Why don’t you wear a mask?

No i'm not. I'm shopping wherever I want. I'm sure you'd like to limit my shopping but you can't. You see...there are a lot of stores that are celebrating that some stores are requiring masks...but Bob. I don't even wear a mask in those. ANd i'm having no problems Bob. As i said, you wear it if you feel unsafe. I"m fine. Don't worry about me Bob. YOu take care of yourself.

I am taking care of myself when people in my presence wear masks and don't infect others who may infect me.
The spread of this virus is caused by people like you who don't wear masks, don't social distance, clog beaches, restaurants, bars, and go where the crowds are. Enforced laws are coming down the pike, hopefully.

ENFORCED masks. Now we're gettin' somewhere bob. DId you have a problem with all those rioting BLM anarchists out in the street together. Do ya THINK that maybe they are the ones passing around the virus and not normal people out here just trying to live their lives?
Enforced masks...now isn't that interesting. beaches, restaurants, bars, crowded areas....almost sounds like you're jealous Bob.
This is what this is. We are being made to suffer because of the initial hysteria and incompetence. These folk are now in the media eye, meaning our eye. THey have screwed up badly. So what does a leftist do when they have been caught for incompetence and hoping for a catastrophe, manipulating the numbers, tests, orders, models you name it. What do they do group?

They. double. down.

Remember the guy with the rat cage on his head...until he agreed that 2 plus 2 equals 5? That's where we are guys.
Heavens to Murgatroyd. Could save your life, though.
yes being armed could save your life in this day and age not sure about the mask though
Being armed could get you killed in this day and age also. The mask is a necessary evil.
Are you working for BLM/Antifa? They don't want us armed. Defund the police and then make sure the rest of us are unable to defend ourselves. You won't be safe either. Do you have a home? Let the democrats have their way and you won't. How do you think the russians felt when their homes were taken from their ownership and they had to accomodate riff raff. That can be you.
I just had a Biden moment my statement should have read:
Being UNARMED could get you killed in this day and age. The mask does not do a thing but make liberal hypochondriacs feel better.
I am glad that you are an expert on the virus. Being armed could get you killed, pal, if you decide to play Clint Eastwood and the bad guy has a gun also. Just listen to the medical experts since they have been accurate in their virus advice. Stay out of crowds, social distance, and wear a mask. It isn't hard to do and it might save your life.
Listen to the medical experts and not to Trump's "gut".
View attachment 365804
You must be a real macho man because you ain't wearing a mask no matter what, yes? Masks are for pussies.
You ain't afraid of no god damned virus and don't give a shit if you infect someone else. Not your problem.
only 10 states that had a problem and that's justification for closing down the entire country? I don't think so. do you REALLY think democrats care about your health? LOL This is political and its goal is to take down this president. Now you know that the medical profession has been politicized because they denied potentially life saving meds because the governor said so. What do you think your doctor is doing while he's on the computer for the first 10 to 20 minutes of your appointment? Where do you think that information goes?

WEAR YOUR DAMN MASK if you think it helps you. If you are wearing it, and social distancing you have nothing to worry about from ME.
The goal of the Dems is to get a grip on this virus, and nothing more. Your boy only cares about himself.
Trump is starting to get the message about masks or his latest comments bullshit as usual. Probably the latter.
I don't care if the president wears a mask. I don't care if you wear a mask. I AM NOT GOING TO WEAR A MASK.
You will wear a mask if you want service in many stores as they move to require masks. You will still be able to go into a Dollar Store.
View attachment 366201
"Make people wear a mask" is called a law, just like wearing seatbelts, not driving drunk, not going through stop signs, stopping for a red light, etc.
The store wants masks because there won't be any customers without them as y'all get sick or pass the disease on to others. Use some common sense.
Bob....why don't you use some common sense. I just came back from shopping today. I went to a variety of stores....all without a mask and I didn't go to a Dollar Store! Actually....I have not worn a mask from the get go...nor will I. You'd be a perfect candidate for "the railroad cars" ...remember that's what Hitler used. Sheep conform. There's such an incredible amount of evidence disputing the effectiveness of a mask. No mention has EVER been made about wearing a mask for the common cold or the regular 'ol flu. This mask thing is nothing but BS. Think about it.
There's one more point I'd like to make. Statistics say that approximately 60,000 people die from the regular 'ol flu every year in the US. I'm not saying the Covid-19 is not real...what I am saying is ...."open up the country...let people go back to living a normal life".....yes....a small percentage of people will suffer and possibly perish. If we keep the country shut down ...... our whole world will come crashing down. Literally EVERYONE will suffer in one way or another. In life , you have to choose the lesser of the evils.
You are not asked to wear it forever, it will save lives,

Mostly, people don't wear masks because they don't trust leftists as far as they could piss into a windstorm. Everything is "just this little bit, you're a bad person if you don't", and that's the whole, entire argument in favor of it. And then a week later, they're back with "just THIS little bit farther".

It's very hard to take people seriously when they insist that we must panic and do anything in the name of stopping coronavirus, when a matter of weeks ago, it suddenly didn't matter because we HAD to have protests and riots, and now OMG! it's SO BAAAAAAD!!!

Can you see why people are skeptical and unwilling to trust like they were months ago?
You are not asked to wear it forever, it will save lives,

People aren't being "asked" to wear it, they are being required to .

And requiring this for 40 years or however long it takes to make a vaccine is a pretty long time. What will be done with all the stadiums and crowded nightclubs, subway cars, etc., in the mean time.

IMHO, people will forget about this after the election if Sleepy Joe gets in. Removing the mask requirement is the strategy the libs have to revive the economy under Biden.
The only problem with your emotive illogical conclusion is it is not just an issue between Democrats and Republicans, oh it is for yous Trumpets because you make an issue out of anything to cover for your fearless leader..

History will define the Trump base of support particularly selfish, enabled, greedy, ignorant, vile, and stupid for waging battles over wearing face masks.

Let me get right on fretting over what you "know" history is going to do based on how much you want to believe you'll be a "hero" someday, Miss Cleo. Maybe you could go polish your crystal ball while I work on caring.
Unless an actual cure is developed, wearing a ask will not save any lives. All it does is delay the eventual spread of the virus throughout the entire population.

Slowing the spread can be an important thing. As of a report yesterday, 56 ICUs in Florida were at capacity, and more were within 10% of capacity. This virus seems to spread quickly enough that slowing it is a good goal. :dunno:

Yeah, that's what the news was trying to say about hospitals in Arizona, too, except it's not actually true.
We do it to save the ignorant, in the hopes that someday they can be redeemed by to voice of Reason. This guy never got that chance:

So I hear you saying, "We must seize control of other people's lives, because we are so superior to everyone!"

Yeah, I'm sure people will go with that . . . just as soon as they stop laughing.
Unless an actual cure is developed, wearing a ask will not save any lives. All it does is delay the eventual spread of the virus throughout the entire population.

Slowing the spread can be an important thing. As of a report yesterday, 56 ICUs in Florida were at capacity, and more were within 10% of capacity. This virus seems to spread quickly enough that slowing it is a good goal. :dunno:

Yeah, that's what the news was trying to say about hospitals in Arizona, too, except it's not actually true.

There are a lot of patients in ICU's every day of the week- even before the Corona panic.

If they don't have a lot of patients in the expensive ICU's, the hospitals are losing money. But the ICU's aren't filled up with Corona patients.
Unless an actual cure is developed, wearing a ask will not save any lives. All it does is delay the eventual spread of the virus throughout the entire population.

Slowing the spread can be an important thing. As of a report yesterday, 56 ICUs in Florida were at capacity, and more were within 10% of capacity. This virus seems to spread quickly enough that slowing it is a good goal. :dunno:

Yeah, that's what the news was trying to say about hospitals in Arizona, too, except it's not actually true.

There are a lot of patients in ICU's every day of the week- even before the Corona panic.

If they don't have a lot of patients in the expensive ICU's, the hospitals are losing money. But the ICU's aren't filled up with Corona patients.

Exactly. There ARE quite a few patients in the ICUs in Arizona . . . but less than half of them are there for Covid-19. The same is true for regular hospital patients. That's the part the media leaves out of the story.
Unless an actual cure is developed, wearing a ask will not save any lives. All it does is delay the eventual spread of the virus throughout the entire population.

Slowing the spread can be an important thing. As of a report yesterday, 56 ICUs in Florida were at capacity, and more were within 10% of capacity. This virus seems to spread quickly enough that slowing it is a good goal. :dunno:

Yeah, that's what the news was trying to say about hospitals in Arizona, too, except it's not actually true.

There are a lot of patients in ICU's every day of the week- even before the Corona panic.

If they don't have a lot of patients in the expensive ICU's, the hospitals are losing money. But the ICU's aren't filled up with Corona patients.

Exactly. There ARE quite a few patients in the ICUs in Arizona . . . but less than half of them are there for Covid-19. The same is true for regular hospital patients. That's the part the media leaves out of the story.

Hospital censuses have been down in most places during the Corona panic.

"elective" surgeries like new hips, knees and breasts, cancer screenings like colonoscopies and mammography , other procedures were all cancelled. Now, these things are being done, and business is picking up. This is all necessary work.
From the link;
"The Peltzmann effect
Posted on July 22, 2020 by Mike 8 Comments
Unintended consequences.

In the 1960s, numerous countries (including the United States) began adopting laws that mandated the use of seat belts. The hope was that this would reduce mortality in motor accidents.
However, economist Gordon Tullock once quipped that “if the government wanted people to drive safely, they’d mandate a spike in the middle of each steering wheel.” Why would that be? Because of how we respond to risks. If we know that even the slightest accident might impale us on our driving wheel, we would all drive more safely. While it is a strange thought experiment, we can run it in reverse. If one driver knows that all the other drivers are wearing a seat belt while he also wears a seat belt, that driver faces a lower risk level. As a result, feeling safer, that driver acts more recklessly. He exceeds the speed limit, accelerates at a yellow light etc. This greater recklessness, in turn, increases the risks of an accident.
As a result, there is an ambiguous effect from the regulation. On the one hand, the law reduces risks but it also induces a behavioral response that increases the likelihood of an accident happening. Thus, we must wonder which effect dominates the other.
The same logic applies to face masks. Imagine a fictitious Canadian economist who, fearing the risk of bringing the virus to a loved one or catching the virus himself, avoids situations that would be too risky for his tastes. He avoids going to the coffee shop for a latte and limits himself only to doing groceries. With everyone being forced to wear a mask, he may decide to go pick up that latte. Technically, the activities of shopping for coffee and groceries are individually less risky with mandatory face masks. However, that fictitious economist now exposes himself to two activities that carry a risk rather than a single activity and so he faces a higher likelihood of catching the disease. Just as with seat belts, we must ask which effect dominates: the risk reduction of masks or the behavioral response?
In the end, the answer is an empirical one. Yet, the case of seat belt laws suggests that the precise answer might be elusive. The first paper of importance on the effect of seat belts was published in the 1970s by Sam Peltzman who found that the behavioral response by American drivers completely washed out the effects of the law. Since then, numerous papers on the topic have been published. Some confirm the findings of Peltzman while others infirm them. All these studies confirm that there is some offsetting behavior. They simply cannot agree on how strong it is.
However, let us take one important fact in consideration: the first laws mandating seat belt use were adopted in the 1960s. This is more than fifty years ago. Yet, there is still a discussion among experts who try to design the most convincing statistical tests. If there is uncertainty about the past, how can experts today be certain that compelling the use of face masks will not result in a greater level of risk taking? What if the offsetting behavior is stronger? Experts and policy-makers probably do not know this information (and I believe that they cannot reasonably be expected to know this). As the damages from faster propagation are exponential (given the nature of the virus), there is a real risk of backfire!
The question of whether or not seat belts, motorcycle helmets, masks, suits of medieval armor, etc save lives might be a fascinating one. It’s probably worth the ongoing research it inspires, I suppose. Ultimately, though, it’s the wrong question. What any and all Americans SHOULD be asking themselves, and constantly, is this: in a supposedly “free” country, with a government whose reach and scope is confined within very explicit limits set by the US Constitution, are ANY such mandates in accordance with those limits? Or do they so flagrantly breach them as to do far greater harm to the Constitution’s continued authority and relevance, thereby harming the nation entire?
Tragically, most of us long ago forgot about just how important that question really is, and no longer care anyway. If they think about them at all, they consider such notions quaint, antiquated, and hopelessly silly—the exclusive province of cranks and fools who are completely out of touch with reality, too thick to really comprehend what government’s true purpose is: to solve every problem, grant every wish, scratch every itch, safeguard every life, and abolish all risk, forever."
No i'm not. I'm shopping wherever I want. I'm sure you'd like to limit my shopping but you can't. You see...there are a lot of stores that are celebrating that some stores are requiring masks...but Bob. I don't even wear a mask in those. ANd i'm having no problems Bob. As i said, you wear it if you feel unsafe. I"m fine. Don't worry about me Bob. YOu take care of yourself.

I am taking care of myself when people in my presence wear masks and don't infect others who may infect me.
The spread of this virus is caused by people like you who don't wear masks, don't social distance, clog beaches, restaurants, bars, and go where the crowds are. Enforced laws are coming down the pike, hopefully.
More Mask shaming from the Sheep...........baaaaaaa

Where a cloth mask and go sand some sheet rock.........tell me how it works out for you...........

Liberals......make sheep nervous..........baaaa.
Heavens to Murgatroyd. Could save your life, though.
yes being armed could save your life in this day and age not sure about the mask though
Being armed could get you killed in this day and age also. The mask is a necessary evil.
Are you working for BLM/Antifa? They don't want us armed. Defund the police and then make sure the rest of us are unable to defend ourselves. You won't be safe either. Do you have a home? Let the democrats have their way and you won't. How do you think the russians felt when their homes were taken from their ownership and they had to accomodate riff raff. That can be you.
I just had a Biden moment my statement should have read:
Being UNARMED could get you killed in this day and age. The mask does not do a thing but make liberal hypochondriacs feel better.
I am glad that you are an expert on the virus. Being armed could get you killed, pal, if you decide to play Clint Eastwood and the bad guy has a gun also. Just listen to the medical experts since they have been accurate in their virus advice. Stay out of crowds, social distance, and wear a mask. It isn't hard to do and it might save your life.
Listen to the medical experts and not to Trump's "gut".
View attachment 365804
You must be a real macho man because you ain't wearing a mask no matter what, yes? Masks are for pussies.
You ain't afraid of no god damned virus and don't give a shit if you infect someone else. Not your problem.
only 10 states that had a problem and that's justification for closing down the entire country? I don't think so. do you REALLY think democrats care about your health? LOL This is political and its goal is to take down this president. Now you know that the medical profession has been politicized because they denied potentially life saving meds because the governor said so. What do you think your doctor is doing while he's on the computer for the first 10 to 20 minutes of your appointment? Where do you think that information goes?

WEAR YOUR DAMN MASK if you think it helps you. If you are wearing it, and social distancing you have nothing to worry about from ME.
The goal of the Dems is to get a grip on this virus, and nothing more. Your boy only cares about himself.
Trump is starting to get the message about masks or his latest comments bullshit as usual. Probably the latter.
I don't care if the president wears a mask. I don't care if you wear a mask. I AM NOT GOING TO WEAR A MASK.
You will wear a mask if you want service in many stores as they move to require masks. You will still be able to go into a Dollar Store.
View attachment 366201
"Make people wear a mask" is called a law, just like wearing seatbelts, not driving drunk, not going through stop signs, stopping for a red light, etc.
The store wants masks because there won't be any customers without them as y'all get sick or pass the disease on to others. Use some common sense.
Bob....why don't you use some common sense. I just came back from shopping today. I went to a variety of stores....all without a mask and I didn't go to a Dollar Store! Actually....I have not worn a mask from the get go...nor will I. You'd be a perfect candidate for "the railroad cars" ...remember that's what Hitler used. Sheep conform. There's such an incredible amount of evidence disputing the effectiveness of a mask. No mention has EVER been made about wearing a mask for the common cold or the regular 'ol flu. This mask thing is nothing but BS. Think about it.
No, you think about it. The medical profession says to wear a mask. The virus has spiked due to people not following their instructions-- Mask, social distancing, no clogging of beaches, crowds, bars, clubs, restaurants. All of these recommendations contribute to your safety. I think that the "sheep conform" falls into your lap because if Trump had
worn a mask and told his followers to do the same instead of poo-pooing the advice of the medical community and many other countries, spend 2 months blaming China, democrats, refusing to acknowledge the severity,
we would not be in the middle of a massive spike in this disease.
Heavens to Murgatroyd. Could save your life, though.
yes being armed could save your life in this day and age not sure about the mask though
Being armed could get you killed in this day and age also. The mask is a necessary evil.
Are you working for BLM/Antifa? They don't want us armed. Defund the police and then make sure the rest of us are unable to defend ourselves. You won't be safe either. Do you have a home? Let the democrats have their way and you won't. How do you think the russians felt when their homes were taken from their ownership and they had to accomodate riff raff. That can be you.
I just had a Biden moment my statement should have read:
Being UNARMED could get you killed in this day and age. The mask does not do a thing but make liberal hypochondriacs feel better.
I am glad that you are an expert on the virus. Being armed could get you killed, pal, if you decide to play Clint Eastwood and the bad guy has a gun also. Just listen to the medical experts since they have been accurate in their virus advice. Stay out of crowds, social distance, and wear a mask. It isn't hard to do and it might save your life.
Listen to the medical experts and not to Trump's "gut".
View attachment 365804
You must be a real macho man because you ain't wearing a mask no matter what, yes? Masks are for pussies.
You ain't afraid of no god damned virus and don't give a shit if you infect someone else. Not your problem.
only 10 states that had a problem and that's justification for closing down the entire country? I don't think so. do you REALLY think democrats care about your health? LOL This is political and its goal is to take down this president. Now you know that the medical profession has been politicized because they denied potentially life saving meds because the governor said so. What do you think your doctor is doing while he's on the computer for the first 10 to 20 minutes of your appointment? Where do you think that information goes?

WEAR YOUR DAMN MASK if you think it helps you. If you are wearing it, and social distancing you have nothing to worry about from ME.
The goal of the Dems is to get a grip on this virus, and nothing more. Your boy only cares about himself.
Trump is starting to get the message about masks or his latest comments bullshit as usual. Probably the latter.
I don't care if the president wears a mask. I don't care if you wear a mask. I AM NOT GOING TO WEAR A MASK.
You will wear a mask if you want service in many stores as they move to require masks. You will still be able to go into a Dollar Store.
View attachment 366201
"Make people wear a mask" is called a law, just like wearing seatbelts, not driving drunk, not going through stop signs, stopping for a red light, etc.
The store wants masks because there won't be any customers without them as y'all get sick or pass the disease on to others. Use some common sense.
Bob....why don't you use some common sense. I just came back from shopping today. I went to a variety of stores....all without a mask and I didn't go to a Dollar Store! Actually....I have not worn a mask from the get go...nor will I. You'd be a perfect candidate for "the railroad cars" ...remember that's what Hitler used. Sheep conform. There's such an incredible amount of evidence disputing the effectiveness of a mask. No mention has EVER been made about wearing a mask for the common cold or the regular 'ol flu. This mask thing is nothing but BS. Think about it.
No, you think about it. The medical profession says to wear a mask. The virus has spiked due to people not following their instructions-- Mask, social distancing, no clogging of beaches, crowds, bars, clubs, restaurants. All of these recommendations contribute to your safety. I think that the "sheep conform" falls into your lap because if Trump had
worn a mask and told his followers to do the same instead of poo-pooing the advice of the medical community and many other countries, spend 2 months blaming China, democrats, refusing to acknowledge the severity,
we would not be in the middle of a massive spike in this disease.

I disagree. Some states with rigorous mask and social distancing requirements also had some of the highest death rates- places like NY. California did not.

OTOH, states with fewer restrictions like the Dakotas had fewer deaths.

BTW, if Trump had advocated for mask wearing, libs would have said "not my president, not going to do it for his benefit, f him" and not worn them at all.

Just like they fore-goed hand washing after using the can, after Trump advocated it.
No i'm not. I'm shopping wherever I want. I'm sure you'd like to limit my shopping but you can't. You see...there are a lot of stores that are celebrating that some stores are requiring masks...but Bob. I don't even wear a mask in those. ANd i'm having no problems Bob. As i said, you wear it if you feel unsafe. I"m fine. Don't worry about me Bob. YOu take care of yourself.

I am taking care of myself when people in my presence wear masks and don't infect others who may infect me.
The spread of this virus is caused by people like you who don't wear masks, don't social distance, clog beaches, restaurants, bars, and go where the crowds are. Enforced laws are coming down the pike, hopefully.
More Mask shaming from the Sheep...........baaaaaaa

Where a cloth mask and go sand some sheet rock.........tell me how it works out for you...........

Liberals......make sheep nervous..........baaaa.
Heavens to Murgatroyd. Could save your life, though.
yes being armed could save your life in this day and age not sure about the mask though
Being armed could get you killed in this day and age also. The mask is a necessary evil.
Are you working for BLM/Antifa? They don't want us armed. Defund the police and then make sure the rest of us are unable to defend ourselves. You won't be safe either. Do you have a home? Let the democrats have their way and you won't. How do you think the russians felt when their homes were taken from their ownership and they had to accomodate riff raff. That can be you.
I just had a Biden moment my statement should have read:
Being UNARMED could get you killed in this day and age. The mask does not do a thing but make liberal hypochondriacs feel better.
I am glad that you are an expert on the virus. Being armed could get you killed, pal, if you decide to play Clint Eastwood and the bad guy has a gun also. Just listen to the medical experts since they have been accurate in their virus advice. Stay out of crowds, social distance, and wear a mask. It isn't hard to do and it might save your life.
Listen to the medical experts and not to Trump's "gut".
View attachment 365804
You must be a real macho man because you ain't wearing a mask no matter what, yes? Masks are for pussies.
You ain't afraid of no god damned virus and don't give a shit if you infect someone else. Not your problem.
only 10 states that had a problem and that's justification for closing down the entire country? I don't think so. do you REALLY think democrats care about your health? LOL This is political and its goal is to take down this president. Now you know that the medical profession has been politicized because they denied potentially life saving meds because the governor said so. What do you think your doctor is doing while he's on the computer for the first 10 to 20 minutes of your appointment? Where do you think that information goes?

WEAR YOUR DAMN MASK if you think it helps you. If you are wearing it, and social distancing you have nothing to worry about from ME.
The goal of the Dems is to get a grip on this virus, and nothing more. Your boy only cares about himself.
Trump is starting to get the message about masks or his latest comments bullshit as usual. Probably the latter.
I don't care if the president wears a mask. I don't care if you wear a mask. I AM NOT GOING TO WEAR A MASK.
You will wear a mask if you want service in many stores as they move to require masks. You will still be able to go into a Dollar Store.
View attachment 366201
"Make people wear a mask" is called a law, just like wearing seatbelts, not driving drunk, not going through stop signs, stopping for a red light, etc.
The store wants masks because there won't be any customers without them as y'all get sick or pass the disease on to others. Use some common sense.
Bob....why don't you use some common sense. I just came back from shopping today. I went to a variety of stores....all without a mask and I didn't go to a Dollar Store! Actually....I have not worn a mask from the get go...nor will I. You'd be a perfect candidate for "the railroad cars" ...remember that's what Hitler used. Sheep conform. There's such an incredible amount of evidence disputing the effectiveness of a mask. No mention has EVER been made about wearing a mask for the common cold or the regular 'ol flu. This mask thing is nothing but BS. Think about it.
No, you think about it. The medical profession says to wear a mask. The virus has spiked due to people not following their instructions-- Mask, social distancing, no clogging of beaches, crowds, bars, clubs, restaurants. All of these recommendations contribute to your safety. I think that the "sheep conform" falls into your lap because if Trump had
worn a mask and told his followers to do the same instead of poo-pooing the advice of the medical community and many other countries, spend 2 months blaming China, democrats, refusing to acknowledge the severity,
we would not be in the middle of a massive spike in this disease.

I disagree. Some states with rigorous mask and social distancing requirements also had some of the highest death rates- places like NY. California did not.

OTOH, states with fewer restrictions like the Dakotas had fewer deaths.

BTW, if Trump had advocated for mask wearing, libs would have said "not my president, not going to do it for his benefit, f him" and not worn them at all.

Just like they fore-goed hand washing after using the can, after Trump advocated it.
You are kidding, yes?

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