Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies

Actual conservatives are severely outnumbered in the GOP
Why wouldn’t they be?
“Actual conservatives” were worthless for far too long…and now your ‘product’ is unsellable.
You did this to yourselves. Sad but true.
In fact, starting with Reagan, the number of actual conservatives have dropped drastically.
Yep…Reagan, his nutless bipartisan ass and his pussified deal making opened the floodgates to the thridworld…The children of those thirdworlders became of voting age and took Mexifornia, NV, AZ, NM and much of Texas from core America conservatives and handed those states and a shit-ton of power to the Mexicrat Party.
Now there's barely a handful in DC now a days.
Nobody is buying what “actual conservatives“ are selling.
The GOP doesn't go for that fiscal or constitutional conservatism.
Again, you assisted the Democrat Party in recruiting and or manufacturing new ‘Americans’.

Why wouldn’t they be?
“Actual conservatives” were worthless for far too long…and now your ‘product’ is unsellable.
You did this to yourselves. Sad but true.

I did what to myself? Allow the GOP establishment, when I was in my 20's to infiltrate and destroy the conservative wing of the GOP? FFS, I've been fighting against the RINO cucks since I was in my 20's.
When I discuss what actual conservatism is to these RINO Trump supporters, they dodge and spin and call me a liberal. You can't fight stupidity with facts. Because they're stupid. They don't understand facts. They're motivated by talking points and lies.
Nobody is buying what “actual conservatives“ are selling.

Read my above comment.
Again, you assisted the Democrat Party in recruiting and or manufacturing new ‘Americans’.


I haven't assisted the democrats on anything. If they found some use out of me exposing what's wrong with the GOP, then so be it. I don't care. I just want the GOP to grow some balls and stand up to the left, instead of backing then when they support liberal Republicans like Trump.
Google is your friend. Plenty of sites list what they call “Trump lies.”

For example …

Read through the list and you may find items you feel are not lies.

For example …

In the second half of his presidential term, Trump began to raise aconspiracy theory that Ukraine and the Democrats framed Russia for election interference in an attempt to discredit his win. At the same time, Trump also began to advance a theory that Biden, then a likely 2020 front-runner, had acted corruptly while serving as vice president to benefit his son Hunter’s foreign business interests. There is no evidence of wrongdoing by either Biden.

As with many items Trump is likely right that Hunter Biden used his influence to help Hunter’s business dealings.

Today Hunter’s amateur artwork is selling for more than a Picasso. The Democrats will try to make you believe Hunter is a revolutionary artist and is a new Andy Warhol. (Don’t kid yourself. Hunter is selling Daddies’ influence).

Most of your links agree with what I said the media lied about trump

Funny fake news still pushing those CONspriscy theories
How many times will you leftists say that lie?

I can't even begin to express how idiotic it is to automatically assume that anyone who doesn't like Trump must be a "leftist." The guy you were posting to has stated repeatedly that Trump is not conservative enough for him, he wants to support a real conservative. So by calling him a leftist you are either dense as hell, or accusing him of being a liar. Which is it? Either way, I'm sick and tired of reading inane binary-minded comments like that.
I can't even begin to express how idiotic it is to automatically assume that anyone who doesn't like Trump must be a "leftist."
I get this every day, multiple times a day.

I have a couple of Republican never-Trumpers on my Twitter feed, and they often talk about how the MAGA rubes are constantly calling them commies and leftists and enemies, even though they haven't changed their positions on any issues.

These rubes have been reduced to the most simplistic, binary thought patterns imaginable. They have absolutely no understanding of anything but us vs. them. The voices they choose to trust tell them that it's a war, and you're with them or against them. All or nothing.

That's what a cult does to people. I didn't use that word for a long time, but that's what this is.
I get this every day, multiple times a day.

I have a couple of Republican never-Trumpers on my Twitter feed, and they often talk about how the MAGA rubes are constantly calling them commies and leftists and enemies, even though they haven't changed their positions on any issues.

These rubes have been reduced to the most simplistic, binary thought patterns imaginable. They have absolutely no understanding of anything but us vs. them. The voices they choose to trust tell them that it's a war, and you're with them or against them. All or nothing.

That's what a cult does to people. I didn't use that word for a long time, but that's what this is.

"The more you know...."

There is no better example of projection than a Trumpster using the term TDS.

No honey, because I discuss a wide variety of issues on this board. Do we have to go over your last, say, 50 posts to see how many of them are about Trump?
No honey, because I discuss a wide variety of issues on this board. Do we have to go over your last, say, 50 posts to see how many of them are about Trump?
What you don't seem to understand is that they're actually not about Trump. They're about people like you.

Or maybe you DO understand that, which would explain why you hump my leg with such ferocity.

Your opinion of me means nothing. Sorry. You are a cultist. I truly and sincerely believe you need help.
I can't even begin to express how idiotic it is to automatically assume that anyone who doesn't like Trump must be a "leftist." The guy you were posting to has stated repeatedly that Trump is not conservative enough for him, he wants to support a real conservative. So by calling him a leftist you are either dense as hell, or accusing him of being a liar. Which is it? Either way, I'm sick and tired of reading inane binary-minded comments like that.
Facts are facts. Facts are a hard thing for a leftist to accept. Fact is you're a leftist if you defend Jo Biden
What you don't seem to understand is that they're actually not about Trump. They're about people like you.

Or maybe you DO understand that, which would explain why you hump my leg with such ferocity.

Your opinion of me means nothing. Sorry. You are a cultist. I truly and sincerely believe you need help.

How can I be a cultist when I wasn't even wanting Trump to run again this time?

Can you begin to answer this Mac or is does your florid self-righteousness prevent it.
Facts are facts. Facts are a hard thing for a leftist to accept. Fact is you're a leftist if you defend Jo Biden

Are you talking about the guy you were posting to? Because I sure as hell have never defended that buffoon.

I'm not going to speak for anyone else, but no, it is is not a "fact" someone is a leftist just because they said something you disagree with. That binary-thinking is one of the things destroying this country, because you are allowing yourself to be manipulated by the real powers pulling the strings who purposely pit both "sides" against each other, and that is preventing you from seeing what is truly going on.
There is no better example of projection than a Trumpster using the term TDS.
Shit for brains TDS is a pretty good description of the mental state of a person who didn't like Trump as president. You went over the ledge for no reason at all and the mental break down happened fast within, weeks of trump winning the election. Pushing to have him impeached even before he took office. People meeting on the first anniversary of trump winning the election to howl at the moon. Believing every negative thing reported against trump.
Are you talking about the guy you were posting to? Because I sure as hell have never defended that buffoon.

I'm not going to speak for anyone else, but no, it is is not a "fact" someone is a leftist just because they said something you disagree with. That binary-thinking is one of the things destroying this country, because you are allowing yourself to be manipulated by the real powers pulling the strings who purposely pit both "sides" against each other, and that is preventing you from seeing what is truly going on.
Interesting your lack of comprehension to understand what I specifically wrote is quite revealing. Especially the last part. If you support Jo Biden you are a leftist.
Shit for brains TDS is a pretty good description of the mental state of a person who didn't like Trump as president. You went over the ledge for no reason at all and the mental break down happened fast within, weeks of trump winning the election. Pushing to have him impeached even before he took office. People meeting on the first anniversary of trump winning the election to howl at the moon. Believing every negative thing reported against trump.
More TDS.

This is a cult.

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