Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies

Sure he is. And I bet if he was of voting age back then he voted for Carter, Carter, Mondale, Dukakis, Clinton, Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Obama, Obama, and Clinton.

Wrong again. Your false narrative about me being left of center is still false. I've never voted for a democrat. Not one.
This whole "If you're not a Trump supporter then you must be a democrat" excuse got stale 4 years ago. In fact, it was stale when they were saying it about W. Bush.

What would you take on it be if Biden had unconstitutionally banned bump stocks, funded gender studies, or suspended the debt ceiling for 2 years?
You be calling him out on it, right? So why didn't you when Trump did it?

Because you're a Trump loyalist. Trump can do no wrong. Even if the wrong is waaaaay left of center.
He owns you.
Very few people realize that.

He was VERY likeable, so I think a lot of people loved him because he said the right things, looked the part, and again was very likeable.

He WAS an actor, after all. :dunno:

You nailed it. He, like Trump, played their part so well, their supporters didn't even realize just how far left both of them took this country and republican voters.
The hand full of fiscal conservative are in the freedom caucus. But they're so outnumbered, I can't see them getting anything done. Spending reductions, term limits or anything we actually needs.
And what's a damn shame about this, is they're having to fight their own leadership (McCarthy) to even get things bills and amendments out of committee.
I don't only vote for Democrats. I'm not a far left nutjob. Don't run Trump and I'll happily go back to voting third party.

I would provide links to my ACTUAL positions on the issues, but we both know you'd just lie again about them. Because you're a liar.

All you people care about is what people think of Trumpism. If we don't love him like you do, you think you know our politics. You're in a cult.
Trumpism is really conservatism. Your thinking it's something else means you've fallen for the leftwing media's cartoon version.
Guys, Mash is going to swoop in here and clear all this up for you by telling you what is really going on: There would be very little conflict or disagreement going on if the Marxist left were not actively sowing division and discord. It is what they have done in their 100+ year history. Everybody should recognize what they're doing and openly condemn and reject it. Vociferously reject the sources pedaling this division. Reject Communist Soros and his handpicked minions, AKA the squad. They do NOT have the best interests of the country in mind. Just listen to how they speak. Most Americans agree on most things. We all want police protection, we all want businesses to be successful, nobody wants government interference, we all want all people to be protected from physical harm, we all want a strong economic system, we want Representatives who have our interests at heart; not those who use their offices to enrich themselves. We want everyone who is able, to pull their weight, we don't want to overload our system with freeloaders, but we want to help those who truly need it, and not feed overbloated programs.

And to correct the Marxist left's divisive lies:
1) there is non systemic racism against blacks in this country
2) Christianity is great, and most Christians are very good people.
3) There is no significant warming of the planet.
4) Capitalism is the best economic system on earth.
5) The unborn are growing developing living children and deserve the right to live.

If you take away the Marxist Left and agenda of weakening and dividing the country, by spreading lies and by waving drug mules into the US to destroy several generations of Americans, we would live pretty much in harmony.

Let's root out the Marxist left and it's media. Every last remnant of it.
And zero representation whatsoever except foe the hard Left Communists you support.

He is a far right conservative.
The problem is he is an absolutist.
Today he is on an island by himself.
He is also boring and repetitive.
Also repetitive and boring.
This is a pretty spot on article. It does explain why a lot of Trump supporters fell for so many of his lies. And still do.

Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies


“Among the many reasons that Trump’s supporters excuse his lying is that they, like Trump himself, do not really hold him to the standards that human persons are held to. And that is because many of his supporters, like Trump himself, do not consider him to be a person — he is more like a primal force or superhero, more than a person, but less than a person, too
This is too early to be an April fools troll. Bidenflation, Biden the Alsheimer's afflicted grampa sexual abuser hands out BAZILLIONS to Ukraine for nothing. Abandoned Afghanistan and Billions in material and people. Got millions from $ from China and Ukraine for no obvious reason and so on and so forth, but Trump might maybe perhaps could have theoretically did something, lets impeach HIM! I am done with democrats.
This is a pretty spot on article. It does explain why a lot of Trump supporters fell for so many of his lies. And still do.

Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies


“Among the many reasons that Trump’s supporters excuse his lying is that they, like Trump himself, do not really hold him to the standards that human persons are held to. And that is because many of his supporters, like Trump himself, do not consider him to be a person — he is more like a primal force or superhero, more than a person, but less than a person, too.”
Project much? yawn

Maria B. and others have a more positive view:

Like battered wife syndrome
Actually, not only are we not battered wife syndrome bearers, many of us trust in God to defeat the evil that the current administration has brought to our doorsteps, and we accept God's judgment. I'm pretty certain the truth will be known about Biden's extortion thefts he engaged in for 44 years, and he needs to pay it back to the tune of the hundreds of millions that he took with the laundry tool being the American Congress's Foreign Aid packages, in which Biden goes in, demands 30% of the total package, gets it, puts in his pocket, and he's rich as sin. We believe the God Almighty whom the American Founders will take pity on those who love America enough to trust that God's will will go in the favor of all who love America enough to fight for her. And you better watch out. I mean that in a beneficent way. God is our guide and friend, to us he'll condescend, His love will never end. Hallelujah, Amen. :woohoo:

And zero representation whatsoever except foe the hard Left Communists you support.
You dumb fuck brain dead, ace this is how fucking stupid you are , there has never been a communist country ever , this will confuse the hell out of you but you are to fucking dumb to understand. There is no one in this country that wants communism, the only way you dumb fucks can make this attack work for you is by you defining communism yourself , problem is it already has a definition and that definition says your definition is full of shit,
Actually, not only are we not battered wife syndrome bearers, many of us trust in God to defeat the evil that the current administration has brought to our doorsteps, and we accept God's judgment. I'm pretty certain the truth will be known about Biden's extortion thefts he engaged in for 44 years, and he needs to pay it back to the tune of the hundreds of millions that he took with the laundry tool being the American Congress's Foreign Aid packages, in which Biden goes in, demands 30% of the total package, gets it, puts in his pocket, and he's rich as sin. We believe the God Almighty whom the American Founders will take pity on those who love America enough to trust that God's will will go in the favor of all who love America enough to fight for her. And you better watch out. I mean that in a beneficent way. God is our guide and friend, to us he'll condescend, His love will never end. Hallelujah, Amen. :woohoo:

You are one big pile of shit who is the farthest thing from a christian out there. Hate based bigoted fuck head.
This is a pretty spot on article. It does explain why a lot of Trump supporters fell for so many of his lies. And still do.

Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies


“Among the many reasons that Trump’s supporters excuse his lying is that they, like Trump himself, do not really hold him to the standards that human persons are held to. And that is because many of his supporters, like Trump himself, do not consider him to be a person — he is more like a primal force or superhero, more than a person, but less than a person, too.”
Article is an “opinion” piece. Why did you post someone else’s opinion rather than think for yourself?
Another stupid TDS thread....

Dripping with hatred by the OP

It never ends....:mad:
Wrong again. Your false narrative about me being left of center is still false. I've never voted for a democrat. Not one.
This whole "If you're not a Trump supporter then you must be a democrat" excuse got stale 4 years ago. In fact, it was stale when they were saying it about W. Bush.

What would you take on it be if Biden had unconstitutionally banned bump stocks, funded gender studies, or suspended the debt ceiling for 2 years?
You be calling him out on it, right? So why didn't you when Trump did it?

Because you're a Trump loyalist. Trump can do no wrong. Even if the wrong is waaaaay left of center.
He owns you.
He hasn't done anything wrong so far.

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