Why don’t you wear a mask?

**Businesses have no lawful authority to deny you service based on arbitrary standards. Refusing you entry because you are not wearing a mask or shield is NO FUCKING DIFFERENT than denying a person service because they are Black.

Both are discriminatory, only the justification has changed. It used to be Blacks were denied because they were dirty or carried disease. Now it is because you might have a virus you don't know about that a face shield does nothing to stop venting out into the open room.


View attachment 364307
There is a HUGE fucking difference. They may have denied blacks while using an excuse like yours. How about whites who were dirty and may have carried diseases? They were denied only because they were black and you are denied only because you might infect other patrons.
Racists and business owners in the same category? Business owners have the right to protect their patrons
from people who are spreading the virus. So stop making lame excuses and wear a mask to protect others and even yourself. Trump is wrong as usual.
you are willing to SACRIFICE a percentage of people to covid 19? How do you feel about
POLIO? Tuberculosis? AIDS? -----uhm---
malaria, westnile virus, shistosomiasis, bubonic
plague ? I am optimistic that the economy will survive
I am unwilling to live in fear from a dang virus that has a 0.2% death rate and dropping as more data comes in..........about half are from nursing homes.......and by the definition of coivd death from the CDC which guarantees more death certificates saying Covid.

Those in the risk zone need to have better PPE.........you don't quarantine the healthy that is stupid........masks are stupid unless they actually block the virus completely.

The Economic damage is SEVERE........I'm seeing it right now.......we are still down 90 plus employees....thousands at the place of work.......and the gov't tits are drying up..........People I worked with will lose everything over this crap..........

For what....inflated numbers and a survival rate of 99.964%
**Businesses have no lawful authority to deny you service based on arbitrary standards. Refusing you entry because you are not wearing a mask or shield is NO FUCKING DIFFERENT than denying a person service because they are Black.

Both are discriminatory, only the justification has changed. It used to be Blacks were denied because they were dirty or carried disease. Now it is because you might have a virus you don't know about that a face shield does nothing to stop venting out into the open room.


View attachment 364307
You mean that only cowards should wear a mask and that real men are not afraid of some virus that is a hoax anyway because they are not cowards? Is that what this is all about? Cowards vs. real men? You need help, hotshot.
Your grifter is also in denial.
You mean that only cowards should wear a mask and that real men are not afraid of some virus that is a hoax anyway because they are not cowards? Is that what this is all about? Cowards vs. real men? You need help, hotshot.
Your grifter is also in denial.
Get your ass back under the bed and hide.............

Some refuse to live in fear or OBEY..........your side loves that shit not us.........so take your mask your draconian laws and shove them where the sun doesn't shine.

Thank you.
I am unwilling to live in fear from a dang virus that has a 0.2% death rate and dropping as more data comes in..........about half are from nursing homes.......and by the definition of coivd death from the CDC which guarantees more death certificates saying Covid.

Those in the risk zone need to have better PPE.........you don't quarantine the healthy that is stupid........masks are stupid unless they actually block the virus completely.

The Economic damage is SEVERE........I'm seeing it right now.......we are still down 90 plus employees....thousands at the place of work.......and the gov't tits are drying up..........People I worked with will lose everything over this crap..........

For what....inflated numbers and a survival rate of 99.964%

ok-----I don't see how using a face-mask DESTROYS the economy. We did more than
that in response to the very slim chance of contracting tuberculosis which also----often resolves spontaneously. Syphilis gave us the OBLIGATORY WASSERMAN. I look upon the face mask as-----the OBLIGATORY hankie of yesteryear. TB was disseminated by aerosol
ok-----I don't see how using a face-mask DESTROYS the economy. We did more than
that in response to the very slim chance of contracting tuberculosis which also----often resolves spontaneously. Syphilis gave us the OBLIGATORY WASSERMAN. I look upon the face mask as-----the OBLIGATORY hankie of yesteryear. TB was disseminated by aerosol
I didn't say the mask destroyed our economy.......I said the virus did.............and I could care less about the mask laws..........I really don't give a damn.............this virus will run it's course and will not end til it does.

We have allowed a prolonged seige that will screw 10's of millions of families because of it........We should have never shut down at all.
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Business owners have the right to protect their patrons

Thanks, Bobbit for justifying racism. If I'm a business I have any right according to you to set whatever standard I want AS I SEE FIT so long as the cause is just to me, and if I feel Blacks are dirty, carrying disease, might infect my patrons and are unwanted and unpopular with my patrons and BAD FOR BUSINESS, you've just given me full power to exclude them.

Thank you.
You mean that only cowards should wear a mask and that real men are not afraid of some virus that is a hoax anyway because they are not cowards? Is that what this is all about? Cowards vs. real men? You need help, hotshot.
Your grifter is also in denial.
Bobbit is a Hobbit, when in doubt
just mob it, then ROB IT.


Thanks, Bobbit for justifying racism. If I'm a business I have any right according to you to set whatever standard I want AS I SEE FIT so long as the cause is just to me, and if I feel Blacks are dirty, carrying disease, might infect my patrons and are unwanted and unpopular with my patrons and BAD FOR BUSINESS, you've just given me full power to exclude them.

Thank you.
It is also illegal to refuse service due to race. By not wearing masks and social distancing, crowding beaches, bars,
clubs, and restaurants you are putting your fellow citizens at risk of infection. What the hell is wrong with you?
Are you as dumb as you sound?
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Safeway told me yesterday when I called them to ask about plastic face shields they ask any person coming in without any face covering to please wear a mask. If the potential customer says they forgot to bring it, Safeway offers them a new mask and if the customer says they are not going to wear a mask they are allowed in to shop. No prohibitions. I wear a face shield just to keep the peace and while I do mind, I know this isn't going to be forever and will be over with when our great president wins reelection. Shutting down communities is all a political ploy to deny Trump a second term which is going to backfire on those anarchists who would rather see people die than a great leader reelected.

Here is what AARP published in mid-June 2020 about face shields and coverings in general:

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aka .........you are wearing a mask to protect yourself.........face coverings DON'T DO THAT..........cloth doesn't do that.........

That is what is going on in this country not N95s everywhere..............cloth BS masks don't stop Jack.
Yes, it does. Continue to revel in your ignorance.
What part is bullshit? Why are you being such a dumbass dicklick?

From the CDC website:

From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus.

You are so confused you are comparing apples and oranges. COVID-19 is not H1N1.
You are so confused you are comparing apples and oranges. COVID-19 is not H1N1.

No, it's not. But they're both infectious diseases that hit this country and caused a pandemic. But only one do we have to give up our constitutional rights and freedoms for, and it's not the one with 60 million cases, but the one with 3 million. Not one business closed down, not one job loss due to SARS1. SIXTY MILLION CASES.

SARS2-3 million cases. 41 million people out of work, hundreds of thousands of businesses shut down. Forced mask compliance.

Makes no sense.
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By not wearing masks and social distancing . . . you are putting your fellow citizens at risk of infection.
Prove it. I've been self-quarantined for 16 months. Hardly ever go out. Have severe respiratory problems. PROVE to me I'm a risk to you by not wearing a mask even if not coughing, even if social distancing. You're a greater risk to me. Prove to me my REAL death by suffocation and asphyxiation by wearing a mask (I experienced this first hand the other day nearly passing out trying to wear a mask in a store just to be nice) or being rushed to the ER is worth your THEORETICAL peace of mind.

PROVE to me my being made a prisoner of my home and vilification for living and loss of freedom and right to live is NECESSARY just for you to feel good about yourself?

WHAT THE FUCK MAKES YOU THINK YOU MATTER MORE THAN ME, ASSHOLE, that it give you the RIGHT to discriminate against a whole class of society? If I don't want to go somewhere, I don't go. If I think a person risky or unfavorable, I just avoid them. Grow a fucking pair and quite making the whole fucking world responsible for YOUR snowflake paranoid brainwashed peace of mind.
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No, it's not. But they're both infectious diseases that hit this country and caused a pandemic. But only one do we have to give up our constitutional rights and freedoms for, and it's not the one with 60 million cases, but the one with 3 million. Not one business closed down, not one job loss due to SARS1. SIXTY MILLION CASES.

SARS2-3 million cases. 41 million people out of work, hundreds of thousands of businesses shut down. Forced mask compliance.

Makes no sense.

I don't even recall the H1N1 being a problem because it was not severe. I know no one who had it. Hindsight is always 20/20, especially in 2020.
I don't even recall the H1N1 being a problem because it was not severe. I know no one who had it. Hindsight is always 20/20, especially in 2020.

Irrelevant. I don't know anyone who got covid19. 60 million people, as per the CDC, got SARS1 in 2009 and 2010. We were not asked to or required to wear anything special, nothing shut down, no jobs lost. But it was Obama in the white house so the media downplayed it. The brown turd in the white house couldn't have done it worse with a full 20% of the entire population of the US getting infected. With SARS2 only 1% of Americans have it, but the left spends 24/7 on every MSM network saying how badly Trump has handled this pandemic.
Irrelevant. I don't know anyone who got covid19. 60 million people, as per the CDC, got SARS1 in 2009 and 2010. We were not asked to or required to wear anything special, nothing shut down, no jobs lost. But it was Obama in the white house so the media downplayed it. The brown turd in the white house couldn't have done it worse with a full 20% of the entire population of the US getting infected. With SARS2 only 1% of Americans have it, but the left spends 24/7 on every MSM network saying how badly Trump has handled this pandemic.
Only 1%? You better check your numbers, dumbass!

I know LOTS of people with COVID-19. Maybe you are just lucky! My own daughter is under quarantine right now in Virginia because someone in her class popped positive on a test, with no symptoms.
Only 1%? You better check your numbers, dumbass!

I know LOTS of people with COVID-19. Maybe you are just lucky! My own daughter is under quarantine right now in Virginia because someone in her class popped positive on a test, with no symptoms.

I've proven your dumbass wrong in this thread over and over again. Not once have you been able to prove a single fucking thing you say. EVERYTHING I've stated I've backed up with proof.

Total cases: 3.67 million
Total population: 330 million

Percent of population infected: 1.1%

Suck it, duckwad.
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I am unwilling to live in fear from a dang virus that has a 0.2% death rate and dropping as more data comes in..........about half are from nursing homes.......and by the definition of coivd death from the CDC which guarantees more death certificates saying Covid.

Those in the risk zone need to have better PPE.........you don't quarantine the healthy that is stupid........masks are stupid unless they actually block the virus completely.

The Economic damage is SEVERE........I'm seeing it right now.......we are still down 90 plus employees....thousands at the place of work.......and the gov't tits are drying up..........People I worked with will lose everything over this crap..........

For what....inflated numbers and a survival rate of 99.964%

Who is quarantining the healthy?

I've proven your dumbass wrong in this thread over and over again. Not once have you been able to prove a single fucking thing you say. EVERYTHING I've stated I've backed up with proof.

Total cases: 3.67 million
Total population: 330 million

Percent of population infected: 1.1%

Suck it, duckwad.

That's now! What will it be in a month? 2 months? A year?

Fuck off you dumbass prick! It's not very nice to say, but I hope karma reaches out and smites your ass or someone you care very much about.

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