Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies

Interesting your lack of comprehension to understand what I specifically wrote is quite revealing. Especially the last part. If you support Jo Biden you are a leftist.

You're the one not answering the question. Did the guy you were posting to support Joe Biden? I have never seen that, but I'll let him respond to you.

I will say this though. Joe Biden is just a puppet. It's the people pulling his strings who you should be concerned with, and the people with the real power are above the whole left / right dichotomy, they are globalists and oligarchs, basically.
You're the one not answering the question. Did the guy you were posting to support Joe Biden? I have never seen that, but I'll let him respond to you.

I will say this though. Joe Biden is just a puppet. It's the people pulling his strings who you should be concerned with, and the people with the real power are above the whole left / right dichotomy, they are globalists and oligarchs, basically.
Stop dodging. It's a plain simple fact if you support Jo Biden and defend him you're a leftist.
Who does that who claims to be a conservative?
Funny shit we have a poster here call conservative from Georgia and from the shit he post defends Jo Biden. Just because someone claims to be a conservative doesn't make them one.
Funny shit we have a poster here call conservative from Georgia and from the shit he post defends Jo Biden. Just because someone claims to be a conservative doesn't make them one.

Ok, in HIS case I absolutely agree with you. That guy is obviously a fake conservative, playing a role and trying to make conservatives look bad.

I can't say that about the other guy. But whatever, I'll leave it at that, I've spent too much time here and gotta go.
Most of your links agree with what I said the media lied about trump
The liberal media got brownie points every time they attacked Trump. Brownie points are nice but I don’t know how I could have looked at myself in the mirror while shaving if I was part of the liberal propaganda machine.
Talk about stupid.

This is a pretty spot on article. It does explain why a lot of Trump supporters fell for so many of his lies. And still do.

Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies


“Among the many reasons that Trump’s supporters excuse his lying is that they, like Trump himself, do not really hold him to the standards that human persons are held to. And that is because many of his supporters, like Trump himself, do not consider him to be a person — he is more like a primal force or superhero, more than a person, but less than a person, too.”

Trump good dems so bad.jpg
The government NEEDS to be shut down.

And then it needs to be completely reworked. And all the trash taken out.

The trash being Biden, Trump, McCarthy, Pelosi and those like them.
Lobbyist and special interest.
The two political party's might be kicked to the curb too. That would fix a lot of crap.
If you drew a Venn Diagram of blob supporters and those who are fans of professional wrestling; you'd see one circle. They believe wresting is real and if something does happen with real life implications that pops that balloon of make-believe; they simply pretend it didn't happen.
Wait…y….y…you’re saying wrestling isn’t real??



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