Why exactly are lefty boomers so interested in tricking us into thinking we'll get social security?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
I've always kind of wondered. It's not like we're going to stop paying for their benefits just because we won't get any at their age. We legally couldn't if we wanted to. We're not going to start demanding cuts to their benefits just because we won't get any either. The only effect I can see this having is convincing as many of us as possible not to invest in our own futures, with the only reason I can see for that being one last "fuck you" to the grandkids before they pass on and let us try to figure out how to start cleaning up after them shitting all over us, our society, and our planet their entire lives in peace.
The only way social security benefits will end is if the American people don't have the political will to demand it. And, THAT'S a possibility. Americans don't seem to believe that they can control the government, and they may be right; after all, this consititutional system was created by a bunch of former English aristocrats.
Conservatives have been predicting the demise of Social Security for 75 years
Conservatives have been predicting the demise of Social Security for 75 years
The same way liberals have been predicting the end of fossil fuel or the next ice age/global warming/climate change for the past 40 years?
I've always kind of wondered. It's not like we're going to stop paying for their benefits just because we won't get any at their age. We legally couldn't if we wanted to. We're not going to start demanding cuts to their benefits just because we won't get any either. The only effect I can see this having is convincing as many of us as possible not to invest in our own futures, with the only reason I can see for that being one last "fuck you" to the grandkids before they pass on and let us try to figure out how to start cleaning up after them shitting all over us, our society, and our planet their entire lives in peace.

The Baby Boomers are the most self centered, greediest generation ever. Their parents made huge sacrifices during WWII, but all the Boomers know how to do is take, take, take and leave a path of destruction in their wake.
Conservatives have been predicting the demise of Social Security for 75 years

And as we pass $18 trillion in debt that becomes far more likely
I won't be pulled into that "debt" argument. You're obviously one of those that don't understand the federal debt; you probably think it's something that has to be repaid.

NEWS FLASH! If we were so stupid as to begin paying downt the federal debt, that would effectively reduce the money supply even when the GDP continues to grow. It would immediately create a recession, just as happened in 2000-2001.
I've always kind of wondered. It's not like we're going to stop paying for their benefits just because we won't get any at their age. We legally couldn't if we wanted to. We're not going to start demanding cuts to their benefits just because we won't get any either. The only effect I can see this having is convincing as many of us as possible not to invest in our own futures, with the only reason I can see for that being one last "fuck you" to the grandkids before they pass on and let us try to figure out how to start cleaning up after them shitting all over us, our society, and our planet their entire lives in peace.

The OAS part of SS is relatively fine. There are major problems with the disability part though because it has been poorly funded and poorly run for a long time.

The rich people in the US like to spread lies about SS because they know that if they can steal money from SS we are less likely to need to raise taxes on them for non SS purposes.
I've always kind of wondered. It's not like we're going to stop paying for their benefits just because we won't get any at their age. We legally couldn't if we wanted to. We're not going to start demanding cuts to their benefits just because we won't get any either. The only effect I can see this having is convincing as many of us as possible not to invest in our own futures, with the only reason I can see for that being one last "fuck you" to the grandkids before they pass on and let us try to figure out how to start cleaning up after them shitting all over us, our society, and our planet their entire lives in peace.

The Baby Boomers are the most self centered, greediest generation ever. Their parents made huge sacrifices during WWII, but all the Boomers know how to do is take, take, take and leave a path of destruction in their wake.
I so agree they all had the golden spoon in their mouths white and black in America

Some used it

Some didn't

And most abused it.
And the solution is so simple: eliminate the earnings cap.
That and raise the age to 70 and SS is solvent

Better yet, raise the age to 170, and it'll be even more solvent!

You liberals always have the same solution for everything. Transfer even more wealth. You want to know how to make SS solvent? Simple: Eliminate it. Today. Everyone use the tax money they save and invest it in a 401K.
And the solution is so simple: eliminate the earnings cap.
That and raise the age to 70 and SS is solvent

Better yet, raise the age to 170, and it'll be even more solvent!

You liberals always have the same solution for everything. Transfer even more wealth. You want to know how to make SS solvent? Simple: Eliminate it. Today. Everyone use the tax money they save and invest it in a 401K.
I think 170 is too high

People are living longer and 70 is more like 60 was thirty years ago
And the solution is so simple: eliminate the earnings cap.
That and raise the age to 70 and SS is solvent

Better yet, raise the age to 170, and it'll be even more solvent!

You liberals always have the same solution for everything. Transfer even more wealth. You want to know how to make SS solvent? Simple: Eliminate it. Today. Everyone use the tax money they save and invest it in a 401K.
I think 170 is too high

People are living longer and 70 is more like 60 was thirty years ago

So.....more redistribution, yes?
And the solution is so simple: eliminate the earnings cap.
That and raise the age to 70 and SS is solvent

Better yet, raise the age to 170, and it'll be even more solvent!

You liberals always have the same solution for everything. Transfer even more wealth. You want to know how to make SS solvent? Simple: Eliminate it. Today. Everyone use the tax money they save and invest it in a 401K.
I think 170 is too high

People are living longer and 70 is more like 60 was thirty years ago

So.....more redistribution, yes?
WTF you talk'n bout Willis?
There is no doubt you'll get your Social Security.
Tbh I'm fine with the fact that I won't see a dime of it. I don't really want it anyway. We'll pay for yours and our parents', then it'll whither away and we'll realize how fucked we are that we listened to you saying things like this and completely neglected to create any sustainable way to live into retirement for ourselves. That's fine though. We're not meant to have it good. We're meant to absorb as much of the shock of all the shit y'all have done and will continue to do as possible so our kids can have the best possible shot at the America y'all tried to destroy.
The only way social security benefits will end is if the American people don't have the political will to demand it. And, THAT'S a possibility. Americans don't seem to believe that they can control the government, and they may be right; after all, this consititutional system was created by a bunch of former English aristocrats.

Most Americans support social security. One link below. Post a link that contradicts what I say if you can.

Americans Will Pay to Shore Up Social Security Poll

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