Why don’t you wear a mask?

if you are that scared or that ill then stay the hell home.

If you won't wear a mask, stay the hell home and we will all feel better about it. Why can't you do that?
You don't give orders in this country. While in the military you could do that......Now not so damned much........

OBEY.........Fuck that.

The dang cloth masks don't do a damned thing.........I don't care how much they say the spittle does. I'm over it.

In New York they did all the things told....locked themselves up and it spread like wildfire there..........Imagine that......because it's in the air and goes through FACE COVERINGS....same on the cruise ship.......I said that a long time ago.......

The virus is flat lining there because so many have gotten it.....same as Sweden.......but I guess you aren't noticing that.
If masks work so well why all the state shut downs?
New York went overboard and locked everyone down at home..........High rises.........They wore masks......everything...........didn't matter because it goes through the ventilation systems in the buildings...........same that is happening here........

And here at work.......they were masks in those buildings.........AC.....everytime they are near someone.........guess what.........IT DOESN'T STOP IT.......That is wear they are getting infected.....in the field..........Not jack squat.

English much? You don't think high rise apartments have their own HVAC system? Your neighbor decides how hot or cold you are?
You are a fucking moron........I'm an instrument tech and forgot more than you know about shit like this. I was in the engine rooms that made the ship run so you could turn the wheel.

High rises have shared air systems.....Positive air flow in the rooms and common returns.....without a high tech filter or ionizer.....it goes right back to the rooms.....

This was proven by a study in Hong Kong in 2003 .........I posted that a long time ago on this issue. Not only that air current allowed the SARs then to travel building to building which weren't close together.

Air flow is how this is mainly spreading.........how it raped New York.......and why they are flat lining now...........I could show and old report that they say 20% of New York already got the virus by estimates.......but you wouldn't listen anyway.
If masks work so well why all the state shut downs?
New York went overboard and locked everyone down at home..........High rises.........They wore masks......everything...........didn't matter because it goes through the ventilation systems in the buildings...........same that is happening here........

And here at work.......they were masks in those buildings.........AC.....everytime they are near someone.........guess what.........IT DOESN'T STOP IT.......That is wear they are getting infected.....in the field..........Not jack squat.

English much? You don't think high rise apartments have their own HVAC system? Your neighbor decides how hot or cold you are?
You are a fucking moron........I'm an instrument tech and forgot more than you know about shit like this. I was in the engine rooms that made the ship run so you could turn the wheel.

High rises have shared air systems.....Positive air flow in the rooms and common returns.....without a high tech filter or ionizer.....it goes right back to the rooms.....

This was proven by a study in Hong Kong in 2003 .........I posted that a long time ago on this issue. Not only that air current allowed the SARs then to travel building to building which weren't close together.

Air flow is how this is mainly spreading.........how it raped New York.......and why they are flat lining now...........I could show and old report that they say 20% of New York already got the virus by estimates.......but you wouldn't listen anyway.
Not impressed. You come across as having the scientific knowledge of a high school dropout.

I was an Engineering Officer of the Watch on BOTH Modified D 600 PSI and 1200 PSI propulsion steam systems, one of the few in the Navy. A such, I could do any job in the plant. I was a Fire Control Radar Officer and Auxiliary Engineering Officer. Prior to that I was a Reactor operator trainee Electronics Technician. I was Navy recruiter, public school middle and high school Math and Social Studies teacher, and qualified school administrator up through Superintendent, with a Master's degree. Now, in my third career, run a team of civilian contractors for Army recruiting at the command headquarters. I probably did more in two years than you did in a lifetime, so stop you bragging slacker!
If masks work so well why all the state shut downs?
New York went overboard and locked everyone down at home..........High rises.........They wore masks......everything...........didn't matter because it goes through the ventilation systems in the buildings...........same that is happening here........

And here at work.......they were masks in those buildings.........AC.....everytime they are near someone.........guess what.........IT DOESN'T STOP IT.......That is wear they are getting infected.....in the field..........Not jack squat.

English much? You don't think high rise apartments have their own HVAC system? Your neighbor decides how hot or cold you are?
You are a fucking moron........I'm an instrument tech and forgot more than you know about shit like this. I was in the engine rooms that made the ship run so you could turn the wheel.

High rises have shared air systems.....Positive air flow in the rooms and common returns.....without a high tech filter or ionizer.....it goes right back to the rooms.....

This was proven by a study in Hong Kong in 2003 .........I posted that a long time ago on this issue. Not only that air current allowed the SARs then to travel building to building which weren't close together.
Air flow is how this is mainly spreading.........how it raped New York.......and why they are flat lining now...........I could show and old report that they say 20% of New York already got the virus by estimates.......but you wouldn't listen anyway.
Not impressed. You come across as having the scientific knowledge of a high school dropout.

I was an Engineering Officer of the Watch on BOTH Modified 600PDI and 1200 PSI propulsion steam systems, one of the few in the Navy. A such I could do any job in the plant. I was a Fire Control Radar Officer and Auxiliary Engineering Officer. Prior to that I was a Reactor operator trainee Electronics Technician. I was Navy recruiter, public school middle and high school Math and Social Studies teacher, and qualified school administrator up through Superintendent, with a Master's degree, and now, in my third career, run a team of civilian contractors for Army recruiting at the command headquarters. I probably did more in two years than you did in a lifetime, so stop you bragging slacker!
Fuck you..........tomorrow I go to work to get back in a confined space ......we have to act like we are wearing masks for Fuckers like you.........when the heat index is over 100 and has been 114 degrees lately.

It will get sweaty as hell and is like water boarding yourself with sweat..........So let me make this clear.......FUCK YOU.............

I don't give a fuck how many times you say you are superior.,.........I'm out of Fucks to give......This virus will run it's course......I'm over it.........I'm over people like you destroying this country.......and I'm over mask shaming and virtue signalling.

Now.....iggy me or fuck off.....I don't care......I will go to where these BS OBEY laws are not enforced.......we already are....and guess what.......in those places hardly anyone wears them.....OH FUCKING WELL.

Have a nice Fucking Day .......you miserable shit........
To keep from getting banned....not that I give a damn anymore......Admiral is ignored from this point forward......

As he reads this.........FUCK YOU AGAIN.....I don't give a damn how great you are......you couldn't hold my tool bag at work and I've forgotten more than you know. We put complicated systems online every day at work......I doubt you have a clue.
I guess we can say "fuck" Trump also because of his failure to contain this virus, yes?

what is "failure to contain virus" mean?
there ain't no comparison. PUBLIC HEALTH is a
thing. The face mask probably does stem contagion Studies which show that it does not
protect the wearer are NOT AT ISSUE

what is your issue, Frey???
Failure to contain the virus is his wasting 2 months before acknowledgment of the problem, pressing to open the country too soon, dissing the idea of facial protection and social distancing, denigrating the medical community
so that his followers will listen only to him.
Why do you think everyone is following Trump's lead, rather than making their own decisions?

Not everyone is a follower..... there are a LOT of people who actually think for themselves rather than just doing whatever everyone else does.
Trump followers are always accepting his bad behavior. His constant misrepresentations are always acceptable
and believed by his minions. What bad behavior and misrepresentations will be the response, yes?
How so?
Be specific; explain how someone is following his lead rather than making their own decisions.

And if you can't do that, then maybe you're just full of shit and hating on people for not voting the way you want them to.
I stand by my previous remarks. You all are constantly covering for Trump, never find fault, and follow his lead.
It is you who is full of shit and you can't see the forest for the trees. There are some people who do think for themselves, but not a lot. Read Mary Trump's book and you will see the real Trump and it ain't purty.
don't tell me you believe that!! LOLOL The media is not going to be interviewing this woman very much....they know she is as big a fruitcake as E Jean Carroll.
She is also accurate in her depiction of Trump. Every time he flaps, he says or does something that justifies her take on him. Then there is Bolton, who nailed Trump for what he is, an incompetent, narcissistic, abusive charlatan.
If you are willing to overlook those traits, oh well.
I guess we can say "fuck" Trump also because of his failure to contain this virus, yes?

what is "failure to contain virus" mean?
there ain't no comparison. PUBLIC HEALTH is a
thing. The face mask probably does stem contagion Studies which show that it does not
protect the wearer are NOT AT ISSUE

what is your issue, Frey???
Failure to contain the virus is his wasting 2 months before acknowledgment of the problem, pressing to open the country too soon, dissing the idea of facial protection and social distancing, denigrating the medical community
so that his followers will listen only to him.
Why do you think everyone is following Trump's lead, rather than making their own decisions?

Not everyone is a follower..... there are a LOT of people who actually think for themselves rather than just doing whatever everyone else does.
Trump followers are always accepting his bad behavior. His constant misrepresentations are always acceptable
and believed by his minions. What bad behavior and misrepresentations will be the response, yes?
I have already given many examples over time and they should be obvious to you. I am not going to repeat myself again.
If masks work so well why all the state shut downs?
New York went overboard and locked everyone down at home..........High rises.........They wore masks......everything...........didn't matter because it goes through the ventilation systems in the buildings...........same that is happening here........

And here at work.......they were masks in those buildings.........AC.....everytime they are near someone.........guess what.........IT DOESN'T STOP IT.......That is wear they are getting infected.....in the field..........Not jack squat.

English much? You don't think high rise apartments have their own HVAC system? Your neighbor decides how hot or cold you are?
You are a fucking moron........I'm an instrument tech and forgot more than you know about shit like this. I was in the engine rooms that made the ship run so you could turn the wheel.

High rises have shared air systems.....Positive air flow in the rooms and common returns.....without a high tech filter or ionizer.....it goes right back to the rooms.....

This was proven by a study in Hong Kong in 2003 .........I posted that a long time ago on this issue. Not only that air current allowed the SARs then to travel building to building which weren't close together.
Air flow is how this is mainly spreading.........how it raped New York.......and why they are flat lining now...........I could show and old report that they say 20% of New York already got the virus by estimates.......but you wouldn't listen anyway.
Not impressed. You come across as having the scientific knowledge of a high school dropout.

I was an Engineering Officer of the Watch on BOTH Modified 600PDI and 1200 PSI propulsion steam systems, one of the few in the Navy. A such I could do any job in the plant. I was a Fire Control Radar Officer and Auxiliary Engineering Officer. Prior to that I was a Reactor operator trainee Electronics Technician. I was Navy recruiter, public school middle and high school Math and Social Studies teacher, and qualified school administrator up through Superintendent, with a Master's degree, and now, in my third career, run a team of civilian contractors for Army recruiting at the command headquarters. I probably did more in two years than you did in a lifetime, so stop you bragging slacker!
Fuck you..........tomorrow I go to work to get back in a confined space ......we have to act like we are wearing masks for Fuckers like you.........when the heat index is over 100 and has been 114 degrees lately.

It will get sweaty as hell and is like water boarding yourself with sweat..........So let me make this clear.......FUCK YOU.............

I don't give a fuck how many times you say you are superior.,.........I'm out of Fucks to give......This virus will run it's course......I'm over it.........I'm over people like you destroying this country.......and I'm over mask shaming and virtue signalling.

Now.....iggy me or fuck off.....I don't care......I will go to where these BS OBEY laws are not enforced.......we already are....and guess what.......in those places hardly anyone wears them.....OH FUCKING WELL.

Have a nice Fucking Day .......you miserable shit........

You don't wear the outside or where there are no other people you stupid MF!

I can't ignore you because it is too much fun you for the fucktard you are!
History will define the Trump base of support particularly selfish, enabled, greedy, ignorant, vile, and stupid for waging battles over wearing face masks.
History will define Dimz as baby killers and deniers of children's constitutional rights. . .

So. . .
I guess we can say "fuck" Trump also because of his failure to contain this virus, yes?

what is "failure to contain virus" mean?
there ain't no comparison. PUBLIC HEALTH is a
thing. The face mask probably does stem contagion Studies which show that it does not
protect the wearer are NOT AT ISSUE

what is your issue, Frey???
Failure to contain the virus is his wasting 2 months before acknowledgment of the problem, pressing to open the country too soon, dissing the idea of facial protection and social distancing, denigrating the medical community
so that his followers will listen only to him.
Why do you think everyone is following Trump's lead, rather than making their own decisions?

Not everyone is a follower..... there are a LOT of people who actually think for themselves rather than just doing whatever everyone else does.
Trump followers are always accepting his bad behavior. His constant misrepresentations are always acceptable
and believed by his minions. What bad behavior and misrepresentations will be the response, yes?
How so?
Be specific; explain how someone is following his lead rather than making their own decisions.

And if you can't do that, then maybe you're just full of shit and hating on people for not voting the way you want them to.
I stand by my previous remarks. You all are constantly covering for Trump, never find fault, and follow his lead.
It is you who is full of shit and you can't see the forest for the trees. There are some people who do think for themselves, but not a lot. Read Mary Trump's book and you will see the real Trump and it ain't purty.
don't tell me you believe that!! LOLOL The media is not going to be interviewing this woman very much....they know she is as big a fruitcake as E Jean Carroll.
She is also accurate in her depiction of Trump. Every time he flaps, he says or does something that justifies her take on him. Then there is Bolton, who nailed Trump for what he is, an incompetent, narcissistic, abusive charlatan.
If you are willing to overlook those traits, oh well.
no she isn't. You guys are so eaten up with hate you can't see straight.
I was thinkin about the admiral last night and his ill grandson and I wish your grandson well...and i prayed for his recovery. Your grandson's safety is your responsibility. Not mine or anyone elses'. It is your responsibility and yours alone to make sure he is safe. There are any number of viruses, and bacterias, germs, whatever that can affect him. And i know you are greatly concerned for his health and recovery.

so what do you want the rest of us to do. Wear hazmat suits all over the country so that nothing happens to your grandson? That's not realistic. It's like asking all the other children in school to forego their PB&J sandwiches because one child, says his mother, has a peanut allergy. So i can see where you think everyone else is responsible for your grandson's health. This idea has been planted in our heads that we all have accomodate one person and change our lives for that one.

Well it isn't realistic. And it is selfish on your part. It's not that I am not somewhat sympathetic to your plight. But that is it. YOU are the one being selfish. and self centered. The world doesn't revolve around just you. The rest of us have lives to live also and that means you don't dictate to us.
I was thinkin about the admiral last night and his ill grandson and I wish your grandson well...and i prayed for his recovery. Your grandson's safety is your responsibility. Not mine or anyone elses'. It is your responsibility and yours alone to make sure he is safe. There are any number of viruses, and bacterias, germs, whatever that can affect him. And i know you are greatly concerned for his health and recovery.

so what do you want the rest of us to do. Wear hazmat suits all over the country so that nothing happens to your grandson? That's not realistic. It's like asking all the other children in school to forego their PB&J sandwiches because one child, says his mother, has a peanut allergy. So i can see where you think everyone else is responsible for your grandson's health. This idea has been planted in our heads that we all have accomodate one person and change our lives for that one.

Well it isn't realistic. And it is selfish on your part. It's not that I am not somewhat sympathetic to your plight. But that is it. YOU are the one being selfish. and self centered. The world doesn't revolve around just you. The rest of us have lives to live also and that means you don't dictate to us.

No, I want you to mask up. It's not that hard.

Ever seen a kid with a peanut allergy? It is not his mother saying it.
I was thinkin about the admiral last night and his ill grandson and I wish your grandson well...and i prayed for his recovery. Your grandson's safety is your responsibility. Not mine or anyone elses'. It is your responsibility and yours alone to make sure he is safe. There are any number of viruses, and bacterias, germs, whatever that can affect him. And i know you are greatly concerned for his health and recovery.

so what do you want the rest of us to do. Wear hazmat suits all over the country so that nothing happens to your grandson? That's not realistic. It's like asking all the other children in school to forego their PB&J sandwiches because one child, says his mother, has a peanut allergy. So i can see where you think everyone else is responsible for your grandson's health. This idea has been planted in our heads that we all have accomodate one person and change our lives for that one.

Well it isn't realistic. And it is selfish on your part. It's not that I am not somewhat sympathetic to your plight. But that is it. YOU are the one being selfish. and self centered. The world doesn't revolve around just you. The rest of us have lives to live also and that means you don't dictate to us.

No, I want you to mask up. It's not that hard.

Ever seen a kid with a peanut allergy? It is not his mother saying it.

well i'm not. so live with it.
I don't own a mask and don't wear a mask. I also refuse to wear a seat belt if I feel it is unwarranted and I don't wash my hands by the minute nor do I use sanitizers.
No seatbelt is plain dumb. I've been hit twice by cars just randomly coming from seemingly nowhere.

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