Why Exactly Does Romney Want Fewer Firefighters, Police and Teachers?

I get so tired of these ignorant right wingers. They sit in front of the fucking Internet. They could look stuff up as easy as anyone else. Why are they so fucking lazy. Dammit. Look shit up.

FEMA: Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program

COPS Office: Cops Hiring Program

Improving Teacher Quality State Grants

Transition to Teaching--Office of Innovation and Improvement

USFA Grants and Funding : Reimbursement for Firefighting on Federal Property

COPS Office: Community Policing Development

Quit saying the Federal Government doesn't help support Police, Firefighters and Teachers. It really pisses me off when you guys spew right wing bullshit and are too indoctrinated to look things up on your own.
Every year when politicans want to raise taxes in the City of Los Angeles they say the taxes are to put 1,000 more police on the street. We should have 15,000 more cops on the street by now. Instead we have fewer. If the police are now federal employees and we get federal taxes raised to pay them, stop asking cities to cough up more money.
This whole issue is the usual smoke and mirrors show that the defenders of big government put on every time someone tries to shrink government back to a sane level. Whenever the taxpayers get fed up and cut back their funds the people in charge of the public sector immediately start screaming about how if you do that they will have no choice but to cut teachers, firemen and cops. It's all bullshit.

Well, who do you think does get cut back when you cut government spending?

Who do I thing gets cut back? The parts of government that make the taxpayers squirm the most, that's who! That's the game that government plays with us, Joe. Every time we tell them enough is enough, you guys are using WAY too much money, they immediately reply by telling us that if we cut off their funds that they'll have no choice but to lay off teachers, cops and firefighters. You know as well as I do that waste is epidemic in government and that if they were spending money coming out of their own pockets instead of money coming out of ours, that they would get rid of the duplication and waste. The minute you try to cut government monies, I guarantee you that the first thing you will here is howls of protest coming from them about "hurting the children" (always a favorite!) and "putting the public at risk" (another tried and true scare tactic!). Do they ever get rid of the layer upon layer of "fat" in government? Hell, no. That never happens.

Which part of hurting children do you support? Hunger? Cutting Child Services? Getting rid of education so they have no future? No health care? What works best for you?
Every year when politicans want to raise taxes in the City of Los Angeles they say the taxes are to put 1,000 more police on the street. We should have 15,000 more cops on the street by now. Instead we have fewer. If the police are now federal employees and we get federal taxes raised to pay them, stop asking cities to cough up more money.

It's a combination.
Dumbfuck, pointing to Federal programs that shouldn't exist or were used beyond their emergency scope doesn't prove your stupid position of using Federal taxpayer money to pay local police, firemen and teachers.

So NYC teachers get money from the Feds in your fucked up world but not teachers in Louisville, because there is not enough money to pay all the teachers across America even if you steal it.

I get so tired of these ignorant right wingers. They sit in front of the fucking Internet. They could look stuff up as easy as anyone else. Why are they so fucking lazy. Dammit. Look shit up.

FEMA: Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program

COPS Office: Cops Hiring Program

Improving Teacher Quality State Grants

Transition to Teaching--Office of Innovation and Improvement

USFA Grants and Funding : Reimbursement for Firefighting on Federal Property

COPS Office: Community Policing Development

Quit saying the Federal Government doesn't help support Police, Firefighters and Teachers. It really pisses me off when you guys spew right wing bullshit and are too indoctrinated to look things up on your own.
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Well, who do you think does get cut back when you cut government spending?

Who do I thing gets cut back? The parts of government that make the taxpayers squirm the most, that's who! That's the game that government plays with us, Joe. Every time we tell them enough is enough, you guys are using WAY too much money, they immediately reply by telling us that if we cut off their funds that they'll have no choice but to lay off teachers, cops and firefighters. You know as well as I do that waste is epidemic in government and that if they were spending money coming out of their own pockets instead of money coming out of ours, that they would get rid of the duplication and waste. The minute you try to cut government monies, I guarantee you that the first thing you will here is howls of protest coming from them about "hurting the children" (always a favorite!) and "putting the public at risk" (another tried and true scare tactic!). Do they ever get rid of the layer upon layer of "fat" in government? Hell, no. That never happens.

Which part of hurting children do you support? Hunger? Cutting Child Services? Getting rid of education so they have no future? No health care? What works best for you?

LOL...Ah, yes...right on cue! The TYPICAL progressive response whenever someone says that government is bloated, inefficient and needs to be reined in. People like Deanie perpetuate the waste in government because they attack all those who point it out and ask for change by accusing them of wanting to "hurt the children". Thank you for illustrating my point so perfectly.
Well, who do you think does get cut back when you cut government spending?

Who do I thing gets cut back? The parts of government that make the taxpayers squirm the most, that's who! That's the game that government plays with us, Joe. Every time we tell them enough is enough, you guys are using WAY too much money, they immediately reply by telling us that if we cut off their funds that they'll have no choice but to lay off teachers, cops and firefighters. You know as well as I do that waste is epidemic in government and that if they were spending money coming out of their own pockets instead of money coming out of ours, that they would get rid of the duplication and waste. The minute you try to cut government monies, I guarantee you that the first thing you will here is howls of protest coming from them about "hurting the children" (always a favorite!) and "putting the public at risk" (another tried and true scare tactic!). Do they ever get rid of the layer upon layer of "fat" in government? Hell, no. That never happens.

Which part of hurting children do you support? Hunger? Cutting Child Services? Getting rid of education so they have no future? No health care? What works best for you?

How about promoting "self reliance", instead of just throwing money at the problem. I think people would be more productive, and happier if they had a clear pathway to success, and the possibility of a better life. Instead of the current system which does nothing more than oppress the people on the receiving end of those programs, and prevent them from having a better life for themselves by forcing them to be wards of the State. Everybody knows, once you are on those programs, if you take a minimum wage job you will earn less than what those programs offer, and you will most likely lose the benefits as well. So where is the motivation to work? There isn't any.
Liberals need to shut the fuck up regarding "harming the children" when they support killing them.....
Liberals need to shut the fuck up regarding "harming the children" when they support killing them.....

Don't even bring that issue into play, Gone...this is about fiscal sanity...not abortion rights or gay rights or immigration reform. Those are the side issues that people who don't want to address the REAL problems we face will keep trying to interject into the debate.

What we face is a crisis. Our spending is totally out of control and needs to be reined in. We have far too many unfunded entitlement programs. We have layer upon layer of government choking our economy from top to bottom.

We need to get back to the core principles that made this country great in the first place...providing "opportunity"...not guaranteeing cradle to the grave support no matter how useless an individual is. We need to realize that government works best when it is local and controlled by the people that understand local needs...and works the worst when it is controlled by politicians in Washington trying to impose a "one size fits all" set of rules on the country.
Liberals need to shut the fuck up regarding "harming the children" when they support killing them.....

Don't even bring that issue into play, Gone...this is about fiscal sanity...not abortion rights or gay rights or immigration reform. Those are the side issues that people who don't want to address the REAL problems we face will keep trying to interject into the debate.

What we face is a crisis. Our spending is totally out of control and needs to be reined in. We have far too many unfunded entitlement programs. We have layer upon layer of government choking our economy from top to bottom.

We need to get back to the core principles that made this country great in the first place...providing "opportunity"...not guaranteeing cradle to the grave support no matter how useless an individual is. We need to realize that government works best when it is local and controlled by the people that understand local needs...and works the worst when it is controlled by politicians in Washington trying to impose a "one size fits all" set of rules on the country.

And it isn't to elevate the poor to a higher standard of living... It's to buy their votes.
Liberals need to shut the fuck up regarding "harming the children" when they support killing them.....

Children only become a tool to the Statist if they miss being a victim of Abortion in the Statist mindset.
Dumbfuck, pointing to Federal programs that shouldn't exist or were used beyond their emergency scope doesn't prove your stupid position of using Federal taxpayer money to pay local police, firemen and teachers.

So NYC teachers get money from the Feds in your fucked up world but not teachers in Louisville, because there is not enough money to pay all the teachers across America even if you steal it.

I get so tired of these ignorant right wingers. They sit in front of the fucking Internet. They could look stuff up as easy as anyone else. Why are they so fucking lazy. Dammit. Look shit up.

FEMA: Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program

COPS Office: Cops Hiring Program

Improving Teacher Quality State Grants

Transition to Teaching--Office of Innovation and Improvement

USFA Grants and Funding : Reimbursement for Firefighting on Federal Property

COPS Office: Community Policing Development

Quit saying the Federal Government doesn't help support Police, Firefighters and Teachers. It really pisses me off when you guys spew right wing bullshit and are too indoctrinated to look things up on your own.

The federal government is paying for ALL the teachers.

Who's the "dumbfuck" now?
Dumbfuck, pointing to Federal programs that shouldn't exist or were used beyond their emergency scope doesn't prove your stupid position of using Federal taxpayer money to pay local police, firemen and teachers.

So NYC teachers get money from the Feds in your fucked up world but not teachers in Louisville, because there is not enough money to pay all the teachers across America even if you steal it.

I get so tired of these ignorant right wingers. They sit in front of the fucking Internet. They could look stuff up as easy as anyone else. Why are they so fucking lazy. Dammit. Look shit up.

FEMA: Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program

COPS Office: Cops Hiring Program

Improving Teacher Quality State Grants

Transition to Teaching--Office of Innovation and Improvement

USFA Grants and Funding : Reimbursement for Firefighting on Federal Property

COPS Office: Community Policing Development

Quit saying the Federal Government doesn't help support Police, Firefighters and Teachers. It really pisses me off when you guys spew right wing bullshit and are too indoctrinated to look things up on your own.

The federal government is paying for ALL the teachers.

Who's the "dumbfuck" now?

Ah yes...another string where Deanie proves his/her complete ignorance. Schools are the single largest expenditures of State and local governments. The amount of Federal money going towards education is actually rather minor averaging about 10% of school budgets.
Dumbfuck, pointing to Federal programs that shouldn't exist or were used beyond their emergency scope doesn't prove your stupid position of using Federal taxpayer money to pay local police, firemen and teachers.

So NYC teachers get money from the Feds in your fucked up world but not teachers in Louisville, because there is not enough money to pay all the teachers across America even if you steal it.

The federal government is paying for ALL the teachers.

Who's the "dumbfuck" now?

Ah yes...another string where Deanie proves his/her complete ignorance. Schools are the single largest expenditures of State and local governments. The amount of Federal money going towards education is actually rather minor averaging about 10% of school budgets.

Funny that schools are single largest expenditures of state governments and our education standards and performance of students is declining.

Maybe it's time we shift our focus.
Federal grants are bull shit political stunts that accomplish virtually nothing and then they run out and the local jurisdictions have to go broke picking up the tab. What example is the federal government setting for law enforcement? The ATF gave us Ruby Ridge and then Waco and possibly the OKC bombing and surely the quantum fuk-up they called Fast/Furious and yet the taxpayers continue to fund the jerk-off federal cops because the federal government doesn't have to will power to do it's freaking job and police the police agencies.
The federal government is paying for ALL the teachers.

Who's the "dumbfuck" now?

Ah yes...another string where Deanie proves his/her complete ignorance. Schools are the single largest expenditures of State and local governments. The amount of Federal money going towards education is actually rather minor averaging about 10% of school budgets.

Funny that schools are single largest expenditures of state governments and our education standards and performance of students is declining.

Maybe it's time we shift our focus.

Shift it to what?

Sending the ignorant into battle as cannon fodder seems to be the historcally most effective solution, but at today's casulty rates (less than 6,000 after 11 years in Iraq AND Afganistan) even this won't raise ACT averages.
The federal gov't does a damn poor job of getting involved with just about everything. Where you find the fed gov't spending money locally you will find nothing but waste and foolishness. Why, you may ask... Well the answer should be obvious.

If the goal is to put a fire out in Texas, who is better suited to handle that? A lawyer in Washington, or the guy with the hose in Texas?

If the goal is to raise reading scores in Arizona ---- Again, it should be obvious already. The teacher in Arizona is MUCH more likely to solve the problems of education in Arizona than some Washington beaurocrat who has never even visited the school system in person. The guys in Washinton are just looking to "deliver" in order to "receive" votes.

If you want to make Washington dollars work for Americans the first thing you need to do is decrease the size of the fed gov't. Let local gov't identify needs and solutions based on their SPECIFIC requirements.
Ah yes...another string where Deanie proves his/her complete ignorance. Schools are the single largest expenditures of State and local governments. The amount of Federal money going towards education is actually rather minor averaging about 10% of school budgets.

Funny that schools are single largest expenditures of state governments and our education standards and performance of students is declining.

Maybe it's time we shift our focus.

Shift it to what?

Sending the ignorant into battle as cannon fodder seems to be the historcally most effective solution, but at today's casulty rates (less than 6,000 after 11 years in Iraq AND Afganistan) even this won't raise ACT averages.

We have done nothing but throw good money after bad at education.

When we were leading the world we spent less per student and had larger class sizes.

But that was before the age of grading on a curve, social promotion and the everyone gets a trophy philosophy.

So maybe just maybe we focus on those things that worked.

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