Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies

Simple they look at trump and as Christians are forced to vote for any one but Trump.

If you can find Christian reasons not to vote for Trump, there is no way you can justify voting democrat.
If you can find Christian reasons not to vote for Trump, there is no way you can justify voting democrat.
Said the hate Nazi to the world. This piece of shit is telling us real patriotic Americans what a Christian is , now that's a HOOT!
God may love you but he also knows that you follow a anti Christ who is a piece of shit. and supporrting him is one of the biggest sins in your life and saying you are just stupid as a excuse , won't be an excuse when you are judged.
You have been grossly misinformed, jbander. We Presbyterians are not antiChrists as you call me. We worship God as Christ taught us to pray in this way: "Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. thy Kingdom Come, thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power and the Glory. Amen.

President Trump has earned innocence everytime his political opponents accuse him of things he did not say or do, is not guilty of, and was cleared by a House inquiry which found no fault; a Senate inquiry which also found no fault, the Mueller inquiry, which also found no faults anywhere close to the ridiculous and lying allegations made against him.

I don't know you very well, but I'm gifting you a little something to clean up your filthy mouth below. This forum is a place where we welcome civil debate devoid of the kind of absolutely false accusations you made about me above. I'd advise you to stop slinging mud and stick to fact, not badmouthing. For your foul lies above, I am giving you also a tour on my ignore list for a few days. Farewell.

So we should listen to you??

Nothing I said suggested that anyone should listen to me. You have to say something then say something that has to do with my statement or at least what we are talking about. Stupid remark.
You have been grossly misinformed, jbander. We Presbyterians are not antiChrists as you call me. We worship God as Christ taught us to pray in this way: "Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. thy Kingdom Come, thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power and the Glory. Amen.

President Trump has earned innocence everytime his political opponents accuse him of things he did not say or do, is not guilty of, and was cleared by a House inquiry which found no fault; a Senate inquiry which also found no fault, the Mueller inquiry, which also found no faults anywhere close to the ridiculous and lying allegations made against him.

I don't know you very well, but I'm gifting you a little something to clean up your filthy mouth below. This forum is a place where we welcome civil debate devoid of the kind of absolutely false accusations you made about me above. I'd advise you to stop slinging mud and stick to fact, not badmouthing. For your foul lies above, I am giving you also a tour on my ignore list for a few days. Farewell.

Am I talking to a door knob , where in the hell did I call you a antichrist , you people are blithering nonsensical idiots. The house Impeached scum bag twice idiot , they found him guilty of something ding dong. Mueller Inquiry didn't not find him across the board inocent as you say idiot. The senate saves the piece of shits ass by having a majoritty of hate party traitors.and they voted party line. This is the biggest joke of your whole comment "

"President Trump has earned innocence everytime his political opponents accuse him of things he did not say or do" BULLSHIT IDIOT NOT EVEN CLOSE He lied 30000 times in office all listed and verified.
" that's is a another piece of bullshit. So what did I prove, everything you said or say is a lie , simple as that, You are a joke as a Christian and totally comical as a MAGA Maggot. By the way fuck you you piece of shit lying fraud.
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Nothing I said suggested that anyone should listen to me. You have to say something then say something that has to do with my statement or at least what we are talking about. Stupid remark.

Look here snowflake, I'll say what I wish.

But thanks. :beer:
Good God it is like dealing with nasty little third graders here. They have zero fact sand zero clue what they are talking about, They make it up as they go.
I think it's nonsense to get into assumptions about what's in his supporters' minds. There are plenty around here to tell us themselves.
I think it's nonsense to get into assumptions about what's in his supporters' minds. There are plenty around here to tell us themselves.
Whats in Trump supporters are the exact same things that it made it possible for Hitler to pull the population of Germany into his Nazi world of hate.
When I call these people stupid, hateful cruel evil and scum it's because that is who they are.
Your perception of ‘true’ or ‘actual’ conservatism – the conservatism of the 50s and 60s, of Goldwater and Buckley – is a reactionary myth; of an idealized American past that never actually existed.

With the civil rights movement, with America becoming more diverse and inclusive, and with Americans seeking greater expression of their individual liberty and personal autonomy, the true nature of conservativism was revealed.

As minorities fought against discrimination and disadvantage, we saw the emergence of the inherent racism of conservatism; we saw conservatives embrace the Christo-fascist religious right; we saw the bigotry and authoritarianism of conservatives as they opposed the rights and protected liberties of gay Americans; and we saw the anti-immigrant nativism and hate of conservatives.
I'll take the fifties over any other recent decade. Easy decision.

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