Why exactly are you unwilling to pay for other people's medical care?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
Right now there is someone who requires immediate medical care. That care will only be provided for payment. That someone has no money to pay it. You do. Are you not morally obligated to ensure that they receive the care they need?
Right now there is someone who requires immediate medical care. That care will only be provided for payment. That someone has no money to pay it. You do. Are you not morally obligated to ensure that they receive the care they need?


Right now there is someone who requires immediate medical care. That care will only be provided for payment. That someone has no money to pay it. You do. Are you not morally obligated to ensure that they receive the care they need?

Why would anyone be morally obligated? Not saying that people are not morally obligated but think about this. You say the person has no money to pay. Too bad for the bloated healthcare insitution. What you are really saying is, why does someone have a problem taking the healthcare institutions off the hook for what they should do and write off?

To answer you OP question, I don't have a huge problem helping people out, but I see how some have worked and I know how I busted my ass and it makes me a little jealous that they can help themselves to my money.
Right now there is someone who requires immediate medical care. That care will only be provided for payment. That someone has no money to pay it. You do. Are you not morally obligated to ensure that they receive the care they need?

No, I'm not. If they're not family or friends of mine, why would I?

More to the point, whatever moral obligations I do or do not have to total strangers are a private matter between me and my conscience. They are not for YOU to dictate and force through tax policy according to what YOU think is moral.
Right now there is someone who requires immediate medical care. That care will only be provided for payment. That someone has no money to pay it. You do. Are you not morally obligated to ensure that they receive the care they need?

No, I'm not. If they're not family or friends of mine, why would I?

More to the point, whatever moral obligations I do or do not have to total strangers are a private matter between me and my conscience. They are not for YOU to dictate and force through tax policy according to what YOU think is moral.

Maybe rational thought would be helpful. Like, facts are:
1. There are 35 nations considered advanced in ODEC.
2. All but two have socialized medicine used by the vast majority of their citizens. (The two are the US and the SWISS, the two with the most expensive healthcare)
3. All socialized medicine is financed via taxes.
4. All cost their citizens MUCH less than the old private hc system of the US. On average close to half as much.
5. All ODEC nations except the us cover ALL citizens. The us, under private insurance, left a large percentage uncovered.
6. The US, despite what we pay, has just AVERAGE healthcare.

So, Obamacare may be the platform that gets you to where the rest of the advanced nations have been for years.

Only those who listen to the healthcare industry company, and their political paid tools, believe private insurance is a good plan.
Right now there is someone who requires immediate medical care. That care will only be provided for payment. That someone has no money to pay it. You do. Are you not morally obligated to ensure that they receive the care they need?

No, I'm not. If they're not family or friends of mine, why would I?

More to the point, whatever moral obligations I do or do not have to total strangers are a private matter between me and my conscience. They are not for YOU to dictate and force through tax policy according to what YOU think is moral.

Maybe rational thought would be helpful. Like, facts are:
1. There are 35 nations considered advanced in ODEC.
2. All but two have socialized medicine used by the vast majority of their citizens. (The two are the US and the SWISS, the two with the most expensive healthcare)
3. All socialized medicine is financed via taxes.
4. All cost their citizens MUCH less than the old private hc system of the US. On average close to half as much.
5. All ODEC nations except the us cover ALL citizens. The us, under private insurance, left a large percentage uncovered.
6. The US, despite what we pay, has just AVERAGE healthcare.

So, Obamacare may be the platform that gets you to where the rest of the advanced nations have been for years.

Only those who listen to the healthcare industry company, and their political paid tools, believe private insurance is a good plan.

Ahh, the "peer pressure" school of domestic policy. "Everyone else is doing it, so that means we should!"

Maybe this is an example of why none of those other countries are the leaders of the free world, and THEY should start emulating US more. Ever consider that?

Regardless, I don't much care about how other countries do things. I don't live there, and if I wanted things done that way, I would move. I'm an American, with a uniquely American attitude and outlook on life, and I want a healthcare solution that is tailored for who we are, not for who leftists think we should be.

If you like those systems so much, why can't you just go join them, instead of eliminating the possibility of those of us who DON'T like those systems having an alternative?
Right now there is someone who requires immediate medical care. That care will only be provided for payment. That someone has no money to pay it. You do. Are you not morally obligated to ensure that they receive the care they need?
Go to the ER... They can't legally turn you down.

And then their costs are passed on to gullible people like you who'd rather pay higher hospital and clinic costs than accept the fact that the PPACA isn't going away, no matter how much you cry.
Right now there is someone who requires immediate medical care. That care will only be provided for payment. That someone has no money to pay it. You do. Are you not morally obligated to ensure that they receive the care they need?
Go to the ER... They can't legally turn you down.

And then their costs are passed on to gullible people like you who'd rather pay higher hospital and clinic costs than accept the fact that the PPACA isn't going away, no matter how much you cry.
So it seems we have to support the lazy, no-account Liberals regardless, right???

I'm looking forward to the Democrats being thrown out on their collective worthless asses next year... Maybe they can manage to steal a job from one of Obozo's pet illegals.
So it seems we have to support the lazy, no-account Liberals regardless, right???

It seems you've posted this in the wrong thread. Would you like to go back to discussing people needing medical care?
Right now there is someone who requires immediate medical care. That care will only be provided for payment. That someone has no money to pay it. You do. Are you not morally obligated to ensure that they receive the care they need?

Rather pay for the guy's healthcare so he can keep working filling in potholes than not, and have him out sick instead of doing that job. :)
Right now there is someone who requires immediate medical care. That care will only be provided for payment. That someone has no money to pay it. You do. Are you not morally obligated to ensure that they receive the care they need?

Rather pay for the guy's healthcare so he can keep working filling in potholes than not, and have him out sick instead of doing that job. :)
If he's filling potholes, he's probably employed by the local municipality and has access to affordable health insurance.

These days, the people with the mindset "If I get sick I'll go to the ER" and who then try to kite on the bill are the assholes who refuse to get insurance, like our boy "Obiwan."
So it seems we have to support the lazy, no-account Liberals regardless, right???

It seems you've posted this in the wrong thread. Would you like to go back to discussing people needing medical care?

A lot of the people paying for their insurance (and insurance for the deadbeats) can't get healthcare because of the high deductables...

That's means they're paying for something TWICE, and then doing without so that a worthless Lib can have it for free...
How Can Insured Americans Lack Medical Care?
Nineteen percent of privately insured adults don’t go to the doctor when they're sick, and higher cost-sharing responsibilities are largely to blame.
Right now there is someone who requires immediate medical care. That care will only be provided for payment. That someone has no money to pay it. You do. Are you not morally obligated to ensure that they receive the care they need?

Rather pay for the guy's healthcare so he can keep working filling in potholes than not, and have him out sick instead of doing that job. :)
If he's filling potholes, he's probably employed by the local municipality and has access to affordable health insurance.

These days, the people with the mindset "If I get sick I'll go to the ER" and who then try to kite on the bill are the assholes who refuse to get insurance, like our boy "Obiwan."
I have insurance...

I'm just tired of skyrocketing premiums and high deductables where lazy fucks can get free shit (that I have to pay for)...
Right now there is someone who requires immediate medical care. That care will only be provided for payment. That someone has no money to pay it. You do. Are you not morally obligated to ensure that they receive the care they need?

Rather pay for the guy's healthcare so he can keep working filling in potholes than not, and have him out sick instead of doing that job. :)
If he's filling potholes, he's probably employed by the local municipality and has access to affordable health insurance.

These days, the people with the mindset "If I get sick I'll go to the ER" and who then try to kite on the bill are the assholes who refuse to get insurance, like our boy "Obiwan."

And scamming the medical industry when they charge $750/pill for a drug that used to be $17 is immoral because...?
I have insurance...

I'm just tired of skyrocketing premiums and high deductables...
Then you need to change insurers.

where lazy fucks can get free shit (that I have to pay for)...

Can you be more specific or do you always post generalities?

A lot of the people paying for their insurance (and insurance for the deadbeats) can't get healthcare because of the high deductables...

Because they've opted for a bronze plan when a silver plan might be preferable.

BTW, high deductibles are not a recent phenomenon. That some of you have only recently discovered their existence suggests you never had to trouble your pretty little heads about these things when Mom&Dad or Daddy Corporation helped you out.

That's means they're paying for something TWICE...

No, it really doesn't.

And chanting the "free stuff" meme won't make it so.

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