Why don’t republicans seem to understand the consequences of tax cuts?

That article is doing nothing more and nothing less than quoting what Biden has been saying. possibly damaging GDP report?

The article you presented does not show anything or tell us anything about how a struggling economy was all on Biden.

You posted that to throw spaghetti up against the wall, thinking no one would read it. Wrong! The authors of your article are not accusing Biden of anything. :laughing0301: You're an idiot.
don't need an expert. The facts are sufficient
I'm going to try this again. There is zero evidence of that. Show us through documentation how Biden was responsible, "EXACTLY" for economic distress?

Your article does not state anywhere that Biden is responsible for a recession, which was your initial claim. This is you; Biden redefined what a recession is. What are you saying here?
You can’t read either I guess. Carter left office in January. Even after he had 10% plus…. unemployment rates

I read your lie.
This is a weird discussion.

GDP is discussed in terms of GROWTH. If GDP increases, so too does the tax base (revenues) so it makes sense to measure revenue relative to GDP.

Claiming that revenue increases following a tax cut is silly since revenue always grows unless GDP declines. How MUCH revenue increases then needs to be measured as a factor of GDP

So we can cut rates and revenues still go up? Awesome!
Let's do more of that.

And cut spending. A lot.
The Economic Recovery Act of 1981, also known as the Reagan tax cuts, was the biggest reduction in U.S. taxes of the past 70 years, possibly even the biggest ever. 1 That much is reasonably well-known.

What is less well-known is that these cuts were then followed by a series of tax increases that, if you add them all together, were almost as big as or even bigger than the 1981 cuts, depending on the measure you use.

Dems have been whining for 40 plus years about Reagan's tax cuts, but he really raised them?

Don't tell them, their tiny brains will explode.
Revenue increases...but debt increases more

Tax cuts never pay for themselves

Why does it need to pay for itself?

What if it half pays for itself?

If they cut taxes $1 billion and revenue only declines $500 million, that's a win.

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