Why don't people want to know the truth about 9/11?

Firefighter quote:
But they had a hoseline operating. Like I said, it was hitting the sidewalk across the street, but eventually they pulled back too. Then we received an order from Fellini, we’re going to make a move on 7. That was the first time really my stomach tightened up because the building didn’t look good. I was figuring probably the standpipe systems were shot. There was no hydrant pressure. I wasn’t really keen on the idea. Then this other officer I’m standing next to said, that building doesn’t look straight. So I’m standing there. I’m looking at the building. It didn’t look right, but, well, we’ll go in, we’ll see.

So we gathered up rollups and most of us had masks at that time. We headed toward 7. And just around we were about a hundred yards away and Butch Brandies came running up. He said forget it, nobody’s going into 7, there’s creaking, there are noises coming out of there, so we just stopped. And probably about 10 minutes after that, Visconti, he was on West Street, and I guess he had another report of further damage either in some basements and things like that, so Visconti said nobody goes into 7, so that was the final thing and that was abandoned.

Read the rest. Go read other firefighter reports and tell me there was no signs of structural instability or possible collapse.

You guys are idiots. I suppose with all the warning signs, you would have sent your people in there regardless with reckless abandon and not cared for their safety right?

Did they know this was going to happen, is that why they 'pulled" the FDNY and told Guiliani? I enjoy learning something new.

Wow, what a stupid response.

You mean to tell me that firefighters never deem a building unstable with a possibility to collapse?

I suppose creaking coming from the building isn't a dead giveaway right? Or a transit on the building?

I see. You would get warning signs, but leave your guys in there anyways.

I thought you were going to show me something on building stresses and maybe how it relates to this .8 tenth of a second you are constantly posting on here? Is this why they were told to move away and abandon the building and call off the FDNY?
And what exactly were the reasons warning signs/ why the "pulled" WTC7? Can you please elaborate?

Go read my above posts for the warning signs jackass. Quotes from firefighters. Maybe you should do yourself a favor and get educated. Go talk to some real live firefighters about warning signs of structural instability.

This seems to be a major problem with you. You argue things with no knowledge about the topic. Just like you admitted you know nothing about structural design, loads, and stresses yet you argue that it couldn't have happened.


Similar fires in buildings of similar construction huh? That's the quote you say exists in the WTC7 final report? Below is the actual quote and proves your a fucking liar as usual.

NIST said:
Instead, the fires in WTC 7 were similar to those that have occurred in several tall buildings where the automatic sprinkles did not function or were not present. These buildings did not collapse, while WTC 7 succumbed to its fires.

No where in that quote do they say ANYTHING about the structural design of the buildings being similar. Only that they were "tall buildings" with "non-functioning/non-existent sprinkler systems".

When are you going to admit you were wrong about what NIST actually said? Doesn't make you look to good when you "stretch" the truth like you did in order to make your claims look better.

Just like you left off the less-than-palatable part of Quintiere's quote about "becoming conspiracy theorists, but in the proper way". Or the fact that you post videos of the WTC7 collapse WITHOUT the penthouse collapse.

Seems to be a pattern with you folks.
You mean the freedoms that you say are not being taken away with the passage of police state legislation like the Patriot Act. You are delusional..and why wont you answer if you would shoot your fellow Americans if they should protest and finally stand up to the ever increasing tyrannical BS or not? Would you stand with the people or support forces trying to suppress the constitutional rights you say you fought for?
I suppose you'll say just sit back and enjoy. :cuckoo:

I support the Constitution dumbass.

What you and your ilk forget is that the world changed on 9-11-01 and you refuse to accept the facts that we as a country have to change a little bit with it if we are to survive. So if that means that some computer is going to listen to my phone calls to my sons in Germany then fine with me. If for some reason some federal agent thinks they need to see who I'm talking to on line, they have my blessings.

I understand the reasons, and I don't see the right to privacy the way you want me to.

Oh well. Not my problem that you can't accept the truth.

You are a disgraceful human being. Your service was worthless IF YOU MAKE SUCH STATEMENTS LIKE THIS. What kind of contradicting statement is this? You are so ignorant and so disgusting I am saddened types like you protect our Constitution. Go MIA next time please, you are a TRAITOR, NOT a soldier with such DISGUSTING COMMENTS LIKE THIS.

Unbelievable. So uneducated and uninformed. So ignorant. SO ignorant.

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According to the theory, Bush did it.

1. He had unlimited access to more explosives that anyone on earth.
2. He could have gotten the explosives and disposed of the people who gave it to him
3. Put in in a truck in the basement, wait a couple of day and boom no more building. Why
4. Blame it on Sadamm.

There is no need to work up the airplane show just to throw us off.

I don't see how anyone can even remotely believe that Bush did this.

Nobody here is saying Bush alone did it.Bush is just a puppet for Cheney.His neocons in his administration are the ones that orchestrated it mostly.Not Bush.Bush is too stupid and incompetent.they arent though.
Fire at Former AC Delco Plant Ruled Arson - YNN, Your News Now

Uh oh Mr. Jones.

Firefighters "pulled" from this building because it was unstable? I guess it's a conspiracy!!!!!

Do you even read the nonsense you post?
"Just this past week, City Council voted to spend nearly a half million dollars in state and federal funding to clean up the long vacant building......
"Previous fires in this complex the buildings have collapsed at least in some portion,” said Chief John Caufield of the Rochester Fire Department. “Little to be gained here in terms of saving anything of value, so we don't want to put our firefighters at any undue risk."

Fire at Former AC Delco Plant Ruled Arson - YNN, Your News Now

How you can compare a run down, long vacant and dilapidated building to the WTC7 building is another total fail on your part :lol::lol: Stop it please, my side hurts from laughing at you!:lol::lol:
Now what were you saying about the stress factors and the .8 tenths of a second again?

If you would learn to read and digest the information, you would understand my point. But, having less than normal gray matter upstairs, I'll have to elaborate.

A building deemed unstable is unstable no matter WHAT the cause. Are you telling me that that WTC7, being deemed unstable because of the bulging of the side, structural creaking, and results of the transit, would still be safe to enter?

You MUST be smoking the same shit as eots.
For the love of God....

If you don't understand, read SLOWER. Here is the claim in order of sequence.

1. 8 floors are detonated which IMMEDIATELY/INSTANTLY starts the symmetrical roofline descent
2. Building collapses at free fall speed for 2.25 seconds.
3. Collapse continues at non free fall speed

Do you see points 1 and 2?

If the descent of the roofline started with the supposed demolition of the 8 floors, why did it take .8 seconds for free fall to start.

My reference to loads and structural design was to explain why it was possible for fire to cause such a collapse. Then again you believe the demolition theory so must completely understand structural design to a point that you can refute it correct?

as the demolition expert said a slight delay is not unexpected

All you have to do is watch a video of ANY building that is being demolished. Compare it to building 7 and you'll find that it's not the same. You see MANY visible explosions in a controlled demolition.

You tell me what's missing at WTC 7
You still don't seem to understand that the event was NOT intended to look like a CD, but a terrorists attack crashing planes into the towers, how the hell 7 came down in in symmetrical CD fashion is the question here, and NIST says that it happened because of 1 beam, and a "new phenomenon" for structural steel, called thermal expansion.. Can you use your head a little and imagine if all 3 buildings displayed the typical CD explosions for EVERYONE to see?
The buildings displayed an amazing resemblance to CDs, except the over abundance of the flashes and sounds in your videos, therefore it is suggested that a thermite cutter charge, that makes less noise and cuts through steel was probably used.
as the demolition expert said a slight delay is not unexpected

All you have to do is watch a video of ANY building that is being demolished. Compare it to building 7 and you'll find that it's not the same. You see MANY visible explosions in a controlled demolition.

You tell me what's missing at WTC 7
You still don't seem to understand that the event was NOT intended to look like a CD, but a terrorists attack crashing planes into the towers, how the hell 7 came down in in symmetrical CD fashion is the question here, and NIST says that it happened because of 1 beam, and a "new phenomenon" for structural steel, called thermal expansion.. Can you use your head a little and imagine if all 3 buildings displayed the typical CD explosions for EVERYONE to see?
The buildings displayed an amazing resemblance to CDs, except the over abundance of the flashes and sounds in your videos, therefore it is suggested that a thermite cutter charge, that makes less noise and cuts through steel was probably used.

No controlled demo explosions and no precut steel. So what else ya got?
I support the Constitution dumbass.

What you and your ilk forget is that the world changed on 9-11-01 and you refuse to accept the facts that we as a country have to change a little bit with it if we are to survive. So if that means that some computer is going to listen to my phone calls to my sons in Germany then fine with me. If for some reason some federal agent thinks they need to see who I'm talking to on line, they have my blessings.

I understand the reasons, and I don't see the right to privacy the way you want me to.

Oh well. Not my problem that you can't accept the truth.

You are a disgraceful human being. Your service was worthless IF YOU MAKE SUCH STATEMENTS LIKE THIS. What kind of contradicting statement is this? You are so ignorant and so disgusting I am saddened types like you protect our Constitution. Go MIA next time please, you are a TRAITOR, NOT a soldier with such DISGUSTING COMMENTS LIKE THIS.

Unbelievable. So uneducated and uninformed. So ignorant. SO ignorant.


Nice, glad you are enjoying that freedom of speech that I helped protect for so many years. And you have no clue as to my education level. But I am obviously better informed than you are. I know there were not any explosives used on 9-11-01. You haven't figured that out yet.
as the demolition expert said a slight delay is not unexpected

All you have to do is watch a video of ANY building that is being demolished. Compare it to building 7 and you'll find that it's not the same. You see MANY visible explosions in a controlled demolition.

You tell me what's missing at WTC 7
You still don't seem to understand that the event was NOT intended to look like a CD, but a terrorists attack crashing planes into the towers, how the hell 7 came down in in symmetrical CD fashion is the question here, and NIST says that it happened because of 1 beam, and a "new phenomenon" for structural steel, called thermal expansion.. Can you use your head a little and imagine if all 3 buildings displayed the typical CD explosions for EVERYONE to see?
The buildings displayed an amazing resemblance to CDs, except the over abundance of the flashes and sounds in your videos, therefore it is suggested that a thermite cutter charge, that makes less noise and cuts through steel was probably used.

You obviously didn't pay attention in science class. Thermal expansion is not a new concept. I learned in the 5th grade that metal EXPANDS when heated, and retracts when cooled. This is precisely the reason why metal can crack when cooled or heated too rapidly. But that's an entirely different subject.

Thermite and Sulfer- Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition

Read about 1/2 of the way down where he's talking about the use of thermite and how the beams were supposedly "cut" by thermite. The metal supports that are cut at an angle are from ironworkers cutting the beams during cleanup to make sure they fell a certain way. There's a picture that truthers use to prove their thermite conspiracy that involves firefighters at ground zero and a beam behind them that is cut at an angle. They try to say that because firefighters were there than it was immediately after, even though for months after 9/11 there were firefighters on scene...which makes that claim useless. As far as the cut beam behind them, if this picture was taken well after 9/11, it's possible that the beams were cut by ironworkers that wanted to make sure the beams fell the correct way. This is supported with an an actual picture of an ironworker at ground zero cutting a beam in this exact manner.
My reference to loads and structural design was to explain why it was possible for fire to cause such a collapse.
This theory that took NIST years to come up with, has been proven to be highly unlikely.
So according to your posts, you are saying that they knew the building was going to partially collapse, or totally collapse?
My reference to loads and structural design was to explain why it was possible for fire to cause such a collapse.
This theory that took NIST years to come up with, has been proven to be highly unlikely.
So according to your posts, you are saying that they knew the building was going to partially collapse, or totally collapse?

WTF is the matter with you? Can you not read at ALL? They did what they did because the building was unstable given the myriad of signs that were observed as I have shown. Bulging wall, transit readings, creaking coming from inside the building?

Would you send your people into a building that is on fire and has those types of signs with 100% certainty that they'll be safe?

Show me that proof. Show me where ANYONE has looked at NIST's numbers and calculations and shown them to be incorrect.
Thermal expansion of railroad tracks on a hot day.


How the hell do you think a steel beam or column under stress and it's connection points would react to the same thermal expansion?

Are the bolted connection going to give or is the beam going to bend?
how the hell 7 came down in in symmetrical CD fashion is the question here,

Why do you continue to post bullshit?

WTC7 did NOT come down symmetrically. Do you call the east penthouse, then the west penthouse, then the outer facade, in that order, a symmetrical collapse?

If it were symmetrical, the building AS A WHOLE would have come down at the same time, not in stages as the videos show. Are you only watching the same crap videos that eots posts which only show the pouter facade collapse? Is that what you're basing this on?

If you were truly honest, your post would have read:

"...how the hell 7's perimeter facade came down in a symmetrical collapse..."
how the hell 7 came down in in symmetrical CD fashion is the question here,

Why do you continue to post bullshit?

WTC7 did NOT come down symmetrically. Do you call the east penthouse, then the west penthouse, then the outer facade, in that order, a symmetrical collapse?

If it were symmetrical, the building AS A WHOLE would have come down at the same time, not in stages as the videos show. Are you only watching the same crap videos that eots posts which only show the pouter facade collapse? Is that what you're basing this on?

If you were truly honest, your post would have read:

"...how the hell 7's perimeter facade came down in a symmetrical collapse..."

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how the hell 7 came down in in symmetrical CD fashion is the question here,

Why do you continue to post bullshit?

WTC7 did NOT come down symmetrically. Do you call the east penthouse, then the west penthouse, then the outer facade, in that order, a symmetrical collapse?

If it were symmetrical, the building AS A WHOLE would have come down at the same time, not in stages as the videos show. Are you only watching the same crap videos that eots posts which only show the pouter facade collapse? Is that what you're basing this on?

If you were truly honest, your post would have read:

"...how the hell 7's perimeter facade came down in a symmetrical collapse..."

Why was there .8 seconds of non free fall?
Why do you continue to post bullshit?

WTC7 did NOT come down symmetrically. Do you call the east penthouse, then the west penthouse, then the outer facade, in that order, a symmetrical collapse?

If it were symmetrical, the building AS A WHOLE would have come down at the same time, not in stages as the videos show. Are you only watching the same crap videos that eots posts which only show the pouter facade collapse? Is that what you're basing this on?

If you were truly honest, your post would have read:

"...how the hell 7's perimeter facade came down in a symmetrical collapse..."

Why was there .8 seconds of non free fall?

Don't get too worked up, you're arguing with idiots.

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