are willing to put misguided blind partisanship above principle, then our country deserves what we get. :dunno:
If you drew a Venn Diagram of blob supporters and those who are fans of professional wrestling; you'd see one circle. They believe wresting is real and if something does happen with real life implications that pops that balloon of make-believe; they simply pretend it didn't happen.
This is a pretty spot on article. It does explain why a lot of Trump supporters fell for so many of his lies. And still do.

Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies


“Among the many reasons that Trump’s supporters excuse his lying is that they, like Trump himself, do not really hold him to the standards that human persons are held to. And that is because many of his supporters, like Trump himself, do not consider him to be a person — he is more like a primal force or superhero, more than a person, but less than a person, too.”
It's also because Trump supporters are as dishonest as Trump.
More and more I'm concluding that blind staunch partisanship is destroying this country. Why, because the powers-that-be who are pulling the strings are purposely playing both "sides" against each other...
They're just taking advantage of the hand they are dealt.

Our current "system" incentivizes and rewards them for behaving this way. We don't do what it takes to change the system because we evidently don't care enough, and THEY'RE sure as hell not going to change it until we MAKE them.

Virtually all of our problems are self-inflicted, and could be fixed if we stopped playing this game. So far, we're not interested.
They're just taking advantage of the hand they are dealt.

Our current "system" incentivizes and rewards them for behaving this way. We don't do what it takes to change the system because we evidently don't care enough, and THEY'RE sure as hell not going to change it until we MAKE them.

Virtually all of our problems are self-inflicted, and could be fixed if we stopped playing this game. So far, we're not interested.
You mean elect nothing but hard Left loons like yourself.
If you were to elect a perfect leader, perfectly moral in every sense, one whose interest was only in truth and in helping the general populace with no thought to his own political career, that leader would be overwhelmingly conservative. By definition.
This is a pretty spot on article. It does explain why a lot of Trump supporters fell for so many of his lies. And still do.

Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies


“Among the many reasons that Trump’s supporters excuse his lying is that they, like Trump himself, do not really hold him to the standards that human persons are held to. And that is because many of his supporters, like Trump himself, do not consider him to be a person — he is more like a primal force or superhero, more than a person, but less than a person, too.”
It's because they are just stupid, lazy people!
If you drew a Venn Diagram of blob supporters and those who are fans of professional wrestling; you'd see one circle. They believe wresting is real and if something does happen with real life implications that pops that balloon of make-believe; they simply pretend it didn't happen.
What lies? You vote only.for Democrats. That makes you a Far Left nutjob
I don't only vote for Democrats. I'm not a far left nutjob. Don't run Trump and I'll happily go back to voting third party.

I would provide links to my ACTUAL positions on the issues, but we both know you'd just lie again about them. Because you're a liar.

All you people care about is what people think of Trumpism. If we don't love him like you do, you think you know our politics. You're in a cult.
They're just taking advantage of the hand they are dealt.

Our current "system" incentivizes and rewards them for behaving this way. We don't do what it takes to change the system because we evidently don't care enough, and THEY'RE sure as hell not going to change it until we MAKE them.

Virtually all of our problems are self-inflicted, and could be fixed if we stopped playing this game. So far, we're not interested.

I agree that the current system promotes that behavior and mindset. It's so clear to me that people (on both "sides") are being manipulated to the nth degree, and they don't even realize it, it seems. I refuse to play that game.

I don't know about you but I personally don't think our country is going to reverse its course. And another thing we most likely differ on is that when it comes to the bigger picture, I have no doubt that truth, justice and goodness will win in the end.
I agree that the current system promotes that behavior and mindset. It's so clear to me that people (on both "sides") are being manipulated to the nth degree, and they don't even realize it, it seems. I refuse to play that game.

I don't know about you but I personally don't think our country is going to reverse its course. And another thing we most likely differ on is that when it comes to the bigger picture, I have no doubt that truth, justice and goodness will win in the end.
I remain hopeful, but I don't know how we get there from here.

It appears that partisan politics are now deeply ingrained in our culture, and once that happens, it's a tough stain to wash out.
I remain hopeful, but I don't know how we get there from here.

It appears that partisan politics are now deeply ingrained in our culture, and once that happens, it's a tough stain to wash out.
I dunno. It IS hard to keep hope, but many people are starting to notice the downhill trajectory we are on.

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