"Why don't you move to..." right wingers' petulant cajole.

Little tip: If you don't want to be told to go live somewhere else. Stop telling us how much better that place is.

Yes, it's always "better" in conservative circles to remain ignorant...LOL
Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia
Move to communist China lib traitors, go live your dream working for the collective in the rice patties.
Nah...more fun moving to red states....to try to help get them out of 3rd world country status.

How's that working for you lets see, lost the House, lost the Senate, lost the White House and SCOTUS nominations, is that how liberal win? :laugh:
the derp is strong with this one. anytime a libertarian or even conservative offers even the mildest criticism of government overreach, first thing out of a dmocommies mouth is "move to Somalia"

It would be helpful if you could you find a few of those darn democrats who wrote "move to Somalia"......unless, of course, you're pulling stuff out of your rectum.....If you are, then never mind.
If you don't like it here, move to Somalia
Many of us have had to put up with right wing morons who, upon a criticism of our corrupt HC system, state such "brilliant" retorts as, "...why don't you move to Canada then....".....Or when we criticize the orange clown's broken promises and demagoguery state, ".....Cuba is waiting for you Nazi, Communist, Fascist, Socialist, [and whatever else their ignorance can spew] to move there...."

It's an entirely valid argument. The United States was founded on some exceptional and unique principles, that set us apart from the rest of the world, and most of us like it this way. Those of you who do not agree with this nation's founding principles, who wish you lived in a nation that was run like some of the other nations in the world, why don't you move to one of those other nations. Why do you want to f••• this country up for those of us who agree with the principles on which it was founded?

The great men who founded this country, did not take all the risks that they did, and make all the sacrifices that they did, in order to rebel against England, just so that a bunch of pussies such as yourself could try to turn this country into another England.
Check out Obama world-wide approval ratings...ask a grownup to explain the data to you and, THEN, get back to us.....LOL

Irrelevant. Our elected officials, up to the President, are elected to represent us, the American people. It doesn't matter what people in other countries think of our elected officials; they have no standing.
the derp is strong with this one. anytime a libertarian or even conservative offers even the mildest criticism of government overreach, first thing out of a dmocommies mouth is "move to Somalia"

It would be helpful if you could you find a few of those darn democrats who wrote "move to Somalia"......unless, of course, you're pulling stuff out of your rectum.....If you are, then never mind.
If you don't like it here, move to Somalia

Somalia is following the us constitution?
Check out Obama world-wide approval ratings...ask a grownup to explain the data to you and, THEN, get back to us.....LOL

Irrelevant. Our elected officials, up to the President, are elected to represent us, the American people. It doesn't matter what people in other countries think of our elected officials; they have no standing.

Its not even a valid claim. There are no global polls
Many of us have had to put up with right wing morons who, upon a criticism of our corrupt HC system, state such "brilliant" retorts as, "...why don't you move to Canada then....".....Or when we criticize the orange clown's broken promises and demagoguery state, ".....Cuba is waiting for you Nazi, Communist, Fascist, Socialist, [and whatever else their ignorance can spew] to move there...."

Now, the best way to respond to such morons, is rather simple....Just say:

"Gee, we just had EIGHT years of a "Kenyan, half-black, ultra-liberal" president, how come NONE of you right wingers flooded the Russian Embassy for visas???"


How many times have I heard from the left, "if you don't like it, move." It seemed to be the mantra

Now when it flips the other way, leftwing nuts pretend to get offended. What a funny thread.

Everyday the butt hurt on the left gets funnier and funnier.
the derp is strong with this one. anytime a libertarian or even conservative offers even the mildest criticism of government overreach, first thing out of a dmocommies mouth is "move to Somalia"

It would be helpful if you could you find a few of those darn democrats who wrote "move to Somalia"......unless, of course, you're pulling stuff out of your rectum.....If you are, then never mind.
If you don't like it here, move to Somalia

Somalia is following the us constitution?
NOOOOOOOOOOO.....in response to the OP bitching about people telling him and other lefties to move, I said that lefties consistently tell us libertarians to "go to Somalia", to which he called bullshit and says that doesn't happen/isn't a thing. So I'm linking articles/posts/whatnot to show him it IS a thing
Many of us have had to put up with right wing morons who, upon a criticism of our corrupt HC system, state such "brilliant" retorts as, "...why don't you move to Canada then....".....Or when we criticize the orange clown's broken promises and demagoguery state, ".....Cuba is waiting for you Nazi, Communist, Fascist, Socialist, [and whatever else their ignorance can spew] to move there...."

Now, the best way to respond to such morons, is rather simple....Just say:

"Gee, we just had EIGHT years of a "Kenyan, half-black, ultra-liberal" president, how come NONE of you right wingers flooded the Russian Embassy for visas???"

Biden: Trump 'Woulda Loved Stalin!' Actually, The Democrats Loved Stalin.
Move to communist China lib traitors, go live your dream working for the collective in the rice patties.
Nah...more fun moving to red states....to try to help get them out of 3rd world country status.

Ah yes...nothing better than liberals from the coasts bankrupting where they're from...and then moving to another State to "help them" do the same thing!
Many of us have had to put up with right wing morons who, upon a criticism of our corrupt HC system, state such "brilliant" retorts as, "...why don't you move to Canada then....".....Or when we criticize the orange clown's broken promises and demagoguery state, ".....Cuba is waiting for you Nazi, Communist, Fascist, Socialist, [and whatever else their ignorance can spew] to move there...."

Now, the best way to respond to such morons, is rather simple....Just say:

"Gee, we just had EIGHT years of a "Kenyan, half-black, ultra-liberal" president, how come NONE of you right wingers flooded the Russian Embassy for visas???"

Biden: Trump 'Woulda Loved Stalin!' Actually, The Democrats Loved Stalin.
I don't see any trump supporters wearing che gueverra shirts
It's a valid question. If Canada and Europe are so great, why not move there? Better yet, move to North Korea, Cuba, or Venezuela. Or if sharia law is your thing, move to Iran or Saudi Arabia or some other Muslim theocracy.

well, nitwit, how come YOU didn't get your sorry ass somewhere else during those "horrible" years under Obama???
Many of us have had to put up with right wing morons who, upon a criticism of our corrupt HC system, state such "brilliant" retorts as, "...why don't you move to Canada then....".....Or when we criticize the orange clown's broken promises and demagoguery state, ".....Cuba is waiting for you Nazi, Communist, Fascist, Socialist, [and whatever else their ignorance can spew] to move there...."

Now, the best way to respond to such morons, is rather simple....Just say:

"Gee, we just had EIGHT years of a "Kenyan, half-black, ultra-liberal" president, how come NONE of you right wingers flooded the Russian Embassy for visas???"


How many times have I heard from the left, "if you don't like it, move." It seemed to be the mantra

Now when it flips the other way, leftwing nuts pretend to get offended. What a funny thread.

Everyday the butt hurt on the left gets funnier and funnier.
well according to gnat, no left winger ever has told a conservative or libertarian to "move to some other country"...when one told me that exact same thing today and the left and even some of the right tells us libertarians "move to Somalia if you don't like government"
Lol, Obama made Jimmy Carter a happy man. He won't die as the worst president in history. Thanks to Obama. Oh, and you can also thank Obama for Trump. He did say a vote for Hillary was a vote to continue his legacy, and Americans were smart and voted against it.

Check out Obama world-wide approval ratings...ask a grownup to explain the data to you and, THEN, get back to us.....LOL

Or.... check out the rest of the world to understand why they adore and approve a punk like Obama.

Then get back to us.
Many of us have had to put up with right wing morons who, upon a criticism of our corrupt HC system, state such "brilliant" retorts as, "...why don't you move to Canada then....".....Or when we criticize the orange clown's broken promises and demagoguery state, ".....Cuba is waiting for you Nazi, Communist, Fascist, Socialist, [and whatever else their ignorance can spew] to move there...."

Now, the best way to respond to such morons, is rather simple....Just say:

"Gee, we just had EIGHT years of a "Kenyan, half-black, ultra-liberal" president, how come NONE of you right wingers flooded the Russian Embassy for visas???"


The left doesn't just shit on the right and their policies they shit on the country labeling the US itself a racist evil imperialist hellscape that is responsible for if not all then the majority of the world's problem, they are literally pissing on the flag, they don't just hate the right they hate America.

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