Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies

Actually, not only are we not battered wife syndrome bearers, many of us trust in God to defeat the evil that the current administration has brought to our doorsteps, and we accept God's judgment. I'm pretty certain the truth will be known about Biden's extortion thefts he engaged in for 44 years, and he needs to pay it back to the tune of the hundreds of millions that he took with the laundry tool being the American Congress's Foreign Aid packages, in which Biden goes in, demands 30% of the total package, gets it, puts in his pocket, and he's rich as sin. We believe the God Almighty whom the American Founders will take pity on those who love America enough to trust that God's will will go in the favor of all who love America enough to fight for her. And you better watch out. I mean that in a beneficent way. God is our guide and friend, to us he'll condescend, His love will never end. Hallelujah, Amen. :woohoo:

Nothing more has to be said to show what a piece of shit you are then the fact that you claim to be a christian but support Trump, you can't be . all you are is a traitor to this country and I believe in the death sentence for all traitors.
Another stupid TDS thread....

Dripping with hatred by the OP

It never ends....:mad:
when trump is in jail and 2000 to 3000 of his supporters are in jail then it will start to end and life will go on without your hate group you call a party. And most of you will be put back underneath the rocks were trump found you and that society put you to keep you away from our children. You people are simply traitors to this great country, the lowest form of society. Basically scum!
This kind of thing is all partisans know how to do. It's just the Hatfields and McCoys stupidity applied to politics. Mindlessly perpetuating a grudge, with neither side remembering why. Neither side has values or principles other than "the other side is bad, mkay?"
The behaviors are consistently similar. No mirrors, no accountability.
Trump is stupid and very poorly educated.
They believe that this person is an honest, brilliant, strong, brave, manly, patriotic Christian man.

They believe that he is everything he keeps telling him that he is.

They'll scream TDS! if you criticize him, they'll deny every example you provide them, they'll ignore every one of his destructive, childish behaviors.

You can't break through a cult. They have to figure this out themselves. And who knows how much damage is done between now and then.

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Nothing more has to be said to show what a piece of shit you are then the fact that you claim to be a christian but support Trump, you can't be

I've read this from other self righteous posters before.

Please walk me through the logic of your claim.

I'd love to know just how you get to that conclusion.
He hasn't done anything wrong so far.

He's reauthorized the government to spy on Americans without a warrant. Plus he's spent trillions. Increased the debt ceiling without demanding spending cuts. And he's sending way too much to Ukraine. And I read today, he's sending like $1 million to the police in Kenya.

I could probably find more. But I just don't pay that much attention to Biden. He's president now. Nothing we can do about it.

Except try to pick a good one in 2024. But it's looking like Trump is going to be the RNC nominee.

I won't vote for him. But I hope RFK jr, get the DNC nomination.
He's reauthorized the government to spy on Americans without a warrant. Plus he's spent trillions. Increased the debt ceiling without demanding spending cuts. And he's sending way too much to Ukraine. And I read today, he's sending like $1 million to the police in Kenya.

I could probably find more. But I just don't pay that much attention to Biden. He's president now. Nothing we can do about it.

Except try to pick a good one in 2024. But it's looking like Trump is going to be the RNC nominee.

I won't vote for him. But I hope RFK jr, get the DNC nomination.
You're an imbecile. Your entire thread began with all lies.
Nothing more has to be said to show what a piece of shit you are then the fact that you claim to be a christian but support Trump, you can't be . all you are is a traitor to this country and I believe in the death sentence for all traitors.

Yeah, I'm not sure about all the insults your slinging. But I think you're spot on when you talk about Christians supporting Trump. I'm not sure how that's even possible.

He lies.
He's cheated on all of his wives.
Say's he doesn't have to ask god for foregiveness because he does nothing wrong.
He's pro choice.

That adds up to Trump not being a Christian. So it begs the question, why do Christians support him?
More and more I'm concluding that blind staunch partisanship is destroying this country. Why, because the powers-that-be who are pulling the strings are purposely playing both "sides" against each other... and they are the ones giving us these horrible, corrupt, phony "leaders" that sadly people give their allegiance to, just because they have the right letter by their name, and they usually say the right things. But the worst part of all is that it has become such a huge war that's about "winning" at all costs, that people have thrown out their principles, putting partisanship first. And I hate to say this, but if We the People are willing to put misguided blind partisanship above principle, then our country deserves what we get. :dunno:

Powers that be??? You have a choice.
More and more I'm concluding that blind staunch partisanship is destroying this country. Why, because the powers-that-be who are pulling the strings are purposely playing both "sides" against each other... and they are the ones giving us these horrible, corrupt, phony "leaders" that sadly people give their allegiance to, just because they have the right letter by their name, and they usually say the right things. But the worst part of all is that it has become such a huge war that's about "winning" at all costs, that people have thrown out their principles, putting partisanship first. And I hate to say this, but if We the People are willing to put misguided blind partisanship above principle, then our country deserves what we get. :dunno:

Wanna get into the mix and see some real corruption at the local level. Go to any party headquarters (DNC or RNC) and try to be a state delegate for a candidate the local chairman isn't supporting.
I did this in 2012, and was dead set against Romney. I, and the others were black balled. There was no chance we were going to the state convention.
when trump is in jail and 2000 to 3000 of his supporters are in jail then it will start to end and life will go on without your hate group you call a party. And most of you will be put back underneath the rocks were trump found you and that society put you to keep you away from our children. You people are simply traitors to this great country, the lowest form of society. Basically scum!

Man, you liberals are mean and violent, aren't you?
Man, you liberals are mean and violent, aren't you?
you have to be joking , i'm dealing with dirt, scum, people who sold out my country all you traitors diserve hate and rejection from all patriots. the idea that you support traitors makes you scum. by the way treason deserves the death penalty.
Yeah, I'm not sure about all the insults your slinging. But I think you're spot on when you talk about Christians supporting Trump. I'm not sure how that's even possible.

He lies.
He's cheated on all of his wives.
Say's he doesn't have to ask god for foregiveness because he does nothing wrong.
He's pro choice.

That adds up to Trump not being a Christian. So it begs the question, why do Christians support him?
Not that complicated, it is stupidity and hate.

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