Why don’t you wear a mask?

Suppose you're right, what is the harm?

The harm is in where all of this leading. I've shared my thoughts on this numerous times on different threads. So I'm not going to get into all of it again right now. But for now I'm going to copy / paste something that Natural Citizen posted on another thread yesterday. To be clear, I believe that it's much more than what he's saying here, what he is saying is just one part of it. But I'll post it anyway:

What they want is complete government control over all of your medical decisions. Once they aquire the power to mandate intrusive medical procedures such as vaccination, they're not gonna give it up and the door is wide open for mandating all of your medical decisions thereafter.​
As it is, many in the electorate are effectively begging them to tell them what to do. And everyone else.​
The mask is just the foot in the door. Problem, reaction, solution...​
I understand the adolescent mind-----fret not----you will grow out of it
If this weak shit is all you have to offer, then why would anyone with any self respect give you the time of day?
You're a snarky, disrespectful little cry-bully, and frankly, actual adults find you pathetic.
ok-----that's the NO phase of child developement-----it will pass
And that right there is the give away....
You see yourselves as some parental figures and feel entitled to treat the rest of us as children.

News flash fucktards, you ain't.
If this weak shit is all you have to offer, then why would anyone with any self respect give you the time of day?
You're a snarky, disrespectful little cry-bully, and frankly, actual adults find you pathetic.

it is actually not weak shit. The human brain is actually not mature until a person reaches about
age 35. My guess is that you are still developing
And that right there is the give away....
You see yourselves as some parental figures and feel entitled to treat the rest of us as children.

News flash fucktards, you ain't.

yes----I do feel responsible for people like you
yes----I do feel responsible for people like you
Are you going to take responsibility for what I do to your intrusive ass for not leaving me alone?

Or are you going to childishly blame me for what you bring on yourself despite multiple warnings?

(I bet I already know the answer)
The harm is in where all of this leading. I've shared my thoughts on this numerous times on different threads. So I'm not going to get into all of it again right now. But for now I'm going to copy / paste something that Natural Citizen posted on another thread yesterday. To be clear, I believe that it's much more than what he's saying here, what he is saying is just one part of it. But I'll post it anyway:

What they want is complete government control over all of your medical decisions. Once they aquire the power to mandate intrusive medical procedures such as vaccination, they're not gonna give it up and the door is wide open for mandating all of your medical decisions thereafter.​
As it is, many in the electorate are effectively begging them to tell them what to do. And everyone else.​
The mask is just the foot in the door. Problem, reaction, solution...​
Childish attitudes and paranoia is what you have!
No, your attitude will hopefully lead to you or someone you care about getting COVID-19. I just received word that a guy who works for me just lost his wife, My company already has 3 more cases.
I work in an ER; so far 5 of my co workers have come down with it. One is already back to work and another will be by Sunday. The rest are doing okay and will be back on the line next week.

It's a hard world, let the weak fall.
Go right ahead, dickless! I am not scared of a pussy like you. You are a fucking retard to boot! Put me on ignore, douche canoe!
I will go wherever I please and I will do so without a mask, and any little bitch like you that says anything will get told to fuck off.
And if you don't, I will feed you an entire can of pepper spray.
Bon appetit, fucktard.
And if you're a particularly nasty little bitch, I will choke you out and give it to you as a suppository.
I will go wherever I please and I will do so without a mask, and any little bitch like you that says anything will get told to fuck off.
And if you don't, I will feed you an entire can of pepper spray.
Bon appetit, fucktard.

What's really funny is hes calling YOU a pussy and yet it's HIM who is crying like a baby because not everyone wants to walk around looking like a fucking moron wearing a non-functional mask to appease the gov't.

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