Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies

This is a pretty spot on article. It does explain why a lot of Trump supporters fell for so many of his lies. And still do.

Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies


“Among the many reasons that Trump’s supporters excuse his lying is that they, like Trump himself, do not really hold him to the standards that human persons are held to. And that is because many of his supporters, like Trump himself, do not consider him to be a person — he is more like a primal force or superhero, more than a person, but less than a person, too.”
This, from Biden voters. Priceless 😂
Trump has been truthful, but the leftwing has LIED about him. Steele Dossier -made up from thin air; Collusion with Russia - made up from thin air. E Jean Carroll rape - made up from thin air. And President Trump was probably the only president in 100 years who promised to govern as a conservative and kept every one of his campaign promises. As a devout Catholic, I am grateful this great man has been allowed to help America. He is unparalleled in ability. The reason he has so many millions of supporters is because he already had a superlative record as president. At first, maybe it was his personality, but now it's because he has delivered the goods AND his personality. Even leftwingers who hate him have to begrudgingly admit he was a highly accomplished president.
I'll never forget that walk-through with 0bama after Trump was elected. Trump looked like HE was the president. He did all the talking and totally commanded the room. 0bama was reduced to looking down at his shoes. He actually looked like a go-fer for Trump.
You are a pile of shit treasonous fake christian, who has made Scum Bag your God. You are a total idiot and this countries biggest threat and enemy. It is up to the american patriots to put you back underneith the rock were Trump found you and society put you to keep you away from our children. You are litterally the lowest form of humanity.
Trump supporters are marked for their hate and stupidity by the whole world. They will carry that mark for the rest of their lives and they will be watched by that mark for the rest of their lives to make sure they don't try to destroy this country again with their hate and stupidity.
And then it needs to be completely reworked. And all the trash taken out.

The trash being Biden, Trump, McCarthy, Pelosi and those like them.
Lobbyist and special interest.
The two political party's might be kicked to the curb too. That would fix a lot of crap.
And zero representation whatsoever except foe the hard Left Communists you support.
Trump supporters are marked for their hate and stupidity by the whole world. They will carry that mark for the rest of their lives and they will be watched by that mark for the rest of their lives to make sure they don't try to destroy this country again with their hate and stupidity.
Trump supporters are patriots who love America. What we hate are the dregs of society.
And zero representation whatsoever except foe the hard Left Communists you support.

I support Fiscal and Constitutional conservatism. There are NONE of those on the left and only a handful on the right. The rest are RINO's like Trump, McCarthy and McConnell.

If you're a Trump supporter and you still don't see it, have no fear. Most GOP voters don't understand it. So you got that going for you.
None the less, Trump, like a good democrat still supports McCarthy. Still increased the debt ceiling twice and suspended it for 2 years. He still funded gender studies. He still reauthorized the government to spy on Americans without a warrant. And he still assaulted our 2A. Most of those things with the help and support of McCarthy and McConnell. (and Ryan)
No, you don't. Without the Social agenda, you are NOT a real Conservative, moron. Reagan was far more Conservative than you, fucking RINO scumbag.

Wrong again. Reagan was just as much a RINO as Trump is. Reagan is the reason the acronym RINO came about, "scumbag." 17 debt ceiling increases. 1 tax cut with 4 tax increases. The Brady Bill.....

That's a RINO's kind of conservatism. And it's not fiscal.
Wrong again. Reagan was just as much a RINO as Trump is. Reagan is the reason the acronym RINO came about, "scumbag." 17 debt ceiling increases. 1 tax cut with 4 tax increases. The Brady Bill.....

That's a RINO's kind of conservatism. And it's not fiscal.
You have to figure we were still fighting the Soviets, but yet you and your ilk wants the US to fail so Communism could take over.
You tolerate a congenital liar. He proves it every day. This man promised transparency and unity. Remember? He is demented and tells the truth of what he is and what you support. And nothing is reported as the media are political activists.

Even without that, each and every action that this administration has taken has been destructive to the country.

No way to honestly defend him.
It simply amazes me that Democrats always focus on Trump lies while one of the biggest liars in modern political history is sitting in the White House AND HE IS A DEMOCRAT.

It's their team.
They don't care.
You have to figure we were still fighting the Soviets, but yet you and your ilk wants the US to fail so Communism could take over.

They were fighting with words. Not an actual war. Words cost nothing. Reagan was good at words. Selling us the Military Industrial Complex by pretending our own military capabilities were short of protecting the USA. A fucking sales tactic to scare people into supporting it and all the spending that went into it.
Trump did the same thing.
None the less all that MIC spending and other handouts, created a government pattern that hasn't stopped since. Flood the economy with new money, and watch the inflation bubble get bigger and bigger and bigger. Then when it busts, they blame it on the other party or the last administration. But turn around and pretend that only dumping trillions more into the economy is the only solution.

You Trump supporting RINO's really need to read up on what fiscal conservatism is.

Fiscal conservatism refers to a political and economic ideology that emphasizes prudent fiscal management, limited government intervention in the economy, and a focus on reducing government spending and deficits. It advocates for fiscal discipline, balanced budgets, and a cautious approach to taxation and public expenditure.
They were fighting with words. Not an actual war. Words cost nothing. Reagan was good at words. Selling us the Military Industrial Complex by pretending our own military capabilities were short of protecting the USA. A fucking sales tactic to scare people into supporting it and all the spending that went into it.
Trump did the same thing.
None the less all that MIC spending and other handouts, created a government pattern that hasn't stopped since. Flood the economy with new money, and watch the inflation bubble get bigger and bigger and bigger. Then when it busts, they blame it on the other party or the last administration. But turn around and pretend that only dumping trillions more into the economy is the only solution.

You Trump supporting RINO's really need to read up on what fiscal conservatism is.

Fiscal conservatism refers to a political and economic ideology that emphasizes prudent fiscal management, limited government intervention in the economy, and a focus on reducing government spending and deficits. It advocates for fiscal discipline, balanced budgets, and a cautious approach to taxation and public expenditure.

Sure he is. And I bet if he was of voting age back then he voted for Carter, Carter, Mondale, Dukakis, Clinton, Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Obama, Obama, and Clinton.

Here we go again. Some of the replies on this thread make me feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone. How many times does he have say, repeatedly, that Trump is not conservative enough for him? So why on earth do you think he would vote for a big government, big-spending commie Democrat, when he has stated over and over and over that he wants the exact opposite of that?

Like I said to the other guy last night, either you are incredibly dense, or you are calling him a liar. Which is it?

PS: Trump is not a true conservative. But whatever, "vote" for who you want, doesn't make a hill of beans worth of difference to me.
Wrong again. Reagan was just as much a RINO as Trump is. Reagan is the reason the acronym RINO came about, "scumbag." 17 debt ceiling increases. 1 tax cut with 4 tax increases. The Brady Bill.....

That's a RINO's kind of conservatism. And it's not fiscal.

Very few people realize that.

He was VERY likeable, so I think a lot of people loved him because he said the right things, looked the part, and again was very likeable.

He WAS an actor, after all. :dunno:

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