Why don't you sell your mansion or large house?

Yet you feel no responsibility for the heat (carbon) required to finish those bricks, the diesel required to mine the materials (carbon), the damage to the environment from that mining, the damage that is created in the manufacture of your laptop and television. What type of work do you do--what kind of environmental damage is that employer responsible for? How much environmental damage does that bus you ride create? You expel carbon with every breath you take. Run along, junior.
Wait a second... I am aware of those things too I'm doing the best I can.
Wait a second... I am aware of those things too I'm doing the best I can.

Your best isn't good enough. There are billions of people in this world who don't have an apartment to live in. Like you suggested, you have to abandon your possessions. Give them up and redistribute your wealth among them. Or else you are a hypocrite.
These are your statements that I am not being responsible, not mine.
And if we have more children, one might be able to innovate a solution or come up with art to help us.
I basically do live in a cave, take the bus or walk everywhere (sometimes it's my exercise), and try to be a social justice warrior with my laptop.
Sometimes I mess up with being a SJW. Please forgive my rudeness.
And.....It makes no difference what you do, the Global climate will continue to change without you, me nor anyone else.
These are your statements that I am not being responsible, not mine.
And if we have more children, one might be able to innovate a solution or come up with art to help us.
You're raising you children in a cave?
These are your statements that I am not being responsible, not mine.
And if we have more children, one might be able to innovate a solution or come up with art to help us.

We already have children running this country, led by one senile old pervert who's in his second childhood.

None of them are are artists, unless you consider the fact that they're bullshit artists.

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