Why don't liberals accept the fact that Obama is a traitor?

Obama ain't no traitor. He was a far better President than Trump will ever be. And I notice you fuckers don't say anything about the mess Bush left for Obama.
It's the Age of Trump. They admit to nothing.
Like that hearing the other day with that DNI guy?

Senator: "Please state your name."
DNI guy: "I'm not comfortable giving you that information in an open forum"

Senator: "Are you male or female?"
DNI guy: "Again, Senator, I'm not...."
President Bush had established that it would be necessary to withdraw the troops but conditionally that it would be possible also, that Iraq was secured

That condition is not in the agreement President Bush signed. But I certainly don't blame Bush for what the Arabs did in Iraq after our troops left. Most of the blame given the current situation at the time goes to the Shiite led government in Baghdad and their treatment of the Sunnis.
Obama, such a traitor, colluding with the Russians to destroy America!





OK, nevermind.
President Bush had established that it would be necessary to withdraw the troops but conditionally that it would be possible also, that Iraq was secured

That condition is not in the agreement President Bush signed. But I certainly don't blame Bush for what the Arabs did in Iraq after our troops left. Most of the blame given the current situation at the time goes to the Shiite led government in Baghdad and their treatment of the Sunnis.
I agree with you but this is how to say yes Bush wanted the withdrawal of troops but not as brutal as Obama to ask in 2011. somes troops should have stayed in Iraq to hold security in Iraq, I think it There is confusion after a change of party the laws and the processes of the application are not completely the same.

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somes troops should have stayed in Iraq to hold security in Iraq,

Both administrations tried unsuccessfully to leave a residual force behind. Iraq wasn't going to allow our troops immunity and neither president would allow our troops to be put in that situation. Neither president is a traitor in this regard.
Will Obama face justice for his crimes against the constitution?

President Trump is cleaning up the damages Obama made by destroying America.

You're so full of schit I can smell your funky ass from here.......you know.....like your hero Trump!
And even if he made that mistake, how would that make him a traitor, hater superdupe? Booosh would be the idiot that started that stupidest war ever- wrecking the ME by attacking Reagan's pal Saddam for supposedly trying to kill Dad...
somes troops should have stayed in Iraq to hold security in Iraq,

Both administrations tried unsuccessfully to leave a residual force behind. Iraq wasn't going to allow our troops immunity and neither president would allow our troops to be put in that situation. Neither president is a traitor in this regard.

After September 11, 2001 and the horror that touched your country your freedom Georges W Bush made a statement you are with us or you are against us and there was the axis of evil Iraq is part of it and the Weapons of mass destruction that in my opinion were transported to Syria before the inspectors arrived late it took time also remember. And what about Obama: from his answer to Assad he must not cross the red line and then nothing. Putin is the most powerful man on Earth and it is the fault of Obama
Will Obama face justice for his crimes against the constitution?

President Trump is cleaning up the damages Obama made by destroying America.
Treason is the only crime explicitly described in the Constitution. I'm pretty sure that was to stop vague allegations such as yours.
Article III.
Section. 3.
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

How exactly do you think Obama either waged war against the United States or "adhered" to their enemies?

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