Why don't Black Lives Matter protest Blacks Killing Blacks?

"Besides that, if BLM was truly concerned about the "Black Lives" doesn't that also mean quality of life? Why wouldn't they be marching in protest of the appalling conditions of the inner cities? Those are the spawning beds for nearly all of the gang related and random Black on Black murders. You are doing a disservice to your own people by accepting what the Democrat leaders allow to happen year after year in those war zones. "

The appalling conditions of inner cities are created by white landlords who live in the suburbs. Your ignorance allows you to dismiss this reality. And since your ilk likes to use Chicago for every example;

" Chicago’s 2015 mayoral race was one of the most expensive in the nation’s history, with big donors playing an outsized role in financing both candidates’ campaigns. In fact, over 90 percent of the money raised by the two major candidates came from donors giving more than $1,000, and more than half (52%) came from donors outside of the city.[1] Both the Chicago mayoral and council elections are primarily financed by white, male donors who don’t reflect the racial and class diversity of the city’s residents. The experience in Chicago is emblematic of national elections, where a small cadre of white major donors—.01 percent—accounted for over 40 percent of all campaign contributions.[2] New research provides disturbing evidence that the financing of our elections by a small group of big donors has very real consequences in terms of the public policies that get enacted.[3] In fact, when the preferences of the donor class diverge with those of the average voter, it is the donor class’s preferences that win. But donors and voters don’t always agree. For example, while 34% of non-donors living in Chicago support the Bowles-Simpson austerity plan, 62% of Chicago donors do. The preferences of the white, male and rich donor class diverge strongly from ordinary Chicagoans but it’s their agenda that’s being implemented. "

D.C.’s White Donor Class: Outsized Influence in a Diverse City

Key Findings

  • The donor class doesn’t represent the diversity of Washington D.C.’s population. While 37 percent of D.C.’s population is white, 62 percent of mayoral donors and 67 percent of City Council donors are white.
  • The rich are disproportionately represented in the donor class. Only a quarter of D.C.’s adult population makes more than $100,000, but 59 percent of council donors and 61 percent of mayoral donors do.
  • The pool of donors who make small donations is more representative than the pool of those who make large donations. Women make up about half of those giving less than $50 to mayoral and council races, but only 31 percent of those giving more than $1,000. People of color make up 47 percent of mayoral donors giving less than $25, but 31 percent of those giving more than $1,000.
  • The small donor pool contains more income diversity as well. Those making $100,000 or more comprise 44 percent of donors giving $25 or less to mayoral candidates, but 72 percent of those giving $1,000 or more.
  • Mayoral candidates relied heavily on big donors, raising less than 7 percent of their total funds from donors giving less than $100, and 67 percent from donors giving more than $1,000.
  • A system of public financing would increase the diversity of D.C.’s donor class, leading to more responsive policymaking.

Here's an idea.
Pull your pants up,stop speaking in ebonics,get a job and move.
You do that. Your plumbers butt is unsightly.
Here's a suggestion, if you have never spent any time in the black community, don't speak on issues that affect blacks.

You never have anything complimentary to say about Caucasians. Ever. Careful, you might give them a complex.
Actually I have on an INDIVIDUAL basis, but as long as whites here keep up the racism this is what they are going to get.

Nah. Nothing I've read seems to correlate to this. No one has the balls to address the issue. We prefer to tiptoe around it and pretend our communities are full of angels. Mental masturbation.
  • Thanks
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Black lives matter doesn't really stand for what they think. BLM is being used by rich White Marxists to overthrow our system of government. Antifa is also being used. This isn't about social justice, or justice for George Floyd, or systemic racism. It's about a bunch of White, totalitarian elitists trying to take this country over. And, God forbid, they would ever be successful, Blacks and Antifa would be the ones crying the loudest.
Another ignorant false white racist opinion.
Wow, 4 adjectives in a 6 word phrase. Are you trying to impress the English teacher again?
More dumb racist whiteness.
Blacks who murder other blacks get prison sentences. This is called justice
Almost all are unsolved because blacks won’t snitch lol again your wrong
I'm black and you're wrong. Blacks who murder other blacks get prison sentences. White who are racists believe blacks don't tell police when they see a murder.
Interracial violence numbers are overwhelmingly black on white, again most black on black crime goes unsolved, the data doesn’t support your claims.. why do you continue to lie?
Interracial violence is overwhelmingly small. The data supports my claim on black on black crime..
Yes and blacks attacking whites.. just facts .. blacks are attacking us. They aren’t victims
Blacks are not attacking whites in any serious amounts. Hate crimes data shows that blacks are the victims of most hate crimes and that whites are the ones committing them. And no, black on white hate crimes are not being covered up. If blacks we committing the most hate crimes it would be played like black/black crime is so dumb whites like you can bitch about it while ignoring the higher rate of white crime.
"Besides that, if BLM was truly concerned about the "Black Lives" doesn't that also mean quality of life? Why wouldn't they be marching in protest of the appalling conditions of the inner cities? Those are the spawning beds for nearly all of the gang related and random Black on Black murders. You are doing a disservice to your own people by accepting what the Democrat leaders allow to happen year after year in those war zones. "

The appalling conditions of inner cities are created by white landlords who live in the suburbs. Your ignorance allows you to dismiss this reality. And since your ilk likes to use Chicago for every example;

" Chicago’s 2015 mayoral race was one of the most expensive in the nation’s history, with big donors playing an outsized role in financing both candidates’ campaigns. In fact, over 90 percent of the money raised by the two major candidates came from donors giving more than $1,000, and more than half (52%) came from donors outside of the city.[1] Both the Chicago mayoral and council elections are primarily financed by white, male donors who don’t reflect the racial and class diversity of the city’s residents. The experience in Chicago is emblematic of national elections, where a small cadre of white major donors—.01 percent—accounted for over 40 percent of all campaign contributions.[2] New research provides disturbing evidence that the financing of our elections by a small group of big donors has very real consequences in terms of the public policies that get enacted.[3] In fact, when the preferences of the donor class diverge with those of the average voter, it is the donor class’s preferences that win. But donors and voters don’t always agree. For example, while 34% of non-donors living in Chicago support the Bowles-Simpson austerity plan, 62% of Chicago donors do. The preferences of the white, male and rich donor class diverge strongly from ordinary Chicagoans but it’s their agenda that’s being implemented. "

D.C.’s White Donor Class: Outsized Influence in a Diverse City

Key Findings

  • The donor class doesn’t represent the diversity of Washington D.C.’s population. While 37 percent of D.C.’s population is white, 62 percent of mayoral donors and 67 percent of City Council donors are white.
  • The rich are disproportionately represented in the donor class. Only a quarter of D.C.’s adult population makes more than $100,000, but 59 percent of council donors and 61 percent of mayoral donors do.
  • The pool of donors who make small donations is more representative than the pool of those who make large donations. Women make up about half of those giving less than $50 to mayoral and council races, but only 31 percent of those giving more than $1,000. People of color make up 47 percent of mayoral donors giving less than $25, but 31 percent of those giving more than $1,000.
  • The small donor pool contains more income diversity as well. Those making $100,000 or more comprise 44 percent of donors giving $25 or less to mayoral candidates, but 72 percent of those giving $1,000 or more.
  • Mayoral candidates relied heavily on big donors, raising less than 7 percent of their total funds from donors giving less than $100, and 67 percent from donors giving more than $1,000.
  • A system of public financing would increase the diversity of D.C.’s donor class, leading to more responsive policymaking.

Here's an idea.
Pull your pants up,stop speaking in ebonics,get a job and move.
You do that. Your plumbers butt is unsightly.
Here's a suggestion, if you have never spent any time in the black community, don't speak on issues that affect blacks.

You never have anything complimentary to say about Caucasians. Ever. Careful, you might give them a complex.
Actually I have on an INDIVIDUAL basis, but as long as whites here keep up the racism this is what they are going to get.

Nah. Nothing I've read seems to correlate to this. No one has the balls to address the issue. We prefer to tiptoe around it and pretend our communities are full of angels. Mental masturbation.
I have complimented individual whites here who don't exhibit racism. Seems that I probably should compliment you if you're saying what I think you are.
Blacks who murder other blacks get prison sentences. This is called justice
Almost all are unsolved because blacks won’t snitch lol again your wrong
I'm black and you're wrong. Blacks who murder other blacks get prison sentences. White who are racists believe blacks don't tell police when they see a murder.
Interracial violence numbers are overwhelmingly black on white, again most black on black crime goes unsolved, the data doesn’t support your claims.. why do you continue to lie?
Interracial violence is overwhelmingly small. The data supports my claim on black on black crime..
Yes and blacks attacking whites.. just facts .. blacks are attacking us. They aren’t victims
Blacks are not attacking whites in any serious amounts. Hate crimes data shows that blacks are the victims of most hate crimes and that whites are the ones committing them. And no, black on white hate crimes are not being covered up. If blacks we committing the most hate crimes it would be played like black/black crime is so dumb whites like you can bitch about it while ignoring the higher rate of white crime.
Almost all arrest involving violence towards a race is a black on a white.. these are undisputed facts.
"Besides that, if BLM was truly concerned about the "Black Lives" doesn't that also mean quality of life? Why wouldn't they be marching in protest of the appalling conditions of the inner cities? Those are the spawning beds for nearly all of the gang related and random Black on Black murders. You are doing a disservice to your own people by accepting what the Democrat leaders allow to happen year after year in those war zones. "

The appalling conditions of inner cities are created by white landlords who live in the suburbs. Your ignorance allows you to dismiss this reality. And since your ilk likes to use Chicago for every example;

" Chicago’s 2015 mayoral race was one of the most expensive in the nation’s history, with big donors playing an outsized role in financing both candidates’ campaigns. In fact, over 90 percent of the money raised by the two major candidates came from donors giving more than $1,000, and more than half (52%) came from donors outside of the city.[1] Both the Chicago mayoral and council elections are primarily financed by white, male donors who don’t reflect the racial and class diversity of the city’s residents. The experience in Chicago is emblematic of national elections, where a small cadre of white major donors—.01 percent—accounted for over 40 percent of all campaign contributions.[2] New research provides disturbing evidence that the financing of our elections by a small group of big donors has very real consequences in terms of the public policies that get enacted.[3] In fact, when the preferences of the donor class diverge with those of the average voter, it is the donor class’s preferences that win. But donors and voters don’t always agree. For example, while 34% of non-donors living in Chicago support the Bowles-Simpson austerity plan, 62% of Chicago donors do. The preferences of the white, male and rich donor class diverge strongly from ordinary Chicagoans but it’s their agenda that’s being implemented. "

D.C.’s White Donor Class: Outsized Influence in a Diverse City

Key Findings

  • The donor class doesn’t represent the diversity of Washington D.C.’s population. While 37 percent of D.C.’s population is white, 62 percent of mayoral donors and 67 percent of City Council donors are white.
  • The rich are disproportionately represented in the donor class. Only a quarter of D.C.’s adult population makes more than $100,000, but 59 percent of council donors and 61 percent of mayoral donors do.
  • The pool of donors who make small donations is more representative than the pool of those who make large donations. Women make up about half of those giving less than $50 to mayoral and council races, but only 31 percent of those giving more than $1,000. People of color make up 47 percent of mayoral donors giving less than $25, but 31 percent of those giving more than $1,000.
  • The small donor pool contains more income diversity as well. Those making $100,000 or more comprise 44 percent of donors giving $25 or less to mayoral candidates, but 72 percent of those giving $1,000 or more.
  • Mayoral candidates relied heavily on big donors, raising less than 7 percent of their total funds from donors giving less than $100, and 67 percent from donors giving more than $1,000.
  • A system of public financing would increase the diversity of D.C.’s donor class, leading to more responsive policymaking.

Here's an idea.
Pull your pants up,stop speaking in ebonics,get a job and move.
You do that. Your plumbers butt is unsightly.
Here's a suggestion, if you have never spent any time in the black community, don't speak on issues that affect blacks.

You never have anything complimentary to say about Caucasians. Ever. Careful, you might give them a complex.
Actually I have on an INDIVIDUAL basis, but as long as whites here keep up the racism this is what they are going to get.

Nah. Nothing I've read seems to correlate to this. No one has the balls to address the issue. We prefer to tiptoe around it and pretend our communities are full of angels. Mental masturbation.
I have complimented individual whites here who don't exhibit racism. Seems that I probably should compliment you if you're saying what I think you are.

You don't get it either. I don't need your compliments. I don't care if you think I'm racist or not. I know who I am.
It is the ignorant refrain sung by white racists here at USMB.

Blacks who murder other blacks get prison sentences. This is called justice. Police get paid leave and the pig who murdered George Floyd will get paid pension. Police rarely even get indicted for killing us, much less go to trial. That's not justice. BLM and those supporting this cause are asking that justice be equally applied.

Why Black Lives Matter doesn't focus on ‘black-on-black’ crime
Josh Hafner

The Black Lives Matter movement is in the national spotlight again this month, following the high-profile killings of two black men by police and the killings of police officers by black men in Dallas and Baton Rouge.

With the movement’s attention comes a familiar refrain: Why doesn’t Black Lives Matter focus on “black-on-black” crime?

It’s a question asked, in various forms, from Facebook to cable networks to comments on this site. The answer, one writer says, is Black Lives Matter isn’t solely focused on the loss of black lives but also on a lack of justice.

“When a civilian has committed a violent crime, they’re generally arrested, tried and then convicted,” Franchesca Ramsey, a writer and activist who discusses race, explains in the MTV series Decoded (which you can watch here in full).

“Conversely, there’s a lot of evidence that it’s very rare to secure an indictment against a police officer for excessive force. And an indictment is just a trial; it isn’t even a conviction.”

“Black Lives Matter isn’t just about the loss of life, which is always terrible. It’s about the lack of consequences when black lives are taken at the hands of police.”

only a very select few BLACK LIVES MATTER and only when they are killed by a white guy, otherwise. Meh. We'd be here all day and night
The vast majority of Black on Black murders go unresolved. You know this, get real. One of the main reasons they go unresolved is the refusal of the good people living in the inner cities to give police any information on the murderers.

Besides that, if BLM was truly concerned about the "Black Lives" doesn't that also mean quality of life? Why wouldn't they be marching in protest of the appalling conditions of the inner cities? Those are the spawning beds for nearly all of the gang related and random Black on Black murders. You are doing a disservice to your own people by accepting what the Democrat leaders allow to happen year after year in those war zones.

BLM would at least have SOME credibility if they marched in Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland, LA, etc. protesting the Democrat shit holes where these poor people have to try and live.
Then the useless police aren't doing their damn jobs. What the heck are we paying them for?

Time to #DefundThePolice

Amen! Let MS-13 take over all democrat cities!
The vast majority of Black on Black murders go unresolved. You know this, get real. One of the main reasons they go unresolved is the refusal of the good people living in the inner cities to give police any information on the murderers.

Besides that, if BLM was truly concerned about the "Black Lives" doesn't that also mean quality of life? Why wouldn't they be marching in protest of the appalling conditions of the inner cities? Those are the spawning beds for nearly all of the gang related and random Black on Black murders. You are doing a disservice to your own people by accepting what the Democrat leaders allow to happen year after year in those war zones.

BLM would at least have SOME credibility if they marched in Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland, LA, etc. protesting the Democrat shit holes where these poor people have to try and live.
Then the useless police aren't doing their damn jobs. What the heck are we paying them for?

Time to #DefundThePolice

I agree. Get rid of the police and watch the blacks kill each other off.

I guess you really are that stupid.
It is the ignorant refrain sung by white racists here at USMB.

Blacks who murder other blacks get prison sentences. This is called justice. Police get paid leave and the pig who murdered George Floyd will get paid pension. Police rarely even get indicted for killing us, much less go to trial. That's not justice. BLM and those supporting this cause are asking that justice be equally applied.

Why Black Lives Matter doesn't focus on ‘black-on-black’ crime
Josh Hafner

The Black Lives Matter movement is in the national spotlight again this month, following the high-profile killings of two black men by police and the killings of police officers by black men in Dallas and Baton Rouge.

With the movement’s attention comes a familiar refrain: Why doesn’t Black Lives Matter focus on “black-on-black” crime?

It’s a question asked, in various forms, from Facebook to cable networks to comments on this site. The answer, one writer says, is Black Lives Matter isn’t solely focused on the loss of black lives but also on a lack of justice.

“When a civilian has committed a violent crime, they’re generally arrested, tried and then convicted,” Franchesca Ramsey, a writer and activist who discusses race, explains in the MTV series Decoded (which you can watch here in full).

“Conversely, there’s a lot of evidence that it’s very rare to secure an indictment against a police officer for excessive force. And an indictment is just a trial; it isn’t even a conviction.”

“Black Lives Matter isn’t just about the loss of life, which is always terrible. It’s about the lack of consequences when black lives are taken at the hands of police.”

Thank you......from and old white guy
Not all whites are racists, unfortunately non racist whites sometimes bear the burden because of racists. Thank you for not being a racist.

Not all blacks are criminals,unfortunately the ones that aren't bear the burden because of black criminals.
Take BLM for instance. They riot,loot and destroy on live television in large numbers for all to see.
It's a real shame what they're doing to hard working honest blacks.
Since the majority of crime is committed by whites and the majority of looters and rioters in the 2 percent of the protesters who did so are also white, your comment reveals that you are a fool.

Still havent figured out those pesky percentages I see.
It is the ignorant refrain sung by white racists here at USMB.

Blacks who murder other blacks get prison sentences. This is called justice. Police get paid leave and the pig who murdered George Floyd will get paid pension. Police rarely even get indicted for killing us, much less go to trial. That's not justice. BLM and those supporting this cause are asking that justice be equally applied.

Why Black Lives Matter doesn't focus on ‘black-on-black’ crime
Josh Hafner

The Black Lives Matter movement is in the national spotlight again this month, following the high-profile killings of two black men by police and the killings of police officers by black men in Dallas and Baton Rouge.

With the movement’s attention comes a familiar refrain: Why doesn’t Black Lives Matter focus on “black-on-black” crime?

It’s a question asked, in various forms, from Facebook to cable networks to comments on this site. The answer, one writer says, is Black Lives Matter isn’t solely focused on the loss of black lives but also on a lack of justice.

“When a civilian has committed a violent crime, they’re generally arrested, tried and then convicted,” Franchesca Ramsey, a writer and activist who discusses race, explains in the MTV series Decoded (which you can watch here in full).

“Conversely, there’s a lot of evidence that it’s very rare to secure an indictment against a police officer for excessive force. And an indictment is just a trial; it isn’t even a conviction.”

“Black Lives Matter isn’t just about the loss of life, which is always terrible. It’s about the lack of consequences when black lives are taken at the hands of police.”

Thank you......from and old white guy
Not all whites are racists, unfortunately non racist whites sometimes bear the burden because of racists. Thank you for not being a racist.

Not all blacks are criminals,unfortunately the ones that aren't bear the burden because of black criminals.
Take BLM for instance. They riot,loot and destroy on live television in large numbers for all to see.
It's a real shame what they're doing to hard working honest blacks.
Since the majority of crime is committed by whites and the majority of looters and rioters in the 2 percent of the protesters who did so are also white, your comment reveals that you are a fool.

Still havent figured out those pesky percentages I see.

Maths are hard
It is the ignorant refrain sung by white racists here at USMB.

Blacks who murder other blacks get prison sentences. This is called justice. Police get paid leave and the pig who murdered George Floyd will get paid pension. Police rarely even get indicted for killing us, much less go to trial. That's not justice. BLM and those supporting this cause are asking that justice be equally applied.

Why Black Lives Matter doesn't focus on ‘black-on-black’ crime
Josh Hafner

The Black Lives Matter movement is in the national spotlight again this month, following the high-profile killings of two black men by police and the killings of police officers by black men in Dallas and Baton Rouge.

With the movement’s attention comes a familiar refrain: Why doesn’t Black Lives Matter focus on “black-on-black” crime?

It’s a question asked, in various forms, from Facebook to cable networks to comments on this site. The answer, one writer says, is Black Lives Matter isn’t solely focused on the loss of black lives but also on a lack of justice.

“When a civilian has committed a violent crime, they’re generally arrested, tried and then convicted,” Franchesca Ramsey, a writer and activist who discusses race, explains in the MTV series Decoded (which you can watch here in full).

“Conversely, there’s a lot of evidence that it’s very rare to secure an indictment against a police officer for excessive force. And an indictment is just a trial; it isn’t even a conviction.”

“Black Lives Matter isn’t just about the loss of life, which is always terrible. It’s about the lack of consequences when black lives are taken at the hands of police.”

Thank you......from and old white guy
Not all whites are racists, unfortunately non racist whites sometimes bear the burden because of racists. Thank you for not being a racist.

Not all blacks are criminals,unfortunately the ones that aren't bear the burden because of black criminals.
Take BLM for instance. They riot,loot and destroy on live television in large numbers for all to see.
It's a real shame what they're doing to hard working honest blacks.
Since the majority of crime is committed by whites and the majority of looters and rioters in the 2 percent of the protesters who did so are also white, your comment reveals that you are a fool.
At some point another type of message has to be sent out. The riots need to stop now. Maybe this will be the time you see what you want or believe will improve things.
At some point you'll stop talking about riots that happened over a month ago.

Yeah...and someday you'll shut your fried chicken hole about an event that happened over a 150 years ago.
If there were protests every time a black person murdered another person, regardless of color, there would be no peace in this world.
In 2018 according to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, 3,315 whites were murdered. 2,925 blacks were murdered. So in addition to the fact that 81 percent of all whites who were killed were killed by another white person, more whites were killed than blacks. Even more important in debunking this lie of black attacks and killing is the fact that more whites killed each other(2677) than blacks who killed each other(2600). So again, the media has not hidden black on white crime, but it has ignored white on white crime by description. White on white crime is always claimed to be caused by a malady such as mental instability or by the use of the lone wolf excuse.

Once again, you dumb fuckin’ idiot.

Blacks killed 2600 other blacks. But whites bested them by 77, killing 2677 of their own.

With nearly 200 million more whites than blacks in our population, whites only managed to kill an additional 77 people. Rather pathetic performance if you ask me, but then we don’t have shooting gallery neighborhoods like blacks or we’d really put up the numbers.
"Besides that, if BLM was truly concerned about the "Black Lives" doesn't that also mean quality of life? Why wouldn't they be marching in protest of the appalling conditions of the inner cities? Those are the spawning beds for nearly all of the gang related and random Black on Black murders. You are doing a disservice to your own people by accepting what the Democrat leaders allow to happen year after year in those war zones. "

The appalling conditions of inner cities are created by white landlords who live in the suburbs. Your ignorance allows you to dismiss this reality. And since your ilk likes to use Chicago for every example;

" Chicago’s 2015 mayoral race was one of the most expensive in the nation’s history, with big donors playing an outsized role in financing both candidates’ campaigns. In fact, over 90 percent of the money raised by the two major candidates came from donors giving more than $1,000, and more than half (52%) came from donors outside of the city.[1] Both the Chicago mayoral and council elections are primarily financed by white, male donors who don’t reflect the racial and class diversity of the city’s residents. The experience in Chicago is emblematic of national elections, where a small cadre of white major donors—.01 percent—accounted for over 40 percent of all campaign contributions.[2] New research provides disturbing evidence that the financing of our elections by a small group of big donors has very real consequences in terms of the public policies that get enacted.[3] In fact, when the preferences of the donor class diverge with those of the average voter, it is the donor class’s preferences that win. But donors and voters don’t always agree. For example, while 34% of non-donors living in Chicago support the Bowles-Simpson austerity plan, 62% of Chicago donors do. The preferences of the white, male and rich donor class diverge strongly from ordinary Chicagoans but it’s their agenda that’s being implemented. "

D.C.’s White Donor Class: Outsized Influence in a Diverse City

Key Findings

  • The donor class doesn’t represent the diversity of Washington D.C.’s population. While 37 percent of D.C.’s population is white, 62 percent of mayoral donors and 67 percent of City Council donors are white.
  • The rich are disproportionately represented in the donor class. Only a quarter of D.C.’s adult population makes more than $100,000, but 59 percent of council donors and 61 percent of mayoral donors do.
  • The pool of donors who make small donations is more representative than the pool of those who make large donations. Women make up about half of those giving less than $50 to mayoral and council races, but only 31 percent of those giving more than $1,000. People of color make up 47 percent of mayoral donors giving less than $25, but 31 percent of those giving more than $1,000.
  • The small donor pool contains more income diversity as well. Those making $100,000 or more comprise 44 percent of donors giving $25 or less to mayoral candidates, but 72 percent of those giving $1,000 or more.
  • Mayoral candidates relied heavily on big donors, raising less than 7 percent of their total funds from donors giving less than $100, and 67 percent from donors giving more than $1,000.
  • A system of public financing would increase the diversity of D.C.’s donor class, leading to more responsive policymaking.

Here's an idea.
Pull your pants up,stop speaking in ebonics,get a job and move.
You do that. Your plumbers butt is unsightly.
Here's a suggestion, if you have never spent any time in the black community, don't speak on issues that affect blacks.

You never have anything complimentary to say about Caucasians. Ever. Careful, you might give them a complex.
Actually I have on an INDIVIDUAL basis, but as long as whites here keep up the racism this is what they are going to get.

Nah. Nothing I've read seems to correlate to this. No one has the balls to address the issue. We prefer to tiptoe around it and pretend our communities are full of angels. Mental masturbation.
I have complimented individual whites here who don't exhibit racism. Seems that I probably should compliment you if you're saying what I think you are.

You don't get it either. I don't need your compliments. I don't care if you think I'm racist or not. I know who I am.
I get it. But you don't. You have lied about me not complimenting whites. Furthermore the fact there are numerous racist threads by whites here falsely accusing blacks of things seems to escape you. I post what whites have done, continue doing and the damage it's caused the black community those like you refuse to see. I am under no obligation to compliment whites no matter how butthurt you get. Until the racism from whites ends here there are no compliments to be had outside of individual white who have shown they are not racist. So learn how to read and maybe if you're able to get beyond the word white before fragility sets in, you might understand that my arguments are legitimate. .
It is the ignorant refrain sung by white racists here at USMB.

Blacks who murder other blacks get prison sentences. This is called justice. Police get paid leave and the pig who murdered George Floyd will get paid pension. Police rarely even get indicted for killing us, much less go to trial. That's not justice. BLM and those supporting this cause are asking that justice be equally applied.

Why Black Lives Matter doesn't focus on ‘black-on-black’ crime
Josh Hafner

The Black Lives Matter movement is in the national spotlight again this month, following the high-profile killings of two black men by police and the killings of police officers by black men in Dallas and Baton Rouge.

With the movement’s attention comes a familiar refrain: Why doesn’t Black Lives Matter focus on “black-on-black” crime?

It’s a question asked, in various forms, from Facebook to cable networks to comments on this site. The answer, one writer says, is Black Lives Matter isn’t solely focused on the loss of black lives but also on a lack of justice.

“When a civilian has committed a violent crime, they’re generally arrested, tried and then convicted,” Franchesca Ramsey, a writer and activist who discusses race, explains in the MTV series Decoded (which you can watch here in full).

“Conversely, there’s a lot of evidence that it’s very rare to secure an indictment against a police officer for excessive force. And an indictment is just a trial; it isn’t even a conviction.”

“Black Lives Matter isn’t just about the loss of life, which is always terrible. It’s about the lack of consequences when black lives are taken at the hands of police.”

Thank you......from and old white guy
Not all whites are racists, unfortunately non racist whites sometimes bear the burden because of racists. Thank you for not being a racist.

Not all blacks are criminals,unfortunately the ones that aren't bear the burden because of black criminals.
Take BLM for instance. They riot,loot and destroy on live television in large numbers for all to see.
It's a real shame what they're doing to hard working honest blacks.
Since the majority of crime is committed by whites and the majority of looters and rioters in the 2 percent of the protesters who did so are also white, your comment reveals that you are a fool.
At some point another type of message has to be sent out. The riots need to stop now. Maybe this will be the time you see what you want or believe will improve things.
At some point you'll stop talking about riots that happened over a month ago.

Yeah...and someday you'll shut your fried chicken hole about an event that happened over a 150 years ago.

When you stop talking about an event that happened in 1776, let me know.
It is the ignorant refrain sung by white racists here at USMB.

Blacks who murder other blacks get prison sentences. This is called justice. Police get paid leave and the pig who murdered George Floyd will get paid pension. Police rarely even get indicted for killing us, much less go to trial. That's not justice. BLM and those supporting this cause are asking that justice be equally applied.

Why Black Lives Matter doesn't focus on ‘black-on-black’ crime
Josh Hafner

The Black Lives Matter movement is in the national spotlight again this month, following the high-profile killings of two black men by police and the killings of police officers by black men in Dallas and Baton Rouge.

With the movement’s attention comes a familiar refrain: Why doesn’t Black Lives Matter focus on “black-on-black” crime?

It’s a question asked, in various forms, from Facebook to cable networks to comments on this site. The answer, one writer says, is Black Lives Matter isn’t solely focused on the loss of black lives but also on a lack of justice.

“When a civilian has committed a violent crime, they’re generally arrested, tried and then convicted,” Franchesca Ramsey, a writer and activist who discusses race, explains in the MTV series Decoded (which you can watch here in full).

“Conversely, there’s a lot of evidence that it’s very rare to secure an indictment against a police officer for excessive force. And an indictment is just a trial; it isn’t even a conviction.”

“Black Lives Matter isn’t just about the loss of life, which is always terrible. It’s about the lack of consequences when black lives are taken at the hands of police.”

Thank you......from and old white guy
Not all whites are racists, unfortunately non racist whites sometimes bear the burden because of racists. Thank you for not being a racist.

Not all blacks are criminals,unfortunately the ones that aren't bear the burden because of black criminals.
Take BLM for instance. They riot,loot and destroy on live television in large numbers for all to see.
It's a real shame what they're doing to hard working honest blacks.
Since the majority of crime is committed by whites and the majority of looters and rioters in the 2 percent of the protesters who did so are also white, your comment reveals that you are a fool.
At some point another type of message has to be sent out. The riots need to stop now. Maybe this will be the time you see what you want or believe will improve things.
At some point you'll stop talking about riots that happened over a month ago.

Yeah...and someday you'll shut your fried chicken hole about an event that happened over a 150 years ago.

When you stop talking about an event that happened in 1776, let me know.

Can you point out my post talking about 1776?
If there were protests every time a black person murdered another person, regardless of color, there would be no peace in this world.
In 2018 according to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, 3,315 whites were murdered. 2,925 blacks were murdered. So in addition to the fact that 81 percent of all whites who were killed were killed by another white person, more whites were killed than blacks. Even more important in debunking this lie of black attacks and killing is the fact that more whites killed each other(2677) than blacks who killed each other(2600). So again, the media has not hidden black on white crime, but it has ignored white on white crime by description. White on white crime is always claimed to be caused by a malady such as mental instability or by the use of the lone wolf excuse.

Once again, you dumb fuckin’ idiot.

Blacks killed 2600 other blacks. But whites bested them by 77, killing 2677 of their own.

With nearly 200 million more whites than blacks in our population, whites only managed to kill an additional 77 people. Rather pathetic performance if you ask me, but then we don’t have shooting gallery neighborhoods like blacks or we’d really put up the numbers.
No, you don't get to kill more people because there are more of you in the population. And since we are talking about white/white crime, the fact that 81 percent of whites murdered are murdered by other whites should bother you. In fact the overall high rate of white crime should concern you since whites have 15 times the wealth we do and it's a proven fact that high rates of poverty is a causal factor for crime.
It is the ignorant refrain sung by white racists here at USMB.

Blacks who murder other blacks get prison sentences. This is called justice. Police get paid leave and the pig who murdered George Floyd will get paid pension. Police rarely even get indicted for killing us, much less go to trial. That's not justice. BLM and those supporting this cause are asking that justice be equally applied.

Why Black Lives Matter doesn't focus on ‘black-on-black’ crime
Josh Hafner

The Black Lives Matter movement is in the national spotlight again this month, following the high-profile killings of two black men by police and the killings of police officers by black men in Dallas and Baton Rouge.

With the movement’s attention comes a familiar refrain: Why doesn’t Black Lives Matter focus on “black-on-black” crime?

It’s a question asked, in various forms, from Facebook to cable networks to comments on this site. The answer, one writer says, is Black Lives Matter isn’t solely focused on the loss of black lives but also on a lack of justice.

“When a civilian has committed a violent crime, they’re generally arrested, tried and then convicted,” Franchesca Ramsey, a writer and activist who discusses race, explains in the MTV series Decoded (which you can watch here in full).

“Conversely, there’s a lot of evidence that it’s very rare to secure an indictment against a police officer for excessive force. And an indictment is just a trial; it isn’t even a conviction.”

“Black Lives Matter isn’t just about the loss of life, which is always terrible. It’s about the lack of consequences when black lives are taken at the hands of police.”

Thank you......from and old white guy
Not all whites are racists, unfortunately non racist whites sometimes bear the burden because of racists. Thank you for not being a racist.

Not all blacks are criminals,unfortunately the ones that aren't bear the burden because of black criminals.
Take BLM for instance. They riot,loot and destroy on live television in large numbers for all to see.
It's a real shame what they're doing to hard working honest blacks.
Since the majority of crime is committed by whites and the majority of looters and rioters in the 2 percent of the protesters who did so are also white, your comment reveals that you are a fool.
At some point another type of message has to be sent out. The riots need to stop now. Maybe this will be the time you see what you want or believe will improve things.
At some point you'll stop talking about riots that happened over a month ago.

Yeah...and someday you'll shut your fried chicken hole about an event that happened over a 150 years ago.

When you stop talking about an event that happened in 1776, let me know.

Can you point out my post talking about 1776?
Considering the fact that I have talked about what has happened since slavery since I joined, your dumb ass claims about slavery is the pussy dodge punks like you use to deny that your white asses have benefitted from racism. And as you will be celebrating July th 4th, then you need to consider your position. You also need then, to drop the punk ass argument about how democrats owned slaves. This also eliminates you talking about the republican party as the party of Lincoln. I can go on and on with this junior. The fact is that you and the other racists here are scared to discuss what whites have done since slavery.
It is the ignorant refrain sung by white racists here at USMB.

Blacks who murder other blacks get prison sentences. This is called justice. Police get paid leave and the pig who murdered George Floyd will get paid pension. Police rarely even get indicted for killing us, much less go to trial. That's not justice. BLM and those supporting this cause are asking that justice be equally applied.

Why Black Lives Matter doesn't focus on ‘black-on-black’ crime
Josh Hafner

The Black Lives Matter movement is in the national spotlight again this month, following the high-profile killings of two black men by police and the killings of police officers by black men in Dallas and Baton Rouge.

With the movement’s attention comes a familiar refrain: Why doesn’t Black Lives Matter focus on “black-on-black” crime?

It’s a question asked, in various forms, from Facebook to cable networks to comments on this site. The answer, one writer says, is Black Lives Matter isn’t solely focused on the loss of black lives but also on a lack of justice.

“When a civilian has committed a violent crime, they’re generally arrested, tried and then convicted,” Franchesca Ramsey, a writer and activist who discusses race, explains in the MTV series Decoded (which you can watch here in full).

“Conversely, there’s a lot of evidence that it’s very rare to secure an indictment against a police officer for excessive force. And an indictment is just a trial; it isn’t even a conviction.”

“Black Lives Matter isn’t just about the loss of life, which is always terrible. It’s about the lack of consequences when black lives are taken at the hands of police.”

Thank you......from and old white guy
Not all whites are racists, unfortunately non racist whites sometimes bear the burden because of racists. Thank you for not being a racist.

Not all blacks are criminals,unfortunately the ones that aren't bear the burden because of black criminals.
Take BLM for instance. They riot,loot and destroy on live television in large numbers for all to see.
It's a real shame what they're doing to hard working honest blacks.
Since the majority of crime is committed by whites and the majority of looters and rioters in the 2 percent of the protesters who did so are also white, your comment reveals that you are a fool.
At some point another type of message has to be sent out. The riots need to stop now. Maybe this will be the time you see what you want or believe will improve things.
At some point you'll stop talking about riots that happened over a month ago.

Yeah...and someday you'll shut your fried chicken hole about an event that happened over a 150 years ago.

When you stop talking about an event that happened in 1776, let me know.

Can you point out my post talking about 1776?
Considering the fact that I have talked about what has happened since slavery since I joined, your dumb ass claims about slavery is the pussy dodge punks like you use to deny that your white asses have benefitted from racism. And as you will be celebrating July th 4th, then you need to consider your position. You also need then, to drop the punk ass argument about how democrats owned slaves. This also eliminates you talking about the republican party as the party of Lincoln. I can go on and on with this junior. The fact is that you and the other racists here are scared to discuss what whites have done since slavery.

I never owned any slaves nor have my ancestors.
If you cant get over something that happened long before you were born you have mental problems.

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