Why don't the burger eater and the rice guy do a WW match for the world and give profits to charity?


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Guys wouldn't you love to see these two loud mouth fat mf's, in a westling match for all the world to see, with the proceeds going to charity.....I'm starting a site for funding this....www.2fatmf's.com
yea fat 30 year old against a fat 70 year old.....how about you substitute for trump make it even?....now i would pay 100 bucks to see that!....
Wonder if there is a claymation celebrity death match about this already? Will have to do a search...
No and I'll tell you why. They'd both wear some kind of shorts with a t-shirt that would come off and god the sight of either one of them nearly naked or naked would signal the apocalypse. Now I want to build a bunker.
yea fat 30 year old against a fat 70 year old.....how about you substitute for trump make it even?....now i would pay 100 bucks to see that!....
LOLOLOLOLOL.....I would love to take on Trump....just me and him in a ring....can you make that happen?

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