Why don’t you wear a mask?

Heavens to Murgatroyd. Could save your life, though.
yes being armed could save your life in this day and age not sure about the mask though
Being armed could get you killed in this day and age also. The mask is a necessary evil.
Are you working for BLM/Antifa? They don't want us armed. Defund the police and then make sure the rest of us are unable to defend ourselves. You won't be safe either. Do you have a home? Let the democrats have their way and you won't. How do you think the russians felt when their homes were taken from their ownership and they had to accomodate riff raff. That can be you.
Heavens to Murgatroyd. Could save your life, though.
yes being armed could save your life in this day and age not sure about the mask though
Being armed could get you killed in this day and age also. The mask is a necessary evil.
Are you working for BLM/Antifa? They don't want us armed. Defund the police and then make sure the rest of us are unable to defend ourselves. You won't be safe either. Do you have a home? Let the democrats have their way and you won't. How do you think the russians felt when their homes were taken from their ownership and they had to accomodate riff raff. That can be you.
I am working for you and me to get a handle on this disease that has mushroomed because you and yours did not listen to the medical experts. If you cannot carry, put it in your car. If you are sick or dead, it won't matter. A mask, social distancing, staying out of clubs, bars, restaurants, beaches is a necessary evil today. Some of you speak of your "civil rights". You have no right to infect other citizens. You have a civil right to wear shoes and no shirt,
and a shop owner has the right to not serve you.
Heavens to Murgatroyd. Could save your life, though.
yes being armed could save your life in this day and age not sure about the mask though
Being armed could get you killed in this day and age also. The mask is a necessary evil.
Are you working for BLM/Antifa? They don't want us armed. Defund the police and then make sure the rest of us are unable to defend ourselves. You won't be safe either. Do you have a home? Let the democrats have their way and you won't. How do you think the russians felt when their homes were taken from their ownership and they had to accomodate riff raff. That can be you.
I am working for you and me to get a handle on this disease that has mushroomed because you and yours did not listen to the medical experts. If you cannot carry, put it in your car. If you are sick or dead, it won't matter. A mask, social distancing, staying out of clubs, bars, restaurants, beaches is a necessary evil today. Some of you speak of your "civil rights". You have no right to infect other citizens. You have a civil right to wear shoes and no shirt,
and a shop owner has the right to not serve you.
It most certainly has not. Do you even keep up with latest reports. The medical profession and i use the term loosely has overstated the number of cases, the severity, the models, EVERYTHING. If you were honest you would just admit that this is now political. If this were as terrible as you would have us believe we would ALL KNOW people who have legitimately died FROM COVID. But we don't.
Heavens to Murgatroyd. Could save your life, though.
yes being armed could save your life in this day and age not sure about the mask though
Being armed could get you killed in this day and age also. The mask is a necessary evil.
Are you working for BLM/Antifa? They don't want us armed. Defund the police and then make sure the rest of us are unable to defend ourselves. You won't be safe either. Do you have a home? Let the democrats have their way and you won't. How do you think the russians felt when their homes were taken from their ownership and they had to accomodate riff raff. That can be you.
I just had a Biden moment my statement should have read:
Being UNARMED could get you killed in this day and age. The mask does not do a thing but make liberal hypochondriacs feel better.
Heavens to Murgatroyd. Could save your life, though.
yes being armed could save your life in this day and age not sure about the mask though
Being armed could get you killed in this day and age also. The mask is a necessary evil.
Are you working for BLM/Antifa? They don't want us armed. Defund the police and then make sure the rest of us are unable to defend ourselves. You won't be safe either. Do you have a home? Let the democrats have their way and you won't. How do you think the russians felt when their homes were taken from their ownership and they had to accomodate riff raff. That can be you.
I am working for you and me to get a handle on this disease that has mushroomed because you and yours did not listen to the medical experts. If you cannot carry, put it in your car. If you are sick or dead, it won't matter. A mask, social distancing, staying out of clubs, bars, restaurants, beaches is a necessary evil today. Some of you speak of your "civil rights". You have no right to infect other citizens. You have a civil right to wear shoes and no shirt,
and a shop owner has the right to not serve you.
None of this evil is "necessary".
It most certainly has not. Do you even keep up with latest reports. The medical profession and i use the term loosely has overstated the number of cases, the severity, the models, EVERYTHING. If you were honest you would just admit that this is now political. If this were as terrible as you would have us believe we would ALL KNOW people who have legitimately died FROM COVID. But we don't.

You think that if 140,000 people have died, everyone should know at least 1 of those people? In a country of over 300,000,000?
It most certainly has not. Do you even keep up with latest reports. The medical profession and i use the term loosely has overstated the number of cases, the severity, the models, EVERYTHING. If you were honest you would just admit that this is now political. If this were as terrible as you would have us believe we would ALL KNOW people who have legitimately died FROM COVID. But we don't.

You think that if 140,000 people have died, everyone should know at least 1 of those people? In a country of over 300,000,000?
i think you just made my point.
It most certainly has not. Do you even keep up with latest reports. The medical profession and i use the term loosely has overstated the number of cases, the severity, the models, EVERYTHING. If you were honest you would just admit that this is now political. If this were as terrible as you would have us believe we would ALL KNOW people who have legitimately died FROM COVID. But we don't.

You think that if 140,000 people have died, everyone should know at least 1 of those people? In a country of over 300,000,000?
i think you just made my point.
You have no point. The medical community has correctly stated the number of cases and may have understated them.
What would be their purpose to overstate? Trump has understated the number of cases to cover his ineptitude.
He insists that he has it under control, and who is he kidding? Evidently you. Why would we all know someone who died from the virus? That remark makes no sense. You are listening, once again, to the amateur Trump who has no
idea and who listens to no one except his "gut".
The medical community warned that the virus would get out of control if people flooded beaches, bars, clubs, restaurants, didn't wear masks or social distance and they were correct, as usual. We still have people who refuse to acknowledge that fact even though it has slapped ya on the head. Get off of Trump's bandwagon and into the real
world because he doesn't give a rats ass what happens to you.
Heavens to Murgatroyd. Could save your life, though.
yes being armed could save your life in this day and age not sure about the mask though
Being armed could get you killed in this day and age also. The mask is a necessary evil.
Are you working for BLM/Antifa? They don't want us armed. Defund the police and then make sure the rest of us are unable to defend ourselves. You won't be safe either. Do you have a home? Let the democrats have their way and you won't. How do you think the russians felt when their homes were taken from their ownership and they had to accomodate riff raff. That can be you.
I just had a Biden moment my statement should have read:
Being UNARMED could get you killed in this day and age. The mask does not do a thing but make liberal hypochondriacs feel better.
I am glad that you are an expert on the virus. Being armed could get you killed, pal, if you decide to play Clint Eastwood and the bad guy has a gun also. Just listen to the medical experts since they have been accurate in their virus advice. Stay out of crowds, social distance, and wear a mask. It isn't hard to do and it might save your life.
Listen to the medical experts and not to Trump's "gut".
Your experts have made it up every step of the way.
Brilliant deduction. Trump thinking, stupid, satisfying, and believable by his uninformed followers.
Not a deduction bob. All you had to do was to pay attention. Why is what i wear on my face of such concern to you. You've got your mask. You've got your social distancing. I don't care to be anywhere around you. I prefer to be left alone actually. So exactly what is your problem. The fact that you're such a pusscake?
Heavens to Murgatroyd. Could save your life, though.
yes being armed could save your life in this day and age not sure about the mask though
Being armed could get you killed in this day and age also. The mask is a necessary evil.
Are you working for BLM/Antifa? They don't want us armed. Defund the police and then make sure the rest of us are unable to defend ourselves. You won't be safe either. Do you have a home? Let the democrats have their way and you won't. How do you think the russians felt when their homes were taken from their ownership and they had to accomodate riff raff. That can be you.
I just had a Biden moment my statement should have read:
Being UNARMED could get you killed in this day and age. The mask does not do a thing but make liberal hypochondriacs feel better.
I am glad that you are an expert on the virus. Being armed could get you killed, pal, if you decide to play Clint Eastwood and the bad guy has a gun also. Just listen to the medical experts since they have been accurate in their virus advice. Stay out of crowds, social distance, and wear a mask. It isn't hard to do and it might save your life.
Listen to the medical experts and not to Trump's "gut".

As easily as we all rolled over for the masks, puts no question in my mind that whatever 'vaccine' they come up with, the line to get it will be halfway around the planet...won't matter what's in that vial.
It most certainly has not. Do you even keep up with latest reports. The medical profession and i use the term loosely has overstated the number of cases, the severity, the models, EVERYTHING. If you were honest you would just admit that this is now political. If this were as terrible as you would have us believe we would ALL KNOW people who have legitimately died FROM COVID. But we don't.

You think that if 140,000 people have died, everyone should know at least 1 of those people? In a country of over 300,000,000?
i think you just made my point.

Is your point that 140,000 deaths isn't that big of a deal? If not, I'm not sure what your point actually is.
It most certainly has not. Do you even keep up with latest reports. The medical profession and i use the term loosely has overstated the number of cases, the severity, the models, EVERYTHING. If you were honest you would just admit that this is now political. If this were as terrible as you would have us believe we would ALL KNOW people who have legitimately died FROM COVID. But we don't.

You think that if 140,000 people have died, everyone should know at least 1 of those people? In a country of over 300,000,000?
i think you just made my point.

Is your point that 140,000 deaths isn't that big of a deal? If not, I'm not sure what your point actually is.
These same heroes you want to applaud have killed 173,000 babies in the same amount of time as we've had the Cov with us. 346,000 per year. I haven't been here long so i don't really know but have you worn a mask for that?
Like black lives matter...are you only interested in some deaths?

People die every year...from flu and everything else. We've never had to wear a mask before. Not even when sars took 100,000 before Bronco Bama acknowledge that and did nothing.

And what about Cuomo...do you have anything to say about his policies that put covid patients into nursing homes causing the deaths of thousands? 10 states that had the most difficulty with Covid and 40 others that didn't. Yet we all have to wear a mask. Doesn't any of this cause even the smallest degree of...oh..i don't know.... curiosity?
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These same heroes you want to applaud have killed 173,000 babies in the same amount of time as we've had the Cov with us. 346,000 per year. I haven't been here long so i don't really know but have you worn a mask for that?
Like black lives matter...are you only interested in some deaths?

People die every year...from flu and everything else. We've never had to wear a mask before. Not even when sars took 100,000 before Bronco Bama acknowledge that and did nothing.

And what about Cuomo...do you have anything to say about his policies that put covid patients into nursing homes causing the deaths of thousands? 10 states that had the most difficulty with Covid and 40 others that didn't. Yet we all have to wear a mask. Doesn't any of this cause even the smallest degree of...oh..i don't know.... curiosity?

That was your point in saying, "If this were as terrible as you would have us believe we would ALL KNOW people who have legitimately died FROM COVID. But we don't."?

You haven't been here long, but think you know what "heroes" I "want to applaud."

I don't wear a mask to prevent non-communicable conditions. What is killing 346,000 babies per year? That's too low a number for abortion.

The SARS outbreak happened in 2003. Less than 800 people died. I assume you were actually talking about the H1N1 outbreak in 2009. Even there, only 12,469 are estimated to have died in the US, not 100,000. It was something of a different situation.

Yes, the worldwide reaction to COVID has been unprecedented. I can't explain just why this one has gotten such a severe reaction other than the newness of it. There are some countries where mask wearing has been common since well before COVID, though, so it's not an entirely new thing.

Cuomo downplayed the virus early on and putting COVID positive people in nursing homes was terrible. So what?

You seem to have not actually explained your point in stating that everyone should know a person who died from COVID, or perhaps the statement didn't actually make whatever point you were trying to get across.
Heavens to Murgatroyd. Could save your life, though.
yes being armed could save your life in this day and age not sure about the mask though
Being armed could get you killed in this day and age also. The mask is a necessary evil.
Are you working for BLM/Antifa? They don't want us armed. Defund the police and then make sure the rest of us are unable to defend ourselves. You won't be safe either. Do you have a home? Let the democrats have their way and you won't. How do you think the russians felt when their homes were taken from their ownership and they had to accomodate riff raff. That can be you.
I just had a Biden moment my statement should have read:
Being UNARMED could get you killed in this day and age. The mask does not do a thing but make liberal hypochondriacs feel better.
I am glad that you are an expert on the virus. Being armed could get you killed, pal, if you decide to play Clint Eastwood and the bad guy has a gun also. Just listen to the medical experts since they have been accurate in their virus advice. Stay out of crowds, social distance, and wear a mask. It isn't hard to do and it might save your life.
Listen to the medical experts and not to Trump's "gut".
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You must be a real macho man because you ain't wearing a mask no matter what, yes? Masks are for pussies.
You ain't afraid of no god damned virus and don't give a shit if you infect someone else. Not your problem.

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