Why don’t you wear a mask?

That is why you wash them or through them out in time. Maybe you would prefer that the bacteria can maintain its
position on your face, yes? No, the mask does not cover your eyes but you do the bet you can with what you have.
The mask is not a catch-all, but it sure as hell helps.

Do you wear the mask in the shower too jackass? LOL
My glasses get fogged up!

I wear one where required.
If a face "covering" is required, I wear a plastic face shield. This protects my eyes and I can breathe better. When I get home from a public place of many people I simply wipe the mask and it is clean. Cloth or paper masks are often used repeatedly without washing or disposing of. One doesn't touch their face as often when wearing a shield as they do when wearing a mask, adjusting and removing, etc.

Just this morning, I called Safeway, Walmart, and Fred Meyer ( Kroger ) and asked them if face shields were acceptable now that it is store policy to wear a face "covering" and they all said, "yes". Yea, smiles are back! :)
Was your attitude on Trump evil too when he endorsed violence?

How is that relevant to me? Are you that shallow to automatically assume that everyone has to be either a Republican or a Democrat, and because I disagree with you on this topic I must be a Republican Trump supporter?

This is probably the fourth or fifth time I've said this in the last couple days, but here we go again. I'm not a Trump supporter, never have been, and never will be. Not everyone sees things in terms of red helmet vs blue helmet, so don't assume things, you know what they say about people who assume.

But nice deflection from a legitimate point I made about people advocating violence against those of us who are not going along with this psyop.
Gee, and how many were infected by the Spanish Flu? Human Beings (or most of us) learn from experience, it seems Donald J. Trump is either less than human, too narcissistic or both. Obama Jumped on the Ebola Virus, he did not make it political and put it in the hands of the CDC.

And how well did that go? CDC=60 million Americans infected.

Fuck the CDC.
Wanna bet?
You will wind paying a fine if you don't
Count me in as an asshole too then...........I don't give a damn about your feelings or these masks..........Cloth masks STOP 2 THINGS..............JACK AND SHIT.

Now if you will excuse me I'm gonna check that mosquito Chain link fence to see if it works now on stopping mosquitos..........

Why do you cling to your stupidity? Masks are effective, but not 100%.

If I gave you a bowl of 100 Skittles and told you that 2 of them were filled with Drano, would you still want them?
You will wind paying a fine if you don't

Why do you cling to your stupidity? Masks are effective, but not 100%.

If I gave you a bowl of 100 Skittles and told you that 2 of them were filled with Drano, would you still want them?
I refuse to obey.......I only do so at work because of the mask police............what we call them.

I'll keep my distance and that is about it.........New York had Draconian rules and it didn't stop Jack Squat.........0.1 to .3 microns is the airborne virus that the CDC finally admitted is AIRBORNE.....cloth masks and face coverings will NOT STOP IT PERIOD............you are fooling yourself on that .

If you are at risk..........you need a mask that will effectively PROTECT YOU........not others....filters low microns both ways..........no exhale port that isn't filtered either..........

All we have done is prolonged this madness...........New York is flat lining.....why......because a large number of them have already had it.........of course the talking heads don't want to admit that.........Sweden the same thing......

The virus is Mother Nature.........and we will not stop it til it runs it's course.
This is an N95 with washable filters. It is expensive but I am worth it!
aka .........you are wearing a mask to protect yourself.........face coverings DON'T DO THAT..........cloth doesn't do that.........

That is what is going on in this country not N95s everywhere..............cloth BS masks don't stop Jack.
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If a face "covering" is required, I wear a plastic face shield. This protects my eyes and I can breathe better. When I get home from a public place of many people I simply wipe the mask and it is clean. Cloth or paper masks are often used repeatedly without washing or disposing of. One doesn't touch their face as often when wearing a shield as they do when wearing a mask, adjusting and removing, etc.

Just this morning, I called Safeway, Walmart, and Fred Meyer ( Kroger ) and asked them if face shields were acceptable now that it is store policy to wear a face "covering" and they all said, "yes". Yea, smiles are back! :)
**Businesses have no lawful authority to deny you service based on arbitrary standards. Refusing you entry because you are not wearing a mask or shield is NO FUCKING DIFFERENT than denying a person service because they are Black.

Both are discriminatory, only the justification has changed. It used to be Blacks were denied because they were dirty or carried disease. Now it is because you might have a virus you don't know about that a face shield does nothing to stop venting out into the open room.


there ain't no comparison. PUBLIC HEALTH is a
thing. The face mask probably does stem contagion Studies which show that it does not
protect the wearer are NOT AT ISSUE
Bullshit! Why are you being such an asshole?

What part is bullshit? Why are you being such a dumbass dicklick?

From the CDC website:

From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus.
aka .........you are wearing a mask to protect yourself.........face coverings DON'T DO THAT..........cloth doesn't do that.........

That is what is going on in this country not N95s everywhere..............cloth BS masks don't stop Jack.

I believe that cloth masks---ANY MASK that covers the nose and mouth, DOES lessen aerosol
dissemination of virus laden droplets on talking, coughing, sneezing, yelling etc. AND that is about all they do-----and it is a GOOD IDEA
I believe that cloth masks---ANY MASK that covers the nose and mouth, DOES lessen aerosol
dissemination of virus laden droplets on talking, coughing, sneezing, yelling etc. AND that is about all they do-----and it is a GOOD IDEA
We disagree then. We have only prolonged what will eventually happen anyway, and at COST WAY TOO HIGH for the people who will soon be losing everything because the economy was destroyed.....

Kinda like burning down the house because we saw a spider.
We disagree then. We have only prolonged what will eventually happen anyway, and at COST WAY TOO HIGH for the people who will soon be losing everything because the economy was destroyed.....

Kinda like burning down the house because we saw a spider.

you are willing to SACRIFICE a percentage of people to covid 19? How do you feel about
POLIO? Tuberculosis? AIDS? -----uhm---
malaria, westnile virus, shistosomiasis, bubonic
plague ? I am optimistic that the economy will survive

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