Why Fox is the Superior News Outlet.

An O/P based on a conglomeration of worldnetsleezy, and michelle malkin? really?


too funny...

fauxnews just lied to your faces and you think they're superior? pathetic... just admit you like them because they tell the lies you want to hear.

at least then the O/P would be honest.

OMG! A Jillian-clone!

I never would have expected.....
An O/P based on a conglomeration of worldnetsleezy, and michelle malkin? really?


too funny...

fauxnews just lied to your faces and you think they're superior? pathetic... just admit you like them because they tell the lies you want to hear.

at least then the O/P would be honest.

I think you need to stop with the bullshit tow the party line crap and come up with some proof that they lie. Rather than repeating the stupid "fauxnews" shit.

An O/P based on a conglomeration of worldnetsleezy, and michelle malkin? really?


too funny...

fauxnews just lied to your faces and you think they're superior? pathetic... just admit you like them because they tell the lies you want to hear.

at least then the O/P would be honest.

I think you need to stop with the bullshit tow the party line crap and come up with some proof that they lie. Rather than repeating the stupid "fauxnews" shit.


I don't 'tow [sic] the party line', nor do i toe the line... they just lied to your faces by putting forth an edited video and claiming its real.

they aired the pretend and edited ACORN tapes...

do i really need to proffer more lies?

go watch outfoxed and we'll talk.

until then... paleeze yourself.

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No other outlet reported these stories because Fox made them up. After the Acorn scandal with the video tapes released on Fox, there was an investigation into Acorn. They found that the tapes were highly edited and the claims made by the video were false on all counts. Here is a video and an article I found explaining all this. Their vindication came too late, however, as ACORN has already been closed down over the scandal. Fox News really should have been more responsible with its reporting, checking their facts before broadcasting it all over the news.



And recently, Fox "News" has just thrown away the last scrap of credibility it had with its manipulative reporting over this Shirley Sherrod scandal it manufactured. From this point onward, no one is allowed to refer to Fox as a news organization. It shall hereby be referred to as "Fox Entertainment."


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No other outlet reported these stories because Fox made them up. After the Acorn scandal with the video tapes released on Fox, there was an investigation into Acorn. They found that the tapes were highly edited and the claims made by the video were false on all counts. Here is a video and an article I found explaining all this. Their vindication came too late, however, as ACORN has already been closed down over the scandal. Fox News really should have been more responsible with its reporting, checking their facts before broadcasting it all over the news.

(I'm providing links in my attatchment because I can't post links before I've posted at least 15 times.)

And recently, Fox "News" has just thrown away the last scrap of credibility it had with its manipulative reporting over this Shirley Sherrod scandal it manufactured. From this point onward, no one is allowed to refer to Fox as a news organization. It shall hereby be referred to as "Fox Entertainment."

Welcome to the board, Captain.

This may be a learning moment for you...I hope so, since I'm always look for a higher calibre of opponent.

Unfortunately, your first sentence sunk you, Cap, and I guess that means that you go down with the ship.

"No other outlet reported these stories because Fox made them up. "

The OP gives some ten or eleven stories that were 'hidden' by the MSM....so your contention that "Fox made them up" could be a pretty high bar for you to reach.

Or are you about to man the lifeboats and claim that Fox made up...7 or 8? Perhaps 4 or 5? One?????

How are you likin' Davy Jones' Locker, cap? Oh, don't bother answering if it means swallowing more water...

I guess I'll have to keep looking for that higher calibre opponent. (sigh...)
I suggest those who actually believe Fox presents news and not a series of on-going editorials rent "Outfoxed". Of course that presupposes those who watch Fox "News" are not willfully ignorant and actually seek to be informed - an unlikely supposition.
Some questions Political chic: What is "The OP"? Can you provide a link? Since you didn't respond to the rest of my post after the first sentence, can I take it that you agree with what came after?

My point was that Fox played edited and misleading videos on their program in at least two instances now (Acorn, Shirley Sherrod). After Fox broke the news and caused serious harm to the subject, it was found that these videos were flagrant and purposeful misrepresentations of the truth. How can Fox be a superior news source if they cannot get the basic facts accurate?

Or are you just going to blow me off again, and ignore the content of my post?
I suggest those who actually believe Fox presents news and not a series of on-going editorials rent "Outfoxed". Of course that presupposes those who watch Fox "News" are not willfully ignorant and actually seek to be informed - an unlikely supposition.

Thanks for the heads-up!

I'm going to put that on my list right after all of Michael Moore's documentaries!
Give a link to what you copied and pasted.

Is copypasta the reason why every PoliticalChic thread looks like the outline for a Power Point presentation?

She hasn't learned that in the reality of forums, everything you post past the 3rd sentence begins to get tuned out at a rapidly increasing rate.

It's a now tediously familiar affliction, those who think verbosity can be passed off as insight and intelligence.
I suggest those who actually believe Fox presents news and not a series of on-going editorials rent "Outfoxed". Of course that presupposes those who watch Fox "News" are not willfully ignorant and actually seek to be informed - an unlikely supposition.

Thanks for the heads-up!

I'm going to put that on my list right after all of Michael Moore's documentaries!

I'm not in the least surprised. You're so busy cuting and pasting RW commentary I'm sure you have time for little else. Proof once again the willfully ignorant are willfully ignorant, (2 = 2).
Some questions Political chic: What is "The OP"? Can you provide a link? Since you didn't respond to the rest of my post after the first sentence, can I take it that you agree with what came after?

My point was that Fox played edited and misleading videos on their program in at least two instances now (Acorn, Shirley Sherrod). After Fox broke the news and caused serious harm to the subject, it was found that these videos were flagrant and purposeful misrepresentations of the truth. How can Fox be a superior news source if they cannot get the basic facts accurate?

Or are you just going to blow me off again, and ignore the content of my post?

Ah, OK... a tutorial. OP means original post.. find it at the start of this hread....thread is the series of resposes under, and usually pertaining to, the OP.

Now, as for Acorn and Sherrod.
The import of the OP is that Fox News provides the entre to stories that inform all Americans, and it is a blight on journalism that the MSM, that is main stream media, the three networks, the major press outlets, just about everything but radio, filter and censor the news.

The selection of stories in the OP show exactly that.

Fox is doing its job by allowing you to decry the Acorn and Sherrod stories: you wouldn't know about them if it weren't for Fox.

The two you mention may indicate that Fox News was or was not correct about them, but it proved that Fox allowed the kind of discussion that we thrive on here on the message board. Since you are here, now, you probably like the battles as well.

The malpractice of the MSM doesn't allow that thoughtful consideration: they, essentially tell you what to think by withholding news.

Get it? news should be news, and made available, and folks make up their own minds after considering same.
That is why, as the OP states, Fox is superior to the MSM.

So, which is better, 'We Report, You Decide,' or 'We'll Let You Know What You Should Think About' ?
fox is wingnut entertainament, no educated person is saying otherwise.

Just as MSNBC is turbo-lib entertainment by more sophmoric boobs than fox has
Does anyone disagree that Fox created a scandal with Acorn and Shirley Sherrod by presenting edited video that misrepresented the facts?
I suggest those who actually believe Fox presents news and not a series of on-going editorials rent "Outfoxed". Of course that presupposes those who watch Fox "News" are not willfully ignorant and actually seek to be informed - an unlikely supposition.

Thanks for the heads-up!

I'm going to put that on my list right after all of Michael Moore's documentaries!

I'm not in the least surprised. You're so busy cuting and pasting RW commentary I'm sure you have time for little else. Proof once again the willfully ignorant are willfully ignorant, (2 = 2).

What you call "cuting and pasting" in your pejorative manner is a technique for documenting my premise.

You'll learn about that when you go to college....oops! did I his a sore spot?
Yes, the only reason I heard about Acorn and Shirley Sherrod was because Fox started spreading lies about them. If Fox did not distort the truth and/or completely make things up, there would not have been a story to begin with. That is not anything to brag about.

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