Why don't people want to know the truth about 9/11?

????? You're an idiot. YOU'RE ACCUSING. Innocent until proven guilty. Enough said.
That's right, and the official fairy tale has not proven anything beyond a reasonable doubt.

1. Al Qaeda said they did it for one.
" Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the mastermind of the plot, planned to have nine of the planes crash into the FBI and CIA headquarters, the Pentagon and the White House, as well as nuclear plants and the tallest buildings in California and Washington state.

Mohammed was arrested in March 2003 in Pakistan and turned over to U.S. authorities.
And the 9-11 commission wasn't allowed to question him, not only that they tortured the SOB, and threatened his children and family.Not credible testimony at all. The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Osama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.

The hijackers of the 10th plane, which Mohammed planned to pilot, would contact the media, kill all of the adult men onboard and then make a statement denouncing the United States before freeing the women and children.
Why didn't they then?

The plot also called for hijacking and blowing up 12 airliners in Southeast Asia, but al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden scrapped that part of the plan because it was too difficult to coordinate operations on two continents.

Bin Laden scaled back the plot in the United States to the four planes that were eventually used in the attack.
Says who? Some more allegations obtained from torture?

2. If the U.S. planned and orchestrated this attack, why would they use 15 SAUDI ARABIAN nationals to do so? Why would they use 15 men from an ALLIED country to do so? Would they not have used men from the country(s) we invaded?
You seem to generalize that the US PLANNED AND ORCHESTRATED, when it could conceivably only have taken some well placed rouge people in positions of high authority to achieve the goals of 9-11. The writers and signers of the PNAC all had positions in the Bush cabinet when 9-11 happened.

3. All the hijackers are dead idiot.
And what proof do you have of this? You are getting these rumors and official storylines from the entity that has lied to the American people time and time again, and are accused based on the many inconsistencies, obfuscations of lying to them again.

As far as the information I'm "repeating," I've posted links to ENGINEERING sites. I've posted links to national Engineering organizations. I've posted links other than the popular mechanics links that the truthers seem to dub invalid.
Everything you posted has a valid counter rebuttal and alternative probable theory that has already been discussed on here. The official 9-11 version of events has been proven to be less then honest, and in some instances borders on complete BS. Why do you think so many critical thinking people are questioning it?

I've shown links that have provided whole videos that truther videos like to edit and leave out information. There is an official story of what happened. It is OFFICIAL. IF you don't agree with it, then it is YOUR job to prove it otherwise; just like it is a lawyer's job to PROVE someone committed a crime without a reasonable doubt.
It is merely an official theory based on a cover up, and highly improbable odds, and the so-called official story is not proven accurate beyond a reasonable doubt, that's why there is so much doubt LOL!

If they haven't proven it without a reasonable doubt, then the prosecutor has failed....as you have so far.
The gov and its investigators have failed miserably that's why the 9-11 commission have come out and rejected the investigation, and you have failed to provide any new and convincing evidence, so you're cheerleading for something that hasn't been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, and rejected by the commission and many many other people, and is just blind faith based cheerleading.
There is enough doubt in the story to demand a new INDEPENDENT investigation, the trouble is that the very ones needed to initiate this are the ones directly involved in covering it up. It's like asking a crooked judge to ask for himself to be investigated.
You have so far failed to prove that there was any government conspiracy conducted on 9-11-01. I do not see where my constitutional rights have been taken away, other than by maybe Obamacare. I don't know what criminal actions you may be referring to. I put down ignorance and stupidity. If the shoe fits, wear it.
Judge Napolitano: Why The Patriot Act is Unconstitutional.

Are you really this ignorant Ollie?? I hope this is an act....

You are so disgraceful I wish they would rip the patches and badges right off your uniform, you disturbing excuse for a soldier. Not only do you spread fallacies, you refuse to stand up for your Oath. Pathetic American.

Military Officers for 9/11 Truth
Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

You know, it's a great country that allows for its citizens to have an opinion and to openly express that opinion. And that is all you've got; other peoples opinions.

But let me tell you something. If you were to diss my service to this great country to my face you would go to the hospital and I would go to jail. You understand that maggot? Now run along and report me for making a threat. It;s not, it's a promise.

I think the doubt is in your loyalty to the oath that one takes to the constitution and to protect the nation from enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. Why is it so many who served, and I know some who still do, realize they have been lied to, but not you? Will you shoot into a crowd of patriots protesting the Wall street swindle, 9-11, the illegal wars, the Fed Reserve etc, gov forced health care?? If so you are an enemy of the American people.
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Judge Napolitano: Why The Patriot Act is Unconstitutional.

Are you really this ignorant Ollie?? I hope this is an act....

You are so disgraceful I wish they would rip the patches and badges right off your uniform, you disturbing excuse for a soldier. Not only do you spread fallacies, you refuse to stand up for your Oath. Pathetic American.

Military Officers for 9/11 Truth
Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

You know, it's a great country that allows for its citizens to have an opinion and to openly express that opinion. And that is all you've got; other peoples opinions.

But let me tell you something. If you were to diss my service to this great country to my face you would go to the hospital and I would go to jail. You understand that maggot? Now run along and report me for making a threat. It;s not, it's a promise.

I think the doubt is in your loyalty to the oath that one takes to the constitution and to protect the nation from enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. Why is it so many who served, and I know some who still do, realize they have been lied to, but not you? Will you shoot into a crowd of patriots protesting the Wall street swindle, 9-11, the illegal wars, the Fed Reserve etc, gov forced health care?? If so you are an enemy of the American people.

When you have raised your hand and sworn the oath as many times as I have then and only then can we discuss it. Until then just kick back and enjoy the freedoms that so many like myself have fought to make sure you have.
????? You're an idiot. YOU'RE ACCUSING. Innocent until proven guilty. Enough said.
That's right, and the official fairy tale has not proven anything beyond a reasonable doubt.

And the 9-11 commission wasn't allowed to question him, not only that they tortured the SOB, and threatened his children and family.Not credible testimony at all. The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Osama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.

Why didn't they then? Ask them...your question proves nothing

Says who? Some more allegations obtained from torture?
Proof of this please? Until them it's speculation

You seem to generalize that the US PLANNED AND ORCHESTRATED, when it could conceivably only have taken some well placed rouge people in positions of high authority to achieve the goals of 9-11. The writers and signers of the PNAC all had positions in the Bush cabinet when 9-11 happened.

If it was a rouge person then it wasn't the government. If it was someone planted by the government then it was planned and orchestrated by the government

And what proof do you have of this? You are getting these rumors and official storylines from the entity that has lied to the American people time and time again, and are accused based on the many inconsistencies, obfuscations of lying to them again.

Everything you posted has a valid counter rebuttal and alternative probable theory that has already been discussed on here. The official 9-11 version of events has been proven to be less then honest, and in some instances borders on complete BS. Why do you think so many critical thinking people are questioning it?

ok whatever. 1500 out of a 10 million engineers and architects are "SO MANY"

It is merely an official theory based on a cover up, and highly improbable odds, and the so-called official story is not proven accurate beyond a reasonable doubt, that's why there is so much doubt LOL!

If they haven't proven it without a reasonable doubt, then the prosecutor has failed....as you have so far.
The gov and its investigators have failed miserably that's why the 9-11 commission have come out and rejected the investigation, and you have failed to provide any new and convincing evidence, so you're cheerleading for something that hasn't been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, and rejected by the commission and many many other people, and is just blind faith based cheerleading.
There is enough doubt in the story to demand a new INDEPENDENT investigation, the trouble is that the very ones needed to initiate this are the ones directly involved in covering it up. It's like asking a crooked judge to ask for himself to be investigated.

Apparantly you don't understand how this works. INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. YOU are accusing the government of a criminal act. Unless you can come up with some evidence PROVING they did it WITHOUT a REASONABLE DOUBT, then they are presumed innocent. I don't have to prove their innocence...that's the nature of the beast. If you don't like it then move. Just because something is "shady" doesn't mean it was a huge government conspiracy. Also, you posted zero proof for anything you said above...so I'll take it with a grain of salt. Which is something I'm used to doing on your posts.
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Two questions for you chickenshit.

1. Why do most of those clips NOT show the penthouse collapse the precedes the out perimeter collapse? Trying to be deceitful?

2. Why is there .8 seconds of no free fall at the START of the outer perimeter collapse? According to PhysicsExist, free fall means NO resistance. So when the perimeter columns were supposedly blown, why was there .8 seconds of resistance before the actual free fall commenced?
I would like to look into this, if you don't mind, what in your opinion is the significance of the .8 tenths of a second when discussing the decent? I mean doesn't that compare to a blink, or half blink or something just as fast?
This is just amazing...For most people simply watching it collapse is all it takes. Most people are not stupid. Most people can recognize the difference between a demolition and a natural building collapse with nothing more being said. Using an artificially early start time several seconds prior to the beginning of the obvious, sudden onset of freefall is disingenuous and is obviously a deception. They started their clock at a time between the collapses of the east and west penthouses when the building was not moving.
After the east penthouse collapsed, several seconds goes by, then the west penthouse began to collapse, at almost the same time the roofline of the building developed a kink near the center, then all support across the entire width of the building was suddenly removed, a vertical swath of windows under the west penthouse were simultaneously blown out, the building suddenly went limp, and within a fraction of a second it transitioned from full support to freefall.
They took their start time several seconds prior to the actual start of freefall when nothing was happening. The building was just sitting there, with the clock running, for several seconds. Then it dropped, with sudden onset, and continued for 2.5 seconds of absolute freefall.
Freefall is an embarrassment to the official story, and those doing mental gymnastics to try to explain it is absurd because freefall is impossible for a naturally collapsing building with the damage that WTC 7 sustained. In a natural collapse there would be an interaction between the falling and the stationary sections of the building. Once again, asymmetrical damage bringing about the symmetrical collapse, and causing 2.25 seconds of freefall ? BS!!

You know what else I find odd, is that they claim to have known that that WTC 7 was going to collapse and evacuated and gave up all firefighting efforts.
A few questions for you then,
How was it possible to have certain knowledge of the building's demise before it collapsed, but be completely in the dark about how it happened after the building collapsed?
How do you know an unprecedented event is going to occur prior to its happening but not have any clue as to why it happened after?
I would like to look into this, if you don't mind, what in your opinion is the significance of the .8 tenths of a second when discussing the decent? I mean doesn't that compare to a blink, or half blink or something just as fast?

It doesn't matter if it was "in the blink of an eye". The fact is that the claim being made here was that ALL the columns for the perimeter facade were blown at the same time to create the simultaneous descent of the roof line at free fall.

The problem is this, when the roof line starts its descent is when the columns were all supposedly blown, thus creating the "no resistance" scenario. That means that free fall should have ensued IMMEDIATELY, not .8 seconds after that.
You know, it's a great country that allows for its citizens to have an opinion and to openly express that opinion. And that is all you've got; other peoples opinions.

But let me tell you something. If you were to diss my service to this great country to my face you would go to the hospital and I would go to jail. You understand that maggot? Now run along and report me for making a threat. It;s not, it's a promise.

I think the doubt is in your loyalty to the oath that one takes to the constitution and to protect the nation from enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. Why is it so many who served, and I know some who still do, realize they have been lied to, but not you? Will you shoot into a crowd of patriots protesting the Wall street swindle, 9-11, the illegal wars, the Fed Reserve etc, gov forced health care?? If so you are an enemy of the American people.

When you have raised your hand and sworn the oath as many times as I have then and only then can we discuss it. Until then just kick back and enjoy the freedoms that so many like myself have fought to make sure you have.
You mean the freedoms that you say are not being taken away with the passage of police state legislation like the Patriot Act. You are delusional..and why wont you answer if you would shoot your fellow Americans if they should protest and finally stand up to the ever increasing tyrannical BS or not? Would you stand with the people or support forces trying to suppress the constitutional rights you say you fought for?
I suppose you'll say just sit back and enjoy. :cuckoo:
This is just amazing...For most people simply watching it collapse is all it takes. Most people are not stupid. Most people can recognize the difference between a demolition and a natural building collapse with nothing more being said. Using an artificially early start time several seconds prior to the beginning of the obvious, sudden onset of freefall is disingenuous and is obviously a deception.

Let me ask you something Mr. Jones.

Do you understand loads and stresses when applied to a building structure? When the interior penthouses collapsed inside, what happened to the loads that the column were bearing? Where did they get transferred to? Here's a drawing to help you.
This is just amazing...For most people simply watching it collapse is all it takes. Most people are not stupid. Most people can recognize the difference between a demolition and a natural building collapse with nothing more being said. Using an artificially early start time several seconds prior to the beginning of the obvious, sudden onset of freefall is disingenuous and is obviously a deception.

Let me ask you something Mr. Jones.

Do you understand loads and stresses when applied to a building structure? When the interior penthouses collapsed inside, what happened to the loads that the column were bearing? Where did they get transferred to? Here's a drawing to help you.


Stop playing these games coward. Investigate Building 7.

BuildingWhat? - Building 7 | Stand with the 911 families demanding a NEW Building 7 investigation - What is Building 7 ?
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This is just amazing...For most people simply watching it collapse is all it takes. Most people are not stupid. Most people can recognize the difference between a demolition and a natural building collapse with nothing more being said. Using an artificially early start time several seconds prior to the beginning of the obvious, sudden onset of freefall is disingenuous and is obviously a deception.

Let me ask you something Mr. Jones.

Do you understand loads and stresses when applied to a building structure? When the interior penthouses collapsed inside, what happened to the loads that the column were bearing? Where did they get transferred to? Here's a drawing to help you.

dont pretend ...dipshit
I would like to look into this, if you don't mind, what in your opinion is the significance of the .8 tenths of a second when discussing the decent? I mean doesn't that compare to a blink, or half blink or something just as fast?

It doesn't matter if it was "in the blink of an eye". The fact is that the claim being made here was that ALL the columns for the perimeter facade were blown at the same time to create the simultaneous descent of the roof line at free fall.

The problem is this, when the roof line starts its descent is when the columns were all supposedly blown, thus creating the "no resistance" scenario. That means that free fall should have ensued IMMEDIATELY, not .8 seconds after that.
What a weak argument you try to present.
Imagine if after the penthouse collapsed the main building stood for a further, say, 3 hours before going down, would we then have to say the 'global' collapse of WTC7 took 3 hours? I guess you would. How silly. Seriously you're embarrassing yourself :lol: Go watch a CD and and you'll see that the explosives go off and within a very short time the global collapse ensues. This .8 tenths of a second argument of yours is a total fail :cuckoo:
The building came down inconsistent with the scattered damage claimed and more consistent with a CD, .8 tenths of a second or not.
This is just amazing...For most people simply watching it collapse is all it takes. Most people are not stupid. Most people can recognize the difference between a demolition and a natural building collapse with nothing more being said. Using an artificially early start time several seconds prior to the beginning of the obvious, sudden onset of freefall is disingenuous and is obviously a deception.

Let me ask you something Mr. Jones.

Do you understand loads and stresses when applied to a building structure? When the interior penthouses collapsed inside, what happened to the loads that the column were bearing? Where did they get transferred to? Here's a drawing to help you.
Go ahead and explain this to me I'm all ears :lol: Did they know this was going to happen, is that why they 'pulled" the FDNY and told Guiliani? I enjoy learning something new.
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That's right, and the official fairy tale has not proven anything beyond a reasonable doubt.

And the 9-11 commission wasn't allowed to question him, not only that they tortured the SOB, and threatened his children and family.Not credible testimony at all. The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Osama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.

Why didn't they then? Ask them...your question proves nothing

Says who? Some more allegations obtained from torture?
Proof of this please? Until them it's speculation

You seem to generalize that the US PLANNED AND ORCHESTRATED, when it could conceivably only have taken some well placed rouge people in positions of high authority to achieve the goals of 9-11. The writers and signers of the PNAC all had positions in the Bush cabinet when 9-11 happened.

If it was a rouge person then it wasn't the government. If it was someone planted by the government then it was planned and orchestrated by the government

And what proof do you have of this? You are getting these rumors and official storylines from the entity that has lied to the American people time and time again, and are accused based on the many inconsistencies, obfuscations of lying to them again.

Everything you posted has a valid counter rebuttal and alternative probable theory that has already been discussed on here. The official 9-11 version of events has been proven to be less then honest, and in some instances borders on complete BS. Why do you think so many critical thinking people are questioning it?

ok whatever. 1500 out of a 10 million engineers and architects are "SO MANY"

It is merely an official theory based on a cover up, and highly improbable odds, and the so-called official story is not proven accurate beyond a reasonable doubt, that's why there is so much doubt LOL!

The gov and its investigators have failed miserably that's why the 9-11 commission have come out and rejected the investigation, and you have failed to provide any new and convincing evidence, so you're cheerleading for something that hasn't been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, and rejected by the commission and many many other people, and is just blind faith based cheerleading.
There is enough doubt in the story to demand a new INDEPENDENT investigation, the trouble is that the very ones needed to initiate this are the ones directly involved in covering it up. It's like asking a crooked judge to ask for himself to be investigated.

Apparantly you don't understand how this works. INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. YOU are accusing the government of a criminal act. Unless you can come up with some evidence PROVING they did it WITHOUT a REASONABLE DOUBT, then they are presumed innocent. I don't have to prove their innocence...that's the nature of the beast. If you don't like it then move. Just because something is "shady" doesn't mean it was a huge government conspiracy. Also, you posted zero proof for anything you said above...so I'll take it with a grain of salt. Which is something I'm used to doing on your posts.
No YOU don't get it. The gov is accusing and making claims about the event that THEY haven't proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
Explain to us why the 9-11 commission has come out and rejected their own investigation and accused the CIA,FBI Norad of being less then truthful? Why is that?
This is just amazing...For most people simply watching it collapse is all it takes. Most people are not stupid. Most people can recognize the difference between a demolition and a natural building collapse with nothing more being said. Using an artificially early start time several seconds prior to the beginning of the obvious, sudden onset of freefall is disingenuous and is obviously a deception.

Let me ask you something Mr. Jones.

Do you understand loads and stresses when applied to a building structure? When the interior penthouses collapsed inside, what happened to the loads that the column were bearing? Where did they get transferred to? Here's a drawing to help you.
Go ahead and explain this to me I'm all ears :lol: Did they know this was going to happen, is that why they 'pulled" the FDNY and told Guiliani? I enjoy learning something new.

You mean you don't know? How can you rule out structural failure of you don't understand how it all works????

So basically what you're admitting is that you are guessing at this point and aren't really sure?
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Did they know this was going to happen, is that why they 'pulled" the FDNY and told Guiliani? I enjoy learning something new.

Wow, what a stupid response.

You mean to tell me that firefighters never deem a building unstable with a possibility to collapse?

I suppose creaking coming from the building isn't a dead giveaway right? Or a transit on the building?

I see. You would get warning signs, but leave your guys in there anyways.

According to the theory, Bush did it.

1. He had unlimited access to more explosives that anyone on earth.
2. He could have gotten the explosives and disposed of the people who gave it to him
3. Put in in a truck in the basement, wait a couple of day and boom no more building. Why
4. Blame it on Sadamm.

There is no need to work up the airplane show just to throw us off.

I don't see how anyone can even remotely believe that Bush did this.
did they know this was going to happen, is that why they 'pulled" the fdny and told guiliani? I enjoy learning something new.

wow, what a stupid response.

You mean to tell me that firefighters never deem a building unstable with a possibility to collapse?

I suppose creaking coming from the building isn't a dead giveaway right? Or a transit on the building?

I see. You would get warning signs, but leave your guys in there anyways.


creaking ?
Did they know this was going to happen, is that why they 'pulled" the FDNY and told Guiliani? I enjoy learning something new.

Wow, what a stupid response.

You mean to tell me that firefighters never deem a building unstable with a possibility to collapse?

I suppose creaking coming from the building isn't a dead giveaway right? Or a transit on the building?

I see. You would get warning signs, but leave your guys in there anyways.

I thought you were going to show me something on building stresses and maybe how it relates to this .8 tenth of a second you are constantly posting on here? Is this why they were told to move away and abandon the building and call off the FDNY?
And what exactly were the reasons warning signs/ why the "pulled" WTC7? Can you please elaborate?

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