"Why don't you move to..." right wingers' petulant cajole.

Let me say this. You conservatives are a bunch of idiots. You have been on the wrong side of history at almost every turn. Your policies have always failed. And yet you keep running your mouths off after liberals have saved this nation time after time from your failed policies. You bitch and moan about the government so then you elect a bunch of like minded idiots, and you wonder why they don't get anything accomplished. How stupid can a group of people be to elect reps who tell them that the federal government has no place, then whine because they make certain the federal government has no place.

Then you get the state level conservatives who say should stay out at the state level. Then you get the local conservatives who say local government has no place. So like I said, you conservatives are a bunch of idiots.
Heck, Nat...wasn't it a whole bunch of you snowflakes that declared that you WOULD move to Canada if Donald Trump won? I was kind of wondering when that might happen?

Although I was NOT one of those.......Canada will NOT accept Americans that readily......Too bad, really.
Many of us have had to put up with right wing morons who, upon a criticism of our corrupt HC system, state such "brilliant" retorts as, "...why don't you move to Canada then....".....Or when we criticize the orange clown's broken promises and demagoguery state, ".....Cuba is waiting for you Nazi, Communist, Fascist, Socialist, [and whatever else their ignorance can spew] to move there...."

Now, the best way to respond to such morons, is rather simple....Just say:

"Gee, we just had EIGHT years of a "Kenyan, half-black, ultra-liberal" president, how come NONE of you right wingers flooded the Russian Embassy for visas???"

Heck, Nat...wasn't it a whole bunch of you snowflakes that declared that you WOULD move to Canada if Donald Trump won? I was kind of wondering when that might happen? :)
Really? Name names of those of us here who said that.
Move to communist China lib traitors, go live your dream working for the collective in the rice patties.
Many of us have had to put up with right wing morons who, upon a criticism of our corrupt HC system, state such "brilliant" retorts as, "...why don't you move to Canada then....".....Or when we criticize the orange clown's broken promises and demagoguery state, ".....Cuba is waiting for you Nazi, Communist, Fascist, Socialist, [and whatever else their ignorance can spew] to move there...."

Now, the best way to respond to such morons, is rather simple....Just say:

"Gee, we just had EIGHT years of a "Kenyan, half-black, ultra-liberal" president, how come NONE of you right wingers flooded the Russian Embassy for visas???"

don't act like leftists don't do the exact same damn thing....the derp is strong with this one. anytime a libertarian or even conservative offers even the mildest criticism of government overreach, first thing out of a dmocommies mouth is "move to Somalia"
Many of us have had to put up with right wing morons who, upon a criticism of our corrupt HC system, state such "brilliant" retorts as, "...why don't you move to Canada then....".....Or when we criticize the orange clown's broken promises and demagoguery state, ".....Cuba is waiting for you Nazi, Communist, Fascist, Socialist, [and whatever else their ignorance can spew] to move there...."

Now, the best way to respond to such morons, is rather simple....Just say:

"Gee, we just had EIGHT years of a "Kenyan, half-black, ultra-liberal" president, how come NONE of you right wingers flooded the Russian Embassy for visas???"



May I suggest Venezuela/North Korea/Cuba? Suits you much better.
the derp is strong with this one. anytime a libertarian or even conservative offers even the mildest criticism of government overreach, first thing out of a dmocommies mouth is "move to Somalia"

It would be helpful if you could you find a few of those darn democrats who wrote "move to Somalia"......unless, of course, you're pulling stuff out of your rectum.....If you are, then never mind.
Many of us have had to put up with right wing morons who, upon a criticism of our corrupt HC system, state such "brilliant" retorts as, "...why don't you move to Canada then....".....Or when we criticize the orange clown's broken promises and demagoguery state, ".....Cuba is waiting for you Nazi, Communist, Fascist, Socialist, [and whatever else their ignorance can spew] to move there...."

Now, the best way to respond to such morons, is rather simple....Just say:

"Gee, we just had EIGHT years of a "Kenyan, half-black, ultra-liberal" president, how come NONE of you right wingers flooded the Russian Embassy for visas???"

Because we aren't little children who throw a fit if we don't get our way. I didn't like obama, but I lived with it. Thank God that bad memory is over.
Because we aren't little children who throw a fit if we don't get our way. I didn't like obama, but I lived with it. Thank God that bad memory is over.

the MAIN difference between us is that I FULLY realize that our country is in deep shit with the orange buffoon.....YOU, instead haven't yet realized it.....and maybe never will given your brain capacity.
Who among conservatives is claiming its better to be a progressive

Probably none.......the acumen is lacking; that is why you're stuck on "conserving" your racism, misogyny, intolerance, etc.....
Many of us have had to put up with right wing morons who, upon a criticism of our corrupt HC system, state such "brilliant" retorts as, "...why don't you move to Canada then....".....Or when we criticize the orange clown's broken promises and demagoguery state, ".....Cuba is waiting for you Nazi, Communist, Fascist, Socialist, [and whatever else their ignorance can spew] to move there...."

Now, the best way to respond to such morons, is rather simple....Just say:

"Gee, we just had EIGHT years of a "Kenyan, half-black, ultra-liberal" president, how come NONE of you right wingers flooded the Russian Embassy for visas???"

Show us where numerous celebrities and others were flat out stating that if Hillary Clinton, and before that Barack Hussein Obama was elected president, they would move out of the country. Didn't happen.

Way back in the1990's he had a GREAT nationally syndicated radio talk show called "The Black Avenger". His name is Ken Hamblin. He wrote a book NOT telling Progressives to move to an another country, just PICK a better country. He handled racism as Russia is being talked about today. If you wrote in, he would send you a "Certificate of Absolution". Absolving the holder of White Guilt.

His book is titled: "Pick a Better Country: An Unassuming Colored Guy Speaks His Mind about America".
Who among conservatives is claiming its better to be a progressive

Probably none.......the acumen is lacking; that is why you're stuck on "conserving" your racism, misogyny, intolerance, etc.....

Wouldn't we have to have those first?

Conservatives conserve the liberty and rights the constitution give us. Race and hate has always been a progressive thing
Many of us have had to put up with right wing morons who, upon a criticism of our corrupt HC system, state such "brilliant" retorts as, "...why don't you move to Canada then....".....Or when we criticize the orange clown's broken promises and demagoguery state, ".....Cuba is waiting for you Nazi, Communist, Fascist, Socialist, [and whatever else their ignorance can spew] to move there...."

Now, the best way to respond to such morons, is rather simple....Just say:

"Gee, we just had EIGHT years of a "Kenyan, half-black, ultra-liberal" president, how come NONE of you right wingers flooded the Russian Embassy for visas???"

Show us where numerous celebrities and others were flat out stating that if Hillary Clinton, and before that Barack Hussein Obama was elected president, they would move out of the country. Didn't happen.

Way back in the1990's he had a GREAT nationally syndicated radio talk show called "The Black Avenger". His name is Ken Hamblin. He wrote a book NOT telling Progressives to move to an another country, just PICK a better country. He handled racism as Russia is being talked about today. If you wrote in, he would send you a "Certificate of Absolution". Absolving the holder of White Guilt.

His book is titled: "Pick a Better Country: An Unassuming Colored Guy Speaks His Mind about America".
More into saying they'll make her eat their machine gun.
how do you know the embassy hasnt been flooded during that time nat....mmmm?......

Russia's form of government is much more attuned to your ideology. No personal responsibility and the government makes your decisions for you.
Because we aren't little children who throw a fit if we don't get our way. I didn't like obama, but I lived with it. Thank God that bad memory is over.

the MAIN difference between us is that I FULLY realize that our country is in deep shit with the orange buffoon.....YOU, instead haven't yet realized it.....and maybe never will given your brain capacity.
Lol, Obama made Jimmy Carter a happy man. He won't die as the worst president in history. Thanks to Obama. Oh, and you can also thank Obama for Trump. He did say a vote for Hillary was a vote to continue his legacy, and Americans were smart and voted against it.
Lol, Obama made Jimmy Carter a happy man. He won't die as the worst president in history. Thanks to Obama. Oh, and you can also thank Obama for Trump. He did say a vote for Hillary was a vote to continue his legacy, and Americans were smart and voted against it.

Check out Obama world-wide approval ratings...ask a grownup to explain the data to you and, THEN, get back to us.....LOL

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