CDZ Why don't American, so called, "feminists" go after the actual symbol of oppression....

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Not only do you not know what a tu quote fallacy is, you do not recognize a straw man, either.

You indulge in tu quoque fallacies every time the subject is Islam, but demand people stay on topic if the subject is another ideology, and you call a simple statement of fact a straw man.

Misogyny IS hard wired into Islam. Women are given the short end of the stick by Islamic law.

You cannot argue facts, so you indulge in these ruses.

I fully recognize a Tu quoque fallacy and I am very familiar with Strawman as well since it is a common tactic here.

With every argument I make, I try to support it with facts.

Islamic law is surprisingly similar to Jewish law (no surprise since that is where much of it came from). When it exists in a society where it is not part of the secular law, there isn't a problem. In countries where it is part of the legal system it is much more of a problem. Jewish law, it is very complicated. Unfortunately it's application and interpretation is not straightforward nor standardized nor does it necessarily require any sort of certification to become an expert.

If the Jewish people can create a workaround for Jewish law to coexist with secular law...I see no problem for the same in Islam. In fact - it has in this country and in others. And that is a fact that you ignore. Why not support and argue for a modernization of Islam which is way overdue instead of a broadbrush demonization?

Islam is unique.

It is unique in the way it combines politics and religion. It is unique in the way it was crafted quite intentionally by a warrior seeking a way to bind his converts to him. It is unique in placing a serial rapist and mass murderer as the world,s most perfect man. It is unique in the way it calls for it's adherents to wage eternal war against all that is not Islamic. It is unique on the world stage today in the actions of it!s adherents as they seek to follow the instructions of the warlord. It is unique in the way it is so inherently supremacist and totalitarian, micromanaging people!s lives down to the iota.

It is unique in many ways.

Can you do me a solid,, though, and find one single thread where the subject was Islam and you did not defend it through false comparisons to other religions or people's? Your trying to craft this illusion that Islam is no different than any other religion is much like claiming a fish is no different than a torpedo because after all, they both travel through water.

Islam varies hugely in how it is followed around the world. For example Pakistan and the US.

Historically - Mohammed was far more complex then you describe - both in terms of peace, war, rules concerning war, being persecuted, and finally fighting back. It's a religion that sprang out of bad conditions and it contains a lot of rules - codes of conduct. Part of the problem though, is some people only focus on parts and that includes it's followers. I don't see much point in going into it. People aren't interested in actual history so this will lead to just a running battle of quotes and verses.

Your remark "do me a solid" is childish. Find a quote by me anywhere, where I've defended the religiously inspired abuses of Islam.

So you cannot find a single thread where you didn't defend Islam by indulging in false equivalences to Christianity.

Duly noted.

Sure, multiple ones such as this one. Not every equivalency is false, Comparing the wearing of a hijab in the US to Jewish women's headgear to Amish women's garb - all very traditional, strict societies with rigid rules for woman and reported abuse and violence to them - is an accurate comparison.
Not only do you not know what a tu quote fallacy is, you do not recognize a straw man, either.

You indulge in tu quoque fallacies every time the subject is Islam, but demand people stay on topic if the subject is another ideology, and you call a simple statement of fact a straw man.

Misogyny IS hard wired into Islam. Women are given the short end of the stick by Islamic law.

You cannot argue facts, so you indulge in these ruses.

I fully recognize a Tu quoque fallacy and I am very familiar with Strawman as well since it is a common tactic here.

With every argument I make, I try to support it with facts.

Islamic law is surprisingly similar to Jewish law (no surprise since that is where much of it came from). When it exists in a society where it is not part of the secular law, there isn't a problem. In countries where it is part of the legal system it is much more of a problem. Jewish law, it is very complicated. Unfortunately it's application and interpretation is not straightforward nor standardized nor does it necessarily require any sort of certification to become an expert.

If the Jewish people can create a workaround for Jewish law to coexist with secular law...I see no problem for the same in Islam. In fact - it has in this country and in others. And that is a fact that you ignore. Why not support and argue for a modernization of Islam which is way overdue instead of a broadbrush demonization?

Islam is unique.

It is unique in the way it combines politics and religion. It is unique in the way it was crafted quite intentionally by a warrior seeking a way to bind his converts to him. It is unique in placing a serial rapist and mass murderer as the world,s most perfect man. It is unique in the way it calls for it's adherents to wage eternal war against all that is not Islamic. It is unique on the world stage today in the actions of it!s adherents as they seek to follow the instructions of the warlord. It is unique in the way it is so inherently supremacist and totalitarian, micromanaging people!s lives down to the iota.

It is unique in many ways.

Can you do me a solid,, though, and find one single thread where the subject was Islam and you did not defend it through false comparisons to other religions or people's? Your trying to craft this illusion that Islam is no different than any other religion is much like claiming a fish is no different than a torpedo because after all, they both travel through water.

Islam varies hugely in how it is followed around the world. For example Pakistan and the US.

Historically - Mohammed was far more complex then you describe - both in terms of peace, war, rules concerning war, being persecuted, and finally fighting back. It's a religion that sprang out of bad conditions and it contains a lot of rules - codes of conduct. Part of the problem though, is some people only focus on parts and that includes it's followers. I don't see much point in going into it. People aren't interested in actual history so this will lead to just a running battle of quotes and verses.

Your remark "do me a solid" is childish. Find a quote by me anywhere, where I've defended the religiously inspired abuses of Islam.

So you cannot find a single thread where you didn't defend Islam by indulging in false equivalences to Christianity.

Duly noted.

Sure, multiple ones such as this one. Not every equivalency is false, Comparing the wearing of a hijab in the US to Jewish women's headgear to Amish women's garb - all very traditional, strict societies with rigid rules for woman and reported abuse and violence to them - is an accurate comparison.
Were you somehow under the impression that Amish are not Christian?

You still haven't documented all the acid attacks, smileys and honor killings suffered by Amish women.

You not only compared behavior common in Islam but rare in Christianity, but intentionally ignored the enormous difference In treatment - all to defend Islam.
I fully recognize a Tu quoque fallacy and I am very familiar with Strawman as well since it is a common tactic here.

With every argument I make, I try to support it with facts.

Islamic law is surprisingly similar to Jewish law (no surprise since that is where much of it came from). When it exists in a society where it is not part of the secular law, there isn't a problem. In countries where it is part of the legal system it is much more of a problem. Jewish law, it is very complicated. Unfortunately it's application and interpretation is not straightforward nor standardized nor does it necessarily require any sort of certification to become an expert.

If the Jewish people can create a workaround for Jewish law to coexist with secular law...I see no problem for the same in Islam. In fact - it has in this country and in others. And that is a fact that you ignore. Why not support and argue for a modernization of Islam which is way overdue instead of a broadbrush demonization?

Islam is unique.

It is unique in the way it combines politics and religion. It is unique in the way it was crafted quite intentionally by a warrior seeking a way to bind his converts to him. It is unique in placing a serial rapist and mass murderer as the world,s most perfect man. It is unique in the way it calls for it's adherents to wage eternal war against all that is not Islamic. It is unique on the world stage today in the actions of it!s adherents as they seek to follow the instructions of the warlord. It is unique in the way it is so inherently supremacist and totalitarian, micromanaging people!s lives down to the iota.

It is unique in many ways.

Can you do me a solid,, though, and find one single thread where the subject was Islam and you did not defend it through false comparisons to other religions or people's? Your trying to craft this illusion that Islam is no different than any other religion is much like claiming a fish is no different than a torpedo because after all, they both travel through water.

Islam varies hugely in how it is followed around the world. For example Pakistan and the US.

Historically - Mohammed was far more complex then you describe - both in terms of peace, war, rules concerning war, being persecuted, and finally fighting back. It's a religion that sprang out of bad conditions and it contains a lot of rules - codes of conduct. Part of the problem though, is some people only focus on parts and that includes it's followers. I don't see much point in going into it. People aren't interested in actual history so this will lead to just a running battle of quotes and verses.

Your remark "do me a solid" is childish. Find a quote by me anywhere, where I've defended the religiously inspired abuses of Islam.

So you cannot find a single thread where you didn't defend Islam by indulging in false equivalences to Christianity.

Duly noted.

Sure, multiple ones such as this one. Not every equivalency is false, Comparing the wearing of a hijab in the US to Jewish women's headgear to Amish women's garb - all very traditional, strict societies with rigid rules for woman and reported abuse and violence to them - is an accurate comparison.
Were you somehow under the impression that Amish are not Christian?

You still haven't documented all the acid attacks, smileys and honor killings suffered by Amish women.

You not only compared behavior common in Islam but rare in Christianity, but intentionally ignored the enormous difference In treatment - all to defend Islam.

I'm well aware that the Amish are a Christian sect...not sure what your point is there...

How common is it among Muslims in the United States? What stats do you have to indicate it is more common then among other religious demographics? I provided instances that show it IS a problem in these groups, a frequently hidden problem but none the less real.
But right here are making Mac's point for him.

Demeaning them as "Fundies"

I think they gave up the right to be called "Christians" when they all got behind Trump in his "kitty" grabbing glory.

I kind of thought they were hypocrites when they got behind Mitt Romney even though they had all called Mormonism a weird Cult, but they really amped it up when they got behind a thrice married, porn-starring, misogynist.

Here's the thing, I don't believe in God, and I don't think Jesus ever existed, but the philosophy isn't that bad. Treat others the way you'd want to be treated. Help the less fortunate. Etc.


Yep, everyone gets it.
The Democrat Bigots hate Christians.
It is unique in the way it combines politics and religion. It is unique in the way it was crafted quite intentionally by a warrior seeking a way to bind his converts to him. It is unique in placing a serial rapist and mass murderer as the world,s most perfect man.

and we go full on Islamophobic here.

Can you do me a solid,, though, and find one single thread where the subject was Islam and you did not defend it through false comparisons to other religions or people's? Your trying to craft this illusion that Islam is no different than any other religion is much like claiming a fish is no different than a torpedo because after all, they both travel through water.

But that's the point. YOu guys claim Muslims are bad because "some" Muslims do horrible things, but then when someone points out that Christians, etc have also done some awful things, as have atheists, for that matter, then you claim we are 'Defending" Islam when we point out that the behavior in not unique to any one belief system.

Any person can become a Monster if pushed far enough. Being of German Ancestry, I understand this. Germany was probably the most civilized nation in the world in the 20th century, but look what they did.

The culture that gave us Mozart also gave us Hitler.
Hijabs are a symbol, and everyone knows it. We can ignore that, or we can just admit it.
A lot of women don't feel decent or dressed without their hijab. Not everyone sees it as a sign of "control." Feminists in this country ARE concerned about women's rights globally and there are a lot of women active on that front. However, I believe the OP is using the hijab as one more opportunity to slam Islam as evil, rather than as a heartfelt concern about women's rights.
There are exceptions to everything, but I think the OP is just pointing out the obvious hypocrisy shown by many on the Left in favor of the world's most regressive religion.

There's nothing to complain about if an item of clothing is being worn purely as a matter of choice.

True...but the other hypocrisy - which is in the OP - is that somehow in Islam *unlike other religions* it's not a choice.

Religious freedom is under attack around the world. It should not be here :(
Well, that goes back to the initial point, that some women are NOT wearing them by choice, but are being REQUIRED to, under threat of punishment.

It's a pretty clear and start and obvious contrast. And it's a perfectly reasonable example to use. The fact that some here are completely ignoring the main point and cartoonishly trying to make this about fashion plays perfectly into the point made by the OP. Spin, deflect, lie, attack. For the most regressive religion on the planet.
It ISN'T about fashion. It's about embedded tradition in a culture. Who dismissed it as "fashion?" Maybe the pressure from the rest of the world is making inroads--some unrest in Iran, huge changes taking place in Saudi Arabia by their new prince. Slowly but surely, things will change.
The usual suspects tried to make it about fashion on this thread.

And I'm for an Islamic Reformation, and so are some brave Muslims who are risking their lives for it. But when I bring them up, the Regressives here go after them. They need to be challenged by more real liberals.
It is unique in the way it combines politics and religion. It is unique in the way it was crafted quite intentionally by a warrior seeking a way to bind his converts to him. It is unique in placing a serial rapist and mass murderer as the world,s most perfect man.

and we go full on Islamophobic here.

Can you do me a solid,, though, and find one single thread where the subject was Islam and you did not defend it through false comparisons to other religions or people's? Your trying to craft this illusion that Islam is no different than any other religion is much like claiming a fish is no different than a torpedo because after all, they both travel through water.

But that's the point. YOu guys claim Muslims are bad because "some" Muslims do horrible things, but then when someone points out that Christians, etc have also done some awful things, as have atheists, for that matter, then you claim we are 'Defending" Islam when we point out that the behavior in not unique to any one belief system.

Any person can become a Monster if pushed far enough. Being of German Ancestry, I understand this. Germany was probably the most civilized nation in the world in the 20th century, but look what they did.

The culture that gave us Mozart also gave us Hitler.
Facts are "Islamophobic" now, are they?

No wonder you like to talk just like genocidal Islamofascist mullahs when speaking of Israel.

Anything less in your strange little world would be Islamophobic.
A lot of women don't feel decent or dressed without their hijab. Not everyone sees it as a sign of "control." Feminists in this country ARE concerned about women's rights globally and there are a lot of women active on that front. However, I believe the OP is using the hijab as one more opportunity to slam Islam as evil, rather than as a heartfelt concern about women's rights.
There are exceptions to everything, but I think the OP is just pointing out the obvious hypocrisy shown by many on the Left in favor of the world's most regressive religion.

There's nothing to complain about if an item of clothing is being worn purely as a matter of choice.

True...but the other hypocrisy - which is in the OP - is that somehow in Islam *unlike other religions* it's not a choice.

Religious freedom is under attack around the world. It should not be here :(
Well, that goes back to the initial point, that some women are NOT wearing them by choice, but are being REQUIRED to, under threat of punishment.

It's a pretty clear and start and obvious contrast. And it's a perfectly reasonable example to use. The fact that some here are completely ignoring the main point and cartoonishly trying to make this about fashion plays perfectly into the point made by the OP. Spin, deflect, lie, attack. For the most regressive religion on the planet.
It ISN'T about fashion. It's about embedded tradition in a culture. Who dismissed it as "fashion?" Maybe the pressure from the rest of the world is making inroads--some unrest in Iran, huge changes taking place in Saudi Arabia by their new prince. Slowly but surely, things will change.
The usual suspects tried to make it about fashion on this thread.

And I'm for an Islamic Reformation, and so are some brave Muslims who are risking their lives for it. But when I bring them up, the Regressives here go after them. They need to be challenged by more real liberals.
They absolutely despise real feminists like Ayan Hirsi Ali.
There are exceptions to everything, but I think the OP is just pointing out the obvious hypocrisy shown by many on the Left in favor of the world's most regressive religion.

There's nothing to complain about if an item of clothing is being worn purely as a matter of choice.

True...but the other hypocrisy - which is in the OP - is that somehow in Islam *unlike other religions* it's not a choice.

Religious freedom is under attack around the world. It should not be here :(
Well, that goes back to the initial point, that some women are NOT wearing them by choice, but are being REQUIRED to, under threat of punishment.

It's a pretty clear and start and obvious contrast. And it's a perfectly reasonable example to use. The fact that some here are completely ignoring the main point and cartoonishly trying to make this about fashion plays perfectly into the point made by the OP. Spin, deflect, lie, attack. For the most regressive religion on the planet.

Yes, for some women it is. SOME. And likewise - there are SOME Amish women who are forced to wear their garb and some JEWISH women who are forced to cover their hair. In some households they can be beaten and abused for non compliance. They can also be cast out from their families, friends and communities.

But the issue isn't the garb.
Well, if I thought that the Amish and Jews were nearly as oppressive with their religions as are (some) Muslims, I'd see no problem. As far as I know, those other two religions don't murder women for the crime of being raped, behead innocent people and post it on the internet, slay children, fly planes into our buildings, toss gays off of rooftops or swear to slaughter my beautiful daughters for not believing in their God. The hijab is the tiniest, simplest example of a much larger point that I suspect the OP assumed we'd all see. Or admit to seeing.

When I see those other religions come within about a thousand miles of that, I'll definitely speak up.
Those who defend it do so KNOWING this is true. That is why they work so feverishly trying to compare it to Christianity.

They inevitably resort to four different ruses.

Ruse 1 involves finding an attitude or action very common in Islam and comparing it to something similar quite rare in Christianity.

ruse number 2 involves a truly egregious attitude or action in Islam and comparing it to an attitude or action in Christianity that is merely irritating

Ruse number 3 involves comparing an action or attitude directly motivated by Islam and comparing it to an attitude or action that actually represents an abandonment of Christian values.

Ruse number 4 involves the temporal sleight of hand by comparing attitudes and actions incurrent day Islam with those in christianity's distant past.

In all cases, the intent is dishonest because the intent is to defend Islam NO MATTER WHAT. These illiberal people have conditioned each other to do so and that is all that really matters.
We see this play out constantly, including this thread.

And they're more than ready to accuse others of being what they are: Bigots.

They're so tolerant. Of their pet constituent religion only.
Islam is unique.

It is unique in the way it combines politics and religion. It is unique in the way it was crafted quite intentionally by a warrior seeking a way to bind his converts to him. It is unique in placing a serial rapist and mass murderer as the world,s most perfect man. It is unique in the way it calls for it's adherents to wage eternal war against all that is not Islamic. It is unique on the world stage today in the actions of it!s adherents as they seek to follow the instructions of the warlord. It is unique in the way it is so inherently supremacist and totalitarian, micromanaging people!s lives down to the iota.

It is unique in many ways.

Can you do me a solid,, though, and find one single thread where the subject was Islam and you did not defend it through false comparisons to other religions or people's? Your trying to craft this illusion that Islam is no different than any other religion is much like claiming a fish is no different than a torpedo because after all, they both travel through water.

Islam varies hugely in how it is followed around the world. For example Pakistan and the US.

Historically - Mohammed was far more complex then you describe - both in terms of peace, war, rules concerning war, being persecuted, and finally fighting back. It's a religion that sprang out of bad conditions and it contains a lot of rules - codes of conduct. Part of the problem though, is some people only focus on parts and that includes it's followers. I don't see much point in going into it. People aren't interested in actual history so this will lead to just a running battle of quotes and verses.

Your remark "do me a solid" is childish. Find a quote by me anywhere, where I've defended the religiously inspired abuses of Islam.

So you cannot find a single thread where you didn't defend Islam by indulging in false equivalences to Christianity.

Duly noted.

Sure, multiple ones such as this one. Not every equivalency is false, Comparing the wearing of a hijab in the US to Jewish women's headgear to Amish women's garb - all very traditional, strict societies with rigid rules for woman and reported abuse and violence to them - is an accurate comparison.
Were you somehow under the impression that Amish are not Christian?

You still haven't documented all the acid attacks, smileys and honor killings suffered by Amish women.

You not only compared behavior common in Islam but rare in Christianity, but intentionally ignored the enormous difference In treatment - all to defend Islam.

I'm well aware that the Amish are a Christian sect...not sure what your point is there...

How common is it among Muslims in the United States? What stats do you have to indicate it is more common then among other religious demographics? I provided instances that show it IS a problem in these groups, a frequently hidden problem but none the less real.

The question had to do with whether you ever encountered a thread about Islam without indulging in your tu quoque defenses by making false equivalences to Christianity. You tried to use this thread as an example where you didn't despite the fact you chose to compare a supremacist ideology with a billion and a half adherents which is rampaging all over the globe trying to spread this ideology while meting out terrible punishments to women with a tiny sect of Christians keeping to themselves and who do none of the things Muslims do.

As such, your claim is counter factual.
True...but the other hypocrisy - which is in the OP - is that somehow in Islam *unlike other religions* it's not a choice.

Religious freedom is under attack around the world. It should not be here :(
Well, that goes back to the initial point, that some women are NOT wearing them by choice, but are being REQUIRED to, under threat of punishment.

It's a pretty clear and start and obvious contrast. And it's a perfectly reasonable example to use. The fact that some here are completely ignoring the main point and cartoonishly trying to make this about fashion plays perfectly into the point made by the OP. Spin, deflect, lie, attack. For the most regressive religion on the planet.

Yes, for some women it is. SOME. And likewise - there are SOME Amish women who are forced to wear their garb and some JEWISH women who are forced to cover their hair. In some households they can be beaten and abused for non compliance. They can also be cast out from their families, friends and communities.

But the issue isn't the garb.
Well, if I thought that the Amish and Jews were nearly as oppressive with their religions as are (some) Muslims, I'd see no problem. As far as I know, those other two religions don't murder women for the crime of being raped, behead innocent people and post it on the internet, slay children, fly planes into our buildings, toss gays off of rooftops or swear to slaughter my beautiful daughters for not believing in their God. The hijab is the tiniest, simplest example of a much larger point that I suspect the OP assumed we'd all see. Or admit to seeing.

When I see those other religions come within about a thousand miles of that, I'll definitely speak up.
Those who defend it do so KNOWING this is true. That is why they work so feverishly trying to compare it to Christianity.

They inevitably resort to four different ruses.

Ruse 1 involves finding an attitude or action very common in Islam and comparing it to something similar quite rare in Christianity.

ruse number 2 involves a truly egregious attitude or action in Islam and comparing it to an attitude or action in Christianity that is merely irritating

Ruse number 3 involves comparing an action or attitude directly motivated by Islam and comparing it to an attitude or action that actually represents an abandonment of Christian values.

Ruse number 4 involves the temporal sleight of hand by comparing attitudes and actions incurrent day Islam with those in christianity's distant past.

In all cases, the intent is dishonest because the intent is to defend Islam NO MATTER WHAT. These illiberal people have conditioned each other to do so and that is all that really matters.
We see this play out constantly, including this thread.

And they're more than ready to accuse others of being what they are: Bigots.

They're so tolerant. Of their pet constituent religion only.

It's almost amusing to witness.

Islam varies hugely in how it is followed around the world. For example Pakistan and the US.

Historically - Mohammed was far more complex then you describe - both in terms of peace, war, rules concerning war, being persecuted, and finally fighting back. It's a religion that sprang out of bad conditions and it contains a lot of rules - codes of conduct. Part of the problem though, is some people only focus on parts and that includes it's followers. I don't see much point in going into it. People aren't interested in actual history so this will lead to just a running battle of quotes and verses.

Your remark "do me a solid" is childish. Find a quote by me anywhere, where I've defended the religiously inspired abuses of Islam.

So you cannot find a single thread where you didn't defend Islam by indulging in false equivalences to Christianity.

Duly noted.

Sure, multiple ones such as this one. Not every equivalency is false, Comparing the wearing of a hijab in the US to Jewish women's headgear to Amish women's garb - all very traditional, strict societies with rigid rules for woman and reported abuse and violence to them - is an accurate comparison.
Were you somehow under the impression that Amish are not Christian?

You still haven't documented all the acid attacks, smileys and honor killings suffered by Amish women.

You not only compared behavior common in Islam but rare in Christianity, but intentionally ignored the enormous difference In treatment - all to defend Islam.

I'm well aware that the Amish are a Christian sect...not sure what your point is there...

How common is it among Muslims in the United States? What stats do you have to indicate it is more common then among other religious demographics? I provided instances that show it IS a problem in these groups, a frequently hidden problem but none the less real.

The question had to do with whether you ever encountered a thread about Islam without indulging in your tu quoque defenses by making false equivalences to Christianity. You tried to use this thread as an example where you didn't despite the fact you chose to compare a supremacist ideology with a billion and a half adherents which is rampaging all over the globe trying to spread this ideology while meting out terrible punishments to women with a tiny sect of Christians keeping to themselves and who do none of the things Muslims do.

As such, your claim is counter factual.

What is clear to me is that you have no issues with non-Muslim abuse of women. In fact, you don't even engage in threads where the perpetrator of violence on women is not Muslim do you? Not on the threads on rape in India. Not on child marriage. You're focus is entirely on Muslims. Is it really that you care about women or is it that you hate Muslims? Did you EVEN READ what occurs in this "tiny Christian sect" that keeps to themselves?
Well, that goes back to the initial point, that some women are NOT wearing them by choice, but are being REQUIRED to, under threat of punishment.

It's a pretty clear and start and obvious contrast. And it's a perfectly reasonable example to use. The fact that some here are completely ignoring the main point and cartoonishly trying to make this about fashion plays perfectly into the point made by the OP. Spin, deflect, lie, attack. For the most regressive religion on the planet.

Yes, for some women it is. SOME. And likewise - there are SOME Amish women who are forced to wear their garb and some JEWISH women who are forced to cover their hair. In some households they can be beaten and abused for non compliance. They can also be cast out from their families, friends and communities.

But the issue isn't the garb.
Well, if I thought that the Amish and Jews were nearly as oppressive with their religions as are (some) Muslims, I'd see no problem. As far as I know, those other two religions don't murder women for the crime of being raped, behead innocent people and post it on the internet, slay children, fly planes into our buildings, toss gays off of rooftops or swear to slaughter my beautiful daughters for not believing in their God. The hijab is the tiniest, simplest example of a much larger point that I suspect the OP assumed we'd all see. Or admit to seeing.

When I see those other religions come within about a thousand miles of that, I'll definitely speak up.
Those who defend it do so KNOWING this is true. That is why they work so feverishly trying to compare it to Christianity.

They inevitably resort to four different ruses.

Ruse 1 involves finding an attitude or action very common in Islam and comparing it to something similar quite rare in Christianity.

ruse number 2 involves a truly egregious attitude or action in Islam and comparing it to an attitude or action in Christianity that is merely irritating

Ruse number 3 involves comparing an action or attitude directly motivated by Islam and comparing it to an attitude or action that actually represents an abandonment of Christian values.

Ruse number 4 involves the temporal sleight of hand by comparing attitudes and actions incurrent day Islam with those in christianity's distant past.

In all cases, the intent is dishonest because the intent is to defend Islam NO MATTER WHAT. These illiberal people have conditioned each other to do so and that is all that really matters.
We see this play out constantly, including this thread.

And they're more than ready to accuse others of being what they are: Bigots.

They're so tolerant. Of their pet constituent religion only.

It's almost amusing to witness.

This happens all the flippin' time. I make a point about them, and they rush in to illustrate it for me. They infer that I'm wrong, yet they proudly exhibit the very same behaviors I just listed. I almost feel an obligation to thank them for the help, but I know that isn't the intent.
Yes, for some women it is. SOME. And likewise - there are SOME Amish women who are forced to wear their garb and some JEWISH women who are forced to cover their hair. In some households they can be beaten and abused for non compliance. They can also be cast out from their families, friends and communities.

But the issue isn't the garb.
Well, if I thought that the Amish and Jews were nearly as oppressive with their religions as are (some) Muslims, I'd see no problem. As far as I know, those other two religions don't murder women for the crime of being raped, behead innocent people and post it on the internet, slay children, fly planes into our buildings, toss gays off of rooftops or swear to slaughter my beautiful daughters for not believing in their God. The hijab is the tiniest, simplest example of a much larger point that I suspect the OP assumed we'd all see. Or admit to seeing.

When I see those other religions come within about a thousand miles of that, I'll definitely speak up.
Those who defend it do so KNOWING this is true. That is why they work so feverishly trying to compare it to Christianity.

They inevitably resort to four different ruses.

Ruse 1 involves finding an attitude or action very common in Islam and comparing it to something similar quite rare in Christianity.

ruse number 2 involves a truly egregious attitude or action in Islam and comparing it to an attitude or action in Christianity that is merely irritating

Ruse number 3 involves comparing an action or attitude directly motivated by Islam and comparing it to an attitude or action that actually represents an abandonment of Christian values.

Ruse number 4 involves the temporal sleight of hand by comparing attitudes and actions incurrent day Islam with those in christianity's distant past.

In all cases, the intent is dishonest because the intent is to defend Islam NO MATTER WHAT. These illiberal people have conditioned each other to do so and that is all that really matters.
We see this play out constantly, including this thread.

And they're more than ready to accuse others of being what they are: Bigots.

They're so tolerant. Of their pet constituent religion only.

It's almost amusing to witness.

This happens all the flippin' time. I make a point about them, and they rush in to illustrate it for me. They infer that I'm wrong, yet they proudly exhibit the very same behaviors I just listed. I almost feel an obligation to thank them for the help, but I know that isn't the intent.

I should start calling you Doctor Pavlov.
So you cannot find a single thread where you didn't defend Islam by indulging in false equivalences to Christianity.

Duly noted.

Sure, multiple ones such as this one. Not every equivalency is false, Comparing the wearing of a hijab in the US to Jewish women's headgear to Amish women's garb - all very traditional, strict societies with rigid rules for woman and reported abuse and violence to them - is an accurate comparison.
Were you somehow under the impression that Amish are not Christian?

You still haven't documented all the acid attacks, smileys and honor killings suffered by Amish women.

You not only compared behavior common in Islam but rare in Christianity, but intentionally ignored the enormous difference In treatment - all to defend Islam.

I'm well aware that the Amish are a Christian sect...not sure what your point is there...

How common is it among Muslims in the United States? What stats do you have to indicate it is more common then among other religious demographics? I provided instances that show it IS a problem in these groups, a frequently hidden problem but none the less real.

The question had to do with whether you ever encountered a thread about Islam without indulging in your tu quoque defenses by making false equivalences to Christianity. You tried to use this thread as an example where you didn't despite the fact you chose to compare a supremacist ideology with a billion and a half adherents which is rampaging all over the globe trying to spread this ideology while meting out terrible punishments to women with a tiny sect of Christians keeping to themselves and who do none of the things Muslims do.

As such, your claim is counter factual.

What is clear to me is that you have no issues with non-Muslim abuse of women. In fact, you don't even engage in threads where the perpetrator of violence on women is not Muslim do you? Not on the threads on rape in India. Not on child marriage. You're focus is entirely on Muslims. Is it really that you care about women or is it that you hate Muslims? Did you EVEN READ what occurs in this "tiny Christian sect" that keeps to themselves?
This thread is about Islam.

As usual, you are trying to make it about something else - anything else.

As far as focus on Islam is concerned, have you ever looked in the mirror? YOur Many tens of thousands of posts all devoted to defending it Indicates something more than mere focus.
In a complicated world..
There are exceptions to everything, but I think the OP is just pointing out the obvious hypocrisy shown by many on the Left in favor of the world's most regressive religion.

There's nothing to complain about if an item of clothing is being worn purely as a matter of choice.

True...but the other hypocrisy - which is in the OP - is that somehow in Islam *unlike other religions* it's not a choice.

Religious freedom is under attack around the world. It should not be here :(
Well, that goes back to the initial point, that some women are NOT wearing them by choice, but are being REQUIRED to, under threat of punishment.

It's a pretty clear and start and obvious contrast. And it's a perfectly reasonable example to use. The fact that some here are completely ignoring the main point and cartoonishly trying to make this about fashion plays perfectly into the point made by the OP. Spin, deflect, lie, attack. For the most regressive religion on the planet.
It ISN'T about fashion. It's about embedded tradition in a culture. Who dismissed it as "fashion?" Maybe the pressure from the rest of the world is making inroads--some unrest in Iran, huge changes taking place in Saudi Arabia by their new prince. Slowly but surely, things will change.
The usual suspects tried to make it about fashion on this thread.

And I'm for an Islamic Reformation, and so are some brave Muslims who are risking their lives for it. But when I bring them up, the Regressives here go after them. They need to be challenged by more real liberals.
They absolutely despise real feminists like Ayan Hirsi Ali.

In a complicated world...real feminists...and real heros...don't spend their time demonizing the other. You don't create change that way. You don't create reform that way. You just cause views to become even more entrenched.

The brave people are those who are trying to change Islam from within. They aren't giving up their faith because it IS their faith - but HOW it is applied and followed needs to change. From within. And it can. With people like Hamza Yusuf for example.
Was it the Amish who killed 3000 Americans by running planes into the WTC buildings? Are the Amish following an ideology that calls on them to wage war on all that isn't Amish? Are the Amish raping children all across Britain and causing huge spikes in rape throughout Western Europe? Do Amish create conflict with absolutely every non Amish group with whom they come in contact?

Goodness, gracious sakes, alive, we certainly do need to forget about Islam and start focusing on the Amish!!! Islam is really all about puppies and kitties and rainbows and unicorns, whereas this Amish business is obviously the real threat to us all!
In a complicated world..
True...but the other hypocrisy - which is in the OP - is that somehow in Islam *unlike other religions* it's not a choice.

Religious freedom is under attack around the world. It should not be here :(
Well, that goes back to the initial point, that some women are NOT wearing them by choice, but are being REQUIRED to, under threat of punishment.

It's a pretty clear and start and obvious contrast. And it's a perfectly reasonable example to use. The fact that some here are completely ignoring the main point and cartoonishly trying to make this about fashion plays perfectly into the point made by the OP. Spin, deflect, lie, attack. For the most regressive religion on the planet.
It ISN'T about fashion. It's about embedded tradition in a culture. Who dismissed it as "fashion?" Maybe the pressure from the rest of the world is making inroads--some unrest in Iran, huge changes taking place in Saudi Arabia by their new prince. Slowly but surely, things will change.
The usual suspects tried to make it about fashion on this thread.

And I'm for an Islamic Reformation, and so are some brave Muslims who are risking their lives for it. But when I bring them up, the Regressives here go after them. They need to be challenged by more real liberals.
They absolutely despise real feminists like Ayan Hirsi Ali.

In a complicated world...real feminists...and real heros...don't spend their time demonizing the other. You don't create change that way. You don't create reform that way. You just cause views to become even more entrenched.

The brave people are those who are trying to change Islam from within. They aren't giving up their faith because it IS their faith - but HOW it is applied and followed needs to change. From within. And it can. With people like Hamza Yusuf for example.
You heard it here first, folks.

One of the Very bravest women in the world is no real feminist.

Christ on a freaking cracker, the world has gone totally topsy turkey when I wasn't looking.
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