Why Europeans must import and feed only IQ-60 imbecile Muslims?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
In difference to other countries European countries import only trash of humanity: almost all are imbecile Muslim welfare bandits with sky-high birth rates. Are Europeans going insane, who will feed these criminal parasites in ten or fifteen years?Why Europeans refuse to give visas to normal skilled non-criminal immigrants and prefer to have drug dealers, radical Muslims, imbecile degenerates, welfare parasites and other darlings of leftist governments?
There is no better way to grow the power and wealth of government, than to infect the society with vastly different people, with a propensity for violence.
There is no better way to grow the power and wealth of government, than to infect the society with vastly different people, with a propensity for violence.
Good point actually, because if you can destroy the security of a nation or society within (placing the citizens in danger), then of course they will turn to their government to save them. Other countries having mass exodus from them, and them not having to explain themselves to the nation's being effected is highly unexceptable.

Our focus should be on bringing these nations to task over the exodus issue that negatively affects this nation in a very real way. If asked by other nation's who are experiencing such things, then yes we should help them with our security enforcement resources to investigate for them these same things otherwise when asked by them to do so.
There is no better way to grow the power and wealth of government, than to infect the society with vastly different people, with a propensity for violence.
Good point actually, because if you can destroy the security of a nation or society within (placing the citizens in danger), then of course they will turn to their government to save them. Other countries having mass exodus from them, and them not having to explain themselves to the nation's being effected is highly unexceptable.

Our focus should be on bringing these nations to task over the exodus issue that negatively affects this nation in a very real way. If asked by other nation's who are experiencing such things, then yes we should help them with our security enforcement resources to investigate for them these same things otherwise when asked by them to do so.
You will notice that few politicians in western governments or MSM are demanding that those nations exporting vast numbers of people, fix the problems at home and stop the exodus. Why? They want the exodus to continue purposely to grow the power and wealth of government. It is transparent, but few see it.

Trump has said this exodus must stop. For this he is demonized by the MSM and politicians, throughout the West.

Time to outlaw government as it is practiced today...but I am dreaming again.
There is no better way to grow the power and wealth of government, than to infect the society with vastly different people, with a propensity for violence.
Good point actually, because if you can destroy the security of a nation or society within (placing the citizens in danger), then of course they will turn to their government to save them. Other countries having mass exodus from them, and them not having to explain themselves to the nation's being effected is highly unexceptable.

Our focus should be on bringing these nations to task over the exodus issue that negatively affects this nation in a very real way. If asked by other nation's who are experiencing such things, then yes we should help them with our security enforcement resources to investigate for them these same things otherwise when asked by them to do so.
You will notice that few politicians in western governments or MSM are demanding that those nations exporting vast numbers of people, fix the problems at home and stop the exodus. Why? They want the exodus to continue purposely to grow the power and wealth of government. It is transparent, but few see it.

Trump has said this exodus must stop. For this he is demonized by the MSM and politicians, throughout the West.

Time to outlaw government as it is practiced today...but I am dreaming again.

White white nations shall care for ' the problems at home' of Muslim trash? Muslims live 1400 years in sh.., their 'countries' are backward sh.. holes.The dumbness of Muslims is not problem of whites, let them perish in their f.... failed 'states'

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