Why don't people want to know the truth about 9/11?

Notice how none of the clips show the collapse of the east penthouse? Why is that?

these are previously unreleased tapes acquired by NIST under freedom of information so you would have to ask them...and the penthouse is in the videos but it does not appear to take as long to fall as in the earlier released videos

OK, you've made it. You are officially a lunatic......
It's pretty sad!!! People don't want to leave their little comfort bubble which is filled with reality tv and trans fat. Figuring out that our country is basically owned by a few fat, rich, and greedy criminals and that our votes reallllllly don't count....is hard to digest.
Notice how none of the clips show the collapse of the east penthouse? Why is that?

these are previously unreleased tapes acquired by NIST under freedom of information so you would have to ask them...and the penthouse is in the videos but it does not appear to take as long to fall as in the earlier released videos

OK, you've made it. You are officially a lunatic......

dont shoot the messenger...
I'm not going to cooperate with hijackers. Just as I will protect my home.

You break into my place you will have to kill me if you want to leave.

You hijack a plane I'm flying on, you will have to kill me to take control.

And that is not a threat, it is a promise, and thankfully I am not alone. There are more Americans everyday that believe the same way.
But you don't say a peep against a domestic enemy that has clearly infiltrated the government, and taken control of your home country, its economy and your constitutional rights, consistently lied to you, and swindled you, and instead you fully defend and excuse their criminal actions on a daily basis on here, while you put down the protests of others who see this valid threat? Like saying you'll fight a campfire but leave the forest to burn. :lol:
I'm not going to cooperate with hijackers. Just as I will protect my home.

You break into my place you will have to kill me if you want to leave.

You hijack a plane I'm flying on, you will have to kill me to take control.

And that is not a threat, it is a promise, and thankfully I am not alone. There are more Americans everyday that believe the same way.
But you don't say a peep against a domestic enemy that has clearly infiltrated the government, and taken control of your home country, its economy and your constitutional rights, consistently lied to you, and swindled you, and instead you fully defend and excuse their criminal actions on a daily basis on here, while you put down the protests of others who see this valid threat? Like saying you'll fight a campfire but leave the forest to burn. :lol:

You have so far failed to prove that there was any government conspiracy conducted on 9-11-01. I do not see where my constitutional rights have been taken away, other than by maybe Obamacare. I don't know what criminal actions you may be referring to. I put down ignorance and stupidity. If the shoe fits, wear it.
I'm not going to cooperate with hijackers. Just as I will protect my home.

You break into my place you will have to kill me if you want to leave.

You hijack a plane I'm flying on, you will have to kill me to take control.

And that is not a threat, it is a promise, and thankfully I am not alone. There are more Americans everyday that believe the same way.
But you don't say a peep against a domestic enemy that has clearly infiltrated the government, and taken control of your home country, its economy and your constitutional rights, consistently lied to you, and swindled you, and instead you fully defend and excuse their criminal actions on a daily basis on here, while you put down the protests of others who see this valid threat? Like saying you'll fight a campfire but leave the forest to burn. :lol:

You have so far failed to prove that there was any government conspiracy conducted on 9-11-01. I do not see where my constitutional rights have been taken away, other than by maybe Obamacare. I don't know what criminal actions you may be referring to. I put down ignorance and stupidity. If the shoe fits, wear it.
Judge Napolitano: Why The Patriot Act is Unconstitutional.

Are you really this ignorant Ollie?? I hope this is an act....

You are so disgraceful I wish they would rip the patches and badges right off your uniform, you disturbing excuse for a soldier. Not only do you spread fallacies, you refuse to stand up for your Oath. Pathetic American.

Military Officers for 9/11 Truth
Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
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But you don't say a peep against a domestic enemy that has clearly infiltrated the government, and taken control of your home country, its economy and your constitutional rights, consistently lied to you, and swindled you, and instead you fully defend and excuse their criminal actions on a daily basis on here, while you put down the protests of others who see this valid threat? Like saying you'll fight a campfire but leave the forest to burn. :lol:

You have so far failed to prove that there was any government conspiracy conducted on 9-11-01. I do not see where my constitutional rights have been taken away, other than by maybe Obamacare. I don't know what criminal actions you may be referring to. I put down ignorance and stupidity. If the shoe fits, wear it.
Judge Napolitano: Why The Patriot Act is Unconstitutional.

Are you really this ignorant Ollie?? I hope this is an act....

You are so disgraceful I wish they would rip the patches and badges right off your uniform, you disturbing excuse for a soldier. Not only do you spread fallacies, you refuse to stand up for your Oath. Pathetic American.

Military Officers for 9/11 Truth
Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

You know, it's a great country that allows for its citizens to have an opinion and to openly express that opinion. And that is all you've got; other peoples opinions.

But let me tell you something. If you were to diss my service to this great country to my face you would go to the hospital and I would go to jail. You understand that maggot? Now run along and report me for making a threat. It;s not, it's a promise.
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You have so far failed to prove that there was any government conspiracy conducted on 9-11-01. I do not see where my constitutional rights have been taken away, other than by maybe Obamacare. I don't know what criminal actions you may be referring to. I put down ignorance and stupidity. If the shoe fits, wear it.
Judge Napolitano: Why The Patriot Act is Unconstitutional.

Are you really this ignorant Ollie?? I hope this is an act....

You are so disgraceful I wish they would rip the patches and badges right off your uniform, you disturbing excuse for a soldier. Not only do you spread fallacies, you refuse to stand up for your Oath. Pathetic American.

Military Officers for 9/11 Truth
Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

You know, it's a great country that allows for its citizens to have an opinion and to openly express that opinion. And that is all you've got; other peoples opinions.

But let me tell you something. If you were to diss my service to this great country to my face you would go to the hospital and I would go to jail. You understand that maggot? Now run along and report me for making a threat. It;s not, it's a promise.

You are a disgraceful soldier who should be publicly humiliated infront of actual soldiers and heroes who stand up for their Oath's. Stop being so ignorant.
Threaten me with promises or whatever you want to do, it does not change the fact that 9/11 was an inside job, you coward.

Military Officers for 9/11 Truth

I cannot believe you said the Patriot Act hasn't effected your constitutional rights....it's like you like playing dumb. What a disturbing human. I wish you had never served for the citizens, because you are betraying them now. Traitor.


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Judge Napolitano: Why The Patriot Act is Unconstitutional.

Are you really this ignorant Ollie?? I hope this is an act....

You are so disgraceful I wish they would rip the patches and badges right off your uniform, you disturbing excuse for a soldier. Not only do you spread fallacies, you refuse to stand up for your Oath. Pathetic American.

Military Officers for 9/11 Truth
Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

You know, it's a great country that allows for its citizens to have an opinion and to openly express that opinion. And that is all you've got; other peoples opinions.

But let me tell you something. If you were to diss my service to this great country to my face you would go to the hospital and I would go to jail. You understand that maggot? Now run along and report me for making a threat. It;s not, it's a promise.

You are a disgraceful soldier who should be publicly humiliated infront of actual soldiers and heroes who stand up for their Oath's. Stop being so ignorant.
Threaten me with promises or whatever you want to do, it does not change the fact that 9/11 was an inside job, you coward.

Military Officers for 9/11 Truth

I cannot believe you said the Patriot Act hasn't effected your constitutional rights....it's like you like playing dumb. What a disturbing human. I wish you had never served for the citizens, because you are betraying them now. Traitor.

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

Scientists for 9/11 Truth
Pilots For 9/11 Truth
Scholars For 9/11 Truth
Fire Fighters For 9-11 Truth » FF 911 Truth

Go on coward attack my service some more. It doesn't mean a damn thing. Your opinion is about as worthless as tits on a boar hog.

The patriot Act has saved American lives. It has not harmed any Americans. We do not even know how many plots it has been used to break up because they are classified.

The attacks on 9-11-01 were not an inside job. You have no proof that they were. What you have is 2.25 seconds and a lot of BS Opinion that isn't even your own.

Traitor? That's some strong words, why don't we have coffee sometime????????
hey Ollie tells us the story about how it would take thousands of people and miles of detcord or how there would be blasting caps everywhere...oh ya and the one about how thermite cant be utilized in a cutting charge...
I don't have to prove anything to you, if you can't see that you been lied to about this and other things and that your elected officials are blowing smoke up your ass and want to continue believing the criminals in the US government are all caring benevolent beings then by all means have 'fun" continuing to be a naive fool.
Where's the proof that the official story is true?
Where is YOUR proof that PNAC’s call for a ‘catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor’ was only an unbelievably astounding and timely coincidence rather than a statement that should have raised reasonable suspicion?
Where is YOUR proof that Al Qaeda actually planned and carried out the attacks of 9/11?
Where is YOUR proof that put orders placed on the two Airlines involved in the attacks were mere coincidence?
Where is YOUR proof that Porter Goss knew nothing about $100,000 that was wired to Mohammed Atta?
Where is YOUR proof that the hijackers were who they said they were and that they are indeed all dead?
The official storyline is not proof positive that 9-11 happened the way it did, which, when considered on its own merits, is so implausible as to be considered a bad joke if it wasn't of such a serious and grave nature.
Anyone who reads David Ray Griffin’s book, The 9-11 Commission Report Omissions and Distortions, needs to go no further than the first chapter before this becomes crystal clear. At that point it becomes very difficult to decide whether to laugh at the nonsense of the official story or to scream with disbelief that dumbshits like yourself still buy into it.
You just repeat the propaganda that the gov tells you and swallow that fairy tale hook line and sinker, despite all the inaccuracies, inconsistencies, highly inprobable odds of things happening as you were told and political connections and scenarios.
Maybe someday you 'll decide to research the topic in earnest and debate something about it with a semblance of intelligence, respect for the victims, and the seriousness it deserves. The official conspiracy theory dogma you worship is a long way from being proven accurate, don't think so?
There are thousands if not millions worldwide that suspect deceit, especially given the fact the US has constantly lied to its people in the past. Just research the 9-11 commission panel and learn something instead of being such a dipshit about the biggest life changing event in the nation in your lifetime.

????? You're an idiot. YOU'RE ACCUSING. Innocent until proven guilty. Enough said.

Let me answer some of your ridiculous questions.

1. Al Qaeda said they did it for one.
" Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the mastermind of the plot, planned to have nine of the planes crash into the FBI and CIA headquarters, the Pentagon and the White House, as well as nuclear plants and the tallest buildings in California and Washington state.

Mohammed was arrested in March 2003 in Pakistan and turned over to U.S. authorities.

The hijackers of the 10th plane, which Mohammed planned to pilot, would contact the media, kill all of the adult men onboard and then make a statement denouncing the United States before freeing the women and children.

The plot also called for hijacking and blowing up 12 airliners in Southeast Asia, but al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden scrapped that part of the plan because it was too difficult to coordinate operations on two continents.

Bin Laden scaled back the plot in the United States to the four planes that were eventually used in the attack.

They narrowed down the list of targets to the World Trade Center towers, the Pentagon and either the White House or the Capitol.?
9/11 panel: Al Qaeda planned to hijack 10 planes - CNN

2. If the U.S. planned and orchestrated this attack, why would they use 15 SAUDI ARABIAN nationals to do so? Why would they use 15 men from an ALLIED country to do so? Would they not have used men from the country(s) we invaded?

3. All the hijackers are dead idiot. Everyone on both planes that crashed in to the towers was killed. Everyone on the plane that hit the pentagon was killed, and everyone that was on Flight 93 was killed. If there are other terrorist that planned it that are still alive, then they weren't hijackers because they didn't hijack the plane. I guess our government could have secretly teleported them out...:cuckoo:

As far as the information I'm "repeating," I've posted links to ENGINEERING sites. I've posted links to national Engineering organizations. I've posted links other than the popular mechanics links that the truthers seem to dub invalid. I've shown links that have provided whole videos that truther videos like to edit and leave out information. There is an official story of what happened. It is OFFICIAL. IF you don't agree with it, then it is YOUR job to prove it otherwise; just like it is a lawyer's job to PROVE someone committed a crime without a reasonable doubt. If they haven't proven it without a reasonable doubt, then the prosecutor has failed....as you have so far.
I don't have to prove anything to you, if you can't see that you been lied to about this and other things and that your elected officials are blowing smoke up your ass and want to continue believing the criminals in the US government are all caring benevolent beings then by all means have 'fun" continuing to be a naive fool.
Where's the proof that the official story is true?
Where is YOUR proof that PNAC’s call for a ‘catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor’ was only an unbelievably astounding and timely coincidence rather than a statement that should have raised reasonable suspicion?
Where is YOUR proof that Al Qaeda actually planned and carried out the attacks of 9/11?
Where is YOUR proof that put orders placed on the two Airlines involved in the attacks were mere coincidence?
Where is YOUR proof that Porter Goss knew nothing about $100,000 that was wired to Mohammed Atta?
Where is YOUR proof that the hijackers were who they said they were and that they are indeed all dead?
The official storyline is not proof positive that 9-11 happened the way it did, which, when considered on its own merits, is so implausible as to be considered a bad joke if it wasn't of such a serious and grave nature.
Anyone who reads David Ray Griffin’s book, The 9-11 Commission Report Omissions and Distortions, needs to go no further than the first chapter before this becomes crystal clear. At that point it becomes very difficult to decide whether to laugh at the nonsense of the official story or to scream with disbelief that dumbshits like yourself still buy into it.
You just repeat the propaganda that the gov tells you and swallow that fairy tale hook line and sinker, despite all the inaccuracies, inconsistencies, highly inprobable odds of things happening as you were told and political connections and scenarios.
Maybe someday you 'll decide to research the topic in earnest and debate something about it with a semblance of intelligence, respect for the victims, and the seriousness it deserves. The official conspiracy theory dogma you worship is a long way from being proven accurate, don't think so?
There are thousands if not millions worldwide that suspect deceit, especially given the fact the US has constantly lied to its people in the past. Just research the 9-11 commission panel and learn something instead of being such a dipshit about the biggest life changing event in the nation in your lifetime.

Yet there are BILLIONS in the world. "millions" is a pin-drop. Just like the 1450 engineers on your idiot petition...just a pin-drop.
what if thee hijackers are not Muslim ?

I'm not going to cooperate with hijackers. Just as I will protect my home.

You break into my place you will have to kill me if you want to leave.

You hijack a plane I'm flying on, you will have to kill me to take control.

And that is not a threat, it is a promise, and thankfully I am not alone. There are more Americans everyday that believe the same way.

then you are a reactionary buffoon and a threat to the safety of others most likely not the terrorist... that is why we have airline captains and hostage negotiators

This is why we have air-marshals now. Problem solved
It's pretty sad!!! People don't want to leave their little comfort bubble which is filled with reality tv and trans fat. Figuring out that our country is basically owned by a few fat, rich, and greedy criminals and that our votes reallllllly don't count....is hard to digest.

That's not hard to digest. It's obvious who controls the country... The rich idiots have controlled nations since the beginning of civilization. What is hard to digest, is the bull-shit
"evidence" truthers post online. As if an edited youtube video posted by "9/11hardon" is supposed to be the say all-end all of the discussion.
hey Ollie tells us the story about how it would take thousands of people and miles of detcord or how there would be blasting caps everywhere...oh ya and the one about how thermite cant be utilized in a cutting charge...

Don't have the link, but it said it would take 75 men at least three months to rig explosives.

Two questions for you chickenshit.

1. Why do most of those clips NOT show the penthouse collapse the precedes the out perimeter collapse? Trying to be deceitful?

2. Why is there .8 seconds of no free fall at the START of the outer perimeter collapse? According to PhysicsExist, free fall means NO resistance. So when the perimeter columns were supposedly blown, why was there .8 seconds of resistance before the actual free fall commenced?
hey Ollie tells us the story about how it would take thousands of people and miles of detcord or how there would be blasting caps everywhere...oh ya and the one about how thermite cant be utilized in a cutting charge...

I don't have to tell you. People with any measurable level of intelligence already know.

Two questions for you chickenshit.

1. Why do most of those clips NOT show the penthouse collapse the precedes the out perimeter collapse? Trying to be deceitful?

2. Why is there .8 seconds of no free fall at the START of the outer perimeter collapse? According to PhysicsExist, free fall means NO resistance. So when the perimeter columns were supposedly blown, why was there .8 seconds of resistance before the actual free fall commenced?

eots is just a disingenuous douche bag. It has been pointed out to him many times that the left side interior floors & penthouse collapse the precedes the out perimeter collapse by more than 8 - 10 full seconds before the remaining penthouse collapse begins & then the parameter.

All of the videos he post start 10 seconds into the collapse when the parameter starts to move so he can peddle his stupid myth.

Two questions for you chickenshit.

1. Why do most of those clips NOT show the penthouse collapse the precedes the out perimeter collapse? Trying to be deceitful?

2. Why is there .8 seconds of no free fall at the START of the outer perimeter collapse? According to PhysicsExist, free fall means NO resistance. So when the perimeter columns were supposedly blown, why was there .8 seconds of resistance before the actual free fall commenced?

eots is just a disingenuous douche bag. It has been pointed out to him many times that the left side interior floors & penthouse collapse the precedes the out perimeter collapse by more than 8 - 10 full seconds before the remaining penthouse collapse begins & then the parameter.

All of the videos he post start 10 seconds into the collapse when the parameter starts to move so he can peddle his stupid myth.


This is why he never gets into the specifics in his posts and just spews garbage. He wants SO bad to believe there was a conspiracy. He doesn't understand the details of what he claims so he just regurgitates other's videos and quotes.

Come on eots. Let's discuss the WTC7 free fall. Why was there .8 seconds of no free fall when the perimeter collapsed. I noticed PhysicsExist won't touch this subject because it makes his claims look like a bunch of shit.
assume the diagram (not picture) is true, the plane its 2 engines and 2 landing gear is moving at 300+ mph. The towers are moving at 0 mph.

Thanks for proving my point. The steel beams weren't moving until the explosions cut them and blasted thousands of beams out of the way to allow the free fall speed collapse. You won't grasp these simple facts because you're in a trance.

the airplane parts were not moving at 300 mph after going through the building. But many parts of the building were thrown by the plane in the direction of its travel.

how does that explain giant beams being hurled outward well below the impact point ?

You got a picture or video of these beams being "hurled" outward?

Just curious.

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