Why don't liberals accept the fact that Obama is a traitor?

Liberals don't see anything wrong with what he did. He is their hero. They just eat him up.

Name some crimes Obama committed.

Releasing 5 known terrorists in exchange for a traitor.

Will Obama face justice for his crimes against the constitution?

President Trump is cleaning up the damages Obama made by destroying America.
Do you admit George Bush is a traitor?


Cite the law Obama broke.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act,

Article III
Cite the law Obama broke.
Continuing the war in Afghanistan makes him an accessory to Bush's crime for going in there in the first place. And Bush's crime was in violation of Article 51 of the UN Charter which Congress ratified giving it the same weight as the US Constitution, which means he violated the Constitution itself, if you needed a specific law?

My position is more about his actions and policies in office that were 180 degrees from the things he said in his campaign. As an example, his talk about a transparent government during the campaign, but as President, he increased illegal wire-tapping and sued in court to make it illegal for anyone to protest the illegal wire-tapping. That's not transparent.

Obama also did a lot of good things in office and did none of the things the right are bitching about.
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them,
Like the Oath Keepers?

or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.
Like us joining forces with al Qaeda in Syria? Well, Bush and Trump are also guilty of that.

No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act,

Article III
Yeah, well, you haven't made "witness" yet on your Mario Brothers political pocket pal.
somes troops should have stayed in Iraq to hold security in Iraq,

Both administrations tried unsuccessfully to leave a residual force behind. Iraq wasn't going to allow our troops immunity and neither president would allow our troops to be put in that situation. Neither president is a traitor in this regard.

After September 11, 2001 and the horror that touched your country your freedom Georges W Bush made a statement you are with us or you are against us and there was the axis of evil Iraq is part of it and the Weapons of mass destruction that in my opinion were transported to Syria before the inspectors arrived late it took time also remember. And what about Obama: from his answer to Assad he must not cross the red line and then nothing. Putin is the most powerful man on Earth and it is the fault of Obama
somes troops should have stayed in Iraq to hold security in Iraq,

Both administrations tried unsuccessfully to leave a residual force behind. Iraq wasn't going to allow our troops immunity and neither president would allow our troops to be put in that situation. Neither president is a traitor in this regard.

After September 11, 2001 and the horror that touched your country your freedom Georges W Bush made a statement you are with us or you are against us and there was the axis of evil Iraq is part of it and the Weapons of mass destruction that in my opinion were transported to Syria before the inspectors arrived late it took time also remember. And what about Obama: from his answer to Assad he must not cross the red line and then nothing. Putin is the most powerful man on Earth and it is the fault of Obama
somes troops should have stayed in Iraq to hold security in Iraq,

Both administrations tried unsuccessfully to leave a residual force behind. Iraq wasn't going to allow our troops immunity and neither president would allow our troops to be put in that situation. Neither president is a traitor in this regard.

After September 11, 2001 and the horror that touched your country your freedom Georges W Bush made a statement you are with us or you are against us and there was the axis of evil Iraq is part of it and the Weapons of mass destruction that in my opinion were transported to Syria before the inspectors arrived late it took time also remember. And what about Obama: from his answer to Assad he must not cross the red line and then nothing. Putin is the most powerful man on Earth and it is the fault of Obama

View attachment 132014
late 17th century: from dialect French dupe ‘hoopoe,’ from the bird's supposedly stupid appearance.

View attachment 132047
Qu'est-ce que ca veut dire, dupe? Aucun argument, comme toujours? BTW, jolie photo de vous
Cite the law Obama broke.
Continuing the war in Afghanistan makes him an accessory to Bush's crime for going in there in the first place. And Bush's crime was in violation of Article 51 of the UN Charter which Congress ratified giving it the same weight as the US Constitution, which means he violated the Constitution itself, if you needed a specific law?

My position is more about his actions and policies in office that were 180 degrees from the things he said in his campaign. As an example, his talk about a transparent government during the campaign, but as President, he increased illegal wire-tapping and sued in court to make it illegal for anyone to protest the illegal wire-tapping. That's not transparent.

Obama also did a lot of good things in office and did none of the things the right are bitching about.
No laws broken there, and the wire tapping and many other things are known because of increased transparency. Good chance it wasn't the wire tapping etc etc that increased, but the reporting of it.
No laws broken there, and the wire tapping and many other things are known because of increased transparency. Good chance it wasn't the wire tapping etc etc that increased, but the reporting of it.
You referring to Bush or Obama? Bush, definitely; Obama, arguable (on that issue). If you want to talk specifically about Obama violations of the law, we can talk "kill lists", "drone strikes" and an increase in illegal wire-tapping. On that last issue, I hate to say it, but that is one area where Obama went way beyond what Bush did.
No laws broken there, and the wire tapping and many other things are known because of increased transparency. Good chance it wasn't the wire tapping etc etc that increased, but the reporting of it.
You referring to Bush or Obama? Bush, definitely; Obama, arguable (on that issue). If you want to talk specifically about Obama violations of the law, we can talk "kill lists", "drone strikes" and an increase in illegal wire-tapping. On that last issue, I hate to say it, but that is one area where Obama went way beyond what Bush did.
That information under Bush was not revealed, or any rate, trusting Cheney is a bad idea.
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somes troops should have stayed in Iraq to hold security in Iraq,

Both administrations tried unsuccessfully to leave a residual force behind. Iraq wasn't going to allow our troops immunity and neither president would allow our troops to be put in that situation. Neither president is a traitor in this regard.

After September 11, 2001 and the horror that touched your country your freedom Georges W Bush made a statement you are with us or you are against us and there was the axis of evil Iraq is part of it and the Weapons of mass destruction that in my opinion were transported to Syria before the inspectors arrived late it took time also remember. And what about Obama: from his answer to Assad he must not cross the red line and then nothing. Putin is the most powerful man on Earth and it is the fault of Obama
No evidence of WMDs going to Syria, Assad gave up a his chem weapons, according to the Russians. Putin is a corrupt scumbag. Listen to French news etc, not fake news, dupe.
Obama warns Syria not to cross 'red line' OK

Obama warns Syria not to cross 'red line' - CNN.com

June 13, 2013
US Confirms Syrian Govt. Used Chemical Weapons
Then they gave up all their chem weapons.2 years later, they used chlorine gas I believe, which could have been made in the time after...Our media suqs.

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