Why don't Black Lives Matter protest Blacks Killing Blacks?

It is the ignorant refrain sung by white racists here at USMB.

Blacks who murder other blacks get prison sentences. This is called justice. Police get paid leave and the pig who murdered George Floyd will get paid pension. Police rarely even get indicted for killing us, much less go to trial. That's not justice. BLM and those supporting this cause are asking that justice be equally applied.

Why Black Lives Matter doesn't focus on ā€˜black-on-blackā€™ crime
Josh Hafner

The Black Lives Matter movement is in the national spotlight again this month, following the high-profile killings of two black men by police and the killings of police officers by black men in Dallas and Baton Rouge.

With the movementā€™s attention comes a familiar refrain: Why doesnā€™t Black Lives Matter focus on ā€œblack-on-blackā€ crime?

Itā€™s a question asked, in various forms, from Facebook to cable networks to comments on this site. The answer, one writer says, is Black Lives Matter isnā€™t solely focused on the loss of black lives but also on a lack of justice.

ā€œWhen a civilian has committed a violent crime, theyā€™re generally arrested, tried and then convicted,ā€ Franchesca Ramsey, a writer and activist who discusses race, explains in the MTV series Decoded (which you can watch here in full).

ā€œConversely, thereā€™s a lot of evidence that itā€™s very rare to secure an indictment against a police officer for excessive force. And an indictment is just a trial; it isnā€™t even a conviction.ā€

ā€œBlack Lives Matter isnā€™t just about the loss of life, which is always terrible. Itā€™s about the lack of consequences when black lives are taken at the hands of police.ā€

Thank you......from and old white guy
Not all whites are racists, unfortunately non racist whites sometimes bear the burden because of racists. Thank you for not being a racist.

Not all blacks are criminals,unfortunately the ones that aren't bear the burden because of black criminals.
Take BLM for instance. They riot,loot and destroy on live television in large numbers for all to see.
It's a real shame what they're doing to hard working honest blacks.
Since the majority of crime is committed by whites and the majority of looters and rioters in the 2 percent of the protesters who did so are also white, your comment reveals that you are a fool.
At some point another type of message has to be sent out. The riots need to stop now. Maybe this will be the time you see what you want or believe will improve things.
At some point you'll stop talking about riots that happened over a month ago.
But you never stop talking about things that happened 400 years ago
It is the ignorant refrain sung by white racists here at USMB.

Blacks who murder other blacks get prison sentences. This is called justice. Police get paid leave and the pig who murdered George Floyd will get paid pension. Police rarely even get indicted for killing us, much less go to trial. That's not justice. BLM and those supporting this cause are asking that justice be equally applied.

Why Black Lives Matter doesn't focus on ā€˜black-on-blackā€™ crime
Josh Hafner

The Black Lives Matter movement is in the national spotlight again this month, following the high-profile killings of two black men by police and the killings of police officers by black men in Dallas and Baton Rouge.

With the movementā€™s attention comes a familiar refrain: Why doesnā€™t Black Lives Matter focus on ā€œblack-on-blackā€ crime?

Itā€™s a question asked, in various forms, from Facebook to cable networks to comments on this site. The answer, one writer says, is Black Lives Matter isnā€™t solely focused on the loss of black lives but also on a lack of justice.

ā€œWhen a civilian has committed a violent crime, theyā€™re generally arrested, tried and then convicted,ā€ Franchesca Ramsey, a writer and activist who discusses race, explains in the MTV series Decoded (which you can watch here in full).

ā€œConversely, thereā€™s a lot of evidence that itā€™s very rare to secure an indictment against a police officer for excessive force. And an indictment is just a trial; it isnā€™t even a conviction.ā€

ā€œBlack Lives Matter isnā€™t just about the loss of life, which is always terrible. Itā€™s about the lack of consequences when black lives are taken at the hands of police.ā€

BLM might be more convincing if they didnā€™t start rioting, looting and burning before the process of justice is even complete.

I know, I know; Ghost of a Rider just needs to shut the fuck up.
It is the ignorant refrain sung by white racists here at USMB.

Blacks who murder other blacks get prison sentences. This is called justice. Police get paid leave and the pig who murdered George Floyd will get paid pension. Police rarely even get indicted for killing us, much less go to trial. That's not justice. BLM and those supporting this cause are asking that justice be equally applied.

Why Black Lives Matter doesn't focus on ā€˜black-on-blackā€™ crime
Josh Hafner

The Black Lives Matter movement is in the national spotlight again this month, following the high-profile killings of two black men by police and the killings of police officers by black men in Dallas and Baton Rouge.

With the movementā€™s attention comes a familiar refrain: Why doesnā€™t Black Lives Matter focus on ā€œblack-on-blackā€ crime?

Itā€™s a question asked, in various forms, from Facebook to cable networks to comments on this site. The answer, one writer says, is Black Lives Matter isnā€™t solely focused on the loss of black lives but also on a lack of justice.

ā€œWhen a civilian has committed a violent crime, theyā€™re generally arrested, tried and then convicted,ā€ Franchesca Ramsey, a writer and activist who discusses race, explains in the MTV series Decoded (which you can watch here in full).

ā€œConversely, thereā€™s a lot of evidence that itā€™s very rare to secure an indictment against a police officer for excessive force. And an indictment is just a trial; it isnā€™t even a conviction.ā€

ā€œBlack Lives Matter isnā€™t just about the loss of life, which is always terrible. Itā€™s about the lack of consequences when black lives are taken at the hands of police.ā€

Blacks who kill blacks are prosecuted.

Policemen who kill unarmed blacks usually arenā€™t.

Now we're talking. I fully agree that the police get off the hook. The police killed Floyd in broad daylight with dozens of witnesses and fully expected to get away with it. Chauvin did not sit there on Floyd's neck to start a revolution; he sat on his neck to kill him.

Cops believe they can kill at will and nothing will happen. There are stories after story of out-of-control cop getting fired but when arbitration gets them their jobs back, it goes unmentioned. Time and time again, we see cops kill someone and we're told that we didn't see what happened off camera. In other stories, juries simply apply a different standard for cops.

Remember the unarmed man shot on his knees in an Arizona hotel hallway..

He was acquitted.. Unbelievable. And then hired back by the city so he could get his pension.

But, IM2, you're misstating the facts to say that Black Lives Matter is about the lack of consequences when black lives are taken at the hands of police. They're not at all about that. They don't give a shit about black lives, and not really even about lives lost at the hands of police. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist movement taking advantage of a righteous cause and leveraging it to further they're destructive agenda.

I fully support holding police accountable, educating communities and juries that the police do not get special protection when they kill but rioting, looting, burning, white privileged children pulling down statues, tearing down a Lincoln statue paid for, voluntarily and proudly, by freed slaves, is not about protecting the few unarmed men of any color killed each year by cops.

It is a lie that blacks who kill blacks are prosecuted. Only 48 percent of murders in Chicago are solved. It is more likely that you would never be charged or prosecuted for murder in Chicago. Black on black murders are not prosecuted, they are ignored.

There are, in simplistic terms, two major causes of cops killing black people. First and foremost: bad cops. Second: social conditions, including poverty, crime, culture, in the urban black communities that lead to more police involvement in the community.

The first one is tough to solve but in almost all cases, there is a history of abuse before cops hit the headlines for killing black men. Black people, themselves, can change this by organizing to vote out those who do not hold the police accountable. There is definitely a need for police reform but not the crazy ideas we're hearing today.

The second one is actually easier to solve. Quit voting for Democrats. Vote for, and insist on, not just better schools, and not just school choice, but for great schools. Insist on the best schools in the world and quit teaching the political activism in schools; focus on education - readin, ritin, rithmatic. There's nothing wrong with teaching political activism - after and away from schools. Private organizations, churches, communities, families, all can teach it. But to change the lives of black people requires them to change the world around them - the Democrat world.
"Besides that, if BLM was truly concerned about the "Black Lives" doesn't that also mean quality of life? Why wouldn't they be marching in protest of the appalling conditions of the inner cities? Those are the spawning beds for nearly all of the gang related and random Black on Black murders. You are doing a disservice to your own people by accepting what the Democrat leaders allow to happen year after year in those war zones. "

The appalling conditions of inner cities are created by white landlords who live in the suburbs. Your ignorance allows you to dismiss this reality. And since your ilk likes to use Chicago for every example;

" Chicagoā€™s 2015 mayoral race was one of the most expensive in the nationā€™s history, with big donors playing an outsized role in financing both candidatesā€™ campaigns. In fact, over 90 percent of the money raised by the two major candidates came from donors giving more than $1,000, and more than half (52%) came from donors outside of the city.[1] Both the Chicago mayoral and council elections are primarily financed by white, male donors who donā€™t reflect the racial and class diversity of the cityā€™s residents. The experience in Chicago is emblematic of national elections, where a small cadre of white major donorsā€”.01 percentā€”accounted for over 40 percent of all campaign contributions.[2] New research provides disturbing evidence that the financing of our elections by a small group of big donors has very real consequences in terms of the public policies that get enacted.[3] In fact, when the preferences of the donor class diverge with those of the average voter, it is the donor classā€™s preferences that win. But donors and voters donā€™t always agree. For example, while 34% of non-donors living in Chicago support the Bowles-Simpson austerity plan, 62% of Chicago donors do. The preferences of the white, male and rich donor class diverge strongly from ordinary Chicagoans but itā€™s their agenda thatā€™s being implemented. "

D.C.ā€™s White Donor Class: Outsized Influence in a Diverse City

Key Findings

  • The donor class doesnā€™t represent the diversity of Washington D.C.ā€™s population. While 37 percent of D.C.ā€™s population is white, 62 percent of mayoral donors and 67 percent of City Council donors are white.
  • The rich are disproportionately represented in the donor class. Only a quarter of D.C.ā€™s adult population makes more than $100,000, but 59 percent of council donors and 61 percent of mayoral donors do.
  • The pool of donors who make small donations is more representative than the pool of those who make large donations. Women make up about half of those giving less than $50 to mayoral and council races, but only 31 percent of those giving more than $1,000. People of color make up 47 percent of mayoral donors giving less than $25, but 31 percent of those giving more than $1,000.
  • The small donor pool contains more income diversity as well. Those making $100,000 or more comprise 44 percent of donors giving $25 or less to mayoral candidates, but 72 percent of those giving $1,000 or more.
  • Mayoral candidates relied heavily on big donors, raising less than 7 percent of their total funds from donors giving less than $100, and 67 percent from donors giving more than $1,000.
  • A system of public financing would increase the diversity of D.C.ā€™s donor class, leading to more responsive policymaking.

You're right about how corrupt the elections are in Chicago and that those white Democrats do not represent the majority of the population of Chicago. According to the Census Bureau, Chicago is only 32% white (not counting Hispanic or Latino) and 30% black. It only takes good voter turnout to own the election - or a partnership with other minorities. You'll do far more to save black lives by focusing on elections in any big city than you will by supporting BLM. And the solution isn't just to put a person of color in the same office as the white Democrat. Put someone in who isn't going to do more of the same. Put in a Rudy Giuliani-style law enforcer along with someone who will support sound economic policies.
"Besides that, if BLM was truly concerned about the "Black Lives" doesn't that also mean quality of life? Why wouldn't they be marching in protest of the appalling conditions of the inner cities? Those are the spawning beds for nearly all of the gang related and random Black on Black murders. You are doing a disservice to your own people by accepting what the Democrat leaders allow to happen year after year in those war zones. "

The appalling conditions of inner cities are created by white landlords who live in the suburbs. Your ignorance allows you to dismiss this reality. And since your ilk likes to use Chicago for every example;

" Chicagoā€™s 2015 mayoral race was one of the most expensive in the nationā€™s history, with big donors playing an outsized role in financing both candidatesā€™ campaigns. In fact, over 90 percent of the money raised by the two major candidates came from donors giving more than $1,000, and more than half (52%) came from donors outside of the city.[1] Both the Chicago mayoral and council elections are primarily financed by white, male donors who donā€™t reflect the racial and class diversity of the cityā€™s residents. The experience in Chicago is emblematic of national elections, where a small cadre of white major donorsā€”.01 percentā€”accounted for over 40 percent of all campaign contributions.[2] New research provides disturbing evidence that the financing of our elections by a small group of big donors has very real consequences in terms of the public policies that get enacted.[3] In fact, when the preferences of the donor class diverge with those of the average voter, it is the donor classā€™s preferences that win. But donors and voters donā€™t always agree. For example, while 34% of non-donors living in Chicago support the Bowles-Simpson austerity plan, 62% of Chicago donors do. The preferences of the white, male and rich donor class diverge strongly from ordinary Chicagoans but itā€™s their agenda thatā€™s being implemented. "

D.C.ā€™s White Donor Class: Outsized Influence in a Diverse City

Key Findings

  • The donor class doesnā€™t represent the diversity of Washington D.C.ā€™s population. While 37 percent of D.C.ā€™s population is white, 62 percent of mayoral donors and 67 percent of City Council donors are white.
  • The rich are disproportionately represented in the donor class. Only a quarter of D.C.ā€™s adult population makes more than $100,000, but 59 percent of council donors and 61 percent of mayoral donors do.
  • The pool of donors who make small donations is more representative than the pool of those who make large donations. Women make up about half of those giving less than $50 to mayoral and council races, but only 31 percent of those giving more than $1,000. People of color make up 47 percent of mayoral donors giving less than $25, but 31 percent of those giving more than $1,000.
  • The small donor pool contains more income diversity as well. Those making $100,000 or more comprise 44 percent of donors giving $25 or less to mayoral candidates, but 72 percent of those giving $1,000 or more.
  • Mayoral candidates relied heavily on big donors, raising less than 7 percent of their total funds from donors giving less than $100, and 67 percent from donors giving more than $1,000.
  • A system of public financing would increase the diversity of D.C.ā€™s donor class, leading to more responsive policymaking.

Here's an idea.
Pull your pants up,stop speaking in ebonics,get a job and move.
You do that. Your plumbers butt is unsightly.
Here's a suggestion, if you have never spent any time in the black community, don't speak on issues that affect blacks.

That's a very racist statement. It's not just about black people - it's about Americans. You want us to not be racist but you want us to keep quiet on anything that isn't about white people. You thrive on racism. You need not only to be racist yourself, you require us to be racist because that's the only way your life has meaning. You can't follow Martin Luther King's call to judge a man by the content of his heart and not by the color of his skin. If we care about people who happen to be black but are hurting and being harmed, even killed, by the Democratic machines in their cities, you ask us to ignore it because we're white but the you blame us because we're white. You can't have it both ways. Well, you'll try to but you sound pathetic doing so.
It is the ignorant refrain sung by white racists here at USMB.

Blacks who murder other blacks get prison sentences. This is called justice. Police get paid leave and the pig who murdered George Floyd will get paid pension. Police rarely even get indicted for killing us, much less go to trial. That's not justice. BLM and those supporting this cause are asking that justice be equally applied.

Why Black Lives Matter doesn't focus on ā€˜black-on-blackā€™ crime
Josh Hafner

The Black Lives Matter movement is in the national spotlight again this month, following the high-profile killings of two black men by police and the killings of police officers by black men in Dallas and Baton Rouge.

With the movementā€™s attention comes a familiar refrain: Why doesnā€™t Black Lives Matter focus on ā€œblack-on-blackā€ crime?

Itā€™s a question asked, in various forms, from Facebook to cable networks to comments on this site. The answer, one writer says, is Black Lives Matter isnā€™t solely focused on the loss of black lives but also on a lack of justice.

ā€œWhen a civilian has committed a violent crime, theyā€™re generally arrested, tried and then convicted,ā€ Franchesca Ramsey, a writer and activist who discusses race, explains in the MTV series Decoded (which you can watch here in full).

ā€œConversely, thereā€™s a lot of evidence that itā€™s very rare to secure an indictment against a police officer for excessive force. And an indictment is just a trial; it isnā€™t even a conviction.ā€

ā€œBlack Lives Matter isnā€™t just about the loss of life, which is always terrible. Itā€™s about the lack of consequences when black lives are taken at the hands of police.ā€

The vast majority of Black on Black murders go unresolved. You know this, get real. One of the main reasons they go unresolved is the refusal of the good people living in the inner cities to give police any information on the murderers.

Besides that, if BLM was truly concerned about the "Black Lives" doesn't that also mean quality of life? Why wouldn't they be marching in protest of the appalling conditions of the inner cities? Those are the spawning beds for nearly all of the gang related and random Black on Black murders. You are doing a disservice to your own people by accepting what the Democrat leaders allow to happen year after year in those war zones.

BLM would at least have SOME credibility if they marched in Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland, LA, etc. protesting the Democrat shit holes where these poor people have to try and live.
These are lies. Stop repeating them.
almost 50 percent of all murders are committed by blacks. Blacks kill twice as many whites each year as whites kill blacks.
Black lives matter doesn't really stand for what they think. BLM is being used by rich White Marxists to overthrow our system of government. Antifa is also being used. This isn't about social justice, or justice for George Floyd, or systemic racism. It's about a bunch of White, totalitarian elitists trying to take this country over. And, God forbid, they would ever be successful, Blacks and Antifa would be the ones crying the loudest.
So you mean the repub voting KKK and other white supremacist groups are just pretending to hate us Black people? Can you explain how you came to that conclusion?

I don't know how KKK or other white supremacists vote. What I do know is that the Republicans rejected David Duke out of hand but the Democrats still fall over themselves proclaiming their love for Robert Byrd.
If the cops arent the ones that told the killer who snitched they will gladly put a Black person in prison to feed the Industrial Prison Complex. Thats like a 2 fer. They get 2 Black people off the street for the price of one.

The police can't stop a murder except for those cases where they put a murder in jail and prevent future murders. The people in the cities need to arm themselves and take back their own streets. They need to quit celebrating a culture of drugs, murder, prostitution, cop killing, and gangs. If you celebrate those things then don't complain when those things take your children - either into the life or taking their lives.

Gang up on the gangs. Fight them. March in the city streets armed to the teeth. Dare a gang banger to come down the street shooting. Oh, there will be a few gangs who will try for a while and lives will be lost. But lives are lost already. If they want things to be different, the urban communities of all colors need to take back their own streets.
Whoopee. When are you ever going to address cleaning up your own backyard? IMO, you address racial issues from the position of bomb thrower, just like every other dime-a-dozen racist on this board. I already know I'll get *crickets* as a response. Just doing what everybody else is doing doesn't isn't brave. It's simply perpetuating the status quo.

I worked for 32 years in the black community. You talk about cleaning up our own backyard. Our backyard is dirty because of white racism. You seem to be ignorant to the reality of what white racism is and the systemic aspect of it. I address racial issues with the facts. Facts those like you choose to deny or try dismissing with sad sorry excuses. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. End that and then black communities can work on fixing the psychological trauma we have been forced to endure for 400 years.

Yeah. You group an entire race to one specific activity, exactly like ignorant racists and division pimps do. You do it all the time. Would you like examples? Because buddy, they exist. The search function works here pretty well.

Since I have stated on numerous occasions that not all whites are racists, tha I have specifically referred to whites practicing racism as "white racists" or "racist whites", it would seem that you have a reading comprehension problem. So you go on and search to find where I have said all whites are racists and let me know. I should not have to repeat not all whites to people who brag about their superior IQ after the first time I stated that not all whites are racists.

Nope, I stated my opinion only, which I assure you, I'm not fucking lying about. If you've complimented whites, terrific. Gold star for you. I don't give a shit. What I said is I've never seen it. You can't seem to differentiate accusations from opinions. There's another faction in here that operates on the daily using the exact same involuntary paranoid responses. Ask around, maybe you've heard of them. They're real fans of an orange guy.

You have seen it but you didn't pay attention to it. You are trying to call me a racist, but you did accuse me of not complimenting whites. Whether thats your opinion or not, it is an accusation. I joined this forum before trump and I have a right to be outraged by racism that I get told by whites like you is a thing of the past.

Now you're going to pretend post #66 doesn't exist? for fucks sake...

I'm not trying to pretend anything.

If you used one iota of critical thought, you'd realize I'm the guy trying to drill down and understand. You are shitting on me for that curiosity. Congratulations, you're exactly like everyone else.

I think if you look at your response to me when I tried to be complimentary to you, if you are an adult, you understand that you earned that disdain.

You're right that much of what's wrong in the lives of black people is caused by white racism. Yet the black communities keep electing more white racist Democrats whose only interest in black communities is on election day. Even President Obama did nothing at all for the black communities while in office. Trump has done far more than Obama or any Democrat has ever done for blacks in America.
My last name is English. At it's root, it is a reminder that my ancestors were owned by a british family. So for those who want to talk crazy, when you sign your name if it is not a reminder of who owned your family, do not try posting shit about something that ended 150 years ago. And since I have challenged the racist whites here to discuss what happened since slavery, the consistent references to slavery show where the mental problem is.

I assume then that you're a member of UK Message Board (assuming there's a UK equivalent) and that you're challenging the UK on their history as a slave owning country?

But, otherwise, start a thread on what white racism has done to blacks in America since slavery. I'll happily debate you there. There's been a long and troubled, often terrible, history of white racism in the US and it's mostly from Democrats so let's get it on the table. But you'll still vote for Biden in spite of his own anti-black, demeaning, disrespectful, derogatory statements.
It is the ignorant refrain sung by white racists here at USMB.

Blacks who murder other blacks get prison sentences. This is called justice. Police get paid leave and the pig who murdered George Floyd will get paid pension. Police rarely even get indicted for killing us, much less go to trial. That's not justice. BLM and those supporting this cause are asking that justice be equally applied.

Why Black Lives Matter doesn't focus on ā€˜black-on-blackā€™ crime
Josh Hafner

The Black Lives Matter movement is in the national spotlight again this month, following the high-profile killings of two black men by police and the killings of police officers by black men in Dallas and Baton Rouge.

With the movementā€™s attention comes a familiar refrain: Why doesnā€™t Black Lives Matter focus on ā€œblack-on-blackā€ crime?

Itā€™s a question asked, in various forms, from Facebook to cable networks to comments on this site. The answer, one writer says, is Black Lives Matter isnā€™t solely focused on the loss of black lives but also on a lack of justice.

ā€œWhen a civilian has committed a violent crime, theyā€™re generally arrested, tried and then convicted,ā€ Franchesca Ramsey, a writer and activist who discusses race, explains in the MTV series Decoded (which you can watch here in full).

ā€œConversely, thereā€™s a lot of evidence that itā€™s very rare to secure an indictment against a police officer for excessive force. And an indictment is just a trial; it isnā€™t even a conviction.ā€

ā€œBlack Lives Matter isnā€™t just about the loss of life, which is always terrible. Itā€™s about the lack of consequences when black lives are taken at the hands of police.ā€

Thank you......from and old white guy
Not all whites are racists, unfortunately non racist whites sometimes bear the burden because of racists. Thank you for not being a racist.

Not all blacks are criminals,unfortunately the ones that aren't bear the burden because of black criminals.
Take BLM for instance. They riot,loot and destroy on live television in large numbers for all to see.
It's a real shame what they're doing to hard working honest blacks.
Since the majority of crime is committed by whites and the majority of looters and rioters in the 2 percent of the protesters who did so are also white, your comment reveals that you are a fool.
At some point another type of message has to be sent out. The riots need to stop now. Maybe this will be the time you see what you want or believe will improve things.
At some point you'll stop talking about riots that happened over a month ago.

Yeah...and someday you'll shut your fried chicken hole about an event that happened over a 150 years ago.

When you stop talking about an event that happened in 1776, let me know.

Can you point out my post talking about 1776?
Considering the fact that I have talked about what has happened since slavery since I joined, your dumb ass claims about slavery is the pussy dodge punks like you use to deny that your white asses have benefitted from racism. And as you will be celebrating July th 4th, then you need to consider your position. You also need then, to drop the punk ass argument about how democrats owned slaves. This also eliminates you talking about the republican party as the party of Lincoln. I can go on and on with this junior. The fact is that you and the other racists here are scared to discuss what whites have done since slavery.

I never owned any slaves nor have my ancestors.
If you cant get over something that happened long before you were born you have mental problems.

^ this. This squared!
"If you cant get over something that happened long before you were born you have mental problems."

My last name is English. At it's root, it is a reminder that my ancestors were owned by a british family. So for those who want to talk crazy, when you sign your name if it is not a reminder of who owned your family, do not try posting shit about something that ended 150 years ago. And since I have challenged the racist whites here to discuss what happened since slavery, the consistent references to slavery show where the mental problem is.
Since slavery, we elected as our President a black guy who wasn't even born in America.

What a phony you are.
It is the ignorant refrain sung by white racists here at USMB.

Blacks who murder other blacks get prison sentences.
Bullshit. Nearly half the time they get away with it scott free because the black community refuses to cooperate with the police.
Blacks who kill blacks are prosecuted.

Policemen who kill unarmed blacks usually arenā€™t.
Its even worse when the cops help a drug kingpin kill off his competition.
When I lived in Detroit the police would give them escorts all the time. Democrat governments are incredibly corrupt.

The other day here in Toledo, Detroit's little bastard step-child, the FBI arrested 4 city council members. All Democrats. The rest of them are corrupt too, they just haven't got caught yet.

Every small businessman in the city knows they're corrupt.
" Criminal Floyd "

* Obvious Motivation *

Most barely care that the worst of the worst kill each other off , whether that be white on white , or black on black , or white on black , or black on white , or cops killing any of them .

Alternatively , BLaMe is different because it is founded upon a black racist perception that blacks be sacrosanct from attack by any white person or a white police officer , that includes a belief that the killing of whites by blacks is acceptable and that white lives do not matter .
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It is the ignorant refrain sung by white racists here at USMB.

Blacks who murder other blacks get prison sentences. This is called justice. Police get paid leave and the pig who murdered George Floyd will get paid pension. Police rarely even get indicted for killing us, much less go to trial. That's not justice. BLM and those supporting this cause are asking that justice be equally applied.

Why Black Lives Matter doesn't focus on ā€˜black-on-blackā€™ crime
Josh Hafner

The Black Lives Matter movement is in the national spotlight again this month, following the high-profile killings of two black men by police and the killings of police officers by black men in Dallas and Baton Rouge.

With the movementā€™s attention comes a familiar refrain: Why doesnā€™t Black Lives Matter focus on ā€œblack-on-blackā€ crime?

Itā€™s a question asked, in various forms, from Facebook to cable networks to comments on this site. The answer, one writer says, is Black Lives Matter isnā€™t solely focused on the loss of black lives but also on a lack of justice.

ā€œWhen a civilian has committed a violent crime, theyā€™re generally arrested, tried and then convicted,ā€ Franchesca Ramsey, a writer and activist who discusses race, explains in the MTV series Decoded (which you can watch here in full).

ā€œConversely, thereā€™s a lot of evidence that itā€™s very rare to secure an indictment against a police officer for excessive force. And an indictment is just a trial; it isnā€™t even a conviction.ā€

ā€œBlack Lives Matter isnā€™t just about the loss of life, which is always terrible. Itā€™s about the lack of consequences when black lives are taken at the hands of police.ā€

BLM doesn't give a flying fuck about actual black lives because they're a bunch of closeted Marxists, and that's how commies roll....Which in turn makes you what Lenin called a "useful idiot".
If there were protests every time a black person murdered another person, regardless of color, there would be no peace in this world.
In 2018 according to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, 3,315 whites were murdered. 2,925 blacks were murdered. So in addition to the fact that 81 percent of all whites who were killed were killed by another white person, more whites were killed than blacks. Even more important in debunking this lie of black attacks and killing is the fact that more whites killed each other(2677) than blacks who killed each other(2600). So again, the media has not hidden black on white crime, but it has ignored white on white crime by description. White on white crime is always claimed to be caused by a malady such as mental instability or by the use of the lone wolf excuse.

Once again, you dumb fuckinā€™ idiot.

Blacks killed 2600 other blacks. But whites bested them by 77, killing 2677 of their own.

With nearly 200 million more whites than blacks in our population, whites only managed to kill an additional 77 people. Rather pathetic performance if you ask me, but then we donā€™t have shooting gallery neighborhoods like blacks or weā€™d really put up the numbers.
No, you don't get to kill more people because there are more of you in the population. And since we are talking about white/white crime, the fact that 81 percent of whites murdered are murdered by other whites should bother you. In fact the overall high rate of white crime should concern you since whites have 15 times the wealth we do and it's a proven fact that high rates of poverty is a causal factor for crime.

School teachers are the number one occupation of the Antifa terrorist organization?

If rioters come to your area, please remember, donā€™t be a litterbug. Pick up your brass.

Racist. Noun. Someone who opposes race riots.

Took Nancy Pelosi 34 years to get offended by those Confederate statues.50 years of Affirmative Action is finally paying big dividends for America, huh?

The communists living within the CHAZ ā€œcountryā€ of Seattle have run out of food and supplies and are now begging for help. Welcome to actual communism, morons!

Maybe itā€™s the people, not the cops, that need better training.

Liberals are attacking conservatives and pushing for a civil war. If Liberals wanted peace, there would be peace. If the Conservatives wanted war, there wouldnā€™t be any Liberals.

Should the Pyramids be torn down since they were built by slaves?

Robbery in progress. Better go online and see how civilians think we should handle it.

I havenā€™t seen a single welfare office set on fire anywhere.

Country will become a better place when everyone realizes there are only two kinds of people in itā€¦. Good people and bad people.
Ethnicity doesnā€™t matter!

BLM. = Burn. Loot. Murder. (this is what it has come down too)

While we are getting rid of stuff, letā€™s get rid of rap music that promotes violence and hate.

Are we the only country dumb enough to start another civil war because we are offended by the first one?

In 1933 Hitler appointed Hermann Goring Minister of the Interior. His first orders were to defund and eliminate police departments so that they would not interfere with his Brown Shirts whose mission it was to riot, burn, beat up, and kill citizens in an effort to sway the elections.

Are you being treated poorly by the police? Well, have you tried not breaking the law to see if that helps?

Does anyone see the irony in the fact that the Floyd funeral spectacle had a police escort?

Minneapolis has a democrat police chief, a democrat mayor, and a democrat governor; yet the republicans and Trump are at fault.

Strange how you can watch a televised funeral with hundreds in attendance after being told you canā€™t go to your own familyā€™s funerals or your own familyā€™s kidsā€™ graduations. Think maybe you are being played?

The Hypocrisy of the Year...

Of course Black Lives Matter, except when their murdering one another.

Have you checked the 'stats' lately on
Black on Black Crime??

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