Why don’t you wear a mask?

Hey, eagle1462010, you are a real piece of shit, and I hope karma bites you in the ass!
Cold day in hell that I will embrace this fear..............If it kills me it kills me.............Hard to believe you were an officer in the Navy anymore........

You don't destroy this country for a dang virus...........and cloth masks are fing useless.............You have a k95 mask........which will stop most ............good for you unless you have unfiltered export valves.........If you do......then if you are sick it goes straight out.

You can't even get the terminology straight, so why don't you STFU! They are not useless and it has been proven to anyone with an IQ above room temp, which obviously excludes you! If not, why are so many states and corporations banning customers without masks?
You just don't get it, you and your IQ cant see this for what it is.
You go a head and put your little mask on go hide under your bed and piss your self.

From another thread .....

It is true, however, that the government will pay more to hospitals for COVID-19 cases in two senses: By paying an additional 20% on top of traditional Medicare rates for COVID-19 patients during the public health emergency, and by reimbursing hospitals for treating the uninsured patients with the disease (at that enhanced Medicare rate).

Both of those provisions stem from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or CARES Act.

The CARES Act created the 20% add-on to be paid for Medicare patients with COVID-19. The act further created a $100 billion fund that is being used to financially assist hospitals — a “portion” of which will be “used to reimburse healthcare providers, at Medicare rates, for COVID-related treatment of the uninsured,” according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Watch the video

I guess we can say "fuck" Trump also because of his failure to contain this virus, yes?

what is "failure to contain virus" mean?
there ain't no comparison. PUBLIC HEALTH is a
thing. The face mask probably does stem contagion Studies which show that it does not
protect the wearer are NOT AT ISSUE

what is your issue, Frey???
Failure to contain the virus is his wasting 2 months before acknowledgment of the problem, pressing to open the country too soon, dissing the idea of facial protection and social distancing, denigrating the medical community
so that his followers will listen only to him.
Why do you think everyone is following Trump's lead, rather than making their own decisions?

Not everyone is a follower..... there are a LOT of people who actually think for themselves rather than just doing whatever everyone else does.
Trump followers are always accepting his bad behavior. His constant misrepresentations are always acceptable
and believed by his minions. What bad behavior and misrepresentations will be the response, yes?
How so?
Be specific; explain how someone is following his lead rather than making their own decisions.

And if you can't do that, then maybe you're just full of shit and hating on people for not voting the way you want them to.
I stand by my previous remarks. You all are constantly covering for Trump, never find fault, and follow his lead.
It is you who is full of shit and you can't see the forest for the trees. There are some people who do think for themselves, but not a lot. Read Mary Trump's book and you will see the real Trump and it ain't purty.
Give me a specific example.....
Hey, eagle1462010, you are a real piece of shit, and I hope karma bites you in the ass!
Cold day in hell that I will embrace this fear..............If it kills me it kills me.............Hard to believe you were an officer in the Navy anymore........

You don't destroy this country for a dang virus...........and cloth masks are fing useless.............You have a k95 mask........which will stop most ............good for you unless you have unfiltered export valves.........If you do......then if you are sick it goes straight out.

You can't even get the terminology straight, so why don't you STFU! They are not useless and it has been proven to anyone with an IQ above room temp, which obviously excludes you! If not, why are so many states and corporations banning customers without masks?
Message taken and ignored..............You aren't an Admiral here.

I'm tired of this BS and damned mask shaming..............A FUCKING CLOTH MASK DOESN'T DO SHIT.

Wear a professional mask or respirator and STFU.

I do.
If masks work so well why all the state shut downs?
New York went overboard and locked everyone down at home..........High rises.........They wore masks......everything...........didn't matter because it goes through the ventilation systems in the buildings...........same that is happening here........

And here at work.......they were masks in those buildings.........AC.....everytime they are near someone.........guess what.........IT DOESN'T STOP IT.......That is wear they are getting infected.....in the field..........Not jack squat.

English much? You don't think high rise apartments have their own HVAC system? Your neighbor decides how hot or cold you are?
You are not asked to wear it forever, it will save lives,
It most certainly does not and there is evidence that is it not healthy for healthy people. As for not wearing it forever. That is a lie. In florida there is a mayor that is requiring social distancing in PRIVATE HOMES...meaning MY home, YOUR home. NO MORE than 10 people can be in your home. There will be no end of this in one form or another. We are all being acclimated to submission to the government. It will not stop here and it will never end. As a free american..i have a big problem with this.
Hey, eagle1462010, you are a real piece of shit, and I hope karma bites you in the ass!
Cold day in hell that I will embrace this fear..............If it kills me it kills me.............Hard to believe you were an officer in the Navy anymore........

You don't destroy this country for a dang virus...........and cloth masks are fing useless.............You have a k95 mask........which will stop most ............good for you unless you have unfiltered export valves.........If you do......then if you are sick it goes straight out.

You can't even get the terminology straight, so why don't you STFU! They are not useless and it has been proven to anyone with an IQ above room temp, which obviously excludes you! If not, why are so many states and corporations banning customers without masks?
You just don't get it, you and your IQ cant see this for what it is.
You go a head and put your little mask on go hide under your bed and piss your self.
No, that is what you do when someone tells you that if you don;t wear a mask, you can't buy groceries unless they are delivered. You can't go to the store for hardware without a mask. You can't get your prescriptions without a mask. You are going to be a miserable SOB,much more than you already are, when you find out the realities of the world. The biggest hoax is that masks are useless to prevent spreading COVID-19. Catch a clue!

PS: Don't talk about my IQ until your dumb ass learns to spell! Hypocrite much?
You are not asked to wear it forever, it will save lives,
It most certainly does not and there is evidence that is it not healthy for healthy people. As for not wearing it forever. That is a lie. In florida there is a mayor that is requiring social distancing in PRIVATE HOMES...meaning MY home, YOUR home. NO MORE than 10 people can be in your home. There will be no end of this in one form or another. We are all being acclimated to submission to the government. It will not stop here and it will never end. As a free american..i have a big problem with this.
How retarded are you? Medical personnel wear it a lot longer than you would and they seem to do just fine. That is simply something made up to justify your stupidity or paranoia, whichever rules your world.
New mask available.
View attachment 363447

This is a real mask. :auiqs.jpg:
I ordered two of those. It started me on the practice of looking for masks of varying degrees of insulting. If I must wear a mask send a message.
You are not asked to wear it forever, it will save lives,
It most certainly does not and there is evidence that is it not healthy for healthy people. As for not wearing it forever. That is a lie. In florida there is a mayor that is requiring social distancing in PRIVATE HOMES...meaning MY home, YOUR home. NO MORE than 10 people can be in your home. There will be no end of this in one form or another. We are all being acclimated to submission to the government. It will not stop here and it will never end. As a free american..i have a big problem with this.
How retarded are you? Medical personnel wear it a lot longer than you would and they seem to do just fine. That is simply something made up to justify your stupidity or paranoia, whichever rules your world.
That's their job. And they don't wear it all the time. Regardless. IF they said, wear it if you feel you are at risk, and left the rest of us alone, that would be fine. But we have seen incident after incident of incompetence, corruption, overstating numbers, inconsistencies, making money off our carcasses if they get to say we are infected, the tests are not accurate, the labs are putting out overstated numbers, it was 2 weeks after 2 weeks of promises that we were going to be hit hard and many would die. Now the numbers keep going down and down when hospitals and labs are called to account and perhaps they are learning how ill conceived it is to try to defraud the federal government. Doctors and hospitals denied, YES DENIED potentially life saving meds to patients where it may have saved their lives..>They were politicized by blue state tyrants who told them they could NOT uSE HCQ. CUOMO killed those elderly persons and he should have to facwe charges for that..>he won't but he should have to. This is not for our health. If it were for our health then obama would have done something with sars before 100,000 were dead and he. did. nothing. If this were for our health, cuomo for one wouldn't have placed covids with non covids. IF THIS WERE FOR HEALTH, democrats would not be supporting the aborting of the unborn and the newborn. THIS is not for health. THIS is a social experiment. The mask represents submission. OBEDIENCE. As AMERICANS we should not be putting up with this but we have become a nation of cowards.

YOU have a 1/3836 chance of getting covid without social distancing.

you have a 1/852000 chance of having to go to hospital WITH covid.

you have a 1/19.1 million chance of dying with covid.

SOCIAL. EXPERIMENT. and it will NOT end. It will be the next thing and the next thing and the next thing.
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I'm looking for a mask that says "fuck black lives". Do I have to make it myself?
Well i don't know if i would do that but i will wear a trump 2020 mask if i absolutely have to. I am considering what other steps i can take to put the mask nazis to extra trouble. I already ask them to repeat themselves...several times.
if you are that scared or that ill then stay the hell home.

If you won't wear a mask, stay the hell home and we will all feel better about it. Why can't you do that?
you cowardly twit. I am ashamed of you as an american male. Your government has told you to wear a mask. Aren't you glad they didn't tell you to bend over, stick your head between your legs and your head up your butt.
if you are that scared or that ill then stay the hell home.

If you won't wear a mask, stay the hell home and we will all feel better about it. Why can't you do that?
Because i am not sick and i don't want to stay home. YOU STAY HOME, sissy.
Your not staying home could kill me. I am not sick either with COVID-19. My staying home does nothing for you,
Yes it does. it makes doubly sure i don't have to listen to your stupid cowardly mouth.

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