Why don’t you wear a mask?

You are not asked to wear it forever, it will save lives,
I do. Even though I already had the virus and now donate plasma. Why do you snowflakes cower from a virus?
I guess we can say "fuck" Trump also because of his failure to contain this virus, yes?

what is "failure to contain virus" mean?
there ain't no comparison. PUBLIC HEALTH is a
thing. The face mask probably does stem contagion Studies which show that it does not
protect the wearer are NOT AT ISSUE

what is your issue, Frey???
Failure to contain the virus is his wasting 2 months before acknowledgment of the problem, pressing to open the country too soon, dissing the idea of facial protection and social distancing, denigrating the medical community
so that his followers will listen only to him.
Why do you think everyone is following Trump's lead, rather than making their own decisions?

Not everyone is a follower..... there are a LOT of people who actually think for themselves rather than just doing whatever everyone else does.
Trump followers are always accepting his bad behavior. His constant misrepresentations are always acceptable
and believed by his minions. What bad behavior and misrepresentations will be the response, yes?
How so?
Be specific; explain how someone is following his lead rather than making their own decisions.

And if you can't do that, then maybe you're just full of shit and hating on people for not voting the way you want them to.
I stand by my previous remarks. You all are constantly covering for Trump, never find fault, and follow his lead.
It is you who is full of shit and you can't see the forest for the trees. There are some people who do think for themselves, but not a lot. Read Mary Trump's book and you will see the real Trump and it ain't purty.
don't tell me you believe that!! LOLOL The media is not going to be interviewing this woman very much....they know she is as big a fruitcake as E Jean Carroll.
You are not asked to wear it forever, it will save lives,
I do. Even though I already had the virus and now donate plasma. Why do you snowflakes cower from a virus?
because of that yellow stripe up their backside.
if you are that scared or that ill then stay the hell home.

If you won't wear a mask, stay the hell home and we will all feel better about it. Why can't you do that?
Because i am not sick and i don't want to stay home. YOU STAY HOME, sissy.
Your not staying home could kill me. I am not sick either with COVID-19. My staying home does nothing for you,
Yes it does. it makes doubly sure i don't have to listen to your stupid cowardly mouth.
I had the virus and I am a plasma donor. Why not give me an exemption wrist band or card? Stupid for me to wear a mask when my actual blood kills the virus. Just because the Govt asks you to do something doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. I wear a mask to make others feel safe and that’s fair but it’s also stupid as I cannot get them sick.
if you are that scared or that ill then stay the hell home.

If you won't wear a mask, stay the hell home and we will all feel better about it. Why can't you do that?
you cowardly twit. I am ashamed of you as an american male. Your government has told you to wear a mask. Aren't you glad they didn't tell you to bend over, stick your head between your legs and your head up your butt.
Cowardly twit? Because I don't want to infect my grandson with leukemia? Because I don't want you infecting him on the way to the hospital for chemo?

You sound as though that task would be easy for you because you have experience with your head up your ass. You are a fucktard of the highest order!
if you are that scared or that ill then stay the hell home.

If you won't wear a mask, stay the hell home and we will all feel better about it. Why can't you do that?
Because i am not sick and i don't want to stay home. YOU STAY HOME, sissy.
Your not staying home could kill me. I am not sick either with COVID-19. My staying home does nothing for you,
Yes it does. it makes doubly sure i don't have to listen to your stupid cowardly mouth.

You are the fucking coward. So scared that wearing mask emasculates you? I assure you, you will be just as big a dick with a mask on and you are without!
You are not asked to wear it forever, it will save lives,
I do. Even though I already had the virus and now donate plasma. Why do you snowflakes cower from a virus?
because of that yellow stripe up their backside.

The yellow stripe is the mark of your pussy attitude towards being a decent human being. You are too scared to be seen a human.
You are not asked to wear it forever, it will save lives,
I do. Even though I already had the virus and now donate plasma. Why do you snowflakes cower from a virus?
because of that yellow stripe up their backside.

The yellow stripe is the mark of your pussy attitude towards being a decent human being. You are too scared to be seen a human.
Decent human being is subjective. Nancy Pelosi thinks she is a decent human being too. She isn’t.
You are not asked to wear it forever, it will save lives,
In the VERY short amount of time that I have worn a mask, a CLOTH MASK at that, I do find that A) it's like lying in bed with someone, face to face, and breathing that person's breath, not getting any fresh air . So no, the air isn't FRESH by any means, ,B) especially in Texas heat,(101°-105°...then the heat index and humidity) it's dripping with sweat within a few minutes, even from putting it on from the beginning of the managed "line" at some stores, so it becomes more of a "cooling cloth" than any sort of "protection ". ...Cloth masks don't offer any protection, only for the psyche...the only decent mask out there is the N95...and seriously, tge fatality rate is low...in a couple of months, the FLU and pneumonia "season " will be on its way...mass hysteria is the true "virus"...and the Marxist MSM and meat puppets, blm...
Hey, eagle1462010, you are a real piece of shit, and I hope karma bites you in the ass!
Cold day in hell that I will embrace this fear..............If it kills me it kills me.............Hard to believe you were an officer in the Navy anymore........

You don't destroy this country for a dang virus...........and cloth masks are fing useless.............You have a k95 mask........which will stop most ............good for you unless you have unfiltered export valves.........If you do......then if you are sick it goes straight out.

You can't even get the terminology straight, so why don't you STFU! They are not useless and it has been proven to anyone with an IQ above room temp, which obviously excludes you! If not, why are so many states and corporations banning customers without masks?
You just don't get it, you and your IQ cant see this for what it is.
You go a head and put your little mask on go hide under your bed and piss your self.
No, that is what you do when someone tells you that if you don;t wear a mask, you can't buy groceries unless they are delivered. You can't go to the store for hardware without a mask. You can't get your prescriptions without a mask. You are going to be a miserable SOB,much more than you already are, when you find out the realities of the world. The biggest hoax is that masks are useless to prevent spreading COVID-19. Catch a clue!

PS: Don't talk about my IQ until your dumb ass learns to spell! Hypocrite much?
Spelling doesn't make you smart, you can have a good education and still be a dumb ass you are proof of that.
if you are that scared or that ill then stay the hell home.

If you won't wear a mask, stay the hell home and we will all feel better about it. Why can't you do that?
Because i am not sick and i don't want to stay home. YOU STAY HOME, sissy.
Your not staying home could kill me. I am not sick either with COVID-19. My staying home does nothing for you,
Yes it does. it makes doubly sure i don't have to listen to your stupid cowardly mouth.

You are the fucking coward. So scared that wearing mask emasculates you? I assure you, you will be just as big a dick with a mask on and you are without!
Apparently i have a bigger one than you do you cowardly ahole and I"M A WOMAN. Take that admiral off your screen name you freakin' cowardly pussy.
if you are that scared or that ill then stay the hell home.

If you won't wear a mask, stay the hell home and we will all feel better about it. Why can't you do that?
You are an appeaser and a follower who tries to hide your cowardice behind a cloak of self righteousness.
You're not fooling anyone. I know what you are and you disgust me.
if you are that scared or that ill then stay the hell home.

If you won't wear a mask, stay the hell home and we will all feel better about it. Why can't you do that?
Because i am not sick and i don't want to stay home. YOU STAY HOME, sissy.
Your not staying home could kill me. I am not sick either with COVID-19. My staying home does nothing for you,
And even if that were true, so what?

You are weak trash....go ahead and die.
No loss.
The problem is that people have been indoctrinated to not take ownership of their own health, but instead put that responsibility on OTHERS. And to rely on masks, sanitizing everything, pharmaceutical drugs, and of course the coming vaccine.

As the woman in this video says.... the same people who shame those of us who are healthy and choose not to wear a muzzle are often the types who clearly don't take care of their own health, they are eating crap, drinking crap, on pharmaceutical drugs, etc. I talked about that on this thread.

I differ with her on nutrition, but other than that, she brings up a lot of good points, this is worth watching:

The problem is that people have been indoctrinated to not take ownership of their own health, but instead put that responsibility on OTHERS. And to rely on masks, sanitizing everything, pharmaceutical drugs, and of course the coming vaccine.

As the woman in this video says.... the same people who shame those of us who are healthy and choose not to wear a muzzle are often the types who clearly don't take care of their own health, they are eating crap, drinking crap, on pharmaceutical drugs, etc. I talked about that on this thread.

I differ with her on nutrition, but other than that, she brings up a lot of good points, this is worth watching:

Eat well, get strong, be healthy..... this is how you keep safe.

You can't hide from the world.
The problem is that people have been indoctrinated to not take ownership of their own health, but instead put that responsibility on OTHERS. And to rely on masks, sanitizing everything, pharmaceutical drugs, and of course the coming vaccine.

As the woman in this video says.... the same people who shame those of us who are healthy and choose not to wear a muzzle are often the types who clearly don't take care of their own health, they are eating crap, drinking crap, on pharmaceutical drugs, etc. I talked about that on this thread.

I differ with her on nutrition, but other than that, she brings up a lot of good points, this is worth watching:

Eat well, get strong, be healthy..... this is how you keep safe.

You can't hide from the world.

You don't need a mask, you need a workout program and some vitamin D.
The problem is that people have been indoctrinated to not take ownership of their own health, but instead put that responsibility on OTHERS. And to rely on masks, sanitizing everything, pharmaceutical drugs, and of course the coming vaccine.

As the woman in this video says.... the same people who shame those of us who are healthy and choose not to wear a muzzle are often the types who clearly don't take care of their own health, they are eating crap, drinking crap, on pharmaceutical drugs, etc. I talked about that on this thread.

I differ with her on nutrition, but other than that, she brings up a lot of good points, this is worth watching:

Eat well, get strong, be healthy..... this is how you keep safe.

You can't hide from the world.

You don't need a mask, you need a workout program and some vitamin D.

Yep. People have been brainwashed and have the entirely wrong approach.


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